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Como defensora dos profissionais de crédito comercial e gestão financeira, a NACM e sua rede de Parceiros têm grande orgulho em ser a principal fonte de aprendizado, conhecimento, rede e informação para os credores comerciais em todo o país.
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Excelerate Private Limited.
Somos uma empresa de consultoria de gestão e RH que oferece suporte para alcançar a excelência mais rapidamente para organizações localizadas em Karachi, Paquistão.
O que nós fazemos.
A Excelerate Private Limited foi constituída em 2010 como uma empresa de consultoria em gestão e RH em associação com a The CLCI Canada.
A empresa está sendo administrada por um grupo de profissionais altamente qualificados e experientes que trazem experiência prática de trabalho em posições de liderança sênior engajadas em responsabilidades de gestão estratégica, recrutamento, desempenho, remuneração, gerenciamento de mudanças, reestruturação organizacional, capacitação, aprendizado. & amp; Desenvolvimento e Motivação dos Empregados.
Nossa visão.
Ser o principal parceiro para alcançar a excelência organizacional através das pessoas.
Nossa missão.
& # 8211; Manter a sustentabilidade das organizações por meio do crescimento lucrativo dos negócios. & # 8211; Melhoria contínua na criação de valor dos serviços de RH. & # 8211; Construa e forneça recursos profissionais de alta qualidade. & # 8211; Facilitar a transformação das organizações por meio de soluções inovadoras. & # 8211; Para melhorar nossa marca ima ge.
Perfil Corporativo.
Criatividade é permitir-se cometer erros. Arte é saber quais manter.
As ideias profissionais e destacadas da nossa equipa apaixonada tornam-nos únicos em todos os sentidos.
Quem somos nós afinal?
Conheça a equipe que construiu o sonho.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
& # 8211; Mestrado em IR & amp; Pol. Ciência / LLB & # 8211; Programa de Gerenciamento de Recursos Humanos da Universidade de Cornell & # 8211; Diretor certificado de Governança Corporativa pelo Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAP)
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Diretor de Operações - Karachi Electric Supply Company & # 8211; SEVP e Chefe de Recursos Humanos - Habib Bank Limited & # 8211; Membro HR - Conselho Federal de Receita, Govt. do Paquistão & # 8211; SEVP Pak Kuwait Investment Company & # 8211; Diretor - American Express Bank e TRS, Paquistão & amp; Ásia-Pacífico & # 8211; Banco Internacional do Golfo do Bahrein & # 8211; Exxon Chemicals Pakistan & # 8211; Ministério das Finanças. Governo do Paquistão SEVP e Chefe de Recursos Humanos & # 8211; Habib Bank Limited.
& # 8211; Capacitação & # 8211; Gerenciamento de Mudanças & # 8211; Perfil do trabalho & # 8211; Competências em desenvolvimento & # 8211; Revisão do processo de negócios.
& # 8211; B. Sc. (Hons) & # 8211; Cursos relacionados à aviação da França & amp; EUA & # 8211; Premiado com o prêmio francês "Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite"
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Gerente Geral - DEFLOG Private Limited & # 8211; Divisão de gabinete (Emergency Relief Cell) & # 8211; Exército do Paquistão - Aviação.
& # 8211; Team Building, Seleção e Treinamento de Pessoal & # 8211; Negociações de Contrato & # 8211; Gestão de Logística & # 8211; Gerenciamento de Projetos e Resolução de Problemas & # 8211; Segurança e Gestão de Crises & # 8211; Instrutor de Aviação & amp; Examinador de instrumento.
Diretor Executivo & amp; Consultor de RH.
Diretor Executivo & amp; Consultor de RH.
& # 8211; Bacharel em Comércio pela Universidade de Karachi & # 8211; Certificações Leadership / Hay - EUA / Cingapura & # 8211; Diploma Bancário do Institute of Bankers no Paquistão & # 8211; Especializada em AML / CFT & amp; O Programa de Treinamento em Conformidade da KYC realizou treinamento de conformidade para a rede de agências do sudeste da Ásia do American Express Bank & amp; Banqueiros Seniores.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; SEVP & amp; Chefe de Grupo - Recursos Humanos - Soneri Bank & # 8211; SEVP & amp; Chief Compliance Officer - Banco Soneri & # 8211; Gerente Geral & amp; Chefe de Grupo & # 8211; Região Sul & # 8211; Banco KASB & # 8211; Chefe de grupo - Compliance & amp; Controle - KASB Bank & # 8211; Diretor de Compliance & amp; Controle - American Express Bank & # 8211; Diretor de Operações - American Express Bank & # 8211; Gerente de Operações do País - ABN Amro Bank & # 8211; Chefe de Marketing do País - ABN Amro BankManager IR & amp; Administração-Refinaria Nacional.
& # 8211; Resolução de disputas industriais e negociação coletiva & # 8211; Gestão de Recursos, Recrutamento e Performance & # 8211; Revisões de Organização e Programador de Redundância & # 8211; Paz industrial e harmonia & # 8211; Negociação de Produtividade, Paz Industrial e Harmonia.
Diretor executivo.
Diretor executivo.
& # 8211; CMC - Certified Management Consultant & # 8211; BSC em Ciência da Computação com Gestão.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Diretor de Serviços de Desenvolvimento de Capital Humano - Inforica Inc & # 8211; Consultor - Saudi Arabian Airlines & # 8211; Especialista em Planejamento Sênior - Saudi Arabian Airlines.
& # 8211; Gestão de capital humano & # 8211; Desenvolvimento de RH local para implantação na cultura árabe & # 8211; Criando & amp; implementando processos para localização de jobs & # 8211; Melhoria de performance.
& # 8211; B. Sc & # 8211; Diploma & amp; Associado do Institute of Bankers Pakistan & # 8211; Certificação em Banca Islâmica & amp; Finança.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Diretor Executivo na Excelerate Private Ltd & # 8211; MD / CEO da Fundação Securities (Pvt) Ltd & # 8211; Investimentos estratégicos principais Askari Bank Ltd & # 8211; Consultor do Tesouro Meethaq Banca Islâmica do Banco Muscat & # 8211; Chefe de Grupo & amp; SEVP Global Markets & amp; Banco consultivo BURJ & # 8211; Chefe do Tesouro & amp; Bancos Correspondentes Gulf African Bank Kenya & # 8211; Chefe do Tesouro & amp; Instituições Financeiras Bank Islami Pakistan & # 8211; Chefe do Tesouro & amp; Instituições Financeiras Meezan Bank Ltd & # 8211; Chefe do Tesouro & amp; Instituição Financeira First Women Bank & # 8211; Chefe da Corretora Forex INDOSUEZ WI CARR & # 8211; Gerente Sênior Standard Chartered Bank & # 8211; Gerente Tesouro Union Bank Ltd & # 8211; Chefe do Tesouro da BCC Australia Ltd & # 8211; Negociante principal Hong Kong BCCI Macau & # 8211; Revendedor BCCI Paquistão.
& # 8211; Treinamento bancário islâmico & # 8211; Tesouraria & amp; Gestão de Fundos & # 8211; Negociações de Contrato & # 8211; Treinamento em Câmbio Estrangeiro & # 8211; Gerenciamento de Projetos e Resolução de Problemas & # 8211; Habilidades de Liderança & # 8211; Tomada de Decisão & # 8211; Orçamento & amp; Custeio & # 8211; Desenvolve Relacionamentos Estratégicos & # 8211; Gerenciamento de Risco & # 8211; Pensamento analítico.
Consultor jurídico.
Consultor jurídico.
& # 8211; Chamado para o bar no Lincoln's Inn & # 8211; LLM (Mestrado em Direito) London School of Economics & amp; Ciência Política & # 8211; LLB (Bacharel em Direito) King's College, Londres.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Advogado da M. Saleem Iqbal & amp; Co Advocates & amp; Consultores Jurídicos & # 8211; Associate at Fazleghani Advocates.
Principais Competências.
& # 8211; Team Building, Seleção e Treinamento de Pessoal & # 8211; Pesquisa Legal & # 8211; Paquistão & amp; Emprego dos EAU / Leis do Trabalho & # 8211; Relações com funcionários & # 8211; Habilidades de Comunicação & # 8211; Habilidades interpessoais.
Projetos do diretor & amp; Consultando serviços.
Projetos do diretor & amp; Consultando serviços.
& # 8211; MBA - HR & # 8211; M. Phil (Ciências Sociais) & # 8211; Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de RH & # 8211; Instituto de Administração de Empresas & # 8211; Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Profissional Certificado de Recursos Humanos & # 8211; NED (PIQC)
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Sr. HR Executive - K-Electric.
& # 8211; Trabalho em equipe & # 8211; Comunicação & # 8211; Comunicação, persuasão e habilidades interpessoais & # 8211; Autogestão & # 8211; Pensamento Analítico e Intuitivo / Criativo & # 8211; Compreensão de negócios.
Projetos de gerente & amp; Treinamento.
Projetos de gerente & amp; Treinamento.
& # 8211; MBA - RH pela INDUS University & # 8211; Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de RH & # 8211; Instituto de Gestão Empresarial.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Gerente Assistente HR & # 8211; Hub de fluxo de trabalho & # 8211; Diretor de RH & # 8211; K-Electric
& # 8211; Gestão de Desempenho & # 8211; Recrutamento & amp; Seleção & # 8211; Desenvolvimento Organizacional & # 8211; Relações com funcionários & # 8211; Serviços de RH & amp; Operações & # 8211; Análise de Dados e Relatórios Estatísticos & # 8211; HRMS & # 8211; SAP (Módulo HCM) & # 8211; Desenvolvendo JDs & # 8211; Time & amp; Sistema de Informação de Atendimento & # 8211; Análise de dados.
Especialização em Ciência de Dados, Universidade Johns Hopkins Bacharel em Economia Analítica (Hons.), Universidade Multimídia, Malásia.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Alpha College - Gerente de ECA & # 8211; CIRCULO Paquistão - Co-fundador & amp; Líder do projeto, TechKaro. Estrategista de marketing digital & # 8211; Sociedade do Paquistão para Treinamento e Desenvolvimento - Coordenador de Projetos para a WIBCON 2017 & # 8211; Banco Crea8ive Pvt. Ltd - Associado & amp; Estrategista de marketing digital & # 8211; Código para o Paquistão - Co-Lead Karachi & amp; Consultor Pro Bono & # 8211; RecomN Sdn Bhd - Analista de Business Intelligence & Marketing and Customer Acquisition Executive & # 8211; Xtrategize Technologies Sdn. Bhd. - Projeto executivo, planejamento de campanha urbana e política para um ministro local da Malásia.
& # 8211; Consultoria Estratégica & # 8211; Desenvolvimento de Negócios & # 8211; Data Science & # 8211; Marketing Digital & # 8211; Start-ups, Empreendedorismo e Inovação & # 8211; Empreendedorismo Social & # 8211; Liderança & # 8211; Especialista em Comunicação.
& # 8211; Mulheres Techmaker - Google, Nest i / o 2017 & # 8211; Juiz, Investimentos Pitches - DICE Virtual Innovation Competition, NED 2017 & # 8211; Workshop Realizado sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável Meta 5 - Fórum de Falar de Juventude de Karachi, AEISEC no IBA 2017 & # 8211; Experiência em Investimento Internacional - Inovação Global da Malásia & amp; Centro da faculdade criadora, cimeira Singapura 2015 de Echelon Ásia, Echelon Malásia 2015.
Gerente Assistente - Treinamento & amp; Consultoria de Projetos.
Gerente Assistente - Treinamento & amp; Consultoria de Projetos.
& # 8211; Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de RH & # 8211; Instituto de Administração de Empresas & # 8211; BBA.
Atribuição anterior.
& # 8211; Estágio & # 8211; Banco da Cimeira.
& # 8211; Trabalho em equipe & # 8211; Habilidades de Comunhão & # 8211; Habilidades Interpessoais & # 8211; Desenvolvimento de Conteúdos do Programa de Formação & # 8211; Qualidades de liderança.
Gerente Assistente - Treinamento & amp; Consultoria de Projetos.
Gerente Assistente - Treinamento & amp; Consultoria de Projetos.
& # 8211; MBA & # 8211; HR & # 8211; MA Economics & # 8211; Diploma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de RH & # 8211; Instituto de Administração de Empresas & # 8211; BA.
