Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Estratégia de opção binária 5 min

Estratégias para ganho em opções binárias.

Diferentes estratégias de negociação

Assim como a negociação de ações, a negociação de opções binárias exige o conhecimento e o uso de estratégias para colocar as probabilidades do lado para ganhar a longo prazo. Existem dois tipos principais de estratégias de negociação especulativa no mundo do trading profissional: é a análise técnica (ou gráfica) e a análise fundamental que analisaremos em primeiro lugar. Em seguida, trataremos dos dois métodos empíricos mais amplamente compartilhados na web: o martingale e o comércio com os comerciantes. ferramenta de tendência.

Negociação com análise técnica.

A análise técnica & # 8211; ou análise de gráficos & # 8211; envolve estudar os gráficos de taxas de câmbio de diferentes ativos, a fim de prever sua orientação futura. Esse tipo de análise é baseado na Teoria da Dow. Esta teoria, realizada por um grande analista financeiro e co-fundador do Wall Street Journal, sobre o princípio de que o mercado se lembra. Isso significa que o que foi observado no passado se reitera hoje e no futuro. Em outras palavras, a análise de décadas de históricos de registros permitiu que a análise técnica identificasse contextos específicos nos quais se torna possível prever a orientação futura de uma taxa de câmbio com uma confiabilidade significativa. A análise técnica, portanto, consiste em estudar os gráficos usando indicadores técnicos (para ter acesso a determinadas informações digitais ou gráficos adicionais) e observar padrões de gráficos e / ou padrões de gráficos de velas. Este tipo de análise é mais comumente usado pelos traders. Muitos livros e sites informam sobre seu aprendizado, seu método de aplicação e as diferentes estratégias associadas a ele.

Negociação com o indicador de tendência dos traders.

O outro método empírico regularmente visto na web consiste em monitorar uma ferramenta para o “indicador dos comerciantes”. tendência & # 8221; (também chamado de "ferramenta de traders" # 8220; sentiment & # 8220;), fornecido pelo corretor on-line. Essa ferramenta descreve o saldo de posições na compra e venda de cada índice em um determinado momento. Fornecida pela corretora, a ferramenta mostra o percentual (%) de seus clientes com posições na compra e o percentual (%) de seus clientes com posições na venda (em tempo real) para um ativo financeiro definido. Os clientes de um corretor on-line não podem negociar em Wall Street, mas alguns têm a audácia de negociar por instinto & # 8221; (e ignore aqueles que usam o método de martingale mencionado acima ...). Portanto, esse tipo de ferramenta se torna completamente obsoleto e sua confiabilidade é totalmente incerta ou mesmo completamente ausente. Mais uma vez, a equipe bonusbinaryoptions avisa você contra esse tipo de estratégia e convida você a evitar segui-lo.

Negociação com análise fundamental.

A análise fundamental é o segundo ramo da análise de mercado para a negociação de opções binárias. Este método concentra-se exclusivamente nas estatísticas econômicas e no clima econômico geral para prever as futuras orientações da taxa de câmbio. Por exemplo, a crise de 2008 foi uma excelente oportunidade para reduzir as principais empresas de capital aberto, especialmente os bancos e fundos de investimento. Em menor escala, dezenas de indicadores econômicos são publicados diariamente (como a taxa de desemprego em um país, por exemplo). Todos esses números econômicos estão disponíveis em calendários econômicos disponíveis on-line na internet. O monitoramento em tempo real desses novos pode ajudá-lo a tomar decisões para aumentar ou diminuir os principais instrumentos negociados na opção binária, incluindo os pares de moedas do mercado Forex.

Negociação com um método de apostas tipo martingale.

Existem muitos sites ou ebook exaltando os méritos de usar um martingale. O que é um martingale? Um martingale é um método de apostas que consiste em aumentar a quantia do investimento inicial em cada perda até que um ganho seja alcançado. Suponha que você estaca € 20 para cima para a taxa de câmbio EUR / USD. O princípio do martingale o levará a apostar o dobro da sua aposta até a sua posição vencedora de fechamento. No nosso exemplo, se perder a sua transacção, este princípio irá convidá-lo a repetir a mesma aposta por um montante de € 20. Se a sua posição fechar novamente com prejuízo, então deverá apostar desta vez um montante de € 40. é compensar as perdas de apostas anteriores até atingir o ganho inicialmente solicitado. O risco só pode se tornar muito grande se você sofrer uma longa série de perdas consecutivas. Ao alavancar € 40, então € 80, então € 160, € 320, € 640, € 1028 & # 8230; Em alguns golpes, os valores a serem investidos se tornam astronômicos. O resultado: Sua conta está vazia e você só precisa arquivar novo capital e registrar uma disputa contra a pessoa que exaltou os méritos dessa estratégia.

Nosso conselho: nunca use martingale.

Ser o vencedor em opções binárias não é óbvio.

E sim, ser um operador vencedor em opção binária a longo prazo não é desconcertantemente simples. Se este fosse o caso, todos nós seríamos naturalmente ricos. No entanto, deve ser reconhecido que certos comerciantes particulares ganham uma vida muito boa. Aqui, vamos explicar os principais pontos que todos os comerciantes vencedores devem cumprir.

Como ganhar em opções binárias?

Como minimizar os riscos.

Minimizar os riscos constitui um bom ponto de partida para evitar a falência. O melhor método é seguir as regras de gerenciamento de capital, também chamado de "gerenciamento de risco" # 8221; ou & # 8220; gerenciamento de dinheiro & # 8221; por comerciantes profissionais. Essa regra do senso comum consiste em não:

& # 8211; colocando grandes apostas.

& # 8211; colocando todos os ovos na mesma cesta.

& # 8211; não invista muito capital disponível.

É aconselhável não apostar mais do que 5% do capital de um em uma posição. Assim, se tiver € 1000 na sua conta de opções binárias, não é aconselhável apostar mais de € 50 numa única transação. Do mesmo modo, não é aconselhável apostar em um número muito grande de instrumentos correlacionados na mesma direção. Por exemplo, não é aconselhável apostar simultaneamente na queda do EUR / USD, EUR / GBP, EUR / CAD, EUR / JPY, EUR / CHF & # 8230; Nesse caso, você entende que um único salto para cima da moeda do euro (EUR) poderia comprometer todas as suas posições.

A psicologia do comerciante vencedor.

A psicologia do profissional desempenha um papel importante na probabilidade de seu ganho ou perda. De fato, o principal fator de perda de um trader em opções binárias é diretamente devido a seus vieses cognitivos. O erro típico é perder todo o sentido do dinheiro e apostar somas cada vez mais importantes para preencher uma perda alta que foi sofrida. Sob nenhuma circunstância alguém deve apostar excessivamente; É preciso ter em mente um plano de negociação rigoroso e um método de gerenciamento de capital rigoroso. Ser governado pelas emoções de uma pessoa e pelo desejo de ganhar mais dinheiro ou de eliminar uma perda, assumindo mais riscos, leva sempre à perda. Em contraste, um operador vencedor será disciplinado, cartesiano e nunca deixará as emoções interferirem na sua escolha de negociação (ou pelo menos, tanto quanto puder).

Os melhores métodos para ganhar na opção binária.

Em conclusão, o melhor método para ganhar em opção binária é estudar a análise técnica e análise fundamental, para desenvolver uma estrita estratégia de negociação com um plano de gestão de capital rigoroso (e cumpri-lo), e para não ser governado por um & # 8217; s emoções (que levam muitos comerciantes amadores a perder…).

Os melhores corretores para implementar suas estratégias:

Qual é o seu melhor método para ganhar opções binárias?

Eu li sobre muitas estratégias de negociação binárias. Eu comecei a negociar alguns meses atrás. Eu principalmente negociando com 60 seg. opções. Agora estou ganhando cerca de 500-1000 USD por dia, com algumas estratégias que aprendi na net, mas ainda estou procurando a maneira mais fácil de ganhar esse montante. Você tem alguma nova estratégia viável?

quais estratégias você está usando?

Oi cara, você pode me enviar o link das referências da sua estratégia? Eu quero tentar negociar. Por favor me ajude, cara. Eu preciso de algumas estratégias.

Tomas Gostaria de saber qual estratégia você está usando para obter esses ganhos usando a estratégia 5.decimal.

Você está indo muito bem com sua estratégia! Eu sou um trader iniciante e queria saber se você compartilharia sua estratégia comigo.

Eu acho que martingale é melhor, mas você deve ter pelo menos 1200 USD em sua conta para suportar as perdas e voltar ao processo de lucro, 1200 USD é igual a 7 degraus em martingale e por 6 etapas se torna 500 USD, agora eu tenho quase 300 que se torna 5 passos, é difícil, mas se você retirar primeiro lucro após a conta crescer, então você não tem nenhum risco com o dinheiro restante.

use-o, mas com cuidado e inteligência até chegar a 7 passos, então ninguém pode diminuir sua velocidade de lucro. Rei Regards.

Olá Thomas, acho que você está indo muito bem se ganhar isso diariamente e de forma consistente. Gostaria de compartilhar algumas de suas estratégias comigo.

Obrigado Thomas.

NÃO FAÇA NEGÓCIOS COM AS OPÇÕES DE ZENITH !! Eles vão pegar o seu dinheiro e se recusaram a devolvê-lo. O serviço ao cliente nesta empresa é HORRÍVEL. Este provedor de opções binárias não é regulado. Eles vão te dizer que eles são, mas têm que responder a ninguém. A Zenith Options pegou meus 5.000 dólares e se recusou a devolver o dinheiro depois que eles me disseram que eu teria uma trilha de 2 dias e eu fiz isso e depois de 24 horas solicitei meu dinheiro de volta e eles não responderão e-mails, telefonemas, Skype ou bate-papo . Eles nem me ligaram para me receber a bordo. Eles vão rir na sua cara quando você der o seu dinheiro como o manter negando suas retiradas. Esta empresa é uma farsa. O pior de tudo é que eles são baseados fora do Chipre. O OPTIONS LIVE OPTIONS LIVE SIGNALS não é bom em recrutar pessoas para participar de opções safe24options e Zenith com sua suposta alta taxa de vitórias. Você coloca seu dinheiro e seria melhor sair e queimar tudo. Pelo menos você consegue manter as cinzas.

Por favor, você pode me ajudar com alguma estratégia, eu preciso tanto.

Espero ouvir em breve de você!

A plataforma de opções binárias mais bem-sucedida que usei é a StockPair, e aproveitei para ajustar uma ótima estratégia que tem mais de 80% de taxas de ganho até o momento.

Oi AJJ, por favor, adicione AMBER OPTION na lista. Esta é outra empresa de opção SCAM. Eu depositei USD250 e algum tempo depois tentei retirá-lo, mas eles simplesmente responderam que "a conta está verificada" # 8221; e depois disso, não há mais resposta. Todas essas empresas de opções (através de alguns anúncios de terceiros que vendem alguns softwares) só querem que depositemos dinheiro na sua assim chamada conta de negociação de opções, e isso é o dinheiro deles. Honestamente e sinceramente falando, se você gostaria de ter uma empresa de corretores de opções segura e honesta, você pode confiar na Opteck. Meus amigos e eu os usamos há cerca de dois anos e a retirada não tem nenhum problema. Separadamente, nós retiramos 15.000, 10000, 2000, 500 dólares americanos. Nós temos um Chief Broker dedicado com o nome de Roberto é sempre muito atencioso. Ele está no Reino Unido e nós estamos no Cingapura, sem problemas únicos.

Um par de meses atrás eu finalmente me tornei lucrativo e agora eu tenho uma porcentagem vencedora de cerca de 63%: eu usei um monte de indicadores, alguns foram úteis e outros confusos e eu estava procurando por algo simples, mas ainda confiável.

Agora estou convencido de que minha busca foi bem-sucedida: estou usando o Bollinger Bands em um período de 5 minutos e os resultados foram incríveis (mais de 80% do ITM):

O sistema é muito simples: espero até que a maior parte da vela de 5 minutos se feche acima da faixa superior, e alguns segundos antes que a vela termine, coloco uma PUT-OPTION com 5 & # 8211; minuto & # 8211; termo.

Se a vela estiver perto de terminar abaixo da faixa inferior, colocarei uma opção CALL.

É claro que isso não acontece o tempo todo (às vezes você terá que esperar 1 hora para identificar uma potencial configuração de troca), portanto eu uso pelo menos 8 pares diferentes para obter mais negociações.

Hoje encontrei 22 negócios que atenderam aos requisitos e 18 deles foram ITM.

Por favor, me diga sua estratégia, eu prometo compensar você. Meu e-mail: carxporsh @ gmail.

Oi ZZ Eu gostaria de saber mais informações sobre sua estratégia. Você pode por favor me enviar um e-mail sergii007123 @ gmail.

Zz pode me enviar sua estratégia. Você pode me enviar um e-mail no emasojoel @ gmail.

Eu sigo muitas estratégias fáceis, minha limitação é o número de sinais. Eu negocio cerca de uma hora por dia e a minha partida é sempre de 10 €, não mais. Eu ganho cerca de 250 € nessa hora, com 12 negociações médias.

A mais simples é a vaca morta saltitante. (mesmo uma vaca morta pula quando você a joga muito alta) Depois de uma fuga de uma vela, quase sempre há uma queda, use isso com uma (explicitamente apenas uma vez martingale) e você terá lucro. O momento exato é o mais importante. Tenha cuidado com o EURUSD. Ideal no momento com o JPY.

Aumento ou diminuição do preço de tendência. A parte superior das velas toca os bollingers superiores e o indicador de volume e o A. o. estão em linha com esse crescimento, basta colocar alguns comércios. Entenda os padrões típicos de um par. A tendência funciona perfeitamente com o AUDUSD.

Em um mercado abrangente, jogar o% williams, é muito confiável, prepare-se para usar dois ou três martingales, mas esteja ciente das mudanças nos bollingers, pare se eles desviarem. O GPBUSD tem a confiabilidade típica britânica aqui. ele "escuta" # 8217; para williams perfeitamente. Assista a tendências lentas, você verá que, em uma tendência de desaceleração, Williams deixa o overbought rapidamente e "pendura para fora" # 8217; em sobrevendido e vv. (conte as velas em ambas as áreas e troque depois que o número médio de velas passar) Você pode usar o oscilador AO para confirmar. Mas geralmente com o máximo de três Martingales você vai ganhar.

Sobre Martingales eu poderia escrever um livro agora. Posso garantir-lhe em binários, sob condições muito rigorosas, é uma boa coisa para usar. Uma das condições é que as chances de ganhar cresçam mais que o aumento de suas apostas. Vamos pegar este exemplo: você abriu uma negociação e logo depois de abrir você vê uma fuga na & # 8216; errado & # 8217; direção. Como você vai economizar seu dinheiro? na verdade, abrindo um novo comércio na direção certa com um valor de 2,3 vezes (e não 2, como algumas pessoas que não entendem Maringale, tem a ver com o lucro que o corretor lhe permite.). Sua pior perda é então limitada e a chance de ganhar e compensar o comércio errado é muito alta. Sem saber você usou Martingale.

Por favor, tente evitar Zoomtrader, é uma grande farsa. Eu investei 6500 e quando comecei a fazer ganhos, eles me permitem fazer mais de um comércio de cada vez e com limitações para o montante máximo, se você gostaria de seu dinheiro para estar em boas mãos, tente os melhores brokers regualted, mas nem pense em abrir uma conta no Zoomtrader.

MARK, você pode explicar sua estratégia em detalhes? Como com fotos ou melhor é a negociação de vídeo ao vivo como exemplo. Você pode me enviar informações para o e-mail: sergii007123 @ gmail.

Oi eu sou novo para isso de negociação. Você poderia me enviar algumas das estratégias mais fáceis de administrar e mais recompensadoras? Obrigado.

você pode se inscrever agora no nosso boletim informativo e receber um ebook gratuito sobre as 10 melhores estratégias de negociação para ganhar dinheiro com opções binárias 🙂

estou interessado em estratégias de Martingale, se você puder me enviar sua estratégia em kresob777 @ gmail.

200 $ é suficiente para obter um bom retorno?

Eu tinha perdido $ 1000 +, alguma boa estratégia por aí? Me avise.

vcs por favor ajudem com estratégia em binario, ele deve estar bem com vc se vc me ajudar enviando para o meu e-mail olotuthrone (at) gmail agradeço, pls nao deixam de me enviar.

Ele pode dizer mais sobre a estrategia da vaca morta. Rik.

Começando o comércio binário amanhã 09-02-14.

Eu tenho lido muito sobre as estratégias que alguém já tentou o sistema de um toque.

Eu posso você me dizer como você se sente sobre isso e se você teve um bom começo nisso?

Também existe alguém lá fora com qualquer outro sistema com o qual eles tenham sucesso?

Eu uso uma estratégia muito simples. & # 8217; Bounce Back & # 8217; velas. Exemplo sobre uma tendência de alta;

1) gráfico mostra Velas + BBands + RSI.

2) use velas de 1 minuto por um período de 5 minutos.

3) quando (verde / para cima) fica no TOP / Upper B. Coloque o PUT, mas SOMENTE se o RSI atingir 70.

4) 80% do tempo de duração é ITM.

5) às vezes eu vou esperar para ver uma confirmação (no UP é vermelho) que uma reversão está ocorrendo.

6) mesmo em uma vela descendente VERMELHA, coloca-se sobre o BB mais baixo e depois coloca a CHAMADA, mas APENAS quando o RSI.

é de 30 ou menos (novamente o próximo shud de vela fica verde para confirmar que uma tendência de alta já começou)

7) essa estratégia de mais de 20 negócios deu 83% de retorno.

Wud estaria interessado em ouvir qualquer comentário comercial dentro do BBs. (E mais arriscado)

Você pode compartilhar a estratégia que você usa com os 60 minutos de negociação?

Gostaria de saber como você configura 1 min velas em um prazo de 5 min alos quanto tempo é o comércio que você toma é um comércio de 60 segundos?