& # 8211; Trabalho em equipe & # 8211; Habilidades de Comunhão & # 8211; Orientado para resultados & # 8211; Habilidades Interpessoais & # 8211; Desenvolvimento de Conteúdos do Programa de Formação.
Vários clientes famosos com quem trabalhamos.
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RT @zafarosmani: Eu conduzi um workshop interativo sobre "Org Dev no Setor Público" para oficiais superiores da Est. Div, Govt of Pakistan http: /…
Nossos serviços.
Nossos serviços são entregues por nossa equipe com anos de experiência apaixonados pelo desenvolvimento de negócios.
Consultoria de RH.
O que nós oferecemos.
Estrutura da Organização em Desenvolvimento Conduzindo a Pesquisa de Envolvimento dos Empregados Preparando as Descrições dos Empregos Conduzindo a Avaliação do Emprego Revendo & amp; Atualizando a Compensação de Políticas de RH & amp; Sistema de Gerenciamento de Desempenho de Pesquisa de Benefícios.
Treinamento & amp; Capacitação.
O que nós oferecemos.
Vinculando a capacitação com a organização Objetivos Desenvolvendo Org. Competências Análise de Lacunas de Capacidade Matricial Estratégia para Transpor a Lacuna Projetar e Implementar Programas Alvo.
Pesquisa executiva.
O que nós oferecemos.
Centralizado & amp; Processo de recrutamento dedicado Desenvolva uma estratégia de terceirização Flexibilidade na contratação de projetos Problemas de negócios e atividades estratégicas de RH Saiba mais.
Serviços de consultoria em conformidade regulamentar.
O que nós oferecemos.
Políticas de desenvolvimento & amp; Procedimentos Operacionais Desenvolvendo Desenvolvimento de Estrutura de Conformidade Regulatória Baseada em Risco, Documentação & amp; Implantação de Treinamento de Controle Interno sobre Relatórios Financeiros (ICFR) em diversas áreas de Compliance.
O que nós oferecemos.
Revisar, Desenvolver e Atualizar Políticas e Procedimentos de RH Revisar e Atualizar Descrições de Cargos Auditoria de Cultura / Pesquisa de Engajamento de Funcionários Revisão do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Desempenho Atualizações regulares sobre as mais recentes alterações em áreas relevantes.
Serviços de consultoria de RI.
Esta é uma das nossas principais competências. Elaborar respostas, apelações, petições, requerimentos estatutários e argumentar casos antes de vários fóruns são algumas das atividades principais. Abordar as preocupações dos clientes e levá-las para consideração favorável é um desafio constante que nos esforçamos para vencer.
O que nós oferecemos.
Negociação de leis trabalhistas com a CBA em processos de conciliação de disputas industriais.
Você está pronto para começar uma conversa?
O que nossos clientes dizem.
Gostei muito dos dois dias de treinamento, pois foi minha primeira experiência a participar de uma sessão tão eficaz e produtiva.
Foi uma sessão informativa e envolvente. Exercícios e estudos de caso ajudaram na compreensão dos conceitos.
Exercícios individuais / em grupo e role playing fizeram com que os participantes aplicassem o conceito aprendido durante o módulo em situação real. No geral, uma excelente aprendizagem.
Nossos trabalhos e projetos em destaque até o momento.
Mais recentes.
Desenvolver Políticas de Recursos Humanos.
Reestruturação de RH.
Reestruturação de RH.
Liderança em todo o Paquistão.
Suporte Estratégico de RH.
Fusão e Reestruturação da Organização.
Reestruturação de Recursos Humanos e Desenvolvimento Organizacional.
Consultoria de RH.
Intervenção Cultural.
Capacitação de Liderança.
info @ excelerateca.
+92 21 35305722.
Escritório # M2 & amp; M3, Mezanino, Plot 5 - C, Zamzama Commercial Lane No. 2, Fase 5, DHA Karachi, Paquistão.
Últimas notícias.
Aqui está algo que você pode saber sobre o que estamos fazendo ultimamente.
Sessão na Liderança da Transformação & # 8221; na IBA University Sukkur.
Treinamento em "Competências Gerenciais de Construção" & # 8221; no Ramada Plaza, Karachi.
& # 8220; Competências futuras de liderança & # 8221; sessão no IBA Sukkur com alunos de graduação.
Animado para saber mais sobre nós?
Inovação distingue um líder de um seguidor.
Gostaríamos muito de ouvir você, então por que não nos enviar um e-mail e entraremos em contato com você o mais breve possível.
Bank of Baroda Contratação de 427 SO Posts 2017: Processo de Candidatura Termina em 05 December 2017.
Shilpa Kohli.
O Bank of Baroda convidou inscrições on-line para o cargo de 427 Especialistas. Os candidatos elegíveis podem candidatar-se ao cargo através do formato prescrito de 14 de novembro de 2017 a 05 de dezembro de 2017.
Data de início do envio da inscrição on-line e da taxa - 14 de novembro de 2017 pela data de envio da inscrição e da inscrição on-line - 05 de dezembro de 2017.
Banco de detalhes da vaga de Baroda.
Oficiais Especialistas - 427 Post.
Head - Risco de Crédito (Crédito Corporativo) - 01 Post Head - Enterprise & amp; Gestão de Risco Operacional - 01 Post IT Security - 05 Cargos Tesouraria - Dealers / Traders - 03 Cargos Tesouraria - Relationship Managers (Forex / Derivativos) - 02 Cargos Tesouraria - Produto Sales - 20 Cargos Finance / Credit - 180 Cargos Trade Finance - 50 Cargos Segurança - 15 Posts Sales - 150 Posts.
Critérios de Elegibilidade para Especialistas.
Head (Risco de crédito), Head (Enterprise & amp; Operational Risk Management), Tesouraria - Dealers / Traders, Security - Graduação ou equivalente de uma universidade / instituto reconhecido. Segurança de TI - B. Tech/B. E em Ciência da Computação / Ciência da Computação & amp; Engenharia / Engenharia de Computação / Aplicações de Computadores / Tecnologia da Informação / Eletrônica / Eletrônica & amp; Telecomunicações / Eletrônica & amp; Comunicação / Eletrônica & amp; Instrumentação OU Pós-graduação em Eletrônica / Eletrônica & amp; Tele Communication / Electronics & amp; Comunicação / Eletrônica & amp; Instrumentação / Ciência da Computação / Tecnologia da Informação / Aplicações em Computadores OU Graduado em Engenharia e mínimo Um ano Diploma em TI / Ciência da Computação pela reconhecida universidade / Instituto OU Pós-graduado em Ciência / Ciência da Computação pela reconhecida University / Institute. Certificação CISA / CISSP / CISM é obrigatória Tesouraria (Concessionárias / Comerciantes), Tesouraria - Vendas de Produtos, Vendas - Tempo integral, MBA ou equivalente, com especialização em Marketing e Vendas de uma instituição financeira / Crédito - CA OU ICWA OU MBA Integral ou equivalente PG grau / diploma, com especialização em Finanças pelo Govt / AICTE instituição reconhecida / aprovada Trade Finance - CA OR MBA em Tempo Integral ou equivalente PG grau / diploma, com especialização em Finanças / Trade Finance / Negócios Internacionais por reconhecido / aprovado pelo Governo / Instituição reconhecida / aprovada do AICTE.
Head (Corporate Credit) e Head (Enterprise & amp; Operational Risk Management) - Mínimo 10 anos de experiência relevante IT Security - Mínimo 7 anos de experiência pós-qualificação em IT / IT Security domain Tesouraria (Dealers / Traders) - Mínimo 3 anos - Experiência de qualificação em campo relevante Tesouraria (Relationship Manager) e Tesouraria (Product Sales) e Trade Finance - Mínimo 2 anos de experiência pós-qualificação em campo relevante Finanças / Crédito - Experiência pós-qualificação de no mínimo 4 anos em Processamento / Avaliação de Corporate Crédito Para candidatos com qualificação de CA, a experiência de Pós-qualificação será relaxada até 3 anos OU Experiência de pós-qualificação de no mínimo 2 anos em Processamento / Avaliação de Segurança de Crédito Corporativo - Um funcionário não abaixo do nível de Capitão do Exército Indiano ou posto equivalente na Índia Marinha / Força Aérea, com um mínimo de 5 anos de serviço comissionado, ou um Oficial não abaixo do posto de Asst SP / Dy SP / Asst Com. / Dy Comdt de I Forças Militares da Polícia Ndian / Pará, com um mínimo de 5 anos de serviço como oficial em tal Força. Vendas - 1 ano de experiência em vendas em bancos / FMCG / NBFC / DSA com experiência de venda de produtos bancários de qualquer banco / NBFC.
Chefe (Risco de Crédito), Chefe (Enterprise & amp; Operational Risk Management) - 35 a 50 Anos IT Security - 35 a 45 anos Tesouraria (Dealers / Traders), Finanças / Crédito - 25 a 37 anos Tesouraria (Relationship Manager) e Treasury ( Vendas de Produtos), Finanças / Crédito, Trade Finance e Segurança - 25 a 35 Anos de Vendas - 21 a 30 Anos.
Verifique o link de notificação detalhada para obter mais informações sobre creteria de elegibilidade.
Procedimento de Seleção para Oficiais Especialistas.
Teste on-line será realizado, na disciplina de Vendas, seguido pelo Teste Psicométrico / GD / PI dos candidatos pré-selecionados. Para todas as outras disciplinas, as inscrições serão pré-selecionadas e os candidatos serão chamados para entrevista / GD. Se o número de solicitações elegíveis recebidas for grande, então o Banco reservou o direito de realizar um teste on-line também.
Como se inscrever para o Banco de Baroda Specialist Officers Posts 2017.
Cursos de certificação em gestão de tesouraria forex
Programa de Certificação em Tesouraria Avançada.
e Gerenciamento de Risco Cambial.
Para fornecer aos participantes uma compreensão profunda de:
Visão Geral de Renda Fixa (FI) Dívida e Mercados Financeiros Bond Matemática e Estratégias de Negociação Derivativos de Taxa de Juros Terminologia do Mercado de Câmbio FX Operações de Mercado FX Matemática e Derivativos Operações Integradas do Tesouro e seus Benefícios Exercícios, Exemplos e Cálculos - FX & amp; FI Efeito dos Fatores Macroeconômicos nos Mercados Financeiros Simulados Exercícios de Negociação em Doméstico & amp; Mercados Cambiais.
1. Visão Geral dos Mercados de Câmbio e Câmbio Intercâmbio à vista Mercados de eurocurrência Market Players, Inter bank, Corporates Mecanismo de realização de um mercado externo Forex e mercados de taxa de juros.
2. Regulamentos da FEMA.
Fatores que afetam as taxas de câmbio.
3. Negociação em Mercados de Câmbio.
Procedimento de Negociação Gerenciamento da Análise de Transações de Comércio Internacional Análise de Informações para Transações Internacionais Conceito de Financiamento de Transações de Volatilidade em Mercados Forex.
4. Previsão de taxas de câmbio.
Várias teorias de previsão Desvantagens associadas a estas teorias Análise técnica Exemplo em tempo real.
5. Riscos Cambiais.
Tipos de Riscos & amp; exposições para empresas, exportações, importações, empréstimos, competições Medição e quantificação de riscos.
6. Valor em Risco (VaR)
Introdução ao VaR Aplicação do VaR nos Mercados Forex.
7. Ferramentas de Gerenciamento de Riscos.
Forward / Futures / Swaps / FRA Opções • Tipos de opções, como notas de gama, spreads, knock-ins / outs / digital / barreira, alavancado, etc • Retorno de risco e estrutura de hedge Estruturação do produto Ilustração real.
8. Hedging no mercado Forex.
Hedging através de Forward / Futures / Options / Swaps Precificação de opções / Swaps / Forwards Fatores que afetam a precificação Entendendo a lógica de negociação por fatores de previsão que afetam os preços.
Onde as Treasuries Corporativas falharam ao usar derivativos cambiais.
Estruturas práticas usadas por empresas indianas e internacionais (Fazendo sentido a partir de teorias e várias estruturas)
Executivos, Bancos, Gerentes de Tesouraria, Companhias de Seguros, NOs novos / recém-nomeados, agentes de crime financeiro e de risco, Intermediários do Mercado de Capitais. Estudantes e investidores.
10:00 am. às 17h30.
Rs. 12.000,00 + Impostos aplicáveis por participante, incluindo as propinas, material de referência e apenas bebidas (manhã / noite).