Olá Geoff, acho que Ken está se referindo ao gráfico de 1 min. Você faz uma aposta com prazo expirado 5 minutos depois.

obrigado, você não saberia que período o RSI deveria ser definido? meu padrão é 50, mas nunca parece chegar a 70 ou 30%

Thomas não parece estar aberto para discutir sua estratégia. Meu conselho é que você fique longe de negociação 60sec como novos comerciantes, pode tirá-lo do mercado mais rápido do que você jamais pode imaginar. Se você tiver que negociar um período de tempo mais curto, você pode querer demonstrar o comércio da Estratégia de BBands em 1min com 5mins de vencimento conforme apresentado por ZZ acima.

Oi, Mark, estou muito interessado em sua estratégia, mas também estou me perguntando qual é o seu tempo de expiração para a estratégia de vacas mortas saltitantes? Poderia, por favor, enviar um email para mim no lydialywdl @ gmail, thx & # 8230;

Por que alguém procuraria outro sistema se seu sistema estivesse ganhando cerca de 500-1000 usd / dia?

Oi Mark, estou interessado em aprender suas estratégias. Se você tiver fotos ou um vídeo explicando suas estratégias, isso seria ótimo. Tenho 17 anos e sou muito novo no mundo das opções binárias. Parece que você sabe o que você está falando então você pode por favor me enviar e-mail em jacksonspeaks1 @ gmail. Obrigado.

Oi, eu estive negociando opção de vencimento de dois anos, este sistema me traz 1000usd a 2000usd por dia, depende do seu investimento cada vez que você aposta.

Eu uso EMA 5,6,7,8,9 e EMA 14 no gráfico de 5 min.

você deve negociar o tempo de expiração 30m.

quando EMA5,6,7,8,9 acima Ema 14, você deve comprar, dentro de 30m você pode ver no dinheiro.

quando EMA5,6,7,8,9 abaixo Ema 14, você deve vender, dentro de 30m você também vê no dinheiro.

E o mais importante é que o Don não se esqueça de me comprar uma xícara de café.

Eu sou novo comerciante, aprendendo estratégias com conta demo. Até aí tudo bem. dicas seriam apreciadas.

Oi Opção King. Sua estratégia parece ser eficiente, assim como sua confiança. Você pode, por favor, me contar mais sobre isso em mais detalhes. você pode me encontrar em: hani. m.ragab@gmail.

Sou trader e gostaria de compartilhar meus pensamentos sobre reclamações de fraude na web. É verdade que os golpes estão por toda a internet hoje em dia. Mas para ser justo com o assunto de reclamações, devemos fornecer provas para convencer os leitores de nossas intenções sinceras. Qualquer um pode reclamar, mas nem todos podem ter o desejo genuíno de dizer a verdade. Não estou dizendo isso em defesa das opções da Zenith, das opções binárias Live Signals ou de qualquer outra plataforma. Eu estou apenas tentando defender a justiça.

Muitos comerciantes compartilham feedback negativo contra ZenithOption, é por isso que é melhor evitá-lo e escolher um corretor de opções binárias regulamentado FCA / CySEC.

Oi opção rei tentando sua estratégia e teve resultados mistos apenas quebrando eben, mas eu sinto que há algo nele.

Você poderia me dizer se usa outros indicadores ou certos ativos, hora do dia, etc.?

Muito obrigado oh e será um café muito grande e um bolo para você.

Negociar é divertido especialmente quando você está em dinheiro. O ADX48 é muito bom em negociações binárias. usar isso me faz sentir mais confortável. Divirtam-se rapazes.

É um fato que muitos corretores de fraudes existem hoje, e a lista está crescendo. Não sei por que, mas até corretores regulamentados como o Banc de Binary recebem algumas reclamações. Não é uma maravilha porque podemos ver queixas on-line sobre o Zenith Options e outras plataformas não tão populares.

Oi Brian é assim. Banc De Binay também? Mmh vergonha me sinto mal caras a sério.

Opção King, você postou sua estratégia vencedora no meu aniversário. É uma maneira vencedora de opções binárias e todos devem seguir o seu exemplo.

Eu te devo um grande café. Obrigado pelo conselho! Bom carma para você meu amigo.

Jeff, simplifique a estratégia de reis da opção & # 8211; use um 14 EMA e um 20 SMA no gráfico de 5 minutos. Quando 14 cruza 20 você compra uma chamada para 15 a 30 minutos de exp. Quando 20 cruzes 14 você tem uma tendência para baixo e vai com um put para 15 a 30 minutos de exp. Você também pode adicionar cruzamento estocástico como um indicador de confirmação. Quando a cruz está se aproximando do gráfico de 5M, você pode mudar para o gráfico de 1 minuto e pegar a cruz cedo para acionar a negociação. Isso é muito semelhante a opções de ganhar. Identifica mudanças de tendência curtas e deve colocá-lo no dinheiro. Pratique e seja paciente. Boa sorte irmao!

Você poderia me enviar a estratégia que você usa para negociar 60 segundos quadros de tempo, por favor?

Estive testando esse método sozinho. 15 ou 30 min. termo.

Olá Glynn, William & amp; Jeff.

Eu quero tentar você métodos, aquele em que você usa "EMA e um 20 SMA & # 8221; e aquele em que você usa usar & # 8220; EMA 5,6,7,8,9 e EMA 14 em 5 min chart & # 8221; mas eu não sei como configurá-los.

Estou tentando em mover parâmetros médios: Período:? Mudança: ? Método MA: Exponencial Aplicar para: Fechar? Alto? Baixo?

Você poderia me enviar um pouco mais de detalhes sobre como configurá-los? x_maverick_hunter @ hotmail por favor.

Ya mesmo que Luis eu estou interessado na estratégia Optionking e Glynn.

você pode ser mais específico?

Precisa da mesma coisa que luis.

Período: Mudança: ? Método MA: Exponencial Aplicar para: Fechar? Alto? Baixo?

Por favor, você poderia me enviar o detalhe também para triska. raya@contractor.

Olá Glynn, rei da opção.

Eu sou um novato, e estou interessado em suas estratégias, mas eu preciso saber como configurar o SMA e EMA, por favor, esclarecer sobre as configurações de Período, mudar, aplicar? Por favor envie-me detalhes e quaisquer outras configurações adicionais, como a configuração estocástica. @

Oi opção rei você pode esclarecer as configurações mais detalhadamente, meu email: mysurveis @ gmail thanx.

Oi me envie as estratégias de opções binárias para o thenkannan @ hotmail.

Eu encontrei algumas informações e estratégias muito boas e úteis neste site. Obrigado.

Vou postar essas estratégias e como baixar e configurar gráficos, estratégias como 5,6,7,8,9- 14 EMA e 14, 20 EMA e também os 60 segundos (sistema decimal de 5 pontos ou martingale) combinados com o SAR parabólico. , MACD, bollinger e 20, 50MA. Todos os vencedores

Oi alguém por favor pode me enviar algumas informações sobre o que eu deveria começar com estratégias, eu sou um novato e preciso de alguma ajuda por favor. obrigado sandwellc @ hotmail.

Olá pessoal, bem, deixe-me apontar algo & # 8230; Antes de mais nada, mesmo se você for o melhor trader do mundo, você sempre perderá negócios & # 8230; que com certeza & # 8230; Também opção binária não vai fazer o seu rico amanhã .. (Você pode ficar rico, mas não amanhã) leva anos, paciência e um bom estômago! Eu estou estudando a opção binária nos últimos 6 meses. Eu tenho uma quantia mínima de depósito e também solicito uma conta de demonstração, e estou usando minha conta demo até terminar meu estudo & # 8230; Minha opinião é que: Tente estratégias diferentes e, finalmente, preso em um don t & # 8217; t usar várias estratégias & # 8230; Aprenda esta estratégia como a melhor possível & # 8230; tente combinar sua estratégia com o NEWS & # 8230; Este é um passo muito importante .. Notícias afetam o mercado tremendamente & # 8230; Finalmente e também importante .. aprenda o TEMPO. Opções binárias estão disponíveis em todo o mundo & # 8230; cada país tem um tempo diferente, porque os bancos não estão abertos e fechados em todo o mundo ao mesmo tempo. Encontre e determine uma época em que o mercado esteja estável no momento, o que significa que a opção binária está disponível na maioria dos países neste cenário. parte você vai reduzir o risco de grandes mudanças no mercado & # 8230; .. por que isso? porque se 10 milhões de pessoas entrarem em seus bancos amanhã ao mesmo tempo e mudarem suas moedas para moedas diferentes, o mercado entrará em colapso ou ficará louco. # 8230; quem sabe? ..Assim, o tempo é um fator muito importante em seus negócios .. Faça negociações com conta de demonstração para encontrar o melhor momento para você "Em uma conclusão, construa sua própria estratégia e não pare de aprender, tanto você aprende você a se tornar um trader mais bem sucedido .. Trocas felizes e boa sorte 🙂

obrigado por estes conselhos inestimáveis ​​🙂

Olá pessoal, sou novo nisso. Queria saber se alguém sabia de um link ou sites para obter um melhor conhecimento de como negociar.

Também eu estou interessado em estratégia 5 6 7 8 9 + 14 EMA para ajuste ideal e ponto de entrada.

desde já, obrigado.

Mark, parece que você sabe o que está fazendo em relação à negociação. Comecei a negociar há apenas dois dias, mas você poderia compartilhar suas estratégias com mais detalhes pelo e-mail abaixo.

Não abra 60 segundos, 5 minutos de negociações se você é novato. Eles são muito arriscados.

Se você deseja obter uma receita consistente com baixo risco, siga sua gestão de dinheiro. Você não deve abrir uma posição superior a 5% do seu saldo.

Aqui está minha ESTRATÉGIA testada em análise técnica.

* Quadro temporal & # 8211; 5 minutos.

* Expiração & # 8211; 15 minutos.

* Indicadores & # 8211; EMA 8 (escolha a cor verde), 14 (escolha a cor vermelha) e MACD com os parâmetros padrão.

Pergunta: Como abrir uma posição?

Resposta: Quando o EMA 8 cruza o EMA 14 de baixo e também as linhas MACD cruzam e mostram uma tendência de alta, abra uma posição CALL. Quando o EMA 8 cruza o EMA 14 do acima e as linhas MACD cruzam e mostram a tendência de baixa, coloque uma posição PUT.

A Explicação da estratégia: Neste caso, a EMA 8, 14 e MACD mostra a direção da tendência. Você deveria pegá-lo.

PS. A porcentagem do resultado não deve ser inferior a 75% do dinheiro. Se você quiser ver mais detalhes, eu lhe enviarei uma explicação com fotos.

Pessoal eu tenho $ 600 em opção e tentando criar fundos para operação visual, já que estou ficando cego e preciso levantar pelo menos $ 8000 para o ano que vem. Eu gentilmente preciso da sua ajuda sobre como negociar, já que a plataforma não fornece negociação. Iv perdeu US $ 400 já. PLS AJUDAR E IM CONHECER RISCOS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO. PLS CONTACT ME EM mmetilesedi187 @ gmail.

oi Opção King, Glynn, Taruux & # 8211; vocês podem enviar informações detalhadas sobre o 5 6 7 8 9 + 14 EMA & amp; 20 estratégias SMA? Por favor envie para:

Além da estratégia de martingale, quais são as principais estratégias de opções binárias e onde posso encontrar informações sobre seus passos? Desde já, obrigado.

Muito obrigado você compartilhou sua ESTRATÉGIA. Eu gostaria de aprender com você. Ótimo se você puder me enviar mais detalhes explicação com foto.

Seguir e aprender por boas estratégias comerciais. Eu sou um novato.

oi joseph qualquer chance que você me mandaria youre stratergy como eu perdi muito nessas opções binárias emmgjhj @ hotmail.

Revisão de estratégia agradável. Você pode me enviar sua estratégia no meu e-mail.

Há um grande número de estratégias de opções binárias disponíveis. Alguns deles são mais complicados do que outros a seguir. No entanto, neste tutorial de estratégia, vou ensinar-lhe uma das estratégias de opções binárias mais simples e eficientes.

Na verdade, não existe um nome claro para essa estratégia, mas sua precisão foi comprovada em várias ocasiões no negócio de opções binárias. Para usar essa estratégia, você só precisará usar um total de 2 indicadores no gráfico.

A grande vantagem desta estratégia vencedora de opções binárias de newbie é o fato de que sempre promete resultados comprovados em cerca de 75% -90% do tempo que você está negociando. Se você usar bem essa estratégia, você também pode obter uma taxa de vencimento acima de 90% o tempo todo.

Mês passado (abril de 2015) Eu fiz $ 144124.É grande coisa para mim. Você não sabe que há apenas 3 anos eu perdi $ 1000 em menos de 15 dias. Eu fiquei muito chocado. Agora eu estratégia dá me tanto colocar fora e, pelo menos, 1500 pessoas incríveis usar minha estratégia binária & # 8230; Se você tiver alguma dúvida, sinta-se livre para me bater: ebiarif @ gmail.

Você pode me enviar as explicações com algumas fotos para que seja mais fácil de seguir? Eu sou um novato. Tks muito.

Eu sou um novato aqui ainda aprendendo, vc pode me enviar as explicações com fotos para que eu possa entender melhor? Muito obrigado !

Eu estou usando a estratégia de bandas de bollinger / RSI (como destacado por Ken e ZZ acima) e experimentando resultados impressionantes. É muito simples e eficaz. Atualmente ganhando em torno de 70-75% dos meus negócios! 🙂

Oi Joseph Sua estratégia parece ótimo mano. Você pode me enviar um e-mail sobre como lidar com isso. Eu sou um newbie. daviestembo89@gmail.

boas estratégias da opção king & # 8230 ;. você terá café de mim & # 8230 ;.

Oi joseph posso hv alguma foto tambem em sua estrategia?

Oi rei opção. Im novato em BO. Posso ter uma cópia da sua estratégia? Obrigado. jazzpy11 @ gmail.

Yo Glynn você pode explicar sua estratégia simplificada para mim? Obrigado cara. mohsin26996 @ gmail.

você deve esperar que a vela de 5 min se feche primeiro na estratégia EMA 14 SMA 20 ou simplesmente troque como as linhas se cruzam no movimento da tendência.

É melhor esperar o fechamento da vela para obter a confirmação do sinal 🙂

Olá a todos, alguém negocia opções binárias com TOP OPTIONS aqui? Eu preciso de testemunhos sobre eles como eu sou sobre a abertura de uma conta de negociação com eles.

Apreciará suas respostas.

Você poderia me enviar a estratégia que você nos contou há alguns dias? você poderia me enviar mais detalhes? porque eu estou usando, mas eu ainda não sei em que momento entro eu acho que eu ainda não sei o momento exato. (para x_maverick_hunter @ hotmail por favor)

Eu uso uma estratégia simples que desenvolvi com o objetivo de baixo risco & # 8230; apenas me coloca com 3 ou 4 trades por dia & # 8230; mas eu sempre obtenho uma média de 80 & # 8211; 85% ITM apenas com essa estratégia, para que eu possa fazer negociações de US $ 250 ou mais. Ele combina 5 indicadores mais BB e é relativamente amigável para o newbie se você monitora no máximo dois pares de moedas de cada vez. Para mais informações, envie um e-mail para sford88@hotmail. co. uk.

Você pode me enviar sua estratégia com fotos e gráficos.

Oi Vincent, até agora não tenho nenhum problema em relação à retirada usando TopOption como meu corretor. Apenas fique longe da GlobalTrader 365, Banc De Binary só para citar alguns. Você pode querer rolar para o cão Binarywatch para obter informações mais confiáveis.

Sua estratégia parece ser bem simples. Gostaria de obter mais alguns detalhes! Muito obrigado na adcance!

Olá .. Eu aprendi mais estratégias daqui. Eu vou experimentá-los. Muito obrigado. Boa sorte & # 8230;!

Eu sou novo na opção binária. Eu quero abrir uma conta. O banc du binary é um bom corretor? Por favor informar.

Alguns críticos virulentos sobre o Banc de Binary nos convidam a aconselhá-lo a descobrir nossa lista dos melhores corretores de opções binárias, selecionados com cuidado pela equipe de bonusbinaryoptions entre os corretores com os melhores feedbacks.

Oi. Eu gostaria de começar a negociar, mas perdi o emprego por causa da minha lesão e não tenho chance de obter capital inicial. Existe alguma chance de começar do nada?

Pode enviar-me uma sugestão por email no xfmrude @ gmail.

Não é realmente possível começar do nada,

mas lembre-se de que você pode aproveitar um bônus de depósito negociado de 100% se abrir uma conta com um de nossos parceiros de corretores de opções binárias.

Thank you very much Zack for your reply, it was helpful.

Hey guys try this strategy out on a demo account tell me how it works for you.. I’m using IQ Options on my Cell phone.

Bolinger Band at 20 but I set it at 200.. I dont want to see pruce anywhere near them until prices hit extreme highs or lows.

RSI at 8 with OB/OS at 90-10.

Wait for price to push away from the 200 EMA buy or Sell ONLY after the second pullback/retracement AND once prices move in the direction of the current trend look for prices to close outside of the outer bolinger band lines and RSI either Over Bought or over Sold! Then place a Buy or Sell order.

I am a newbie, where do I get a new demo account?

Hi everyone , I am a newbie so I am searching different useful strategies to trade.

I saw those interesting strategies above. Can someone send me more details about those strategies? Muito obrigado.

I am new to binary option trade, can you please send me your simple strategy.

Hi anyone anyone knows about IQ option if this broker is not scam? TY..

Subscribe now and receive a free ebook on the best strategies to gain in binary options !

Stay responsible.

&cópia de; BonusBinaryOptions LTD - All rights reserved.

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The Best Binary Options Brokers And Strategies.

Top Recommended Platforms.

The Best Binary Options brokers.

BinaryOptionsStrategies is a website specialized in delivering information about all aspects of binary options trading. Binary options have quickly become one of the most interesting types of trading, and almost anyone can do it. One of the main benefits of binary options trading is that it can take place anytime, anywhere, as long as the trader has a reliable internet connection and appropriate device.