Instrutores de Certificação AML.
A CAMS realiza seminários de preparação de CAMS orientados por instrutor para candidatos à procura de um ambiente em estilo de sala de aula para aprimorar e melhorar seu conhecimento em AML e suas habilidades de estudo. Para conduzir um seminário de preparação, os instrutores devem atender a determinados critérios para garantir que os alunos estejam preparados para o exame. Você pode confiar que todos os instrutores são:
Certificados pelo CAMS Líderes reconhecidos no setor Estreitamente envolvidos com a ACAMS e sua equipe.
Nossos instrutores especialistas são um recurso valioso para quem estuda para o exame. Eles equipam os candidatos com dicas úteis para fazer o exame, informações abrangentes sobre o conteúdo principal coberto no exame e a capacidade de responder perguntas complexas sobre o material.
Leia para saber mais sobre nossa distinta faculdade:
Hussam A. Al-Abed, CAMS.
Hussam A. Al-Abed (CAMS) é um especialista no assunto reconhecido internacionalmente em AMLCFT, Compliance, Banking & amp; Financial & amp; Gestão de Risco de Crimes Cibernéticos. Tem vindo a fornecer serviços de consultoria e consultoria (AML Policies & Procedures Drafting / Vetting) onde aplica conhecimentos e conhecimentos valiosos desde 1997 a instituições financeiras (bancos, finanças, investimento, cambistas, seguros, valores mobiliários), empresas, governo e direito. Agências fiscalizadoras localizadas nas regiões MENA – GCC: Bahrein, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Arábia Saudita, Omã, Iêmen, Sudão, Kuwait, Síria, Egito, Jordânia, Líbia, Catar.
A Hussam desenvolve e oferece cursos de treinamento nas áreas de AML / CFT, Compliance, Fraud & amp; Gestão de Risco de Crimes Financeiros, Segurança Bancária, Crimes Cibernéticos & amp; Ameaças à Internet contra Bancos, E - Channels, Prevenção à Fraude, Segurança e Investigação de Crimes Financeiros. Os cursos foram ministrados como workshops práticos com cenários e exames conduzidos por estudos de caso para garantir a transferência de conhecimento. Hussam também tem sido um orador frequente nas conferências da ACAMS.
Maleka Ali, CAMS.
Maleka Ali (CAMS), Presidente da Arc-Serv, LLC, tem mais de 30 anos & # 8217; Experiência no setor financeiro nas áreas de operações / conformidade / risco / desenvolvimento de produto / treinamento, juntamente com participação na criação de dois novos bancos e atuou em forças-tarefa para diversas fusões, aquisições e conversões de sistemas. A experiência inclui mais de 10 anos com um fornecedor de sistema automatizado AML, onde ela foi fundamental na construção de seus programas de educação e consultoria. Ela é uma CAMS (Certified Anti-Laundering Specialist) e fez parte da aula inaugural da certificação Advanced CAMS-Audit, demonstrando habilidades avançadas na auditoria da eficácia e adequação dos programas de conformidade com BSA / AML. Ela foi membro do conselho fundador do capítulo ACAM do Sul da Califórnia e atualmente atua como co-presidente. Ela prestou assistência a mais de 750 instituições em áreas como integridade de dados, eficiência de programas, avaliação de riscos, correção de exames, políticas e procedimentos, aprimoramento de programas da BSA, treinamento e como utilizar efetivamente sistemas de monitoramento automatizados.
Claudia Álvarez Troncoso, CAMS.
Claudia Álvarez Troncoso (CAMS) abadada graduada da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Madre e Maestra na República Dominicana, com experiência internacional enfocada em procesos de auditorias jurídicas, transacciones y rendición de opiniones expertas; Especialista e consultora na área de antilavado de ativos e cumplimento regulatorio. Tiene una Maestría en Derecho Empresarial e Legislación Económica; Atualmente está cursando a Maestría em Regulación Económica; Você não tem Diplomado em Derecho Bancario. Certificada como Especialista em Anti-Lavado de Activos (CAMS) pela Associação de Especialistas Certificados em Combate à Lavagem de Dinheiro (ACAMS); y Certificada Asociada AML / CA pela Associação Internacional de Bancos da Flórida (FIBA) e pela Florida International University. Certificada como Capacitadora na Prevenção e Controle do Lavado de Ativos pelo Programa Hemisférico do GAFIC, pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) e pela Superintendência de Bancos da República Dominicana. Es responsable da organização e coordenação dos Congressos Antilavado BANCAMERICA desde el 2010 celebrados en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Fue responsable de gestionar la aprobación y de implementar a Unidade de Cumprimento do Banco Central da República Dominicana em sua capacidade de Consultoria Técnica de Consultoria Jurídica de dicha entidad ya contos fines trabajó con Ernesto López-Villegas, en ese momento Experto Sector Financiero do Departamento de Sistemas Monetários e Financeiros do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), com destaque para o Relatório de Assistência Técnica sobre BCRD titulado & # 8220; Criação de uma Unidade de Cumplicação para a Prevenção do Lavado de Activos, República Dominicana & # 8221 ;.
Jhenny Andrade de Guzmán, CAMS.
Jhenny Andrade de Guzmán (CAMS) desde el año 2002, hasta la actualidad, dirige su firma Asesora en Riesgos y Auditora en Seguridad ¨ARASCO¨, firma con la que ha Criado Auditorias y Asesorías en Corporaciones, Petroleras, Instituciones Financieras, tres encuentros latinoamericanos de segurança e múltiplos seminários com temas orientados à Prevenção de Péridas, como: Técnicas de Entrevista, Investigações, Análisis de Riesgos, Prev. De Lavado de Actividades autorizado pela Unidad de Análisis Financiero del Ecuador. Principal conferencista de cursos Experiências em Prevenção de Lavagem de Activos e Financiamentos ao Terrorismo com a Armas Arcos desde o ano de 2003; ha formed a más de 350 Oficials de Cumplimiento de diferentes entidades Financiadoras do Sector Económico Real; obrigados pela lei de Prevenção de Lavado de Activos do Equador, uma operação informativa inusual e injustificada. Criadora e Capacitadora dos Programas de Especialidade: Matriz de Riesgo Institucional para a Prevenção de Lavado de Activos; Matriz de Riesgos por Empleado e por Puesto; Generando – cultura de cumplimiento en el Sistema Assegurador; Prevenção de Lavado de Ativos para o Sistema Cooperativista.
Judith Assouly, CAMS.
Judith Assouly (CAMS) é um consultor independente especializado em consultoria e treinamento em conformidade financeira. Ela também é professora afiliada na ESCP Europa - Paris Business School e professora associada na Sciences po (Mestrado) em Ética Financeira. Graduada pela ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris - Escola de Negócios de Paris) - Programa de finanças e da EHESS. (Equivalente à Universidade de Ciências Sociais), onde recebeu um doutorado em Sociologia. Judith ocupou diversos cargos no HSBC em auditoria interna, conformidade, combate à lavagem de dinheiro, atividades de banco de investimento e mercado.
Samar Baasiri, CAMS.
Samar Baasiri (CAMS) foi recentemente eleito pela União Mundial dos Banqueiros Árabes, como Chefe de Compliance Officers no Líbano & amp; a região MENA.
Com 20 anos de experiência bancária no Canadá e no Líbano, Baasiri é atualmente a chefe do Departamento de Compliance do BankMed e suas subsidiárias no Líbano. Nessa função, ela é responsável por preparar as políticas e procedimentos de combate à lavagem de dinheiro do banco em uma abordagem baseada no risco. Ela também participou da construção do modelo de matriz de risco AML agora usado no banco e implementou o software Anti-Money Laundering para a unidade AML para monitoramento de clientes e contas internas. Antes de chegar ao BankMed, a Sra. Baasiri atuou como chefe de divisão de operações e trade finance no United Bank of Lebanon, gerente de relações com clientes do Bank Audi e é a ex-chefe assistente de operações & amp; trade finance no HSBC, Canadá.
Samar é uma Especialista em Combate à Lavagem de Dinheiro (CAMS) e é membro do Conselho Consultivo da ACAMS desde 2006. Ela é também membro fundadora e atual do Comitê AML na Associação de Bancos no Líbano, bem como uma fundação e Membro atual do Comitê de Melhores Práticas dos Grupos de Certificação de Conformidade para a região do Oriente Médio e Norte da África (MENA). Samar é um palestrante frequente em conferências da indústria, do governo e da aplicação da lei sobre conformidade e questões ABC / CFT na região MENA e foi recentemente eleito pela União Mundial dos Banqueiros Árabes como Chefe de Oficiais de Compliance no Líbano.
Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra, CAMS.
Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra (CAMS) é uma AML sênior & amp; Profissional de crimes financeiros com mais de 10 anos de experiência prática em serviços financeiros nos Países Baixos, incluindo ABN AMRO, RBS e Amsterdam Trade Bank. Ela tem experiência em montar e liderar projetos (globais) implementando nova legislação, melhorando processos e controles gerenciais, redigindo políticas e procedimentos, executando treinamento em vários assuntos de AML / conformidade, bem como fazendo um trabalho diário de um oficial de AML (Compliance). .
Em janeiro de 2014, Yevgeniya iniciou sua própria empresa, a Radosyn, para fornecer treinamento de conformidade sob medida e & amp; assessoria, em particular, relacionada com a compreensão e gestão de riscos inerentes às empresas do Leste Europeu. Ela é uma falante nativa de ucraniano e russo.
Yevgeniya é formado em Direito pela Universidade de Kiev em Comércio e Comércio (Ucrânia). É membro certificada da ACAMS desde 2007 e detém o Diploma Internacional em Conformidade da ICA. Yevgeniya é co-fundador e presidente do ACAMS Netherlands Chapter.
Gladys M. Castellano, CAMS.
Gladys M. Castellano (CAMS) tem mais de 20 anos de experiência na banca em diferentes funções que gerenciam a área de Prevenção de Lavado de Dinero e complemento regulador em Porto Rico. Actualmente trabalha como Gerente de BSA em Banco Santander, Porto Rico, supervisionando as unidades de deteção e investigação de actividade sospechosa (UIF), reportando as transacções em vigor e transferencias entre outras responsabilidades. Posse una maestría en Finanzas y ha completado la Escuela Graduada de Cumplimiento Gerencial. En ACAMS tem participado como membro de forças-tarefa e como painelista nas conferências da associação, como também instrutor de ACAMS nos seminários de preparação do exame CAMS em distintos países.
William A. Chapman, CAMS.
Aub Chapman (CAMS) foi um banqueiro de carreira com mais de 42 anos de experiência profissional antes de sua aposentadoria.
Em sua última função na Westpac Banking Corporation, ele foi responsável por gerenciar várias funções, incluindo Controle de Fraude de Grupo, Segurança Física, Serviços de Continuidade de Negócios, Cash and ATM Services, bem como gerenciar a conformidade do grupo com a legislação ABC / CTF. .
Desde sua aposentadoria, Aub tem feito consultoria nos setores público e privado, não apenas na Austrália, mas também internacionalmente. He specialises in controls against financial crime and management of cash services. His international experience includes assignments for the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, The Eurasian Group on Money Laundering (on behalf of the FSVC), Bank Negara Malaysia, Institut Bank-Bank Malaysia and the Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority. He has been a guest speaker at a number of international AML/CTF conferences and international conferences associated with the cash services industry.
Aub is a founding member of the Australasian Chapter, a member of the ACAMS Education Task Force and received the ACAMS AML Professional of the Year award in 2009.
David Clark, CAMS.
David Clark (CAMS) is the Head of Financial Crime Intelligence & Analysis, Barclays Wealth. David has extensive global financial crime risk mitigation experience within banks and, previously, government customs agencies. He joined Barclays Wealth from ABN AMRO where he held a senior position in their global advisory and analysis team with specific responsibilities for global AML training & communication and Asia advisory. Prior to switching careers to work in Financial Services, his 18-year law enforcement career as a financial investigator & intelligence officer included 7 years in a crown dependent territory. Additionally, Clark worked on the ACAMS’ taskforces to revise the CAMS certification exam and produce the CAMS Online Training.
Martin A. Cunningham, CAMS.