Binarysignalsstrategies team understands that traders, both experienced ones and complete beginners, can find it very difficult to navigate the binary industry. After all, traders need to find a reliable binary broker, binary signals provider or binary trading software.

The Best Binary Autotrading and Signal Platforms.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make money with binary options. While there are many traders who make money in binary options, it is important to understand that there is risk always involved, just like in any other form of financial trading. For this reason, traders should always learn about binary options, read about strategies and then apply that knowledge to everyday trading situations.

BinaryOptionsStrategy helps dedicated binary options traders to learn as much as possible. With hundreds of articles, guides, and strategy texts, you can get on the fast-lane to progress as a serious and well-educated binary trader.

This instructional article will help traders understand important aspects of binary options trading:

What are binary brokers? What are binary trading software? What are binary options signals? Why are binary trading strategies so important? How can beginners trade binary options? Are binary options legal? Why is news so important for the binary industry? What are top 5 tips for binary options trading.

The Great Binary Options Brokers Guide.

Many new traders feel shocked that binary options also involve a certain type of broker. Still, these brokers are somewhat different than traditional stock brokers. Binary brokers are companies that deliver the binary options trading experience on their integrated platforms. This means that basically, the binary broker is your binary trading service. They deliver trades, provide customer support, and process deposits and withdrawals. There are many binary options brokers on the market, and traders should do a thorough research before making any sort of investment or a deposit.

Traders should never get seduced by flashy banners and empty promises, but look for a binary broker that delivers what was promised. BinaryOptionsStrategy is putting a lot of effort into providing objective broker reviews that give traders the most important information about binary brokers listed on this website. We highly recommend reading reviews and then also visiting the brokers’ website via our links to get a better picture.

Are Regulated Binary Brokers a Better Choice?

Many traders are wondering what is the main difference between regulated and unregulated brokers. Well, to put it simply, regulated binary brokers have licenses that enable them to legally offer their trading services and operate in the regulated environment. They have to meet certain obligations before they even get a license, and in order to keep it they must respect a whole set of regulatory rules. Some of the financial regulators are CySec in Cyprus, FCA in the UK, AMF in France and BaFin in Germany.

Regulated binary brokers are usually considered to be more reliable than unregulated brokers as they must follow numerous procedures and their customers have a higher level of protection. Unregulated binary brokers can do as they like, which means that traders accept much higher risk while trading with them. This can be not only less profitable but also dangerous, especially for beginners who don’t comprehend what a scam looks like.

What are Binary Options Scams?

Binary options scams are common phenomena in the industry. As always when something becomes increasingly popular, certain scams appear. Binary options scam brokers are very dangerous as they can take your money away, without you even placing a trade. They make false promises, avoid straightforward answers, and are often forcing the trader to deposit more and more.

Here are some of the signs that a broker might be a scam:

Also, it is not unusual for scam binary brokers to simply disappear with traders’ money. As they are usually not regulated, it is impossible to trade where the money went. They also use different tactics to cover their trail and often pop up with a different name, but with same scam approach. For this reason, we always advise traders to be careful and trade only with solid brokers that own a license. This will protect them in long-term even though they might not experience alluring promises about 100% win ratio and incredibly high payouts.

Binary Options Brokers US.

When it comes to binary options trading in the United States, traders must know that it is somewhat different than in the rest of the world. The only way that US citizens can trade binary options legally is via binary options exchanges that are regulated by the CFTC. One of the best binary options brokers in the US (or better to say, exchange) is NADEX.

NADEX is an interesting binary options exchange that is very popular among the US binary trades but accepts non-us clients as well. Before traders decide to make a deposit, they can simply open a free NADEX demo that is completely independent of the real trading account and use it as long as they like. Opening the real trading account is not a condition to get a free NADEX demo like it is with many other binary brokers. Also, traders can easily go back to their demo even when they start trading with real money as it has no expiration date. In case they forget the login data, they can retrieve their password or simply open a new NADEX demo account. Read full NADEX review.

What Makes a Good Binary Options Broker?

Good binary options brokers, besides being regulated also have numerous benefits that traders can use to advance in their binary trading career. For example, good binary brokers have reasonable investment and deposit limits, as well as deposit-free demo trading account.

Solid binary brokers also have an educational section that provides the trader with plentiful of information regarding trading and have professional customer support.

Finding a good broker can be hard, but it is not impossible, especially if the trader puts some effort.

IQ option Review.

IQ option claims to be one of the best and most popular choices among binary options brokers. On their website, they promise to provide the best trading experience and claim to have won numerous awards. Also, they say they are the broker you can trust.

But before you believe all the advertising materials, it is important to understand how trading takes place with this broker.

IQ option Minimum Deposit Amount.

IQ option is regulated binary broker that allows minimum deposit in the amount of only $10. This makes it very user-friendly as the average amount required for deposit is $250.

IQ option Demo Account Revealed.

In combination with these low requirements, you can also get a free demo account . Most other brokers only their demos to customers of their regular trading accounts, which means that you have to get a fully funded account in order to access the demo.

In the process, you have to deposit an amount at least equal to the broker’s minimum deposit requirement, which usually is $250 or more. Having to invest so much money into a trading and with a broker, they have never tried before is a bad deal for newcomers. Some brokers allow demo account only when the trader deposits enough to open some sort of premium or VIP account.

Such an offer is incredibly rare, and almost a once-in-a-lifetime chance. A demo account works just like a regular trading account but allows you to invest play money instead of real money. In this risk-free environment, you can test your trading skills and develop your binary options strategy without having to worry about losing money or going broke. The money on the demo account is virtual, and so are the losses, but unfortunately the profit as well. However, a good demo can help you achieve better money management.

Binary Options Trading Software – New Era of Binary Trading.

The binary trading software has taken the binary options trading industry by storm. It is a special form of binary options trading based on algorithms. The algorithms scan the market and deliver reliable and/or popular binary options trades directly to the trader. This is a preferred method of trading for many beginners who don’t feel like wasting time on learning. However, thorough education can only be and advantage, no matter how you decide to trade your binary options.

Types of Binary Trading Software.

There are two main types of binary trading software.

Software that delivers trades when the trader is online only Software that delivers and executes trades when the trader is offline as well.

Of course, it can easily be noted how it is always a better choice to use binary options software that delivers trades when the trader is online only, and that provides the trader with a high level of control. Such software is often called semi-automated, as the traders have to actively participate in the trading process. That is done by accepting the trades.

The most Popular Binary Trading Software.

There is many binary trading software around, and it is of uttermost importance to find a good and reliable software that offers great trading experience with best binary brokers. Unfortunately, not all binary software puts the trader in the first place, so it is important to do a thorough research.

Binary Options Robot was one of the first binary trading robots on the market. The fact that it stayed around for so long speaks for itself. Binary Options Robot is based on modern algorithms that scan the market in search of best trades. Also, it offers a whole set of features traders can use to make the most out of their binary trading account.

The features are as follows:

Daily Stop Loss – for more efficient and better money management Max Daily Trades – for better trading planning Assets – traders can turn on and off their assets Single Investment – it is possible to set the trading amount for every asset type.

Binary Options Robot VIP.

Traders can also enjoy Binary Options Robot free VIP status. This status opens a whole new set of possibilities that include different strategies, risk levels and expiry times. Binary Options Robot is really a unique trading solution that can help traders see the binary trading process in a whole new light.

O que são sinais de opções binárias?

Binary options signals are defined as recommendations on how to trade. Every binary signal has several crucial elements:

Depending on the binary options signals provider, it can also deliver information about the binary broker and investment amount. Binary signals can be seen as a notice with all most important information that can influence the trader’s decision to take action and trade.

Binary Options Signals – Past and Future.

In the past, binary trading signals were mostly generated by market experts or people who claimed to be highly educated in that field. Of course, not all so-called experts were really market specialists which meant high risk for traders. Sometimes it was impossible to prove whether or not someone really understands the market.

Also, binary trading signals were very expensive. The price would go even as high as $100 for one month of binary signals. It was simply a service that was impossible for beginners to afford. It is important to understand how signals and trades were delivered on two different platforms, so after receiving a signal, the trader had to log in with the binary broker and then copy the data and finally, place the trade.

Nowadays, binary signals are mostly based on binary algorithms that are scanning the market in search of a trade. This means that risk of human mistake is reduced. Also, the prices are now much lower and most binary signals providers are completely free. Modern binary options signals providers are cooperating the brokers and are allowing traders to place trades immediately with the broker on the binary signals platform. This takes binary trading to a whole new level!

Top Binary Signals Providers Reviews.

Here you will find short summaries of most popular binary signals providers reviews available on our website!

SignalSamurai Review.

SignalSamurai is binary options signals provider established by Japanese stockbroker Kinjo Oda. It is based on a special computer algorithm that generates signals exclusively for currency trading. This makes it highly specialized binary signals provider. It is very easily accessible, and traders can register with just a few clicks.

SignalSamurai offers several useful tools like daily stop loss, single investment, daily investment assets etc. Also, there is an additional set of features available only for traders with Apprentice VIP status. Those who gain it, also get a chance to trade with two different strategies and 3 different expiry times. This makes SignalSamurai binary trading signals highly customized as the algorithm takes all trader’s wishes into consideration. Apprentice VIP can be a good opportunity for traders who prefer more advanced trading and understand the meaning of certain strategies and expiry times implemented in binary options trading.

SignalSamurai also has a special section dedicated to education – Academy. In SignalSamurai Academy traders can find out more about the product itself, but also learn how to utilize tools and features available on the Dashboard. This gives traders better insight in all the trading opportunities and customization possibilities that can highly affect their trading results and improve the risk management possibilities. All this is available completely free!

Binary Copier Review.

Binary Copier claims to be a unique trading hub or binary options signals provider that delivers instant signals directly on the dashboard. What makes these signals so special is that they are providing a special information about how many traders already decided to place the trade. This can be a piece of trading data that can help every binary trader make the final move.

Binary Copier is binary signals provider that is based on an algorithm that is looking for most popular trades and delivers them directly to the trading hub or the dashboard. Traders can simply take a look at what is going on, and trade if they like what they see.

All Binary Copier signals are related to two types of assets: currency pairs and stocks. As it is common with modern binary signals providers, Binary Copier also has a free VIP account. VIP account opens a whole new set of possibilities. The most important one is risk amplifier that allows traders to neutralize, amplify or minimize the risk. This nifty tool can be seen as a form of risk management. Traders can also use one-minute trades and daily trades, as well as 3 different strategies.

Binary Copier supports trading with multiple brokers at the same time. This increases the number of binary signals delivered to every trader, all according to their settings and wishes. Binary Copier also has good customer support that is available via live chat. This is of crucial importance as customer support is the connection between the trader and the broker, and can help newcomers understand what Binary Copier instant signals provider is all about.

Binary Signals Trader Review.

Binary Signals Trader can be described as prestigious binary options signals provider. It was founded by Simon Russel, a financial expert. As most modern binary signals providers it delivers trades based on the algorithm that delivers binary signals directly to the dashboard that is immediately connected to the broker. This means that Binary Signals Trader users don’t have to log out and log in every time they get a signal. They can place a trade immediately!

Binary Signals Trader promises high win ratio, and many interesting features. While some features are accessible with basic account, Premium status gives traders additional benefits. For example, they can choose multiple trading strategies and expiry times. This allows the signal provider to provide them with even more customized signals they will love to trade as they are suited according to their desires. Binary Signals Trader also showed how this binary signals provider has good customer support that delivers all answers in fast, precise and exact manner.

It can be summed up that modern binary signals providers have several things in common like:

They are free They allow trading with multiple brokers They have outstanding set of features They offer upgraded membership It is possible to personalize trading Customer support is superior.

Trading with binary signals can be very dynamic and interesting but traders have to understand that they have to be the ones who ultimately accept or decline a trade. It is recommended to avoid automated trading with binary signals, as it involves higher risk and it often leads to somewhat addictive behavior.

Good binary signals providers also always deliver some educational materials that traders can use to better understand the binary trading process.

The Best Binary Options Strategies.

BinaryOptionsStrategy is a website that has focus primarily on binary trading strategies. Binary trading strategies are important as they help traders understand the trading process better. That is why we prepared a whole section dedicated exclusively to strategies. That is where traders can increase their knowledge, and also find some useful information.

When it comes to binary trading strategies, it is very important to understand that not all strategies are created equal. Some are better for currency trading, others for stocks. There are binary trading strategies for beginners and strategies for advanced traders who have vast knowledge and experience. Of course, there are more complicated strategies and strategies that are more simple and easily applicable.

Here are some of the most popular strategies among our readers:

Importance of Strategical Binary Options Trading.

Traders should carefully select their trading strategy and implement it to their trading plan. The trading plan can be a document or your personal strategy about how certain trading moves will be executed and within which timeframes. Also, the trading plan has to be realistic and applicable to day-to-day trading. This will also help you better control all the emotions that might show up during the trading process.

But that is not where their job ends. No matter whether you use binary trading software, binary signals provider or regulated binary options broker, you should revise your trading plan periodically. This will help you adjust you your trading style and strategies? How were things going for you in the past? Is there a place for improvement? Only by revising your trading strategies and trading moves can you discover some new opportunities you maybe haven’t seen before.

Only by having a solid and realistic plan can you manage the risk and trading opportunities. Also, the plan doesn’t mean anything without you using it. Don’t rely on luck, as that is what gamblers do, and that can be like a death sentence to your binary trading career. Be focused, have a plan and avoid not only scams but also be aware of human greed and everything it brings for traders like you. Unfortunately, in most cases, it brings only poor trading results that can cause a lot of stress and harm.

Binary Options for Beginners – The ultimate Guide.

Many people who have no previous experience in financial trading believe that binary options are a mere guess, something like a bet. However, it is important to understand that binary options trading, even though has more user-friendly approach is not betting, and should not be considered as such. Binary trading requires studious approach and safe binary options broker, as well as constant education and personal progress.

This part of the article will deliver answers to some of the most important questions:

O que são opções binárias?

Binary options are a special type of online trading. The trader never has to actually buy the underlying asset but places the trade based on the predicted direction of the price movement of the underlying asset. This makes them more accessible to people who don’t have large funds at their disposal or great knowledge in trading.

Binary options democratized the world of financial trading and made it accessible to everyone with an internet connection. Also, binary options are more fast-paced than traditional forms of trading which make them more exciting. The deposit amount that goes over thousands and thousands of dollar in traditional forms of trading, is usually around $250 with binary options brokers. There are even some brokers such as IQ option that offer trading starting with $10 deposit.

Binary options trading is very attractive to traders all over the world, but it is highly recommended to do a proper research before believing any of the promises, as there are plenty of scams lurking around. Traders should also invest as much time as possible into their education. Even though many believe they have to go to business school to learn about binary options, there are many free educational materials available online, such as those on our website BinaryOptionsStrategy.

What are Binary Options Types?

Many traders get surprised when they realize there are several binary options types available for them to trade. Understanding each of the most popular types can help you create a better trading plan.

Here are some of the most popular binary options types:

High/low – also known as put/call or up/down options, are the most common and popular binary options type. They are the simplest type to trade as you only have to decide on the price movement in the expiry time offered. Turbo options – known also as 60 seconds trading. They can be traded in shorter expiry times as well, but 60 seconds is most frequent one. One touch – binary options where predicted price can be reached at any point until the expiration time runs out in order to be profitable. For example, if the trader places one touch trade with an expiry time of 1 hour, and the price is reached in the 59th minute, the trade is profitable. No touch options are the opposite. Boundary binary options – where trader predicts that the price will move between determined levels in a certain time frame. Ladders – when trader predicts several levels of price movement in a certain time frame. Long term – trading with longer expiry times. Pairs – trading assets in pairs that are correlated. Traders are basically predicting the relative performance of, for example, two stocks.

As competition is very harsh among binary options brokers it is not surprising that many brokers create and offer additional binary options types to make trading even more interesting and dynamic. This means that traders have a great selection of trades, especially considering that often they are the ones who combine assets, expiry times and binary options types.

Binary Options Expiry Times – Important Elements in Trading.

The expiry time is an important element of all binary options types. To simplify it, we could say that it is a duration of the trade. After the trader makes a prediction about the price movement of the underlying asset, there is a certain timeframe in which the change has to occur. Depending on the price in the moment expiry, the trader will either win or lose the trade.

One of the main reasons expiry times are so important in binary options trading is that they often determine, or at least influence, binary trading strategy.

How to select a Good Binary Broker?

Binary options trading is impossible without a binary options broker. With so many brokers around it is only logical for beginners to get lost or at least slightly confused. New brokers pop up every day, but wise traders take their time to make a good and reasonable decision when selecting their broker.

Even though there is no universally great broker that will satisfy every trader, there are still some characteristics that distinguish good brokers from bad brokers.

Always read terms and conditions before making a deposit. Yes, we are bombarded by T&C documents all over the place, but if you want to trade binary options make sure to read it. This is a document that defines relationship, rights, and obligations of both you and the broker. Don’t neglect it.

Look for a broker who has all necessary licenses and regulated status. Don’t’ just trust their word, make sure to check the information they provide you. Binary options trading contains risk, but be sure that the risk is even higher when trading with unregulated brokers who can add bonuses and change their T&C as they like, leaving you in a vulnerable position.

Imagine a platform that freezes every time you have to place a trade, or that is so complicated you don’t even know where to start. Binary options trading should take place on technically reliable platforms that operate flawlessly. Look for a platform that provides a good overview and has multiple tools you can use while implementing binary options strategies to your daily trading.

Good brokers also offer reliable mobile apps that can be used anytime and anyplace, and that have been created with modern traders in mind. All they need to do is log in and they can trade wherever and whenever they like!

All traders, but especially beginners should focus on finding a broker with a good demo account. Advanced traders can use such account to improve their strategies and test them before using them on a real account, and beginners can discover the world of binary options trading to the fullest. This means that they get an opportunity to trade with virtual money first, which will help them understand the entire binary trading process.