Martin A. Cunningham (CAMS) is a Deputy Team Chief in the Counter Threat Finance branch of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). Mr. Cunningham also serves as Program Manager for SOCOM’s counter threat finance training program and oversees the development of curriculum and training partnerships. Martin frequently provides counter threat finance training on disrupting the financial operations of transnational criminal organizations, drug cartels and terrorist networks, their methods of value transfer, and their global money laundering topographies.
Martin Cunningham is a subject matter expert on countering the financing of terrorism and is a frequently demanded guest speaker on the topic. As an Adjunct Professor with the Joint Special Operations University, he facilitates a counter threat finance course. Martin also serves as a guest lecturer at various institutions to include the Navy War College, the University of South Florida, Georgia State University and the Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.
Mr. Cunningham’s background includes a deployment to the Iraq Threat Finance Cell to disrupt Al Qaida-in-Iraq’s financial operations, Senior Counter Threat Finance Analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton, Director of Working Capital Solutions for PrimeRevenue, Inc., Founder and Owner of an income tax preparation firm, and an Intelligence Officer for the United States Navy.
Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit.
Hue Dang (CAMS) is the Head of Asia of ACAMS based in Hong Kong since 2008. She is the Program Chair & Moderator for all ACAMS training events, including the Annual Asia/Pacific AML/CTF Conference, and annual country seminars held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, China, and Malaysia. She is a frequent speaker at AML-related conferences around the region and the US. She also conducts the Annual Train-the-Trainer Program to certify ACAMS trainers.
Prior to joining ACAMS, Hue had more than 15 years’ experience in banking and finance. She was previously a Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital’s Investment Banking Division in Singapore, Director for Business Development at Citibank’s Global Consumer Banking Group in Singapore and Director of Business Development, Asia/Pacific, for Thomson Financial in Hong Kong. Hue holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In addition to English, she is fluent in French, Vietnamese, and Cantonese Chinese.
Gregory Dellas, CAMS.
Gregory Dellas (CAMS) currently leads the AML Risk Management team within the International Banking Services Division (IBS) of the Bank of Cyprus, in Nicosia, and acts as the local Compliance Officer. His team is responsible for the on-boarding of high-risk clients, the evaluation of large and complex transactions, as well as the review and approval of existing high-risk client relationships. Also, Gregory is responsible for providing advice, guidance and specialised trainings to management and staff, on AML and regulatory compliance matters.
In the past, Gregory worked with Coopers and Lybrand in Nicosia and held various senior and managerial positions in Cyprus Popular Bank and Bank of Cyprus, in Wealth Management, Compliance and other areas. He is a very experienced Private Banker and led the setup of Private Banking units in the UK and Romania. He also served as the Group Money Laundering Compliance Officer, responsible for the AML function, for Cyprus Popular Bank in Cyprus and all its overseas subsidiaries.
He is CAMS certified, holds a BSc in Industrial Economics from the University of Warwick and an MBA from Lancaster University, in the UK. He is also a full member of ACAMS and a founding member, and currently serves as Chair, of the ACAMS Cyprus Chapter. He also participated as delegate and speaker in various international conferences and webinars. cy. linkedin/in/dellasgregory.
Ross Delston, CAMS.
Ross Delston (CAMS) is an expert witness, lawyer and former bank regulator (FDIC) with over 40 years of experience in banking regulation, Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) compliance and trade finance. Participated in two major compliance projects (AIG and BNP Paribas) involving international banking, AML/KYC and sanctions, including OFAC. Retained as an expert witness or litigation consultant on BSA/AML compliance issues in numerous civil fraud cases including a civil forfeiture case on behalf of the U. S. Attorney’s Office (SDNY). Conduct BSA/AML independent audits and reviews for financial services firms, including MSBs and broker-dealers. Draft policies and procedures on customer due diligence (CDD), enhanced due diligence (EDD) and know your customer (KYC), for corporate banking, investment banking, correspondent banking, and trade finance lines of business. Advise financial institutions, foreign financial regulators, industrial companies, US government agencies, and law, accounting and consulting firms on BSA/AML compliance issues. Consultant to International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1997 on AML/CFT, banking, bank restructuring, deposit insurance, bank insolvency and systemic crisis issues. Consultant to World Bank since 1998 on banking, deposit insurance, resolutions and bank insolvency matters. Provide compliance training on BSA/AML, suspicious activity reports (SARs), handling of alerts, onboarding of high risk customers, preparing for examiners and now to avoid violations. Co-authored two law review articles on TBML and quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, the Nikkei (Japan), the Hindu Business Times (India) and the Telegraph (UK).
Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance; Expert witness on BSA/AML compliance issues; Assist banks, MSBs and other financial institutions in strengthening their AML/CFT frameworks; Conduct independent BSA/AML audits and reviews of financial institutions; Provide training in BSA/AML compliance and CAMS exam preparation; Draft AML/CFT, banking, and deposit insurance laws and regulations for countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the MENA region; and Conduct assessments of AML/CFT frameworks of foreign jurisdictions using the FATF 40 Recommendations.
Jurgen Egberink, CAMS.
Mr. Egberink is globally leading Internal Audit’s coverage of Financial Crime risks at Credit Suisse.
In the last few years he has been globally responsible for Compliance Risk Management and Training at Swiss Reinsurance Company. Prior to this role, he was working as Group Financial Crime Officer & Head of Compliance Advisory at Zurich Insurance Company, where he managed the development and implementation of global control frameworks in compliance risk areas such as Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Trade & Economic Sanctions, Data Protection and Employee Conduct. Prior to joining this multi-national Swiss insurance company in 2010 he has worked as Chief Operating Officer for ABN AMRO Compliance, which included program-, project - and risk management responsibilities. During more than 10 years at ABN AMRO Bank he has gained extensive experience in developing and implementing (global) AML-related processes and procedures, offshoring compliance supporting activities as well as operationally managing Transaction Surveillance Europe. He has also worked as a volunteer for FSVC in several international projects (Albania, Kenya) as well as speaker/instructor for ACAMS.
Bachir El Nakib, CAMS.
Industry experience includes the public and private sectors and assignments have seen me working with organisations working in the energy, hospitality, oil & gas, financial services, hospitality, and leisure industries, amongst others. I have an exceptional database of global contacts.
A published author, I have had a number of articles and studies published and have made podcasts appearances in a number of countries as a subject matter specialist and have been commended for my understanding the markets in which I work. I am also a regular guest speaker on the global conference circuit.
My recent professional experience includes the development of expertise in relation to forensic skills, fraud and tax evasion fraud, FATCA compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory compliance and more recently Compliance Alert Blog highlighting cyber-crime in so far as it impacts on the financial services industry and the risks associated with new payment methodologies and mobile banking.
Barry D. Emmert, CAMS.
Barry Emmert (CAMS) is a Director and the Regional Head of Policy and Advisory for Standard Chartered Bank - Americas. He has more than 15 years of experience in the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering field. Barry has significant experience in AML and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) laws, regulations and best practices. Previously, Barry was the Regional Head of Anti-Money Laundering for Royal Bank of Scotland, MIB Americas business. In this capacity, he was responsible for oversight of the anti-money laundering compliance program for RBS’s banking, markets and wholesale lending businesses.
He has held positions of Vice President of AML Compliance at ABN AMRO Bank and Vice President in the Corporate Anti-Money Laundering Group at JPMorgan Chase Bank. For the last eight years Barry has been an Instructor for the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (“CAMS”). As an instructor, he teaches classes on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing that prepare students for their certification exam. In addition, Barry has worked in the forensic practice of several big four accounting firms during his career.
Barry also serves in the United States Army National Guard. He is an attorney in the Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG Officer) and holds the rank of Captain.
Robert A. Goldfinger, CAMS.
Robert A. Goldfinger (CAMS) is the President of Lormel Goldfinger Global Group LLC. He leads the development of client relationships, partner collaborations as well as providing expert consulting services.
With nearly three decades of leadership experience in the public and private sectors, Mr. Goldfinger brings a unique combination of management expertise, operational leadership and marketing across business environments. Mr. Goldfinger has held leadership positions within Fraud/Risk Management area at multiple firms over the years including financial services and technology entities. He has a proven ability to design both operational and technical approaches to enhance Risk, Fraud and Compliance management programs. Mr. Goldfinger’s background within the Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering/Combating Terrorist Financing, Security and Operational Risk disciplines allow him to view overall risk management operations with a practical risk based approach. Mr. Goldfinger is a retired Law Enforcement Executive having served with the Rochester New York Police Department. During his tenure in Law Enforcement, he held numerous leadership positions including Commanding Officer of Criminal Investigations, Director of Training and Development, Patrol Staff Commanding Officer, Patrol Section Commander and Internal Investigation Command managing use of deadly physical force and corruption and integrity investigations.
Mr. Goldfinger is a Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and Certified Fraud Specialist (CFS). He is Co-Chair of ACAMS Carolinas Chapter, and serves on ACAMS TODAY editorial task force and ACAMS educational task forces. He is a frequent speaker at numerous conferences on organizational efficiency, threat and risk management, fraud and Anti-money Laundering and has been published in a variety of industry periodicals.
Jorge Guerrero, Esq., CAMS.
Jorge Guerrero (CAMS), is an attorney licensed in the State of New York. Mr. Guerrero has worked in the Anti-Money Laundering and Bank Secrecy Act field since 1996.
In his capacity as an attorney, and as consultant on AML/BSA regulatory matters Mr. Guerrero has represented and served financial institutions and governmental agencies in the United States and abroad in developing, evaluating and implementing anti-money laundering controls.
He was a member of the founding Board of Advisors of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). He was the first president and co-founder of the National Association of Money Transmitters (NMTA). He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences concerning AML/BSA, OFAC, Anti-Terrorism Financing (TF), and other regulatory issues.
Mr. Guerrero has been the lead presenter at training provided to federal regulators at the OCC and the FDIC who wished to become certified as Anti-Money Laundering Specialists through ACAMS.
Mr. Guerrero is the contents author of the leading AML/BSA automated compliance software, the AML Compass, in use by a large number of money transmitters in the US, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The AML Compass was licensed to the Department of Justice to investigate and discover AML violations that resulted in a fine of $25 million against Sigue Corporation, which at that time was the largest such fines issued against money transmitters for AML violations.
Mr. Guerrero has led the review and/or development of compliance programs of diverse financial institutions including banks, credit unions, money transmitters, broker dealers and others in the United States and abroad.
Mr. Guerrero led a team of analysts that participated in the look back reviews of American Express Bank International, which resulted in the discovery of issues that required remediation on the part of the financial institution.
During his tenure as a member of the Compliance Committee of the bank’s Board of Directors, Mr. Guerrero assisted Nova Bank in implementing regulatory controls that allowed the institution to successfully serve Money Service Business clients.
Michael Hannum, CAMS.
Michael Hannum (CAMS) is a Global AML /CTF manager at PayPal. He previously served in United States Military, Law Enforcement and various Banking Fraud and Financial / Securities positions. With a Criminal Justice Masters in Cyber Crime, Michael serves as a Subject Matter Expert towards money laundering trends. During the last 15 plus years Michael has been deeply integrated into multiple lines of compliance and Fraud. Partnering closely with law enforcement, financial institutions and regulatory bodies.
Michael Hannum is recognized for his white papers and articles on Money Laundering typologies and guest speaking events.
Michael Shares a love for regulations and the training, development and growth of combating criminal activities. Michael is co-Chairmen of the Phoenix Association Certified Anti-Money Specialist (ACAMS) chapter.
Sana Khan (CAMS)
Sana Khan (CAMS) is an experienced lawyer (qualified Barrister-at-Law), Author and lecturer in law. Her practice as a barrister included advising a wide range of public and private organisations. She has received numerous scholarships and awards at national and international level for achievements in legal matters including international moot courts and publications.
She has presented papers both nationally and internationally on the developments of governance standards throughout a number of industries. She lectures in a variety of subject matters including corporate governance, anti-money laundering, data protection and CSR in a number of organisations. She is also experienced in developing and delivering CPD training on anti-money laundering and data protection.
Sana has worked with many international reputable organisations which includes a publicly listed US technology giant and an international trust and corporate services business, where she had MLRO and Data Protection Officer nationally and internationally. She has been heavily involved in anti-money laundering matters and compliance and data protection remediation projects across Europe and the US.
Sana is also a member of the board of directors for the Irish Chapter of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists as the Education Program Director for the Irish Chapter.
In addition to having been published in many international reputable journals and magazines Sana has published an ebook with Nubooks titled “Business Social Responsibility - CSR for SMEs.