Why is free binary trading demo important?

Of course, trading with virtual money means that all profit, but also all risk is virtual. However, it is still the best educational tool a binary broker can provide to its users. Of course, not all demo accounts are the same, so we highly recommend to traders to look for free demo accounts where they can test the binary broker before making a deposit.

Some brokers provide traders with a demo account only after they make a deposit, but if they look carefully they can find binary options demo accounts that are completely free. Such accounts are offered by NADEX (for US binary trading) and IQ option. By allowing you to sign up for their demo as a stand-alone account without having to get a regular trading account, these brokers allow you to get a fully functioning high-quality demo without having to risk any money.

The free trading demo allows traders to test platform risk-free, which can be of crucial importance. If the demo has an unlimited expiration date, it also gives the trader the opportunity to come back whenever he needs and test his trading in a virtual environment based on real facts.


Binaryoptionsstrategy can be your guide to binary options trading. We can provide you articles for every step of the way, from finding the binary broker to finding out more about binary options strategy and binary signals trading.

With these articles at your disposal, everything else is up to you. If you put in the time and follow the tips we offer, you will be able to enter the binary options world. This is the blueprint, but you are the one who executes it. Also, keep in mind that you are the one in control of your trades, and that no one should trade instead of you, on your expense. Trade mindfully, with regulated brokers, reliable binary trading software and with good binary signals providers to reduce all the risk involved.

Enjoy our site, and have a great time learning and becoming a better trader – and if you are just getting started; welcome to the wonderful world of binary options.

Disclaimer: This website is independent of binary brokers featured on it. Before trading with any of the brokers, potential clients should ensure they understand the risks and verify that the broker is licensed.

The website does not provide investment services or personal recommendations to clients to trade binary options. Information on BinaryOptionsStrategy should not be seen as a recommendation to trade binary options or a be considered as investment advice. BinaryOptionsStrategy is not licensed nor authorized to provide advice on investing and related matters. The potential client should not engage in any investment directly or indirectly in financial instruments unless (s)he knows and fully understands the risks involved for each of the financial instruments promoted in the website.

In case the potential client does not understand the risks involved, he/she should seek advice or consultation from an independent advisor. If the potential client still does not understand the risks involved in trading in any financial instruments, he/she should not trade at all. Potential clients without sufficient knowledge should seek individual advice from an authorized source. In accordance with FTC guidelines, BinaryOptionsStrategy has financial relationships with some of the products and services mention on this website, and BinaryOptionsStrategy may be compensated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them. Binary options trading entails significant risks and there is a chance that potential clients lose all of their invested money.

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Estratégia de opções binárias de 1 minuto (“60 segundos”): 14 de 18 vitórias.

Na segunda-feira, eu saí da minha rotina normal de negociação de vencimentos de 15 minutos do gráfico de 5 minutos em favor de opções binárias de “60 segundos”. Por um lado, eu simplesmente senti como quebrar as coisas um pouco para o meu próprio prazer. E dois, eu sei que muitos traders estão nessa alternativa de ritmo acelerado, uma vez que agora são oferecidos por muitos corretores no exterior. Portanto, introduzir alguns negócios de 60 segundos em meu blog pode servir para dar alguns conselhos sobre como eu abordaria isso.

Corretores com 60 segundas opções.

Normalmente, não negocio opções de 1 minuto em primeiro lugar porque o pagamento é relativamente fraco (70%). Além disso, é mais difícil ser tão preciso com esses negócios como os de 15 minutos, devido ao nível inerente de ruído no gráfico de 1 minuto, na minha opinião.

Em outras palavras, ao negociar opções de 60 segundos do gráfico de 1 minuto, você está lidando com uma quantidade muito pequena de dados de preços encapsulados em cada castical, e um minuto de ação de preço é relativamente irrelevante no grande esquema de coisas. Dito isso, acredito que é totalmente possível tomar decisões comerciais corretas sobre o que pode acontecer com o movimento dos preços no minuto seguinte.

Estratégia básica de 60 segundos.

Minha estratégia básica para opções de 60 segundos é a seguinte:

1. Encontre níveis de suporte e resistência no mercado onde os ganhos de curto prazo podem ser tidos. Pontos de pivô e níveis de retração de Fibonacci podem ser particularmente úteis, assim como em outros períodos de tempo, enquanto são negociados instrumentos de longo prazo.

2. Tome as configurações de negociação no primeiro toque do nível. Quando você está negociando instrumentos que têm um alto nível de ruído inerente ao eventual resultado de negociação (como opções de "60 segundos"), acredito que ter um volume maior de negociações pode realmente ser vantajoso para você.

Para aqueles que não estão familiarizados com o modo como normalmente negocio os vencimentos de 15 minutos do gráfico de 5 minutos, eu normalmente procuro por uma rejeição inicial de um nível de preços que eu já tenha marcado antes do tempo. Se ele rejeitar o nível, isso ajudará a validar ainda mais a robustez do nível de preços e eu procurarei entrar no toque subsequente. Esperativamente, isso leva a um menor volume de negociações tomadas em troca de configurações de maior precisão.

60 segundos negócios levam a um maior volume de comércio.

Mas como o ruído inerente em cada negociação de 60 segundos é tão grande para começar, acredito que negociar em volume mais alto pode realmente funcionar para o benefício de um na medida em que ajuda a nivelar as flutuações de precisão que surgem ao negociar com tão pouco tempo. instrumentos a termo.

Para fornecer uma analogia com o beisebol, um rebatedor que normalmente mantém uma média de rebatidas de 300 (ou seja, ele ganha na base com um acerto em três de cada dez tacos) pode passar por um trecho de dez jogos onde ele apenas morcegos .100. Por outro lado, nesse mesmo período, ele pode atingir 0,450. Mas ao longo de uma temporada de 100 + jogos, é esperado que, com bastantes bastões, seu verdadeiro nível de habilidade em relação à rebatida seja revelado com precisão. É um tipo de conceito de "regressão à média".

Dessa forma, se você estiver negociando opções de 60 segundos e fazendo apenas 1-2 negociações em uma sessão de 4 horas (ou seja, sendo super conservador), é provável que você esteja indo para espere muito tempo antes que o seu nível de habilidade real nesta forma de negociação seja revelado à sua atenção.

Você pode até não ter uma abordagem estratégica efetiva para opções de 1 minuto, e seria lamentável se você passasse mais de um mês trocando este instrumento antes de começar a perceber que esse é o caso uma vez sua curva de lucro (ou ITM). percentagem) começa a tomar a forma apropriada. Dito isto, não superou as negociações, levando set-ups que não estão lá. Isso é muito pior do que escolher negociar.

3. Não negocie cegamente todos os toques de apoio e resistência. Continue a considerar a ação do preço (por exemplo, tipos e formações de velas), a direção da tendência, o momento e as coisas dessa natureza que acompanham a exposição pessoal a como os mercados de seu interesse se comportam e promovem sua educação comercial para melhorar continuamente.

Mas sem mais delongas, mostrarei a você todos os meus negócios de 60 segundos de segunda-feira e como eu coloquei todos os itens acima em prática. Para evitar confusão, descreverei brevemente cada troca de acordo com o número atribuído a ela nas capturas de tela abaixo.

Histórico de Negociação Usando Expiração de 1 Minuto.

# 1: 1.32817 foi a alta da manhã e formou uma área de resistência. No primeiro re-toque de 1.32817 eu levei uma opção de colocar na vela 1:54. Este comércio ganhou.

# 2: Similar ao primeiro comércio eu levei uma opção de venda no re-toque de 1.32817. Este comércio também ganhou.

# 3: uma terceira opção de venda em 1.32817. Este comércio perdeu, como o preço foi acima do meu nível e formou uma nova alta diária.

# 4: Price formou uma nova baixa em 1.32715, recuou para 1.32761, antes de voltar para baixo. Eu tomei uma opção de compra no re-toque de 1.32715 e este comércio ganhou.

# 5: Basicamente o mesmo comércio do anterior. O preço estava muito bem em 1.32715, então eu peguei uma opção de compra subsequente e ganhei essa negociação.

Na vela de 2:26, ​​o preço voltou a subir para o nível de resistência de 1,32761. Em um movimento normal, eu levaria uma opção de venda lá, mas o momento era forte na vela 2:26 (quase seis pips), então eu evitei o comércio.

# 6: Várias opções de venda quase configuradas no nível 1.32761, mas nenhuma se materializou no nível. Então, minha próxima negociação foi outra opção de compra perto de onde eu tinha tomado opções de compra durante os meus dois comércios anteriores. No entanto, desde 1.32715 tinha sido ligeiramente violado antes, decidi, em vez disso, tomar uma opção de chamada em 1.32710 em vez disso. Eu senti que essa era uma medida mais segura, já que apenas meia-pip pode ser crucial para determinar se um negócio de 60 segundos é ganho ou perdido. Este comércio ganhou.

# 7: Coloque a opção de volta no nível de resistência 1.32761. Este comércio ganhou.

# 8: opção de compra para baixo em 1.32710 (onde # 6 foi tirado). Este comércio ganhou. No entanto, no minuto em que essa negociação expirou in-the-money, o mercado quebrou abaixo de 1.32710 e formou uma nova baixa em 1.32655.

# 9: Este comércio foi uma opção de venda em 1.32710, usando o conceito de que o suporte antigo pode se transformar em nova resistência. No entanto, esse comércio não venceu, pois o preço continuou a subir de volta à sua faixa de negociação anterior.

# 10: Eu decidi tomar uma opção de venda ao toque de 1.32817, que foi o nível em que eu tomei meus primeiros ofícios do dia. Este comércio pode parecer um pouco intrigante, a princípio, dado um novo recorde para o dia ter sido estabelecido e esse ímpeto foi para cima. Mas, simplesmente observando a vela, parecia que o preço estava propenso a cair um pouco. Ele também estava indo para uma área de resistência recente, então quando chegou a 1,3287, eu tomei a opção de venda e o negócio deu certo.

# 11: outra opção de venda em 1.32817. Este comércio ganhou.

# 12: Para este comércio, a alta do dia inicialmente feita na vela de 2:13 entrou em jogo - 1.32839. Eu pretendia tomar uma opção de venda neste nível na vela 3:22, mas o preço passou rapidamente e fechou. E então, talvez por 10-15 segundos, o meu feed de preço foi atrasado e no momento em que a conexão foi recuperada foi mais de um pip acima da minha entrada pretendida. Então, estou feliz por ter perdido esse negócio, pois é um que teria perdido.

Eu acabei usando o nível 1.32839 em uma opção de compra, embora a resistência anterior possa se transformar em um novo suporte. Este comércio ganhou.

# 13: 1.32892 era atualmente o mais alto do dia e havia formado um nível de resistência recente. Eu levei uma opção de venda ao toque do nível. Este comércio ganhou.

# 14: Similar ao # 12, eu usei 1.32839 como suporte mais uma vez, e produziu um trade vencedor.

# 15: Mais uma vez, eu usei a atual alta diária de 1.32892 como um nível de resistência para tirar uma opção de venda. Mas o preço acabou e esse comércio perdeu.

# 16: Mais de quinze minutos passaram antes que eu pudesse fazer outra operação comercial. Desta vez, usei 1.32892 como um nível de suporte (resistência antiga se transformando em novo suporte) para obter uma opção de chamada. Este comércio foi provavelmente o meu jogo favorito do dia e foi ajudado pelo fato de que a tendência estava alta. Acabou sendo um vencedor.

# 17: Para as opções de put neste momento, eu estava de olho em 1.32983 (a nova alta do dia), mas o preço consolidou duas vezes no nível 1.32971, formando uma linha de resistência. Então eu decidi tomar uma opção de venda com o toque de 1.32971 na vela 4:28. Este negócio acabou por ser um bom vencedor de quatro pip.

# 18: Minha negociação final do dia foi uma opção de compra em 1.32839, onde eu fiz os mesmos set-ups para # 12 e # 14. Este foi outro bom vencedor de quatro pipas.

Depois disso, eu estava esperando o preço subir e ver se o 1.32892 atuaria como resistência, mas nunca tocou. Além disso, eu estava me sentindo um pouco cansado por este ponto e decidi desistir do dia.

Conclusões sobre esta estratégia.

No geral, eu fiz muito bem para o meu primeiro dia de negociação de opções de 60 segundos, indo 14/18 ITM. Mas, em geral, tenho fé em minha estratégia para prever a direção futura do mercado com um nível razoável de precisão e minha capacidade de aplicá-la a qualquer mercado ou período de tempo. Eu também gostava de brincar com as opções de 1 minuto, já que era uma nova experiência, e eu definitivamente consideraria adicionar mais dias de opção de 60 segundos no meu regime no futuro.

Onde eu negocio?

Saques rápidos e pagamento decente% s me deixam feliz lá.

Binary Options ‘3’ Strategy That Works + Video.

While we go haywire finding a reliable trading system, we tend to miss out on the obvious. Three indicators strategy ensures high potential profits as it produces exact entry signals confirmed by 3 indicators. Moreover, it can be used with all sorts of currency pairs. This strategy that works is based on three most popular indicators; Relative Strength Index, Simple Moving Average and Full Stochastic Oscillator. You can think of trading binary options on much higher level when you’ve integrated these indicators.

Download the strategy, that works.

Download indicators and templates: eDisk and Uloz. To.

Watch the video below to see how the strategy works.

However, there is no denial of the fact that every trader comes across a situation in which one indicator that is used by almost all the traders, sometimes show inaccurate signals. So, using additional indicators will help in filtering out the false signals. Read on to learn about the three different indicators that just work mentioned above.

Relative Strength Index.

The so called ‘RSI’ focuses on the price direction, unlike the ones that mostly look at the overbought or oversold price. In this binary options trading strategy the RSI level 50 decides whether the trend is bearish or bullish. If the RSI is more than 50, then a rise in the price is expected.

However, call option buying will occur if the RSI value is more than 50, but lesser than 70. On the contrary, buying put options is suggested if the RSI value falls somewhere between 30 and 50.

Stochastic Indicator Signals.

Not only is it very well known for oscillation, but also for its technical analysis capabilities. The direction of the oscillator coincides with the price movement direction. You need to find stochastic between 20 and 80 as this will let you know about the present overbought or oversold asset.

Personally I like to filter signals in two ways with this indicator:

either: Stochastic crosses 80 (for put) or 20 (for call) line or: Stochastic is pointing upwards (for call) or downward (for put)

Moving Average.

Different strategies developed at the intersection of Moving Average with so many different periods shows the right moment during which the market has taken an unambiguous direction, whereas the traders have decided to either purchase or sell an asset.

There’s a ton of strategies including Moving averages . Por exemplo:

Combining all these will result in a great strategy!

Here you can see how all the indicators work in real time Trade on stochastic reversal with RSI on the right side.

Video: Testing the strategy, that works.

In the video below, you can see a few testing trades with this strategy. Let me know in the comments if you like it!

Corretor recomendado para esta estratégia.

1min chart and 2min expiry its work.

what timeframe and what time of expiration i must to use ?

is it 5min chart and 10min expiration ?

1min chart and 2min expiration.

Can I just confirm the setting on the moving average please. I also assume it is 5 min chart and 15 min expiry??

If what on the video, it look like M10 expired.

Cause if wait for the first candle closed we have to count for next 3 candles.

He’s doing it on 30m chart 🤔

Thanks for your message ProfitUnist!! 🙂 🙂

Please add the MA and other indicators settings ASAP.

Unfortunately, I dont have time for that.. 🙁

The strategy is ok, but i dont understand it can i have 1-1 training on the strategy pls.

Unfortunately, we don’t have for that. Maybe somebody here will contact you.

Which timeframe should be used for 5 minute expiries, 1M?

60 Seconds binary options strategy 99 – 100% Winning (100% profit guaranteed )

which 60 second strategy?

I want to try this strategy as it looks very accurate. Will update with any results.

Hi Martin, so how is it going with the “working strategy”? 😉

I tested this strategy based on the following conditions:

Cross SMA(14) and candle close above / below the SMA.

STOCH(5,3,3) up / down.

with EUR/USD 5mins data (London session) in April 2017.

The accuracy is around 55%.

Thanks for this. Is there any way to use CCI and volume indicators with this? These have helped me to filter with other strategies.

What moving average is used here, please?

Hey bro, it’s 14 period 😉

Has anyone tried this strategy?

Yes its Nice but You need to be carefzl In low volatility markets.

that means it’s good in high volatility markets?

Binary Options Trading in the UK.

Everything you need to trade binary options successfully.

Research. Find a broker. Trade.

For UK investors, trading with binary options is a tax free form of investment with very quick results – minutes rather than months or years. The word binary is used because there are just two possible outcomes – either the trade is successful, and the investor gains a significant return (usually between 75% to 95%) – or the trade is unsuccessful, and the full investment amount is lost.

So ‘binaries’ (or ‘digital options’) are a high risk form of investment, but that risk is offset by the potential for very high rewards with minimal waiting time. Most brokers are regulated, offering consumers the sort of protection they would expect while using financial instruments of this type. Returns from binary trading are also currently viewed as tax free by HMRC.

Top Brokers in the UK 2017.

O que são opções binárias?

Binary options are a derivative, traded on any asset or market. For example a stock price (Twitter, AstraZeneca etc), indices (FTSE, DAX, Nikkei), commodity value (gold, crude oil) or foreign exchange rate (EUR/USD, GBP/USD). Even cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum can be traded.

The main difference between more traditional stockbroker trades, and binaries, is the clear identification of risk and reward before the trade is made. An investor knows exactly how much is at risk, and crucially, also knows the exact value of any potential returns. No calculator, formula, or maths degree is needed to work out profit and loss on a binary option.

This structure of the trades is what has led to the terminology of “ all or nothing ” , or “ cash or nothing ” being widely used.

The only decision for a trader is if the value of the underlying asset will rise or fall. The degree of the price change is not important. The trader is purely speculating on whether the price will be higher or lower than the current price, at a specific time in the future.

Short term price movement can be triggered by news stories or headlines, quarterly statistics, buyout rumours or even global security fears.