Sana is a co-founder and the Corporate Counsel for Supportica Group Limited in which she has assisted with legal, regulatory and AML and data protection initiatives.
Dennis M. Lormel, CAMS.
Dennis M. Lormel (CAMS) is the founder and President of DML Associates, LLC, a full service investigative consultancy. Mr. Lormel provides consulting services and training related to terrorist financing, money laundering, fraud, financial crimes and due diligence. For 28 years, he served as a special agent in the FBI and served as chief of the FBI Financial Crimes Program. There, he formulated, established and directed the FBI’s terrorist financing initiative following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. For his visionary contributions, Mr. Lormel received numerous commendations and awards to include the Department of Justice, Criminal Division’s Award for Investigative Initiative and the Central Intelligence Agency’s George H. W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism.
Angela Mele, CAMS.
Angela Mele (CAMS) has 18 years in international financial services experience, having worked at Dundee Leeds Management Services in Bermuda, then at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, and most recently with Citi Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd. (formerly BISYS Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Limited). Angela left her position as head of the Compliance & Training Division of Citi to take over managing Bodden Compliance & Training Ltd. in December 2007.
Angela is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), and is a member of the International Compliance Association (MICA). In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, and a Bachelor of Education from York University, North York, Canada, and is a teacher qualified in the province of Ontario.
Ira Morales Mickunas, CAMS.
Ira Morales Mickunas (CAMS) directs global projects involving AML Independent Evaluations, Consulting and Training to the Company’s client base throughout sectors in Banking, Money Service Business, Securities and Precious Metals, among others. Prior to co-founding Milersen she worked for a Global Risk Mitigating Consulting firm with a focus in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.
Ira is a frequent guest speaker in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe on Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Organized Crime and Corruption. She has written articles, collaborated on official publication documents with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and interviewed on money laundering related topics for publications and televised programs. She is a designated Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and serves as a member of ACAMS Money Service Business (MSB) Task Force since July 2010.
Shaun Miller, CAMS.
Shaun Miller (CAMS) Shaun is a Member of the International Compliance Association and is ACAMS certified. He is a Senior AML Advisor and Trainer in one of the world’s largest banking groups.
Shaun has delivered training in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Kuwait City to senior bank staff in the Risk Based Approach to Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. He has also presented FinCrime, AML Audit, Anti-Bribery and Corruption training on behalf of a London based training agency to senior members of Ghana’s central bank. He has also delivered Webinars in AML and Big Data and AML and the Block chain.
He has an in-depth knowledge of financial crime technologies (AML / KYC / CDD, Sanctions, Fraud) acquired in Tier 1 International financial institutions. Shaun has international experience working in AML Remediation projects, external Audit, Financial Crime projects in Global Banking.
He has delivered AML/ CFT training and has implemented Suspicious Activity Reporting procedures in Ireland, UK and Sweden. Shaun was a key player in Audit/Sanctions / PEP assessment projects in Tier 1 Banks in New York, UK, Hong Kong and Ireland.
Inga Mukane, CAMS.
Inga Mukane (CAMS) is a compliance professional with over 17 years of experience in the banking sector.
Inga’s competencies include deep understanding of AML international standards and practice gained through working at a diverse range of banks. Inga has passed all qualification path from AML analyst up to the Chief Compliance Officer and the Management Board member responsible for compliance, effectively supporting business areas in their duty to comply with AML regulations and relevant laws.
Understanding that the role of compliance specialists is complex, requiring both varied and specialised skills and competencies, Inga is conducting ACAMS Exam Prep courses. She is also training and advising on how to build an effective compliance program starting at the top, to work competently to fulfill compliance obligations and prevent financial crime.
Inga possesses a Master’s Degree in Business Management from Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration. She speaks English, Latvian and Russian. Inga is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and ACAMS member, she also holds the ICA International Diploma in Compliance.
Gary Murray, CAMS.
Gary Murray (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, Global Compliance Investigations Unit Citigroup He retired from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 2008 as the director of the New York High Intensity Financial Crime Area (HIFCA).The NY HIFCA is a multi-agency financial intelligence unit that was identified in the 2006 FATF United States Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism as “a model for the rest of the country.” As director of the HIFCA, Gary supervised analysts, investigators and support personnel from thirteen law enforcement agencies.
After consulting for several years on BSA / AML issues at various financial institutions in the New York area, Gary joined Citigroup in 2011.
Thomas Nollner, CAMS.
Tom Nollner (CAMS) has over 35 years of experience in the banking regulatory field. His experience includes 30 years as a National Bank Examiner for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Treasury and 5 years as an international banking consultant. He has a proven track record in assisting financial institutions regarding capital adequacy, asset quality, management issues, earnings concerns, and liquidity. In addition, Tom is a consumer specialist focusing on developing and instituting risk management processes, and in implementing anti-money laundering related programs and policies. Tom has developed and presented numerous training programs focusing on banking issues, to regulatory authorities, government bodies, and the staff of financial institutions in countries in North America, Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and South America. In addition, he has developed banking policies and examination procedures for regulatory authorities, and assisted Financial Intelligence Units and Central Banks with improving existing banking laws and regulations.
Robert Pasley, CAMS.
Robert Pasley (CAMS) was most recently a Senior Vice President in the AML policy area for Bank of America. Prior to that, he served as a contractor for FinCEN, working on policy issues, handling specific cases, and assisting in drafting the final 312 regulation. Before that, he was an Assistant Director of the Enforcement and Compliance Division of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and specialized in the AML area. He is a graduate of the Cornell Law School and of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking. His honors thesis at Stonier was on the Consolidation of the Banking Agencies. He has also written on several other topics, including a chapter on the History of the Banking Agencies’ Enforcement Powers, a law review article on the impact of the Double Jeopardy Clause on civil money penalties, a law review article on the tension between privacy rights and anti-money laundering enforcement and a law review article on developments in Bank Secrecy Act enforcement.
Holger Pauco-Dirscherl, CAMS.
Holger Pauco-Dirscherl (CAMS) is an experienced and passionate Senior Financial Crime Professional with a unique blend of international knowledge, expertise and experience together with a good reputation in the national and international Financial Crime field. He is a recognized SME for Financial Crime giving a wide range of trainings and acts as a speaker on conferences and symposiums both national and international.
He works as a freelance consultant for different banks on a wide range of projects. Prior to this he was the Head of the Global Financial Crime Unit of Commerzbank AG. A global unit whose responsibility it is to facilitate information sharing and perform analysis on key events related to AML, CTF and Sanctions. Before this, he was Head Financial Crime at UBS Deutschland AG responsible for the Financial Crime and Sanctions teams after acting as German Country Compliance Manager/MLRO and Deputy Branch Manager of the two Wells Fargo entities in Frankfurt, Germany. Holger also worked for ING-DiBa AG in the AML and Fraud department among others before he joined GenoTec GmbH as an outsourced MLRO for several banks and financial service providers.
Holger is the Co-Chair of the ACAMS Germany Chapter as well as an AML Certification Instructors and SME and Content Advisor on Certificates for ACAMS and also a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Gestão. He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and holds a MBA degree from the OU Business School.
Alexandre Pinot, CAMS.
Alexandre Pinot (CAMS) is an AML Compliance & financial crime professional with over 7 years of practical experience within the financial services business in various countries across Europe. He is co-chairing the Board of the ACAMS Baltics Chapter.
Through graduating in international affairs, economics and finance, he developed his interest for movements of funds, globally.
He then had the opportunity to sharpen his knowledge of international money transfers, with a focus on AML, by taking on various compliance-related roles in France, Germany and Lithuania, while being exposed to the ever-evolving regulatory frame around this industry.
He has had the opportunity to explore different areas of the AML sphere, from the audit & oversight part, going through the management of AML aspects of digital money transfer partnerships (Banks, Mobile Network Operators, Electronic Money Issuers) globally. He is now leading the AML function of a fast-growing FinTech company providing anti-fraud solutions within the online payment sphere.
He is CAMS certified and ACAMS member since 2013 and has been part of the first opening sessions for both the French & German ACAMS Chapters in Paris & Frankfurt
Alexandre has conducted over 400 AML/CFT on-site trainings to businesses ranging from retail Telco point-of-sale to foreign exchange offices and international banks and also periodically participates in the internal AML training of the staff, within its current organization.
Alexandre Pinot (CAMS) est un spécialiste de la lutte anti blanchiment (LAB) et de la criminalité financière bénéficiant de plus de 7 ans d’expérience pratique dans le secteur des services financiers dans différents pays d’Europe. Il copréside le conseil d’administration du chapitre ACAMS Baltics.
A travers son cursus académique en affaires internationales, en économie et en finance, il a développé son intérêt pour les mouvements de fonds, à l’échelle mondiale.
Il a ensuite eu l’occasion d’approfondir sa connaissance des transferts d’argent internationaux, en mettant l’accent sur la LAB, en assumant divers rôles liés à la conformité en France, en Allemagne et en Lituanie tout en étant exposé au cadre réglementaire en constante évolution autour de cette industrie.
Il a eu l’occasion d’explorer différents domaines de la LAB, de la partie audit & supervision, en passant par la gestion des aspects LAB des partenariats numériques de transfert d’argent (banques, opérateurs de réseaux mobiles, émetteurs de monnaie électroniques) dans le monde. Il est désormais à la tête de la fonction AML d’une société FinTech à croissance rapide qui fournit des solutions anti-fraude dans le domaine du paiement en ligne.
Il est certifié CAMS et membre de l’ACAMS depuis 2013 et a participé aux cérémonies d’ouverture des Chapitres français et allemand de l’ACAMS lors de leurs fondations à Paris et Francfort.
Alexandre a effectué plus de 400 formations LAB/LAT sur le terrain à des entreprises allant des points de vente de télécommunications au détail, aux bureaux de change et aux banques internationale et participe également périodiquement à la formation interne LAB/LAT du personnel, au sein de son organisation actuelle.
Edward Rodriguez, CAMS.
Ed Rodriguez (CAMS) is the principal and founder of EORS Consulting LLC. Prior to forming his own firm, Ed was practice leader of Watkins Meegan LLC, a CPA firm in the DC region, in the area of Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Compliance Services. Ed has deep and varied subject matter expertise in AML compliance, having completed a career as a Special Agent with IRS Criminal Investigations (CI) where he conducted and supervised tax and money-laundering investigations for 25 years.
Prior to being assigned to Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OFC), he was a senior analyst in IRS CI HQ in the Financial Crimes Section where he oversaw the IRS CI’s national money laundering program. Reviewed money laundering policy and supported CI’s field offices globally. Strategic analysis reviews were intended to enhance money laundering investigations. Coordinated and trained all the National CI’s 81 Suspicious Activity Review teams (SARs) within all of CI’s Field Offices.
While in New York Field Office (NYFO) as a Supervisor for IRS CI, he presented numerous engagements as an expert in money laundering and BSA enforcement to law enforcement and industry communities. He supervised in the El Dorado Task Force in NYC which involved money laundering and criminal financial investigations. He also supervised the IRS NYFO SAR-Review Team by enforcing BSA statutes such as Title 31. Then finally he supervised in the New York Asset Forfeiture Task Force working on criminal investigations while evaluating the potential to execute the federal asset forfeiture and seizure statutes.
Nancy J. Saur, CAMS.
Nancy Saur (CAMS) has over 35 years’ experience in financial services, with more than 20 years focused in the Caribbean and Latin American region. While living in the Cayman Islands for the past 17 years, Nancy has managed compliance for banks, trust companies, corporate service providers, insurance companies and securities brokers. She founded the Cayman Islands Compliance Association, and in 2004, she and her partners opened the first independent compliance consulting company in Cayman, where, in addition to consulting for institutions such as the above, Nancy consulted for a variety of other financial services businesses including credit unions, MSBs, law firms and insurance and real estate brokers. She currently works for a Private Trust company; prior to making the move this summer, Nancy was head of compliance at an insurance company that provides private placement life insurance, annuities and business insurance. Nancy is a member of the ACAMS Advisory Board, a CAMS Prep Facilitator and has been on the various ACAMS Exam Writing Task Forces over the past 10 years.
Brian Stoeckert, JD, CAMS, CFE.