Trading binary options offers a Yes/No proposition. Although there are variations on the High/Low option, this type of investment will always have a black and white, Yes/No, binary outcome. Where trades can be closed, redeemed or sold mid-trade, payouts have absolute figures of 0 and 100 and prices move between as the market dictates – until closure.

Tempos de Expiração.

Every binary option is offered with an expiry time. This is the point at which the trade will end. So the price at expiry is the one that will decide whether an option has won or lost (“in the money”, or “out of the money” in binary jargon). These expiry times can vary from just 30 seconds or 1 minute, (known as ‘turbos’), to a full day (‘end of day’), to even longer in some circumstances – rolling up to a full year.

Generally however, a binary option is used for short term trading – usually under 30 minutes. Longer term expiries – and the element of fixed risk – does make them useful tools for hedging or diversifying other holdings.

Payouts change dependant on the asset and the expiry time. Differences can be significant so traders looking to use binary options long term, need to shop around to find the best payout for the asset class (or classes) they intend to trade.

Video Tutorial – Binary Trading Explained.

Watch this video tutorial of the IQ Options platform, which shows how to place a binary trade:

Legitimate Investment.

Although binary trading is in a period of growth, it remains a relatively unknown product. Over time, this is likely to change. As digital options (as they are also known) offer a very simple fiscal arrangement. They are a legitimate way to play the financial markets.

Binaries offer a clear trading choice, but they are also high risk / high reward. There is however, no leveraged exposure with a binary trade, so the risk and reward ratio is also simple to manage.

Are Binary Options Safe?

Binary options suffer from a poor reputation. This is basically a result of dishonest and irresponsible marketing and cyber crime, more than an issue with the product itself. With tighter regulation, and a better understanding by the wider public, these options can – and will – move into the financial mainstream. Which was where they originally developed.

While FCA regulated agents and businesses may still have their flaws and faults, they are not fraudsters. The angry emails we receive focus entirely on unregulated brokers promising “easy money”, or a route to “get rich quick”. Read our section on avoiding scam brokers below.

Advantages Of Binary Trading.

Many of the advantages of using binaries are related or linked. Here we list some of the benefits to using this form of investment – not just for the retail investor, but also to the market makers or brokers:

Risk management.

Managing risk when trading binary options is clear cut. The amount of the trade is the full amount that is at risk. This clarifies the risk not only for the trader, but for the broker too. Their pricing model reflects the accurate knowledge of their liability.

Trading Fees And Spreads.

The certainty of risk provides a solid foundation for brokers to work within and manage. This leads to low trading feed, tighter spreads and higher payouts. To protect themselves further, they may use a liquidity provider or hedge their own positions. The expensive broker costs of clearing houses becomes unnecessary.

Leverage, or gearing, is not generally available with binary trading. This benefits the broker again, as it means all trades must be funded in full. In other words, no trader can default on a trade. With leverage, if things go wrong, there is a real risk of the broker not being paid. This is a big difference vs spot forex or spread betting.

Trader Choice.

Layers of complexity can be added to the standard fixed payout option. From a ladder option, to boundary trades or more advanced ‘nesting’ of options to create ‘strangles’ etc – binaries can be used in a huge variety of ways.

A binary trade offers the greatest level of flexibility. They even provide a mechanism to speculate on a market remaining flat, arbitrage, or to take a view on the trade volume of the underlying asset.

Robots and Auto Trading.

Auto trading robots (‘bots’) often rely on signals and algorithms triggered by price graphs. Again, these robots attract many of the undesirable operators, and the automatic nature of the trades increasing risk further. New traders should be especially careful. A large amount of ‘due diligence’ is required when trying to find the right robot service.

An alternative approach is for traders to build their own robots using their own entry points. A growing number of brokers now offer traders the ability to put their own trading robot or program together, using simple tools. These hacks allow combinations of technical analysis settings, such as moving averages, Bollinger bands or RSI / MFI patterns, that then open trades when those criteria are met. It has made binary options ‘pro’ robots available to everyone.

Top Robots.

Binary trading itself is ‘legit’, and not a scam. There are however, brokers and signal providers that are untrustworthy and operate scams or frauds.

It is important not to write off the concept of binary trading, purely based on dishonest brokers. These fraudsters continue to drag down the image of this form of trading. Regulators, and rule makers are slowly starting to get to grips with these operations and the industry is being cleaned up. If you want to complain about an operator to our watchdog, please let us know via our Contact Us page.

Avoid scams with these simple checks.

“Make money online” or “Get rich quick” marketing . This is a huge red flag. Binary options are a high risk / high reward investment vehicle – they are not a get rich quick scheme and should not be sold as such. A “no loss” system does not exist. Operators making such claims are being dishonest. A binary options millionaire is almost certainly fake. The Brit Method is one high profile example – swerve it. Cold Calls . Reputable brokers will rarely make cold calls – they do not need to. Cold calls are from untrustworthy brokers. This could include email contact. Bonus Terms and Conditions . If taking a bonus, read the terms and conditions. Some terms include tying in any initial deposit or capital until turnover requirements are met. The deposit is still the trader’s money – honest brokers will not lay claim to it before any trading has been done. The better brokers will also offer the option of cancelling a bonus if it does not suit the trader. CySec, the leading regulator, has recently banned the use of deposit match bonuses as they believe it leads to clients ‘over-trading’. Account Managers . Be very wary of any account manager, tipster or ‘guru’ wishing to trade on behalf of clients. There is an obvious conflict of interest – they have jobs with the broker. These managed accounts generally encourage traders to trade with figures way beyond their means. This “upselling” is very harmful. The intensely risky Martingale system is a frequent tactic, and results in many quickly blown balances. Celebrity Endorsement . Sporting legends or team sponsorship is usually fine – and verifiable. Where this backing should worry rookie investors, is where the name of a mega rich billionaire or credible source is ‘pushed’ as a selling point. Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and Martin Lewis have all been presented as backing certain propositions when they actually have zero involvement – other than to sue the perpetrators for damages via a lawsuit. A trader must know their broker . Seems obvious – but some operators ‘funnel’ clients to a brokers of their choosing, not yours. If the merchant demands new clients sign up with a particular broker, or they pick the broker from a limited list – do not proceed. A trader should know the broker they are going to trade with!

Being aware of the above methods should help those new to binary trading to avoid the less responsible brands. Improved regulation and more awareness should hopefully reduce these types of complaints. This in turn can allow binaries to move forward.

Already fallen victim? The services of MyChargeBack might be of help.

Estratégia de negociação.

Our strategy pages covers over 20 known systems, drawn from a range of forum and club chats, plus expert tips and advice. From high risk Martingale, to intricate systems like the Rainbow. We also cover more specialist subjects, like forex , technical analysis, the best price action indicators, trading signals and winning strategy. All this is aimed to help you gain an edge, and win.

Signals are an alert, sent to traders. They are designed as a trading tool, helping traders to spot opportunities. They can be communicated via a range of methods – email, SMS or from a live signal website or group. Much of the irresponsible marketing associated with binary scams is linked to signals – or auto trading robots utilising them. There are some very good providers out there too. However, in general, learning how to trade binaries is a safer route than using signals to compensate for a lack of trading knowledge.

Do signals work?

Sometimes, but rarely in isolation. Some providers deliver a combination of education alongside signals and that represents a good mix. Traders must be able to fully assess a signal before they can judge the quality of them. We also highlight some of the best providers on the signals page.

Brokers And Reviews.

A binary option can be used in a number of ways, and across a huge array of commodities and markets. This means finding the best dealer, best account, or best trading platform, really depends on the needs of the individual investor.

For example, some brokers may focus on forex (foreign exchange) and trading the Japanese Yen, Euro or sterling. Others may be strong on commodities and only offer a handful of FX markets. Likewise, the returns (or payouts) may differ between asset classes, and with these varying by as much as 25%, it is easy to see the importance of making the right selection.

Métodos de Pagamento.

White label platform providers such as SpotOption, Tradologic or TechFinancials also dictate what products the host site can offer, so a proprietary broker with a bespoke design might be preferable. Payment methods merit some thought – if traders want to use Skrill, Paypal, Neteller or Wire transfer, they need to check the broker delivers that.

Trading Apps.

Mobile trading apps delivered by brokers or binary agents can vary in quality too. Some specifically program for the features of specific models, like iPad or iPhone. Others ensure cross platform compatibility, catering for android, blackberry and windows tablets and devices. Some traders may have tailored demands for any hand held app, others less so.

Trade size limits may point some investors either to, or away from, certain trading accounts. Some brokers offer minimum trades of just £1, while others cater for investors willing to invest £200,000 in a single trade. So every investor needs to consider their own trading style before deciding to open an account. Even working out the ‘cheapest’ broker is not as easy as it sounds.

How To Compare The Best Trading Platforms.

Our comparison table delivers a quick summary of the key points when comparing brokers. Our detailed reviews then allow potential new users to assess some of the finer points that might confirm their decision. Here is a list of some of the vital comparison points for brokers;

Payouts Over the counter or exchange traded options Minimum deposit (Plus deposit and withdrawal methods) Minimum trade / Maximum trade Trading platform News events feeds Asset lists (Extended lists might include ETFs, bonds and trusts) Charts / Charting tools (Graph types, forecasting tools) Expiry times available Regulation (FCA, CySec, CFTC etc) Range of options available (Boundary, Ladder, High Yield etc) Welcome Bonuses Complaints / Customer feedback Account Types and Benefits (VIP, Basic, Platinum) Plugins and Integration. (E. g. MT4 / MetaTrader4 / MetaTrader 5) Promo perks, Competitions, Leaderboards or Contest Prizes.

Some points might be more important to certain traders than others. So finding the “best” will be an individual choice for each new client. A speculator taking a position on the monetary policy of the Bank of England or ECB might be best served by one broker, while the person looking to bet on growth in the Apple, Facebook or Vodafone share price might want another.

Demo Accounts.

Most top brokers offer demo trading accounts. These allow new clients to try the services on offer. They can see if the range of markets and investment scales suit them and only proceed to a funded account when they are happy that the right trading account has been found.

Those brokers that do provide practise or virtual balances, have confidence in their trading platform. They are prepared to let new traders see it, and try it out, risk free. The review for each broker will include whether it offers a demo in the “Key Details” section.

Top 3 Demo Accounts.

Trial Website And Apps.

The majority of these demonstration accounts will work on both the website, and also the mobile app. Both systems can be checked before making a deposit. The very best demo accounts are not time restricted, and allow traders to ‘top up’ the balance if required. This type of account allows the user to not just trial the broker, but also use the demo account to try a new trading strategy, or even back test a strategy based on past financial data. All without risking any of your own cash or wealth.

Our broker reviews are written after genuine trading on each platform, brand, or white label. They include all aspects of each provider – good or bad.

The credibility of the reviews is important to us. So they are checked and updated regularly and feedback we receive forms part of the overall rating. In order for binary trading to move into the financial mainstream, comparison services need to be open, honest and transparent – and that is what we try and deliver in our broker reviews.


Binary brokers are regulated via a number of bodies. CySec regulate the majority of brokers based in Cyprus and Israel. Operators with equipment in the UK will need a license from the UK Gambling Commission (the concept was originally classed as a ‘wager’ on financial markets – a view that is now changing). European regulation however, allows providers to serve British clients. The MiFID II legislation allows this ‘passporting’ of regulatory powers.

In the UK however, a stronger layer of consumer protection is available if a broker is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Some firms also register with the FCA – but this is not the same as regulation. This is an important distinction.

In the US the CFTC have only licensed two brokers to operate there – Nadex and CBOE. In Australia, ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) oversee brokerages. Some firms are also regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, or the Isle of Man GSC.

Benefits Of Using A Regulated Broker.

Regulated brokers offer greater levels of consumer confidence than unregulated firms. They are obliged to retain trader funds in separate accounts, and not in company accounts. They must provide a dispute process for customers, and treat clients equitably and fairly. In addition, regulated firms can only market in a responsible way, and in regions where trading is permitted. Responsible brokers welcome regulation as a way to increase levels of consumer trust.

Copy Trading.

Copy trading is a growing sector of investing. It allows users to copy the trades of others. Those copying decide how much to invest, and whether to copy some or all of the trades that a particular trader or tipster opens.

The traders being copied also benefit, as the broker will often reward these clients through commission, or increased income revenue and profits based on the trade volume they generate. EToro are official pioneers of this form of investment.

Copy trading (or ‘social trading’) is a useful function for those people without the time or knowledge to trade themselves. When copying however, time and effort spent finding the right traders to follow will pay dividends. Social trading is similar, but is more geared towards social media style info sharing.

A brief history: The concept of a binary, or ‘digital’, option has existed for many years. They were initially only available to large scale investors – institutions, wealthy individuals and funds. The options were provided ‘over the counter’. In 2008 however, the US Securities and Exchange Commission allowed these fixed return options to be traded over an exchange.

This allowed the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the American Stock Exchange to offer binary trading on certain underlying assets. Initially, the range of assets was limited, as were the choice of options. Nadex also began offering exchange traded options (matching buyers and sellers) in the US as the market developed.

Demand For Digital Trades Grows.

As popularity and commerce grew however, the traded assets moved beyond Forex and equities and the option types expanded as well. Rapid developments in software, and the globalisation of trading, led to a boom in these ‘digital’ options – and the expansion trend continues.

The barriers to entry for potential market makers or brokers are much lower in the binary sector. This, coupled with the boom in internet trading over a similar period, has left regulation lagging behind the industry.

The growth of binaries however, is unlikely to slow. The simplicity, coupled with the clarity of risk, allows almost anyone to take a view on a particular asset but manage their risk much more easily than versus contracts for difference or stocks purchases.

In order to learn binary options, traders have a wealth of learning opportunities and courses. Each trader is different, results will alter from different methods of learning. Some may prefer a pdf file or spreadsheet on the subject, while others will learn most from diving in and getting some hands on experience. Here are a selection on learning methods:

Learn Binary Trading Via Tutorials.

Brokers are keen to give traders the confidence to start trading – and many offer some or all of the above for potential new clients to learn about binary options, generally for free. Some tools are only made available once a trader has registered – this is purely so the broker has some contact details for things like trading seminars or web based demonstrations.

Seminars and Demonstrations.

A great way to learn binary options is via an online demonstration or seminar. Some brokers offer weekly seminars, some in a range of languages. These offer ‘walk through’ style demonstrations which can be really useful.

Other firms will offer one on one training, but generally require a deposit beforehand. This training will follow a basic “How to” format, but can then move quickly on to more advanced subjects as required.

Some traders benefit from downloading an eBook tutorial, and learning about binary options at their own pace. In their Education centres, brokers often deliver a great ‘manual’ for traders looking to learn the basics. One note of caution, is that each broker will focus on their own trading platform and quotes for some of the explanations and screen shots.

Brokers want new traders to use their services. The good news is that while the look and feel of some trading platforms will differ, the underlying functions are the same – so the knowledge is transferable easily.

Some independent books have been written, including the popular ‘for dummies’ series. We list the best here.

Video tutorials are the most popular learning method. Some brokers do make more effort than others though, and viewers may also be presented with the same video at different brokers – only the voiceover has changed! There are however, some very good suites of videos available, and they are viewable without registering. We have embedded a video from IQ Option which introduces their trading platform and online binary trading. They offer a full range of videos on their site.

Knowledge base & FAQ.

Most brokers will provide an education area or ‘knowledge base’, but the quality varies. Firms constantly update their training portfolio, so there is no clear winner in this category.

Brokers want to encourage trading, so they make it very easy for traders to learn the basics. More advanced information is harder to come by from brokers – but hopefully the strategy and technical analysis pages on this website assist.

Below are some of the questions and topics we are asked about most often regarding binary trading online. Hopefully these short paragraphs can provide an answer – but if not, there are a number of links to more in-depth articles that explain each subject area.

Types Of Binary Trade.

The most common type of binary option is the simple up/down or high/low type. This is the forecast of what direction the price moves in. At the point the option expires, will the price have gone up or down? Also referred to as classic or standard options. A slight variation to the up/down trade is the above/below option. It follows exactly the same principals, but the target price is a preset level, not the current price. All the same logic applies of the price rising or falling based on that value, and where it will be at expiration – but the starting point is somewhere above or below the actual market at that moment. Touch / No Touch is a slightly more complicated scenario. Here, a value or price is set (sometimes by the investor themselves if their broker offers a feature such as ‘Option builder’). If the real world price touches , or goes through that barrier, then the ‘touch’ option would payout. If the price never touches the barrier price, then ‘No Touch’ would payout and any ‘touch’ bets would lose. Also named ‘One touch’ on occasion. In / Out, ‘Range’ or ‘ Boundary’ trades require two barriers to be set. One is higher, and the other lower. The binary option is then whether the price stays ‘in’ (or between) these two boundaries. The ‘out’ option would be triggered, and therefore payout, if the price finishes outside of either or the barriers set. Ladder Options . These operate in the same way as an ‘above/below’ option, but the payouts vary based on how far away the target price is from the current value. There are a range of levels, and different payouts for each. These are the “rungs” of the ladder. Payouts on ladder options can be as high as 1000% if the price movement required is large enough. Pairs are a trade type where two related assets are matched against each other (e. g. Gold and Silver) and traders take a view on which asset rises or falls most.

Put Options And Call Options.

Put and Call options are simply the terms given to buying or selling an option. If a trader believes an asset will go up in value, they open a call. If they expect the value to fall, they place a put trade.

Some binary trading brokers change their trading buttons every couple of seconds, from Call and Put, to Down and Up to avoid confusion. Others dispense with the terms put and call entirely, using arrows instead. Icons are always clear so mistakes are not made.

How To Place A Binary Trade.

Steps to open a binary trade;

Identify the underlying asset to trade e. g. the price of gold, the Facebook share price or the GBP/USD exchange rate Set the expiry time (The time the option ends), and d ecide on the size of the trade or investment Decide if the value is going to rise or fall (Call or Put)

How Much Can Be Won?