Brian is a Managing Partner of Stratis Advisory with more than 15 years of experience in strategy, risk, legal, and compliance serving startups through Fortune 500 companies. He manages an international portfolio of FinTech start-ups, money service businesses, financial institutions, government agencies, universities, and entertainment. Brian has served as an expert in civil and regulatory matters related to anti-money laundering (AML) and digital currency compliance, and international bond swaps. Moreover, he has testified before domestic and foreign governments.
Brian previously co-founded CoinComply, the first risk and compliance solutions provider devoted exclusively to the FinTech and digital currency ecosystem. Prior to CoinComply, he led Booz Allen Hamilton’s west coast strategy and risk practice on advising board of directors, audit and compliance committees, and executive management of global financial institutions under consent orders for AML deficiencies, money service businesses, and international intelligence firms. Moreover, he has served as a guest lecturer at New York University’s Law School and Stern School of Business on AML laws, regulations, and digital currency compliance. Brian is a frequent presenter at international risk and compliance conferences.
Brian is a recipient of Stony Brook University’s 2014 Top 40 Under Forty Award. He serves as a Non-Executive Director for a post-IPO global FinTech firm and is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the Chairman of the ACAMS Chapter Steering Committee, and an Executive Board member of the award winning ACAMS Northern California Chapter. He received his J. D. from New York Law School and his B. A. in Political Science from Stony Brook University.
He can be reached at bstoeckert@stratisadvisory, @StratisAdvisory, or 917.554.9903.
Perla Stoeckert, CAMS.
Perla serves as the Head of Compliance, North America for the OzForex Group, a global provider of online international payment services for consumer and businesses, where she oversees the Risk and Compliance Department for the Group’s operations in the US and Canada.
Previously, Perla served as the Global Head of AML & Sanctions Compliance for Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), a leader in the online foreign exchange industry, including retail and institutional clients with forex, indices and commodities, and dollar index, where she oversaw the AML and Sanctions program for operations in the U. S., Europe, Asia, Australia, and Middle East.
Prior to FXCM, she served as Chief Compliance Officer at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange (COMFEX), a market-leading foreign exchange services firm focused on facilitating currency exchange on behalf of domestic and international corporations. As a regulated non-bank financial institution, Perla managed the BSA/AML and OFAC programs in compliance with the National Futures Association (NFA), U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and various U. S. state regulators as a money transmitter. She also served as Vice President and BSA Officer for Merchants Bank of California, N. A., where she managed the BSA/AML program for the multi-national retail bank and its Unigram money transmitter service that provides transfers to Mexico and Central and South America.
Perla received her Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Minor in International Relations from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist and earned the Advanced Certification in Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering from the International Compliance Association (UK). Moreover, Perla served as a founding executive board member of the ACAMS Northern California Chapter.
Kevin Sullivan MS, MMBA, CAMS.
Kevin Sullivan (MS, MMBA, CAMS) is the president of The AML Training Academy and Advisory. Kevin has personally trained and/or consulted with numerous financial institutions from large to small (many from the Wolfsberg Group), regulators and government entities (U. S. and international). Kevin is a retired Investigator from the NY State Police and was the state money laundering investigations coordinator assigned to the NY HIFCA El Dorado Federal Task Force in Manhattan, the largest money laundering task force in the world. Kevin has over 22 years of police experience, specializing in money laundering, financial crimes, narcotics, organized crime and terrorist financing. Kevin was responsible for SAR analysis and review, case reverse engineering and special projects on the latest money laundering trends and patterns. Additionally Kevin helped develop Operation Cornerstone, an initiative that assisted financial institutions with the development of their AML programs with emphasis on constructing quality SARS. Kevin possesses a Master’s Degree in Economic Crime Management from Utica College of Syracuse University. He is a Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist and a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Kevin was a founding member of the first ever ACAMS chapter and subsequent chair of the NY chapter. He is a long time instructor of the CAMS prep exam and speaker/presenter at numerous AML seminars globally. Kevin is the author of the book, “AML in a Nutshell”. Kevin is also an adjunct professor at Utica College.
Chuck Taylor, CAMS.
Chuck Taylor (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, BSA Officer for City National Bank, headquartered in downtown Los Angeles. He is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the BSA/AML function for City National. He has been in the banking industry since 1992 and the BSA/AML field exclusively since 2003. His resume includes positions with; California National Bank, Bank of America, Pacific Capital Bancorp and the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office. Chuck completed his Juris Doctorate in 2001, received certification as an Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) in 2003 with the inaugural class and became a Certified BSA Officer in 2007.
Don Temple, CAMS.
Donald Temple (CAMS) is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in the areas of currency reporting, money laundering, the detection of suspicious transactions and fraud investigations. He has over 28 years of experience in the Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering field. He has extensive hands-on experience in the areas of the Bank Secrecy Act, financial investigations including financial fraud, anti-money laundering, due diligence, and Federal income tax investigations. His experience includes a 26 year career in federal law enforcement as a Special Agent with the Internal Revenue Service where he conducted complex Federal income tax investigations; lead a Financial Investigative Task Force for 16 years; experience with an anti-money laundering software provider; the BSA/AML subject matter expert and director of anti-money laundering investigations for a bank; and a director in the forensic practice of one of the big four accounting firms. He has been a regular speaker at global anti-money laundering conferences. He has also conducted more than 20 ACAMS Exam Prep courses.
Luz María Villafuerte Garcia, CAMS.
Luz María Villafuerte Garcia (CAMS) licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Tecnológica de México, cuenta con especialidad en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad Panamericana y con estudios de maestría en la misma Universidad.
Profesionalmente cuenta con 16 años de experiencia en el sector público, actualmente como Director General Adjunto de Prevención de Operaciones en la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, en donde lleva a cabo actividades de regulación y supervisión a sociedades financieras de objeto múltiple no reguladas, centros cambiarios y transmisores de dinero en materia de prevención de lavado de dinero y financiamiento al terrorismo. Cabe resaltar su desempeño como Directora General Adjunta de Sanciones en la Secretaría de la Función Pública (Órgano Fiscalizador en la Administración Pública Federal), Gerente de Administración Patrimonial en Pemex (Empresa Productiva del Estado) Directora Ejecutiva Jurídica en el Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes del Sector Público (SAE), Directora General Jurídica de Banrural ( Banca de Desarrollo) y su participación en la atención legal, contenciosa y administrativa de los asuntos de diversas entidades financieras como UNICREVA, UNICREF y BNCI.
Peter J Warrack, CAMS.
Peter J Warrack, (CAMS) is currently Director, Risk Intelligence for the Bank of Montreal (BMO). Prior to his current role he built two highly capable AML FIUs at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)and BMO viewed locally as ‘the universities of AML”.
Peter was recruited to Canada by RBC leaving behind a successful career in law enforcement in the UK. In Canada, he successfully built and pioneered RBC’s intelligence – led fraud prevention approach setting the standard for ‘the culture of intelligence’ before specializing in AML.
Since coming to Canada, Peter has been a proponent of joint / law enforcement investigations and actively involved with law enforcement in the legal sharing of information and best practices, which has resulted in numerous arrests and the interdiction of crime.
Peter frequently presents and publishes on subjects including intelligence, fraud and money laundering and is often referred to as a practical academic and thought-leader. Peter’s contribution to the AML industry was recognized by his peers in 2011 when he received the ACAMS Professional of the Year Award.
Peter D. Wild, CAMS-Audit.
Peter Wild (CAMS-Audit) is an independent consultant in the Anti Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing and Sanctions field. In consulting engagements he specializes in AML/TF and Sanctions business processes, Independent Testing and Operational and IT Auditing. He is also experienced in the development and presentation of AML Training.
He retired from J. P.Morgan in 2016 as a Senior Manager in the Internal Audit Department. He managed both Information Technology and Operational audits in many areas of the Firm. Starting in 2007, he specialized in managing audits covering all the Corporate AML/TF and Sanctions computer systems and operations.
Upon moving to America from England he became the IT Audit Director for Republic National Bank of New York. Later, he was a Senior IT Audit Manager at Coopers & Lybrand and then moved to the Melville Corporation as the IT Audit Director and subsequently became their Director of Information Systems Planning.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and a Past President of the New York Chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association . He is a Recipient of the Joseph J. Wasserman Award for his outstanding contributions to Information Systems Audit and Security.
He is a founding member of the CAMS Audit Faculty , the Co-Chair of the ACAMS New York Chapter and in 2015 he received the Al Gillum Volunteer of the Year Award from ACAMS. He is also a member of the Honourable Artillery Company of London.
Programa de Certificação em Tesouraria Avançada.
e Gerenciamento de Risco Cambial.
Para fornecer aos participantes uma compreensão profunda de:
Visão Geral de Renda Fixa (FI) Dívida e Mercados Financeiros Bond Matemática e Estratégias de Negociação Derivativos de Taxa de Juros Terminologia do Mercado de Câmbio FX Operações de Mercado FX Matemática e Derivativos Operações Integradas do Tesouro e seus Benefícios Exercícios, Exemplos e Cálculos - FX & amp; FI Efeito dos Fatores Macroeconômicos nos Mercados Financeiros Simulados Exercícios de Negociação em Doméstico & amp; Mercados Cambiais.
1. Visão Geral dos Mercados de Câmbio e Câmbio Intercâmbio à vista Mercados de eurocurrência Market Players, Inter bank, Corporates Mecanismo de realização de um mercado externo Forex e mercados de taxa de juros.
2. Regulamentos da FEMA.
Fatores que afetam as taxas de câmbio.
3. Negociação em Mercados de Câmbio.
Procedimento de Negociação Gerenciamento da Análise de Transações de Comércio Internacional Análise de Informações para Transações Internacionais Conceito de Financiamento de Transações de Volatilidade em Mercados Forex.
4. Previsão de taxas de câmbio.
Várias teorias de previsão Desvantagens associadas a estas teorias Análise técnica Exemplo em tempo real.
5. Riscos Cambiais.
Tipos de Riscos & amp; exposições para empresas, exportações, importações, empréstimos, competições Medição e quantificação de riscos.
6. Valor em Risco (VaR)
Introdução ao VaR Aplicação do VaR nos Mercados Forex.
7. Ferramentas de Gerenciamento de Riscos.
Forward / Futures / Swaps / FRA Opções • Tipos de opções, como notas de gama, spreads, knock-ins / outs / digital / barreira, alavancado, etc • Retorno de risco e estrutura de hedge Estruturação do produto Ilustração real.
8. Hedging no mercado Forex.
Hedging através de Forward / Futures / Options / Swaps Precificação de opções / Swaps / Forwards Fatores que afetam a precificação Entendendo a lógica de negociação por fatores de previsão que afetam os preços.
Onde as Treasuries Corporativas falharam ao usar derivativos cambiais.
Estruturas práticas usadas por empresas indianas e internacionais (Fazendo sentido a partir de teorias e várias estruturas)
Executivos, Bancos, Gerentes de Tesouraria, Companhias de Seguros, NOs novos / recém-nomeados, agentes de crime financeiro e de risco, Intermediários do Mercado de Capitais. Estudantes e investidores.
10:00 am. às 17h30.
Rs. 12.000,00 + Impostos aplicáveis por participante, incluindo as propinas, material de referência e apenas bebidas (manhã / noite).
Instrutores de Certificação AML.
A CAMS realiza seminários de preparação de CAMS orientados por instrutor para candidatos à procura de um ambiente em estilo de sala de aula para aprimorar e melhorar seu conhecimento em AML e suas habilidades de estudo. Para conduzir um seminário de preparação, os instrutores devem atender a determinados critérios para garantir que os alunos estejam preparados para o exame. Você pode confiar que todos os instrutores são:
Certificados pelo CAMS Líderes reconhecidos no setor Estreitamente envolvidos com a ACAMS e sua equipe.
Nossos instrutores especialistas são um recurso valioso para quem estuda para o exame. Eles equipam os candidatos com dicas úteis para fazer o exame, informações abrangentes sobre o conteúdo principal coberto no exame e a capacidade de responder perguntas complexas sobre o material.
Leia para saber mais sobre nossa distinta faculdade:
Hussam A. Al-Abed, CAMS.
Hussam A. Al-Abed (CAMS) é um especialista no assunto reconhecido internacionalmente em AMLCFT, Compliance, Banking & amp; Financial & amp; Gestão de Risco de Crimes Cibernéticos. Tem vindo a fornecer serviços de consultoria e consultoria (AML Policies & Procedures Drafting / Vetting) onde aplica conhecimentos e conhecimentos valiosos desde 1997 a instituições financeiras (bancos, finanças, investimento, cambistas, seguros, valores mobiliários), empresas, governo e direito. Agências fiscalizadoras localizadas nas regiões MENA – GCC: Bahrein, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Arábia Saudita, Omã, Iêmen, Sudão, Kuwait, Síria, Egito, Jordânia, Líbia, Catar.