Generally, binary options pay out within a range of 75% to 95%. This percentage is made clear before the trade is made. Other than being higher or lower than the starting price, the closing price does not affect the magnitude of the payout .

As binary trading becomes more sophisticated, the amount that can be won is evolving too. Some brokers now offer trades that do depend on the size of any price movement. There are also trade types (covered below) where payouts can reach 400%, 500% or even 1000%.

Are Binary Options Gambling?

It depends entirely on the attitude of the trader. If a trader applies no strategy or research, then any investment is likely to be reliant on good fortune, and the odds are against them. On the other hand, a trader making a well thought out trade can ensure they have done all they can to avoid relying on luck.

Are Binary Options Halal?

Interest, or “riba” is forbidden under Shariah law. Binary options, even those considered longer term, do not incur overnight charges, or rollover fees. Many brokers have developed Islamic trading accounts which adhere to Muslim guidance (offering immediate execution of trades, and charging no interest). But traders need to tread carefully before deciding if trading binary options is legal, halal or haram. The answer may not be clear. A trader might use binaries with no planning, or strategy – effectively betting or using them to gamble. This would be banned for most Muslims. For this reason, we cannot state categorically whether trading binaries are halal or haram. It will be down to the individual.

Binary Option Trading Guides:

Select a broker Find the asset to trade Set the expiry time Set the size of the trade Click Buy or Sell Check and confirm the trade.

The binary trade has been placed!

Who Are Binaryoptions. co. uk?

At binaryoptions. co. uk, we provide a full suite of services and information to anyone looking to get involved in binary options trading . From educational material and tutorials, to advanced strategy, tax implications and broker comparison.

Binary options offer a form of market speculation. Providing a method of making money from price movement in the majority of major asset classes. It is a growing area of trading in the UK, and that is one of the reasons why we are aiming to provide the definitive guide to binary trading in the UK. Get in touch here.


24Option Review.

Founded back in 2009, 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd, a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) license number 207/13. The company’s registered office is located in Limassol, Cyprus CY-4103 at 39 Kolonakiou Street, FREMA PLAZA, First Floor, Ayios Athanasios. On top of the CySEC license, 24Option (Rodeler Ltd) is also registered with the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 04/12/2013 and Rodeler BaFin in Germany.

Outside the European Economic Area, the services of 24Option (24option) are offered by Richfield Capital Limited, a company that belongs to the same group as Rodeler Limited and is regulated by The International Financial Services Commission Of Belize (number IFSC/60/440/TS/15-16).

Is 24Option a Scam?

24Option is NOT a scam. 24Option was regulated back in 2013 by the Cyprus Securities and Investments Commission (CySEC). That means that the company takes measures to safeguard clients’ fundos. This 24Option review will re-assure you that 24Option is not only a trusted broker but also a broker that definitely doesn’t suck!

Editor’s Note - Why 24Option DOESN’T Suck in 50 Words?

Some brokers are just a Scam, some just Suck. 24Option is a member of the exclusive list of brokers considered to be highly respected and truly inspiring. Thanks to CySEC regulation we can revoke any suspicion of a scam by 24Option and an attractive easy-to-use trading platform with an excellent customer service makes 24Option a user-friendly prime and trusted broker. After so many years in the industry, we can safely say they proved their worth and had become a regulated partner for traders and investors all over the world.

Update 2018: 24Option now offers a proprietary platform called Scipio (read more below) and have introduced the new Contracts for Difference (CFD) trading. These are great new changes and 2 extra reasons why 24Option Doesn’t Suck. TechFinancials is a great platform, but we like to see brokers take total control of their business.

Why does 24Option Suck in 50 Words?

The first issue that comes to mind is bad news for US customers; 24Option no longer serve US clients due to Regulation in the EU. Funny how good news to EU consumers is less good for US customers. Other than that, what sucks are the fees. The one I dislike the most is the dormant account fee. If you are inactive for more than two months, they begin to charge you 80€/month (or in equivalent currency) and 120€ after 3 months and more after that. This means that you really need to be ready to trade before you decide to deposit.

Should I Open an Account with 24Option?

Since their launch, 24Option’s innovative, fully web-based platform kept on growing slowly but smartly, providing investors with the proper and simplest tools needed to trade options: great user-interface, the trading process is easy to understand, and the live candlestick/line/Ohlc charts are available by clicking on the underlying asset. These great features and a vast number of assets of 24Option made this company one of the best brokers out there for trading Cryptocurrencies, FX and CFD’s. 24Option has improved since they were founded, the platform has been re-designed, the number of underlying assets has increased and stayed up to date seems to be their ambition.

The new platform is called Scipio but don’t worry if you prefer to use MetaTrader 4 because this feature is available too! This way, you get access to all the indicators and tools, whether standard or your own custom indicators and templates.

24Option is an official partner of Juventus Football Club, and this adds to their credibility and high profile. Yea, 24Option is a top shelf well-respected broker, but additional confirmation never hurts so if you’re a soccer fan and love trading, you’re in for a treat.

Their excellent customer service makes 24Option a warmer home to Options traders, not to mention the regulation, which is a great feature on its own. To start trading, clients must deposit the minimum amount of 100$, and the maximum amount varies through the different account types.

Trading CFDs with 24Option.

Recently we see a new trend emerging: CFD trading. 24option successfully leads the way in CFDs, offering a well-organized and professional web platform, tailor-made for this way of trading. The central principle behind CFD trading is similar to Binary Options (you still have to be right about direction), but a notable difference is that once you’ve decided on a direction and an investment amount, you can keep your trade open as long as you want or close it whenever you choose to.

Staying true to their position as a market leading broker, 24Option is first to introduce Meta Trader 4 (MT4) as a platform for trading FX and CFDs. Of course, if you consider MT4 too complicated, you still have the option to trade on the Scipio web platform but who would pass on the opportunity to use tens of technical indicators and one of the most advanced charting packages for free.

24Option Broker Complaints.

Binaryoptionsthatsuck research for you! We’re looking for broker’s complaints all over the web, checking them out and bringing the results to our readers. What we did is simple – we searched on Google for 24option complaints or 24options fraud, scams, Etc. You can try it also. It’s unbelievable, but we couldn’t find even one real complaint about 24option.

Here’s what we found: First and foremost, there’s an active discussion concerning 24Option in the comments section, Complaint, and Reviews Center and Forum. Every complaint we receive is being checked and monitored by the team and I. overall; I feel most negative feedback’s addressing issues in withdrawal are not bona fide. It’s a typical reaction comes from either angry or frustrated traders, but doesn’t reflect the truth. The company resolves most honest complaints, so I think it’s fair to say I don’t see major issues here.

As of late, we’ve seen users complain that French and Japanese customers are not accepted anymore. This is due to regulation in those respective countries, and it’s a positive thing that 24Option chooses to respect the legislation (we’ve seen brokers that continue to offer their services without proper authorization, and this only taints their name).

24Option Regulatory Announcements and Warnings.

29/07/2016: French regulator Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF) banned 24Option from operating in France. The authority stated that “In this case, it appeared that the Rodeler Limited provider did not comply, in France, with some of its obligations of providing correct information, as well as acting fairly and honestly, in the best interest of its customers, to the detriment of investors residing or established in France”. See warning – AMF;

24Option Bonus.

Rodeler LTD has always been a company that took regulation seriously and tried to comply with all the rules imposed by its regulator, CySEC. Staying true to that way of doing things and following CySEC’s disapproval of trading Bonuses, clearly expressed through Circular C168 (30/11/2016) and Circular C194 (16/03/2017), the Management of Rodeler LTD has decided to terminate the offering of Bonuses and other trading benefits completely.

24Option Withdrawal.

Most sites will tell you how to deposit. At binaryoptionsthatsuck we are not worried about that because that’s always easy; here we care about possibly the most important part of trading – Withdrawing your profits. Brokers don’t usually cause problems when you want to deposit money, but some options brokers will cause problems when you want to withdraw.

At 24Option there is no maximum limit on the amount that you can withdraw (some brokers do limit!) and the minimum is 10 USD (very low). The company proceeds with the withdrawals requests without any undue delay. VIP-accounts don’t pay any fees for withdrawals which is amazing! Just remember that you need to send proper documents due to the regulation before you request your money to be transferred to your account.

24Option Extras.

Some traders are looking for the extras in each broker, here at BOTS we try to think different. This section is about what’s different in 24Option, what makes 24Option different then other brokers.

The Extra’s that we liked the most in 24options are the:

5 hour videos – Education is important! 24 options is brining you videos that every beginner will love! Free webinars, trade with a pro! Highest Limits (withdrawal) – Very important factor that some traders are not aware of, at 24options you will find the highest limits. Longevity and trust. This is now one of the biggest brokers in the world but also one of the oldest and most trusted. Free signal package available on the trading platform. New Addition: CFD trading! New Addition: Meta Trader 4! New Addition: Bitcoin and Altcoins trading!

Trading Bitcoin With 24Option.

This brokerage has been at the top of the industry almost from the very beginning and they’ve managed to do that by constantly improving, going with the prevailing trend and listening to their clients. Now the clients have spoken again: they want to trade Bitcoin. This is the new trend and 24Option is happy to oblige by offering not only Bitcoin but also a ton of other crypto currencies (also known as Altcoins).

Since recently, you can trade Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic and more on 24Options’ CFD platform. These crypto currencies can be traded against the US Dollar but also against the Pound and Euro, with reasonable spreads and fast execution times. Leverage is also available, just make sure you understand it because Bitcoin is a volatile asset, meaning it has the potential to have a high reward but also a high risk.

24Option Ratings.

24Option now offers their proprietary platform, Scipio, completely web-based and incredibly intuitive. Users can quickly switch between Cryptocurrency trading, FX/CFD trading and from our tests we’ve noticed a substantial increase in speed of opening and closing trades. Overall it’s an improvement that adds more functionality and value. 24Option website appearance was and remains by far the best I’ve seen and is available in no less than 12 different languages including English, German, Spanish, Arabic and much more. You can also use MetaTrader 4 to trade which is one of the most popular trading platforms.

NRange Of Markets, Spreads And Leverage 18/20.

Total of 131 underlying assets: 61 stocks, 34 currency pairs, 11 commodities, 25 indices. 24Option variety of underlying assets is vast. The leverage for Bitcoin trading on CFD’s is 1:5 and the spread is floating for the cryptocurrency trading in general. For Stocks, the leverage is 1:10 and 1:13 for commodities and indices. For Forex trading, the leverage can go as high as 1:50 but depending on your knowledge you may be able to ask for an increase to 1:100. The spreads vary from asset to asset but also depending on time of the day and are higher for exotic pairs.

Their CFD offering is formed of 132 stocks, 42 currency pairs, 13 commodities and 18 indices, which is a huge basket that I am sure will satisfy even the most “fussy” trader.

24Option don’t charge any commissions from investors. 24Option support is available via 21 international numbers - in English, French, Italian and Spanish and more or via email. The live chat service was rapid and polite.

There are different fees that are applied for different reasons. First one is the monthly maintenance fee of 10 Euros unless you are at least a Silver account holder or above. Second fee is the dormant account fee which is charged for inactivity of over a period of 2 months. This fee increases the longer you are inactive and can reach up to 200 Euros per month. Withdrawal fees for C. C are 3.5% and between 0.9-3.5 for Ewallets. Wire transfer costs 30USD or the equivalent amount in other currencies. Another fee of 50 Euros is applied if you decide to withdraw after not placing more than 1 trade.

Deposits and Withdrawals 18/20.

24Option Minimum deposit is average – 250$/250€/£250. Deposit is available via C. C., Wire transfer, Cash-U, MoneyBookers and much more. Withdrawals are available via the same methods, with a minimum of 100$ for wire withdrawals. The minimum withdrawal amount is otherwise 10USD.

The 24option innovative platform features some new extras and now also includes inside platform signals. The signals vary in strength and suggest the direction that the underlying asset is likely to take but expiry time is up to the trader to decide.

24Option Overall Rating: 89 + Regulation Factor (+3) = 92/100.

*Trading Options and/or CFDs involves significant risk of loss. CFDs are leveraged and thus losses may exceed invested amount.

Ei! thanks very much for the info. i actually startes trading before i saw this blog, gotte agree with every word.

My ciosun suggested this website and she was completely right preserve up the superb show good results!

I was so lucky. I found the best website for me After a long investigation. Thanks you binaryoptionsthatsuck.

Really a very good broker …Impressive & most important , they are honest!

Has anyone withdrew from 24Option and if so how much?

There platform is great and customer service extraordinary but how about withdrawal.


hey guys you are doing a good job….i mean to say beginners in trading like me are highly influenced through your blog which is fantastic…i love this blog because it shows us a right direction of trading and not a scam way. thank you very much guys i am impressed very much with this blog!!

I’ve been dealing with 24 options for the las 4 months. I could say I had a good experience with them. my initial deposit was 2500$ after not touching my money for three weeks, I withdrew $1300 from it, it took like a week but because It was the first withdraw. excellent. besides I have an account manager who gives me tips on managing my account, and tips on how to enhance my acc. very happy 10/10. recommended. good luck.

So blessed I found your site (through Google). Was thinking of going with Global Option since it has been recommended by someone advertising the binary option system. Now I’m considering 24option. Again, thank you for your service.

Thanks, i nearly got involved with another nameless company that i would have probably lost my shirt with. Looking forward to reporting my good news.

ok just wanted to make sure all these comments are legit, so I thought i’d comment myself just to make sure the comment box really works :P.

Sounds too good to be good. Have to try it although heard some bad stuff also about them.

Thank you for a great report,

will be joining 24Option shortly. Will be reporting back.

Kewl you should come up with that. Excellnet!

Obrigado pela informação. I have been trying to figure out which broker to go with. Thanks for the help!

Glad I came up on this site while doing my research to find a reputable Binary Options broker. You guys are do great work!!

I will sign up with 24Option, I only hope that as a US citizen, I will be able to trade currencies. Some Binary Options brokers won’t allow US Citizens to trade currencies.

Hi guys, has anyone made profit and withdrawn from this company. This is the MOST important thing for me, after reading reveiws and some shocking feedback on you tube, choosing the right broker is the key. Gret website :)

Same here. Would be interested to hear from serious traders. Has anyone has been successful withdrawing funds after few months of trading at 24options? Any genuine success stories would be good to hear. All I’ve come across so far is not all that reassuring. Lots and lots of marketing info but no success stories so far. Need some certainty that I can trust this broker. They’ve only been in business 2 years. How can I be certain they will be around in another 2 years if I choose to trade on their platform? That’s the real concern.

Bravo to both 24option and this site owner. Although a brokers past performance is not a guarantee to its future performance but the answer = lets give a try to 24option.

I too want to thank this Site ! I spent about a month looking at everything, finally settled on 24Options . They are by far the best ! Live training on weds. now. Training on Sundays for first timers who have no idea what they are looking at . And the best looking platform, very easy to follow along . You will have a mentor who will send you files to learn from as well as the many learning tools already on site . They have about 7 Americans working in Support also . Yes, you can trade Currency. And so you know I don’t work for them, I lost my $250 , but I can’t wait to do it again . There IS a learning curve. Another trick, Win and get out . You start thinking you know what you’re doing . Spent time watching also. Find out where something has been can tell you where it might go . Markets tend to have a Action, then a RE action, then a correction. Spotting when one is about to happen is key. I’d be happy to take a referral bonus too.

Great site very informative for us novices, most of the bad publicity posted against 24Option is started by “the scam artists” in an attempt to “confuse & catch” a would be “newbie” waiting to sign up with a trading platform, thankfully this site exists to point us in the right direction;Do your homework, paper trade, again & again & again, find YOUR stratergy with a half descent return & don’t gamble;Thanks again for such agreat site guys;Would be nice to have a “tools” section to download things like “option Bot” or charts but I guess these can be googled anyway!

Good luck traders!

I opened up an account and they were very aggressive in having me deposit the $250. Once I did they sent me links to webinars and such and it was all good. They said their customer service is here to help me 24/7. I started doing some trading and then decided to do some 60-second trading and I was doing well. However, there were a total of three instances where the timing was not exactly sixty seconds. One went from 7-4-0, second, went from 4-1-0, third went from 6-3-0. A fourth ended on the even line and the screen froze on that line, so I should have gotten the money back, but when it completed, it showed one-one-thousand of one point below. Unreal! So, I complained and heard no return from them. One week went by and still nothing. I emailed Annie and Lori and both did not reply. They are my account managers? OK! So, I called and a Steve answered and said Annie was out to lunch and he would leave her a message and I also asked for voicemail and did not get anything. One more week went by and Lori replied back that my emails were going into her ‘Junk’ email and did not see them. I find this difficult to believe. She said she would find out the issue and get back to me in 24 hours. It’s been another week and no responses. 24option is a fantastic looking and functioning platform, but when you lose money they don’t wish to respond. I think they are a scam at this point because I refuse to continue to trade if they don’t look into a serious issue such as this. Do not trust them! I report back if they handle this, but it doesn’t look like they will.

Update on 24option. The company finally contacted me back on this issue of the options traded for 60 seconds and I’ll cut down to the chase. They offered a bonus as a refund so not to exchange money which was correct to do and they offered their apology and I accepted. Things happens and I was promised it won’t happen again. So, we’ll give it a go again and I am happy to report that so far, I am satisfied now with their support and their system. I did state that almost 3 weeks was too long to allow ANY REQUEST to go untouched because it damages good faith. I think we can now attempt to manage this and move on. They have my support. Great job 24option.

Update on my situation…my withdrawal was processed and i received my funds. However regarding the system freezing and causing me to lose trades by a pip or 2 when it’s clearly in the money hasnt been addressed, all they can come back with is that “but you have also won some trades by a pip or 2”

Today i had the same trouble, i had a $50 trade on the USD/JPY it was definitely in the money by 2 PIPS and they ended it with a tie, which at least they gave me my money back….now i am finding a few seconds BEFORE the expiry, i am AUTOMATICALLY logged out of my account when i place a trade – this however doesnt happen when there are no trades placed. I have emailed my account manager and waiting on a return email but with everything happening i think they are a scam more than ever and am thinking of withdrawing completely from them and let them be as they are the biggest scam you can have. Watch out people….

perfect website for new trader and can use Liberty Reserve, so nice for me.