A Hussam desenvolve e oferece cursos de treinamento nas áreas de AML / CFT, Compliance, Fraud & amp; Gestão de Risco de Crimes Financeiros, Segurança Bancária, Crimes Cibernéticos & amp; Ameaças à Internet contra Bancos, E - Channels, Prevenção à Fraude, Segurança e Investigação de Crimes Financeiros. Os cursos foram ministrados como workshops práticos com cenários e exames conduzidos por estudos de caso para garantir a transferência de conhecimento. Hussam também tem sido um orador frequente nas conferências da ACAMS.
Maleka Ali, CAMS.
Maleka Ali (CAMS), Presidente da Arc-Serv, LLC, tem mais de 30 anos & # 8217; Experiência no setor financeiro nas áreas de operações / conformidade / risco / desenvolvimento de produto / treinamento, juntamente com participação na criação de dois novos bancos e atuou em forças-tarefa para diversas fusões, aquisições e conversões de sistemas. A experiência inclui mais de 10 anos com um fornecedor de sistema automatizado AML, onde ela foi fundamental na construção de seus programas de educação e consultoria. Ela é uma CAMS (Certified Anti-Laundering Specialist) e fez parte da aula inaugural da certificação Advanced CAMS-Audit, demonstrando habilidades avançadas na auditoria da eficácia e adequação dos programas de conformidade com BSA / AML. Ela foi membro do conselho fundador do capítulo ACAM do Sul da Califórnia e atualmente atua como co-presidente. Ela prestou assistência a mais de 750 instituições em áreas como integridade de dados, eficiência de programas, avaliação de riscos, correção de exames, políticas e procedimentos, aprimoramento de programas da BSA, treinamento e como utilizar efetivamente sistemas de monitoramento automatizados.
Claudia Álvarez Troncoso, CAMS.
Claudia Álvarez Troncoso (CAMS) abadada graduada da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Madre e Maestra na República Dominicana, com experiência internacional enfocada em procesos de auditorias jurídicas, transacciones y rendición de opiniones expertas; Especialista e consultora na área de antilavado de ativos e cumplimento regulatorio. Tiene una Maestría en Derecho Empresarial e Legislación Económica; Atualmente está cursando a Maestría em Regulación Económica; Você não tem Diplomado em Derecho Bancario. Certificada como Especialista em Anti-Lavado de Activos (CAMS) pela Associação de Especialistas Certificados em Combate à Lavagem de Dinheiro (ACAMS); y Certificada Asociada AML / CA pela Associação Internacional de Bancos da Flórida (FIBA) e pela Florida International University. Certificada como Capacitadora na Prevenção e Controle do Lavado de Ativos pelo Programa Hemisférico do GAFIC, pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) e pela Superintendência de Bancos da República Dominicana. Es responsable da organização e coordenação dos Congressos Antilavado BANCAMERICA desde el 2010 celebrados en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Fue responsable de gestionar la aprobación y de implementar a Unidade de Cumprimento do Banco Central da República Dominicana em sua capacidade de Consultoria Técnica de Consultoria Jurídica de dicha entidad ya contos fines trabajó con Ernesto López-Villegas, en ese momento Experto Sector Financiero do Departamento de Sistemas Monetários e Financeiros do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), com destaque para o Relatório de Assistência Técnica sobre BCRD titulado & # 8220; Criação de uma Unidade de Cumplicação para a Prevenção do Lavado de Activos, República Dominicana & # 8221 ;.
Jhenny Andrade de Guzmán, CAMS.
Jhenny Andrade de Guzmán (CAMS) desde el año 2002, hasta la actualidad, dirige su firma Asesora en Riesgos y Auditora en Seguridad ¨ARASCO¨, firma con la que ha Criado Auditorias y Asesorías en Corporaciones, Petroleras, Instituciones Financieras, tres encuentros latinoamericanos de segurança e múltiplos seminários com temas orientados à Prevenção de Péridas, como: Técnicas de Entrevista, Investigações, Análisis de Riesgos, Prev. De Lavado de Actividades autorizado pela Unidad de Análisis Financiero del Ecuador. Principal conferencista de cursos Experiências em Prevenção de Lavagem de Activos e Financiamentos ao Terrorismo com a Armas Arcos desde o ano de 2003; ha formed a más de 350 Oficials de Cumplimiento de diferentes entidades Financiadoras do Sector Económico Real; obrigados pela lei de Prevenção de Lavado de Activos do Equador, uma operação informativa inusual e injustificada. Criadora e Capacitadora dos Programas de Especialidade: Matriz de Riesgo Institucional para a Prevenção de Lavado de Activos; Matriz de Riesgos por Empleado e por Puesto; Generando – cultura de cumplimiento en el Sistema Assegurador; Prevenção de Lavado de Ativos para o Sistema Cooperativista.
Judith Assouly, CAMS.
Judith Assouly (CAMS) é um consultor independente especializado em consultoria e treinamento em conformidade financeira. Ela também é professora afiliada na ESCP Europa - Paris Business School e professora associada na Sciences po (Mestrado) em Ética Financeira. Graduada pela ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris - Escola de Negócios de Paris) - Programa de finanças e da EHESS. (Equivalente à Universidade de Ciências Sociais), onde recebeu um doutorado em Sociologia. Judith ocupou diversos cargos no HSBC em auditoria interna, conformidade, combate à lavagem de dinheiro, atividades de banco de investimento e mercado.
Samar Baasiri, CAMS.
Samar Baasiri (CAMS) foi recentemente eleito pela União Mundial dos Banqueiros Árabes, como Chefe de Compliance Officers no Líbano & amp; a região MENA.
Com 20 anos de experiência bancária no Canadá e no Líbano, Baasiri é atualmente a chefe do Departamento de Compliance do BankMed e suas subsidiárias no Líbano. Nessa função, ela é responsável por preparar as políticas e procedimentos de combate à lavagem de dinheiro do banco em uma abordagem baseada no risco. Ela também participou da construção do modelo de matriz de risco AML agora usado no banco e implementou o software Anti-Money Laundering para a unidade AML para monitoramento de clientes e contas internas. Antes de chegar ao BankMed, a Sra. Baasiri atuou como chefe de divisão de operações e trade finance no United Bank of Lebanon, gerente de relações com clientes do Bank Audi e é a ex-chefe assistente de operações & amp; trade finance no HSBC, Canadá.
Samar é uma Especialista em Combate à Lavagem de Dinheiro (CAMS) e é membro do Conselho Consultivo da ACAMS desde 2006. Ela é também membro fundadora e atual do Comitê AML na Associação de Bancos no Líbano, bem como uma fundação e Membro atual do Comitê de Melhores Práticas dos Grupos de Certificação de Conformidade para a região do Oriente Médio e Norte da África (MENA). Samar é um palestrante frequente em conferências da indústria, do governo e da aplicação da lei sobre conformidade e questões ABC / CFT na região MENA e foi recentemente eleito pela União Mundial dos Banqueiros Árabes como Chefe de Oficiais de Compliance no Líbano.
Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra, CAMS.
Yevgeniya Balyasna-Hooghiemstra (CAMS) é uma AML sênior & amp; Profissional de crimes financeiros com mais de 10 anos de experiência prática em serviços financeiros nos Países Baixos, incluindo ABN AMRO, RBS e Amsterdam Trade Bank. Ela tem experiência em montar e liderar projetos (globais) implementando nova legislação, melhorando processos e controles gerenciais, redigindo políticas e procedimentos, executando treinamento em vários assuntos de AML / conformidade, bem como fazendo um trabalho diário de um oficial de AML (Compliance). .
Em janeiro de 2014, Yevgeniya iniciou sua própria empresa, a Radosyn, para fornecer treinamento de conformidade sob medida e & amp; assessoria, em particular, relacionada com a compreensão e gestão de riscos inerentes às empresas do Leste Europeu. Ela é uma falante nativa de ucraniano e russo.
Yevgeniya é formado em Direito pela Universidade de Kiev em Comércio e Comércio (Ucrânia). É membro certificada da ACAMS desde 2007 e detém o Diploma Internacional em Conformidade da ICA. Yevgeniya é co-fundador e presidente do ACAMS Netherlands Chapter.
Gladys M. Castellano, CAMS.
Gladys M. Castellano (CAMS) tem mais de 20 anos de experiência na banca em diferentes funções que gerenciam a área de Prevenção de Lavado de Dinero e complemento regulador em Porto Rico. Actualmente trabalha como Gerente de BSA em Banco Santander, Porto Rico, supervisionando as unidades de deteção e investigação de actividade sospechosa (UIF), reportando as transacções em vigor e transferencias entre outras responsabilidades. Posse una maestría en Finanzas y ha completado la Escuela Graduada de Cumplimiento Gerencial. En ACAMS tem participado como membro de forças-tarefa e como painelista nas conferências da associação, como também instrutor de ACAMS nos seminários de preparação do exame CAMS em distintos países.
William A. Chapman, CAMS.
Aub Chapman (CAMS) foi um banqueiro de carreira com mais de 42 anos de experiência profissional antes de sua aposentadoria.
Em sua última função na Westpac Banking Corporation, ele foi responsável por gerenciar várias funções, incluindo Controle de Fraude de Grupo, Segurança Física, Serviços de Continuidade de Negócios, Cash and ATM Services, bem como gerenciar a conformidade do grupo com a legislação ABC / CTF. .
Desde sua aposentadoria, Aub tem feito consultoria nos setores público e privado, não apenas na Austrália, mas também internacionalmente. He specialises in controls against financial crime and management of cash services. His international experience includes assignments for the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, The Eurasian Group on Money Laundering (on behalf of the FSVC), Bank Negara Malaysia, Institut Bank-Bank Malaysia and the Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority. He has been a guest speaker at a number of international AML/CTF conferences and international conferences associated with the cash services industry.
Aub is a founding member of the Australasian Chapter, a member of the ACAMS Education Task Force and received the ACAMS AML Professional of the Year award in 2009.
David Clark, CAMS.
David Clark (CAMS) is the Head of Financial Crime Intelligence & Analysis, Barclays Wealth. David has extensive global financial crime risk mitigation experience within banks and, previously, government customs agencies. He joined Barclays Wealth from ABN AMRO where he held a senior position in their global advisory and analysis team with specific responsibilities for global AML training & communication and Asia advisory. Prior to switching careers to work in Financial Services, his 18-year law enforcement career as a financial investigator & intelligence officer included 7 years in a crown dependent territory. Additionally, Clark worked on the ACAMS’ taskforces to revise the CAMS certification exam and produce the CAMS Online Training.
Martin A. Cunningham, CAMS.
Martin A. Cunningham (CAMS) is a Deputy Team Chief in the Counter Threat Finance branch of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). Mr. Cunningham also serves as Program Manager for SOCOM’s counter threat finance training program and oversees the development of curriculum and training partnerships. Martin frequently provides counter threat finance training on disrupting the financial operations of transnational criminal organizations, drug cartels and terrorist networks, their methods of value transfer, and their global money laundering topographies.
Martin Cunningham is a subject matter expert on countering the financing of terrorism and is a frequently demanded guest speaker on the topic. As an Adjunct Professor with the Joint Special Operations University, he facilitates a counter threat finance course. Martin also serves as a guest lecturer at various institutions to include the Navy War College, the University of South Florida, Georgia State University and the Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.
Mr. Cunningham’s background includes a deployment to the Iraq Threat Finance Cell to disrupt Al Qaida-in-Iraq’s financial operations, Senior Counter Threat Finance Analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton, Director of Working Capital Solutions for PrimeRevenue, Inc., Founder and Owner of an income tax preparation firm, and an Intelligence Officer for the United States Navy.
Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit.
Hue Dang (CAMS) is the Head of Asia of ACAMS based in Hong Kong since 2008. She is the Program Chair & Moderator for all ACAMS training events, including the Annual Asia/Pacific AML/CTF Conference, and annual country seminars held in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, China, and Malaysia. She is a frequent speaker at AML-related conferences around the region and the US. She also conducts the Annual Train-the-Trainer Program to certify ACAMS trainers.