I gonna try these sites you recommended. Obrigado.

The review above mine is the first I choose to believe. All the rest are broken English filler reviews that make this sound great. Thanks for sharing that information Tekbroker as I am on the fence trying to decide who to start trading with.

great job you guys do. I believe 24options in ranking 1 st.

prakash u still winning ?? no problem with withdrawl??


Great page, I did a withdrawl 2 weeks ago of 400 € and I received in 4 days.

I am new in this, but i am learning.

I have been doing a lot of research because obviously no one wants to be scammed. After going thru all websites to confirm what I read here, I believe its a good time to give 24option a try. I will start this week and will be a pleasure to let you know all details. Its worth to mention that I already opended an account and Mr. Roberto Echeverry contacted me already, so lets see… by the way, thanks to the owner of this site to help us out with all this info.

IB fees are great. IB charts and trdnaig features are clumsy and pretty much suck. On my monitors their candles often overlap and you can’t even adjust candle with, or spacing. Ninja is a great compliment to IB. I lost some good money due to the clumsiness of the IB TWS platform. With Ninja, it never happens.

I deposited $20,000 into a Platinum Account at 24Options. The Platinum Account allows you to make 4% more than a regular account. After I profited close to $300 I withdrew my monies with no difficulties. They wired it back into my account. I’m happy with 24Options on all levels.

The site looks really nice but the inability of the representative on the Live Chat to answer anything I asked, as well as taking a very long time to input their responses gives me reason enough to avoid this broker. If this is how they treat potential clients, I’m scared to be a real client of theirs.

Hmm I like 24option it was very simple and any one can easily understands the trades but when it comes to touch/ no touch option I found something fishy because initially you were seeing one value when you decide to investing on any button the target value is changing by 10points. You may thought price may changed but actually it doesn’t change… They were changing the target value so guys please have a look carefully while trading with touch/ no touch option.

thanks guys for your good information.

Hello to all. I’ve been trading for over a year with 24option. I think thay are improving a lot. I put $200, then $1300 extra to get to be advised by a special trader. After a few wins I withdrew everything ok, leaving $700 profit money on the account. Last august I jumped to reach the 89% pay out putting another 10000. Since then I’m trading at $1000/trade. Got to tak out my deposit before christmas, no problem and since then $18000 with n difficulty. The only issue with 24option is the “price has changed” pop up window which is a real annoyance if you are following a strict strategy. I loose between 4 and 6 WINS per week and it SUCKS. If only they could be on Spotoption platform instead of Techfinancial, it would be a dream! Anywy they are trustful and very helpful when anything goes wrong (a few freezes arrive alright)

Withdrawal was not as easy as they claim. I was refused withdrawal because they claimed they did not have enough proof of my identity. I provided them with passport, driver’s ID, cell phone bill, bank statement, photo copy of debit card with blacked out number except last 4 digits. They claim this was not good enough and wanted more info. Then later claimed that they coudn’t read the info and wanted to re-send the info. This went on and on for weeks, then one day all funds where gone and they claimed I losted it in 60 sec trading which I never used.

Yesterday 18Mar2013 they sent me an e-mail for their promotion of 75% Bonus upon deposit. I clicked the link on my e-mail that they sent and it redirected me to their platform. After I logged-in, a pop up message appears where it says “Your 75% bonus is waiting…click OK to claim”

So I deposited $250 and expecting that the 75% bonus will be added…and guess what? It didn’t.

I immediately initiated a chat with their agent..and said to me that my account manager will call me….so the account manager called me up..and explained that in able to claim the bonus, I have to deposit at least minimum of 500…GGRRRRRR…but that term 500 is NOT mentioned at all in their e-mail promotion.

I’m afraid that the $500 min deposit IS mentioned. I also trade with 24Option and received the same email…several actually….and the $500 min is noted in the small print at the bottom; it’s smaller print than the rest of the email but it IS there.

Some many reviews and i still can’t make up my mind if it’s a scam or not. I have very profitable 60 sec system but can’t find a legit broker that wouldn’t give any slippage or other fishy stuff.

If you have a profitable 60 sec system, I’d love to hear about it! :o)))

Also, could you explain what you mean about slippage? I trade with this broker and like them. Like every broker, when you click “Buy” there is a 2 sec period where you can cancel the trade, then the trade is confirmed. I don’t know any broker that doesn’t have this, if this is what you mean. If not, would love to hear from you.

maybe your 60sec system is not so great after all, if you can’t deal with slippage.

24optin is a scam, FRAUD don´t work with them, if you want to be scamed go for it, it´s your money and let´s see if bynariotionsthatsuck put my comment, if not, is because they are from the same scam, another´s forum´s it´s going to knew about it.

How is this broker a scam? I use them and they seem just fine. If you know for sure how they are being inappropriate or fradulent, I’d really want to know, and so would many other people, so please share.

I hope you’re able to see my comment and avoid any investment losses. If you’ve been a profitable trader in your investment career (especially a legitimate and “quite” experienced trader), chances are sooner or later (likely after you traded with them for several months) 24option will declare your account “fraudulent” and close it without any notice using “management-level decisions”, excuses like “your credit card is fraudulent” (but you just successfully booked your air ticket, hotels or did some online shopping with it) or “The IDs you provided cannot be verified” (yet your ID is a government issued document with a valid date and signature which you just provided to the airline for the successful ticket booking). I guess that’s how 24option became the “largest” BO broker, by placing a false charge on its customer and conficating customers’ invested sum which is real hard-earned legit credit! Also seems 24option has hired a guy here (Andy Mueller) to defend its fame but I doubt how he will be able to reply to more and more victims scammed by 24option here, sooner or later… :-)

I prefer hourly options to 60s but still it’s better to look for a truly regulated broker (which 24option “claims” to be) that’s not Cyprus-based (huge cash withdrawal problems for quite some time now…).

Good lord….I write my comments because I believe them, I ask my questions because I want the answers. I am not “hired” by anyone. There is so much BS out there that it makes me nuts. Over and over and over I read comments from people claiming SCAM that are obviously just them not READING an entire agreement or email. All the info you could ever want is in the Terms of the contract but how many people actually READ it. Few, then they complain about being treated poorly; just maddening.

I trade with 24Option so if someone calls them scammers, I want to know why; is the claim valid? Should I find another broker? Should this broker be reported to a regulatory body? If someone can actually support a SCAM claim with real evidence (not just vague comments), I WANT TO KNOW so I can get my money out of there. But that is very nearly never the case; just meaningless comments and accusations.

I say this in all sincerity, with no malice intended: some people just aren’t bright enough to trade Forex or Binary Options and the sooner they realize this, the sooner they can move on to a venture that DOES suit them.

You are making a whole lot of sense. People should learn to know which business suits them before taking a leap…Also, I will advice traders quit their fantasy lands. 85% Return on Investment is good for an entire year but you see traders wanting to make that in just 60 seconds. The sixty second stuff is a bait designed for greedy option traders just as scalping is designed for greedy forex traders who are always eager to mop up the whole dollars into their account within few weeks. No greedy man can survive in the market.

Good. I think i can trust you. I’been monitoring 24option so far the are positive comments from the clients. I have skipped many brokers mostly due to the withdrawal issue and it really upset me. I will follow you.

Dear Andy Mueller,

Who knows you’re not “hired” by 24option? Any “real evidence (not just vague comments)” to prove you’re not “hired” or affiliated to 24option (in the same sense you demand people scammed by 24option to provide real evidence (not just vague comments))? How appropriate do you think it is to provide actual credit card number here on this platform to prove one was indeed scammed?

My experience with 24option is they hate experienced traders who have through years developed a deep understanding of the market trend and consequently will win consistently. Maybe they can tolerate a good number of sporadic lucky winnings and will allow the related withdrawals but once they sense you’re an old hand (consistently having no more than 2 losses out of 10 trades) then your account will be closed using whatever reason possible (In my case they accused me of using “fraudulent credit card” with which I was able to do some Amazon shopping just before they closed my account! The closure was sudden and the decision was from “management-level”…). I quite sympathize with the experience from what freeman says (February 26, 2013 at 3:31 pm) on page 9.

However, if you’re newbie who are still in the “excitement” stage, dreaming of the rosy financial success in front of you and eager to get rich fast and nevertheless can withstand to lose several hundred bucks, they would be more than glad to assign you a “warm-hearted” account manager to “help you get started”. (My account manager is called Mark Taylor, who to this date still fails to respond to my inquiry as to what evidence they had to label my credit card “fraudulent”).

If someone questions any claim I make, I am more than happy to provide whatever facts and evidence they would like to substantiate those claims. The truth is, I very rarely CLAIM anything; I ASK questions. If you choose to take offence to being asked to back up your claims, then you shouldn’t post them. I take no such offence; as I said, I am HAPPY to substantiate anything I say. So…

1. Am I hired or affiliated with 24Option? No. How do I prove that I’m NOT something? That’s kind of hard, it’s easier to prove that I AM something, but let me try anyway. I was trading iOption until poor customer service and record keeping made me leave them; that adventure is chronicled on this site, have a look at iOption comments. Would a 24Option affiliate go through that? No, makes no sense at all. Also, I’ve posted comments and questions on various topics here, over the months, on this site, that the adminstrators can verify. Those comments and questions clearly show that I am affiliated with no one. Have a look about, and you’ll see my name pop up all over the place, NEVER ONCE mentioning 24Option.

2. If 24Option routinely scam experienced people like you claim, how are they still in business? How do they get one of the highest “Trusted Brokers” ratings on this and many other sites? Why are there next to NO valid complaints on the net about this broker? Why are there no other “experienced” traders saying the same thing? The answers are obvious.

3.My background is in Forex and I am an experienced, successful trader. But that doesn’t mean I am not open to new things, new methods, new trading methodolgies, etc. And that includes Binary Options. I am fairly new to BOs but NOT to dealing with brokers. I have had no issues with this broker and that is also reflected in the overwhelming number of positive comments right here in this thread, from people all around the world.

What I do see, Oscar, in the few negative comments there are (including freeman’s), is consistent: the writer obviously has not thoroughly read the Terms and Conditions and/or their complaint doesn’t tell the whole story and they choose to leave out some crucial detail.

I’ve asked you to substantiate your serious claims, but you can’t, so I will file your comments as “Not Useful”. You’ve continued to not tell the whole story and frankly, I no longer care. I will carry on doing business with this broker, happily, and will stop posting arguements here as it seems to serve no purpose.

My 24option account was closed suddenly on Mar 19, 2013 without prior notice, by a completely false charge of “using fraudulent credit card”. Interestingly, I was planning of withdrawing for the first time either on 19th or 20th…

I talked to the live agent of Anyoption and think they’re pretty good. I haven’t contacted Stockpair but possibly Stockpair is also good since there is almost zero negative feedback on them on this forum…

I have an account with 24option. They said me that, different by many other brokers, they make real orders in the real market with my money when I buy an option so, when I win they take an earning of 15-30%, when I loose, they don’ loose anything. This mean that the have not interest in making me loose.

Do you think this is real?

I discovered binary just a week ago. I m in the exciting but hard task of starting and choosing a broker. I’d have gone with traderush but now am considering 24option. Thanks BOTS. also, wanted to check authenticity.

I will love to be apart of your compoany but ya’ll don’t really give me much to work with, And what i mean by thuat it show no number or address to the company. so if you would please sent me information where ya’ll location.

I also belived for quite a while that 24option is a great broker. Till I made money. At the moment all my trades get inflated by 3 pips into the trading direction. This isn’t illegal. But proofs that the complete binary option business is a scam. I am back to forex.

Who else experience price inflation against you by 24options ? I for one did and many other traders who had won money .

Best broker for 60 sec trade,

only one with 15+ trading options after 8 pm GMT(other only 4) and only with 70% return on every option.

Am really happy about this your work of consolidating traders who are lost in utter fear of investing in fraudulent brokers.

i tried many platforms (BDB, traderush etc) and 24options was much better than the other ones.

a little bit annoying that they ask to send documents right after the deposit but i understand that it is for my financial protection.

even though i have experience they paired me up with a market analyst that actually showed me like 8 strategies and showed me how to make money out of it.

withdrawal takes more or less like a week and they never caused meany trouble with the withdrawal.

i have been withdrawing from them between 1000-2000$ each month for the last 4 months.

I like to know how you make money with 24 option.

I have account there and i can’t seem to win at all what is your secret to wining? I really like to hear back from you….

i have done alittle bit of trading with 24options and my expience has always been good (90% of the time).

i must amit i lost what i made and my deposit but after doinf some research i should start seeing %of winnings, hopfuly.

anyway i like them and they are very helpful, i wish i had done my research before losing but its not much anyway.

I made money. And all my trades get inflated by 3 pips,5 pips and next day 10 pips!! into the trading direction. I called them and they fixed it. But after one week all my trades get inflated by 5 pips again!

I am platinum member.

Who else experience this?

great to know that u r making all that money $$$ with 24option do u have a SPECIFIC strategy ??

how do u make it happen ?? if possible please share with me and help me please.

I can only say I am impressed with 24Options.

Although I am a small trader I still get weekly call from account manager and the regular e-training webinars are fantastic.

Signed up for a free account ages ago, was meant to deposit $50 to get that candlegraph trend thingy as promised, and was going to deposit the $200 in to start. Glad about the free demo account by the way.:)But time and life’s hassles made me forget to deposit and am getting calls from 1 broker? from a country code +35 everyday even though I told him it was the wrong time when he first called. And we agreed to do the deal – I’d deposit the money a month later and start…

But he seems to ring EVERY night, so I don’t answer it or miss his call…Is he pushing too hard;as he’s desperate for a commission some how?

Makes me feel it’s a scam and is putting me off of 24options…As a newbie/beginner to it.

What do you all think!?

Dear Hama, I see you’re coming from the US. How is it possible for you to deposit into 24option if they don’t accept US clients for such long time now? The fish stinks from the head.

Plot twist: the broker called him many times but he didn’t pick up the phone. ..All they want to ask is which country he is living in. ..

24option i think has the best flatform u just scroll and all is their in short trade the best so far..and u need suggestion i can help 2.

I’m looking at investing in Options and came across this site. I’m a bit confused about receiving Bonus before withdrawal. In the example in that section, does that mean that if you invested $1000 and received a bonus of say $250, you need to wager the whole investment+bonus to 20 times (=$25000) or just the bonus amount to 20 times (=$5000) in order to withdraw.

Thank you for your reply.

24 option platform is suck. You hardly get the price you see after you press the button. The platform also cheat to give you a losing price when the market is moving fast. Not good for short term and high volatiled time.

Thanks for your review about 24option. I’m from Democratic Republic of Congo and I have made my first deposit of 250 USD with them and I have an account Manager who is taking care of me step by step. I feel being in the right place and in the right time to start my financial trading binary option venture with 24option just from my residence country.

Very reliable in terms of payments . I have withdrawn numerous times and each time my money has been sent very quickly. Your money is 1000%secure!

This is my true story after been with 24option for the past 1.5years. In binary options, most of them lost money and very few will succeed. 24option is a good broker when you are losing, however they are even good too if you make money somewhere close to triple your over all investment. You will get your money back for sure. But the problem with them is when you keep on winning, they start playing games..I am getting spread of 2-3 pips on all my trades. Remember I am saying complaint not because Iam losing…I am happy that I trippled my deposit and received the funds correctly to my bank account. However dont dream of making it big. because they stop you by raising the spreads.

Remember I am just a standard account type holder..I have great strategy where I can win 90% of the trades. Now my account manager is saying that I need to upgrade to gold account type by depositing 5000USD and then I will not have spread issue. IS THIS HOW YOU TELL TO A CLIENT. BUT IAM SURE THAT EVEN WHEN YOU BECOME GOLD OR PLATINUM Account holder, you will get this spread issue. If once they noticed you that you will make it big even with small amount because of the strategies, they will catch you.

beware of this. All the good reviews about 24option is genuine but I am warning only in case you try to make it big. they will cheat you.

Syed..would you be willing to share your strategy. thanks.

Syed thanks a lot my regards to you I wanted to start trading i had chosen bdb to trade and by chance saw this page and read the revues of of traders was shocked to read the truth and then when i 24options and read your revue was a bit satisfied because syed will not give false information brother seriously i want to trade because all the bussiness in Kuwait have come to halt people dont pay thay take months to pay back brother is this broker safe to trade i want to start with basic amount and learn to trade kindly let me know .

Spoke to one of there live chat employees this evening 1 month ago they admitted fault based on account freezing and price difference and refunded my $8500 however once finished speaking to compliance who sorted this out for me traded the $8500 got to $11,300 in 2 days and when I went to withdraw my funds was bombarded with calls stating I should leave the funds in as it would damage the managers stats they are very pesausive I did not want to do this was forced and with my mental state believed him (manager) when he said it will be OK well it was not spreads on my platform like wildfire platform freezing and lost the lot then came calls to deposit again and the rest is history they are now aware that I will be coming to there office on the 15/09/2014 as I want all my funds back over the last month some $25,000+ with all the goings on I have encountered with them I have booked a one way ticket and have informed them I will not be leaving the country until all my funds are returned to me or I am thrown in jail or the media gets a hold of me for my story.

there is a saying where i come from in (white city) England……DON’T BOTHER TROUBLE AND TROUBLE WILL NOT TROUBLE YOU!!

If I believe am right….. I will not quit.

I would like to inform all the the above named company’s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24option/Rodeler.

As off the 11/09/2014.

The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made. The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party’s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements.

I and the company 24option/Rodeler wish to settle this issue between ourselves.

I can CONFIRM as of 11/09/2014 my complaint against 24option/Rodeler limited has been (RECTIFIED)I therefore withdraw all allegations I have placed here in regards to the company. Am sorry EVERYONE but cant say anything more than this.

I would like to inform all the the above named company’s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24option/Rodeler.

As off the 11/09/2014.

The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made. The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party’s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements.

I and the company 24option/Rodeler wish to settle this issue between ourselves.

So many individuals out there wanting to be a professional trader.

Wanting the life style? The freedom? Looking for the right broker?

winning trades? losing trades?

Dont give up on your dreams Men/Lady’s.

Dont look to jump over 7ft bars, Look around for 1ft bars that you can step over.

Need to stick to trade plan!


It is Important to remember that trading success is defined over a large series of trades, not over one or two.

this means you should not give too much significance to any one trade,

and the way to do this is by never risking more than you are comfortable with losing per trade.

What I mean, is never risk an amount that will stress you out to the extent were you are constantly monitoring your trades.

Remember to take small losses and and you will have losing trades, its part of doing business in Forex and Binary.

WHERE IS THE MARKETS HEADING? If one buys a stock and it goes up congratulations. you were very luck to join them! And when you buy a stock and it immediately goes down - your wrong! We cant beat them whoever the infamous they are, The market has no sympathy the market has no mercy, the market does not know who you are. And when your just lucky to be there on the right side DON’T THINK YOU’RE SMART YOU’RE NOT. Your LUCKY!! And been lucky and joining them can be a very rewarding career. when you can just admit the fact that you was lucky enough to join them on the up lucky enough to join them on the downs and when you are shot and the markets are going up! Or when you are long and the markets going down! & # 8211; YOUR WRONG!! & # 8211; IT HAPPENS !! Your human, Accept it move on, and tomorrows another day.

I traded with 24options for quite a couple of months. I would say that their platform and prices are good. Their customer service is also good.

Everything went well until they realised that I was making quite a lot of profit and had about tripled my account. Then the problems started. They started adding a HUGE spread to every trade I made, such that it became almost impossible to make profit on each trade.

I sent screenshots and videos of the issue to their Support and my account manager. However, as expected, they claimed that everything was fine, and that price was simply moving quickly.

After going back and forth without any success (in addition to losing a few trades), I decided to leave.

So my advice is, you can trade with them. However, if you start to make a lot of profit, start to find alternative brokers.

Hello, I would like to ask, they will begin to profit too much for the industry to disrupt your investment amount invested? That’s when you earn much money, when they would be so?

i was having the same problem with 24 option that when time reched zero i was in the money then the calcute expire it was out of money becuse it was 7 10 second after zero to expire i was very angry i contact live chat he told me to contact the support and give them the trade number i do that and no response until now nothing also 8 out of 10 times they spread my trades i was put the trade at for exampel 1,24567 for put and after i take the treade magicly gose to 1.24575 WTF !! a lot of times this happend but at first no i took a deposit of 250E and i make them 403 in one day after they see that i was winning they start put spreads and i lost all my money also they seem to say to you theese stories that they tol you that they make money when you make money thats not true actualy i know this from my uncel that he is investor on stock and he makes 100kE to 82kE per month with very long expiriance he dont trust forex or comidities only stocks beacuse stocks have news always for exampel sony tommorow will lunch ps4 thats a sure trade at 99.999% of win that sonys stock will go up tomorow beacuse its years on the system that they create anyway my accaount manager he told me every time i will call you tomorow and nothing he never call me only sometimes and he say that we have a sure trade only if you invest 500 E to that trade i didnt hear him anyway everything i lost i dont care they loose i was doing the casino stradegy called martingale and i was profitable before the spreads in 10 and 5 mins when they oversold or overbought and if the green pass the rsi line thats a 80% win that it go down i will search for a good broker if you know someone 100% legit please tell me my uncel say to me start with penny stocks i will help you but i dont want i read that a lot of peapol had turn 5000 to 2 millions in two years and 24 option do this when they see that you win scammers and i dont recomend them.

Hi aggelos, thanks for sharing your experience with 24Options, I was thinking about depositing but now I’m scared about it…for now I prefer to trade BTC and alt coins which is alike to penny stocks. Have you had any experience with another brokers? I was thinking about Stockpair but are they really legit? or do they manipulate the price action aswell? it seems there are no brokers who are really modest?

Hi goncalo … at this im not sure about binary options i think they are all scams first of all they only win when you lose and thats why they dont take a comission legit brokers always take a comission of 4 to 5 euro or dollar to close the trade thay have to keep the one per cent happy so 98% losing for the 1% to be good . im very young to say only 22 but a lot of expirianced peopol i know they say penny stock after a lot of reading i will try bitcoin to see also a penny its on my mind about a greek bank called eurobank they 0.25 cent euro their stock if hear some good new for greece i will go for that the strategy its not wait long when it goes at least 1.25 grab the money and go just make the and only in good conditions that for exampel if they say that the imf will go out of greece then its sure.

I am with 24 Options for 2 years. All is good until I start withdraw my profit. They always give me the withdraw amount, but after I make profit for a while, I have found my account has been putted spread on price when I trade. I found that I can’t never get the price that the platform shows, they always added an extra 7 to 27 pips above or below.

It means there is no way that you can win with your trading. So at the end, I have to close the account. Their manager email me and ring me to deposit and trade, but when I mention the spread on my account, they go quiet about it. There is no explanation.

So if you start withdrawing profit, that is when the fund no longer going back to your credit card, instead of going to your nominated bank account, that is the time you need to watch the price you get on your account. If there is spread on your account, it means you will loose no matter how you trade.

You can found a similar complaint on youtude. Someone actually record the whole trading process when it has been put on spread. I have seen it.

Christine, you are right! I have the same experience. I made many videos of their machinations. You can not make profit with them. Beware of this broker! For example: youtu. be/XJAxFDCmXF0.

It is a great broker and I am happy to tried and be a happy customer, me and I a friend of mine are very happy with this broker.

I was ahead over 7000.00 in 2 weeks trading, then they started manipulating the entry prices. I have video proof and sent proof of the manipulation to my credit card company who investigated the trades and found in my favour and refunded my deposit of 10,000 USD.

24option is a greedy brokerage firm that make it next to impossible to verify your identity and withdraw your deposit. They have no principals, and or ethics. Do not deposit money with them until you are fully verified, or you may regret it.

Thank you for this honest review. I have been trading on a 24option demo account and, in the long term, would like to switch to a life account. However, considering the kinds of reviews I am reading here, I no longer think this is a good idea.

Have you been able to find a different broker that has not been manipulating your spreads?

Also, since I am quite new to BO-trading and eager to learn, would you be willing to discuss your strategy with me, i. e. give me a few pointers as to how you go about deciding on whether to make a trade or not? (peterpan20151515@yahoo) That would be brilliant!

Wishing you a great week,

Hello Peter, i been trading binary options about 2 years, i’been trying some brokers unfortunately i loss some money con scams. I can tell you this site is secure, but on my experience stockpair is better, (faster withdrawals, support) and the best of all no delays or false entry prices etc, but since november 2014 they modify their policy wich it only accepts “in the money” or ” out of the money” there’s no ties :( and they lower your profit % but even with this i could tell you that I consistenstely take profits and no problems by now. Hope my review helps thank you.

Every word about the pip spread is true.

when you click on a trade you see the current price like 1.7829 then when you open a high trade it goes lower it shows that you bought it at 1.7819 or somewhere in that region. Its happens with me everyday that i trade nearly all the time.

Just to make it clear it goes against your bid if you go low it buys at a lower price making it harder to get lower than that price. and if you go high it does the opposite.

im a newbie to all this binery options and live in Mexico . Of all the peeps commenting, how many of you started with 250.u. s. And can honestly say they have made some money? I know it’s not s get rich quick deal, but in reality , I need to know . 250 is not much from the states , but in Mexico I can pay my rent and feed my family for 2 weeks. But with a sick wife I need an extra income resource , please lete know! Obrigado!

Can anyone please teach me your trading strategies, I registered with 24options about a year ago by depositing $250, now am all flushed, I thought it was because I didn’t practice using the demo, but even now am close to flushing it, I don’t have any complains about 24options cause am just a very bad trader, am 20 and I would like to learn trading so that by the time am 25 I would at least make some extra cash and help my mom from it. I would really really appreciate some help, thanks!

Is this Broker have a program in automatic trading system which are used nowadays in making customers investing?

2) I want to make an investment not a kind of gambling or game to win, Is this a provider?

Thank for the informative review, however if you had to choose between Optionfair and Option24 which broker will you give a higher rating, based on all the information you have gathered?.

too many good messages, i cant wait to be the nest success story. see at the top guys.

I just want to say THANK YOU BINARYOPTIONSTHATSUCK, you guys truly are amazing at making us readers and future traders feel at ease! I have signed up with 24options ! and love it fully!!

Thanks alot again guys and GOd Bless.

You mention that these companies are registered by the UK FCA but is it more true to say that under EU law since Cyprus has registered them, the FCA has no choice but to register them. Also the activities that they are registered with the FCA for are NOT the activities the FCA can regulate ie Gambling. The activity that the UK consider binary options are instead of the trading of financial instruments.

Hey, does anyone know if 24option is an on-exchange broker? Meaning I’m not trading against them when I place a trade on their website?

I wonder who reviewed 240ption!

1. There is no Bonus for a deposit of 250€

2. There is no Demo-Account ( maybe for VIP`s only)

3. In first place no acceptance under a 1000€ deposit.

Just if you hesitate and tell them, that you think, that it is a lot of money for getting acquainted with a new broker for maybe a few days.

they let you start with the 250€ deposit.

4. They work with fixed expiry times.

5. Indices don`t cover the whole day. (There are intervals of some hours) There are no short expires for indices.

6. Signals by a computer a pretty unreliable. Result for 4 days: 60% loss – 40% win.

7. Newsletter divided in small and VIP-clients. Suggested trades are described a bit confusing for Newbies and even hard to follow for more experienced traders.

8. Account manager declares, she is working for 600 clients – 20 days a week – lets say 8 hrs a day – and of course most of her time for VIP`s – that leaves about a minute a month working for your interests…

24option is a great broker the best i would say….before open an account read carefully all terms and conditions and especially the bonus terms and conditions…they are 100% legit and honest…i am absolutely satisfied with them…

OK..I did read every word in that page. And Thanks to use a easy language so I can finally understand even if I am green to this…I am definitely at ease.

Will definitely be in…at lease try to get my self a trip to Cancun .

where are 2015 comments….is 24Options still the best to trade with, I want to start, I am new to trading pliz recommend the best broker for me? Who is the best broker & withdraw fast proof help me tx.

I have traded with 24option broker and twice requested my deposit back..quickly they refunded my money..honest broker.

Well let me first say I am not particularly clued up on trading. Yes the dream of striking it rich grabbed me, sure I am not alone. Well the proverbial cat may be out the bag on 24Option as a non legitimate broker. I have not opened an account with them, however if I were 24Option and I wanted to convince people of my authenticity, I surely would not piss of someone who posts information about BO scams. Then again as a competitor of 24Option I would love to create a false email address and post comments saying 24Option is a scam…. Damn Conspiracies. Find yourself someone who has done some trading and knows the ropes. Let them help you!

i’ve written a review about 24option an the following lines are my verdict:

After much scrutiny of 24options, it is safe to say that 24options is a reliable, trustworthy and safe binary broker. The range of features provided by 24options is unmatched and their customer support professionals are more than happy to always assist you with any hardship that you face. The bottom line is that all the traders must give 24option a try for a soothing and convenient trading experience.

24 Option are a very reliable and trustworthy binary option, have tried them and they stand head and shoulders above the rest.

I grew up in the car industry and have been in my car sales for more than 3 decades. I have no idea about forex trading but I have been searching for information and trading for about a year now. After several phone calls from my account manager (calls herself Irum), I deposited several thousands of Euros. As I have been almost promised that if I invest more I can get more education. To make the story short I deposited 15,000 Euro through out the year. I asked many questions about new strategies she tried to imply but she never gave me full answers for my questions. Any way, in my expierence this account manager was only leading me for great loses. Now I lost totally faith in her and really don`t know if I should give my self another try. Does somebody know from where can I get real education?? As I said before I need a beginers guide.

Raymond, I had been a FX trader in a major bank. Your account manager most probably doesn’t have the experience to educate you in FX trading. It takes years to understand and to trade profitably. When you trade FX you are actually making a call on the economic performance of one country versus another country.

You need to know the fundamentals, as well as the technical (charting)not only for FX but for anything that you trade. You must also know what are the fundamentals that others are looking at and has it been discounted. For example with EUR/USD recently the market was fundamentally looking at the stimulus package that European Bank President Mario Draghi was going to announce.

When you have the fundamental reason for putting on a trade, you have to look at the chart for a entry level.

The best way not to lose money is not to make bad trades, the ones that you do not have a strong conviction about it’s direction.

Do 24option have an autopilot playform for complete novices and is ita good platform to use?

Hey friend…24option is one of the best brokers out there…but do never accept and use an autopilot system EVEN from a legit broker…my advice from my experience.

24option looks good, functions well … but …. they have a 5 second computer gap in the trading and the charts. The question is this–what do they do with that 5 second window—which in computer terms is a very very long time.

Simply put they put it to good use, the same as the Big Bankers do that control the data streams for financial instruments. When the computer spots a nice dollar value trade– sitting some-where it can swoop down and pick it up by manipulating the charts. I sat and watched this–in 2014, last quarter—- they do this mostly during high trending markets. It is quite common for Brokers to do this, some call it spiking, swooping would be a better description. On the Forex side of things the company 4X-DAT has quite a write-up on their customers experiences, and how 4X-DAT had to supply a solution because the Brokers were trading against their 4X-DAT trading robots. A lot of their trading is done without any stop losses at all at present— which opens them up to all sorts of opportunities to market manipulators. Which is what this post is about, as it happens in any Trading with a data stream.

I would like to review what I have just gone through with one of your account manager by the name of Eric Smith. I was patiently listening to all stuff he had to say. When we were coming to the end of our conversation, I brought up a problem about a withdrawal problem using Skrill. He asked me if I wanted to close my account as well as I’m looking to withdraw my Money. He said he would not want to work with me if I am looking to withdraw my Money as he will not be making a profit. What good is making Money if withdrawal is an issue. He was very rude. The problem with the Skrill verification has been dragging for weeks and it has not been resolved till now! He just hung up the phone after saying another account manager will contact me! How good is your number 1 rating with such bad service. I will be leaving my review everywhere so that people can judge for themselves. An account managers priority is to ensure that there are no problems with the clients account. Not to be focused on profit and brainwash your clients to put in more money. I have a brain of my own to decide when would be the best time to do that. Totally unsatisfied with the 24option system. Now I will most probably withdraw my money and never come back like I was planning to!

Finally some good reviews on a binary options broker…

I have bad experience also while withdraw with 24 option, they always make many reason, and all decision depend on account manager, if the account manager not satify with my trade, it will not processing, also be carefull with your remain balance, my balance suddently got $0 (zero), while i’m not active for several month, when i ask them, they said that they already try contact me, but not anwer, and then they deduct for their maintenance fee. Be care carefull with 24 option, I have very bad experience.

Hi Ferdy, sorry to hear about your situation. When I read the review about “24option”. I think it is good enough. However, they are also doggy broker. Thanks to let everyone know about that. I hope you can get your money back.

I like 24 Option because of the high trade size limits and the interface and decided to deposit £3,000. I was slightly put off with the low returns in comparision to other brokers though. The sales team/managers once you deposit only want you to trade with them so they earn commission on the volume of your trades and are very pushy trying to force you into depositing more money and taking their advice. I received slow execution times up to 3-4 seconds which I think is unacceptable in my opinion. I then asked to get a demo account to practice… and they told me I need to deposit more to get a demo even though I already deposited £3,000 and lost £3,000… Every broker has advantages and disadvantages but these are just too much unfortunately! 5/10.

Update on 24 option. they rang me and gave me the demo account I requested. I will test it out, hopefully customer service have taken note of my problems. I will update this review later. Let’s keep a open mind lol.

To all those wishing to use 24Option. Be prepared to be met with the worst service of your life. Your Account Manager never contacts you as per request. They take week to resolve the simple task of CALLING you!! They are very eager to open an account for you, and for you to fund it! After that, thr service is absolute shit!! I have never seen such bad service from a so called Industry Leader!!

24 option have held my cash for a while now , l made the withdrawal a month ago. Although people seem to say they are okay . Not true they hold your cash on withdrawal, and make it as difficult as possible to withdraw .

24option just closed all French accounts last week, or accounts made with French ip adress, without any notice to the affected clients. All trades are frozen, money lost? Too bad. Bonus contracts that were agreed on can’t be finished so that money is lost as well. (all bonus amounts i got were from ‘risk free’ trades, which would never have been made knowing bonus can’t be paid back)

No explanation from 24option besides from an account manager stating that they don’t accept French customers anymore.

I am from South Africa and want to trade on your platfrom but through a robot as i work full time and do not have lots of time to spare.

Please can you tell me which robot your’ll are compatible with that is fully automated.

I love the reviews about 24option when i tried the binary options robot it did list 24options broker.

Is it possible to trade on Auto pilot, or do you suggest not to and if so as I am a bit ancient and not always at my desk every moment, is trading with you as easy as it is at Bank de Binary.

I do want one other broker as 24 Options if receiving trades to use fairly easy.

Also I am pleased with your reviews showing your integrity.

Hi im from japan and i would like to join at 24option but they dont accept traders from my country! been searching for trusted broker and i think this one worth of trying. any suggestion please.

24option is indeed one of the best binary options broker out there. Thanks admin for this great review. Btw there is also a guy called Roy that really writes honest reviews on various brokers. He also helps newbies start trading on binary options.

I am Paolo, I keep on searching for the right binary auto trade thanks I found your site. I would like to start my trade to 24option Auto trade.

Thanks look forward to trade with you and God bless!!

I am new this investment.

If I open Account Can I get receive An advice about the start.

Advice any assest?

Learn slowly, and No loose money?

That is very good and fantastic job keep it up, very soon I will start my own business with you thanks.

I have just started so far so good, still learning.

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