Prior to joining ACAMS, Hue had more than 15 years’ experience in banking and finance. She was previously a Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital’s Investment Banking Division in Singapore, Director for Business Development at Citibank’s Global Consumer Banking Group in Singapore and Director of Business Development, Asia/Pacific, for Thomson Financial in Hong Kong. Hue holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In addition to English, she is fluent in French, Vietnamese, and Cantonese Chinese.
Gregory Dellas, CAMS.
Gregory Dellas (CAMS) currently leads the AML Risk Management team within the International Banking Services Division (IBS) of the Bank of Cyprus, in Nicosia, and acts as the local Compliance Officer. His team is responsible for the on-boarding of high-risk clients, the evaluation of large and complex transactions, as well as the review and approval of existing high-risk client relationships. Also, Gregory is responsible for providing advice, guidance and specialised trainings to management and staff, on AML and regulatory compliance matters.
In the past, Gregory worked with Coopers and Lybrand in Nicosia and held various senior and managerial positions in Cyprus Popular Bank and Bank of Cyprus, in Wealth Management, Compliance and other areas. He is a very experienced Private Banker and led the setup of Private Banking units in the UK and Romania. He also served as the Group Money Laundering Compliance Officer, responsible for the AML function, for Cyprus Popular Bank in Cyprus and all its overseas subsidiaries.
He is CAMS certified, holds a BSc in Industrial Economics from the University of Warwick and an MBA from Lancaster University, in the UK. He is also a full member of ACAMS and a founding member, and currently serves as Chair, of the ACAMS Cyprus Chapter. He also participated as delegate and speaker in various international conferences and webinars. cy. linkedin/in/dellasgregory.
Ross Delston, CAMS.
Ross Delston (CAMS) is an expert witness, lawyer and former bank regulator (FDIC) with over 40 years of experience in banking regulation, Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) compliance and trade finance. Participated in two major compliance projects (AIG and BNP Paribas) involving international banking, AML/KYC and sanctions, including OFAC. Retained as an expert witness or litigation consultant on BSA/AML compliance issues in numerous civil fraud cases including a civil forfeiture case on behalf of the U. S. Attorney’s Office (SDNY). Conduct BSA/AML independent audits and reviews for financial services firms, including MSBs and broker-dealers. Draft policies and procedures on customer due diligence (CDD), enhanced due diligence (EDD) and know your customer (KYC), for corporate banking, investment banking, correspondent banking, and trade finance lines of business. Advise financial institutions, foreign financial regulators, industrial companies, US government agencies, and law, accounting and consulting firms on BSA/AML compliance issues. Consultant to International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1997 on AML/CFT, banking, bank restructuring, deposit insurance, bank insolvency and systemic crisis issues. Consultant to World Bank since 1998 on banking, deposit insurance, resolutions and bank insolvency matters. Provide compliance training on BSA/AML, suspicious activity reports (SARs), handling of alerts, onboarding of high risk customers, preparing for examiners and now to avoid violations. Co-authored two law review articles on TBML and quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, the Nikkei (Japan), the Hindu Business Times (India) and the Telegraph (UK).
Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance; Expert witness on BSA/AML compliance issues; Assist banks, MSBs and other financial institutions in strengthening their AML/CFT frameworks; Conduct independent BSA/AML audits and reviews of financial institutions; Provide training in BSA/AML compliance and CAMS exam preparation; Draft AML/CFT, banking, and deposit insurance laws and regulations for countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the MENA region; and Conduct assessments of AML/CFT frameworks of foreign jurisdictions using the FATF 40 Recommendations.
Jurgen Egberink, CAMS.
Mr. Egberink is globally leading Internal Audit’s coverage of Financial Crime risks at Credit Suisse.
In the last few years he has been globally responsible for Compliance Risk Management and Training at Swiss Reinsurance Company. Prior to this role, he was working as Group Financial Crime Officer & Head of Compliance Advisory at Zurich Insurance Company, where he managed the development and implementation of global control frameworks in compliance risk areas such as Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Trade & Economic Sanctions, Data Protection and Employee Conduct. Prior to joining this multi-national Swiss insurance company in 2010 he has worked as Chief Operating Officer for ABN AMRO Compliance, which included program-, project - and risk management responsibilities. During more than 10 years at ABN AMRO Bank he has gained extensive experience in developing and implementing (global) AML-related processes and procedures, offshoring compliance supporting activities as well as operationally managing Transaction Surveillance Europe. He has also worked as a volunteer for FSVC in several international projects (Albania, Kenya) as well as speaker/instructor for ACAMS.
Bachir El Nakib, CAMS.
Industry experience includes the public and private sectors and assignments have seen me working with organisations working in the energy, hospitality, oil & gas, financial services, hospitality, and leisure industries, amongst others. I have an exceptional database of global contacts.
A published author, I have had a number of articles and studies published and have made podcasts appearances in a number of countries as a subject matter specialist and have been commended for my understanding the markets in which I work. I am also a regular guest speaker on the global conference circuit.
My recent professional experience includes the development of expertise in relation to forensic skills, fraud and tax evasion fraud, FATCA compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory compliance and more recently Compliance Alert Blog highlighting cyber-crime in so far as it impacts on the financial services industry and the risks associated with new payment methodologies and mobile banking.
Barry D. Emmert, CAMS.
Barry Emmert (CAMS) is a Director and the Regional Head of Policy and Advisory for Standard Chartered Bank - Americas. He has more than 15 years of experience in the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering field. Barry has significant experience in AML and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) laws, regulations and best practices. Previously, Barry was the Regional Head of Anti-Money Laundering for Royal Bank of Scotland, MIB Americas business. In this capacity, he was responsible for oversight of the anti-money laundering compliance program for RBS’s banking, markets and wholesale lending businesses.
He has held positions of Vice President of AML Compliance at ABN AMRO Bank and Vice President in the Corporate Anti-Money Laundering Group at JPMorgan Chase Bank. For the last eight years Barry has been an Instructor for the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (“CAMS”). As an instructor, he teaches classes on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing that prepare students for their certification exam. In addition, Barry has worked in the forensic practice of several big four accounting firms during his career.
Barry also serves in the United States Army National Guard. He is an attorney in the Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG Officer) and holds the rank of Captain.
Robert A. Goldfinger, CAMS.
Robert A. Goldfinger (CAMS) is the President of Lormel Goldfinger Global Group LLC. He leads the development of client relationships, partner collaborations as well as providing expert consulting services.
With nearly three decades of leadership experience in the public and private sectors, Mr. Goldfinger brings a unique combination of management expertise, operational leadership and marketing across business environments. Mr. Goldfinger has held leadership positions within Fraud/Risk Management area at multiple firms over the years including financial services and technology entities. He has a proven ability to design both operational and technical approaches to enhance Risk, Fraud and Compliance management programs. Mr. Goldfinger’s background within the Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering/Combating Terrorist Financing, Security and Operational Risk disciplines allow him to view overall risk management operations with a practical risk based approach. Mr. Goldfinger is a retired Law Enforcement Executive having served with the Rochester New York Police Department. During his tenure in Law Enforcement, he held numerous leadership positions including Commanding Officer of Criminal Investigations, Director of Training and Development, Patrol Staff Commanding Officer, Patrol Section Commander and Internal Investigation Command managing use of deadly physical force and corruption and integrity investigations.
Mr. Goldfinger is a Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and Certified Fraud Specialist (CFS). He is Co-Chair of ACAMS Carolinas Chapter, and serves on ACAMS TODAY editorial task force and ACAMS educational task forces. He is a frequent speaker at numerous conferences on organizational efficiency, threat and risk management, fraud and Anti-money Laundering and has been published in a variety of industry periodicals.
Jorge Guerrero, Esq., CAMS.
Jorge Guerrero (CAMS), is an attorney licensed in the State of New York. Mr. Guerrero has worked in the Anti-Money Laundering and Bank Secrecy Act field since 1996.
In his capacity as an attorney, and as consultant on AML/BSA regulatory matters Mr. Guerrero has represented and served financial institutions and governmental agencies in the United States and abroad in developing, evaluating and implementing anti-money laundering controls.
He was a member of the founding Board of Advisors of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). He was the first president and co-founder of the National Association of Money Transmitters (NMTA). He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences concerning AML/BSA, OFAC, Anti-Terrorism Financing (TF), and other regulatory issues.
Mr. Guerrero has been the lead presenter at training provided to federal regulators at the OCC and the FDIC who wished to become certified as Anti-Money Laundering Specialists through ACAMS.
Mr. Guerrero is the contents author of the leading AML/BSA automated compliance software, the AML Compass, in use by a large number of money transmitters in the US, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The AML Compass was licensed to the Department of Justice to investigate and discover AML violations that resulted in a fine of $25 million against Sigue Corporation, which at that time was the largest such fines issued against money transmitters for AML violations.
Mr. Guerrero has led the review and/or development of compliance programs of diverse financial institutions including banks, credit unions, money transmitters, broker dealers and others in the United States and abroad.
Mr. Guerrero led a team of analysts that participated in the look back reviews of American Express Bank International, which resulted in the discovery of issues that required remediation on the part of the financial institution.
During his tenure as a member of the Compliance Committee of the bank’s Board of Directors, Mr. Guerrero assisted Nova Bank in implementing regulatory controls that allowed the institution to successfully serve Money Service Business clients.
Michael Hannum, CAMS.
Michael Hannum (CAMS) is a Global AML /CTF manager at PayPal. He previously served in United States Military, Law Enforcement and various Banking Fraud and Financial / Securities positions. With a Criminal Justice Masters in Cyber Crime, Michael serves as a Subject Matter Expert towards money laundering trends. During the last 15 plus years Michael has been deeply integrated into multiple lines of compliance and Fraud. Partnering closely with law enforcement, financial institutions and regulatory bodies.
Michael Hannum is recognized for his white papers and articles on Money Laundering typologies and guest speaking events.
Michael Shares a love for regulations and the training, development and growth of combating criminal activities. Michael is co-Chairmen of the Phoenix Association Certified Anti-Money Specialist (ACAMS) chapter.
Sana Khan (CAMS)
Sana Khan (CAMS) is an experienced lawyer (qualified Barrister-at-Law), Author and lecturer in law. Her practice as a barrister included advising a wide range of public and private organisations. She has received numerous scholarships and awards at national and international level for achievements in legal matters including international moot courts and publications.
She has presented papers both nationally and internationally on the developments of governance standards throughout a number of industries. She lectures in a variety of subject matters including corporate governance, anti-money laundering, data protection and CSR in a number of organisations. She is also experienced in developing and delivering CPD training on anti-money laundering and data protection.
Sana has worked with many international reputable organisations which includes a publicly listed US technology giant and an international trust and corporate services business, where she had MLRO and Data Protection Officer nationally and internationally. She has been heavily involved in anti-money laundering matters and compliance and data protection remediation projects across Europe and the US.
Sana is also a member of the board of directors for the Irish Chapter of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists as the Education Program Director for the Irish Chapter.
In addition to having been published in many international reputable journals and magazines Sana has published an ebook with Nubooks titled “Business Social Responsibility - CSR for SMEs.
Sana is a co-founder and the Corporate Counsel for Supportica Group Limited in which she has assisted with legal, regulatory and AML and data protection initiatives.
Dennis M. Lormel, CAMS.
Dennis M. Lormel (CAMS) is the founder and President of DML Associates, LLC, a full service investigative consultancy. Mr. Lormel provides consulting services and training related to terrorist financing, money laundering, fraud, financial crimes and due diligence. For 28 years, he served as a special agent in the FBI and served as chief of the FBI Financial Crimes Program. There, he formulated, established and directed the FBI’s terrorist financing initiative following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. For his visionary contributions, Mr. Lormel received numerous commendations and awards to include the Department of Justice, Criminal Division’s Award for Investigative Initiative and the Central Intelligence Agency’s George H. W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism.
Angela Mele, CAMS.
Angela Mele (CAMS) has 18 years in international financial services experience, having worked at Dundee Leeds Management Services in Bermuda, then at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, and most recently with Citi Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Ltd. (formerly BISYS Hedge Fund Services (Cayman) Limited). Angela left her position as head of the Compliance & Training Division of Citi to take over managing Bodden Compliance & Training Ltd. in December 2007.
Angela is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), and is a member of the International Compliance Association (MICA). In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, and a Bachelor of Education from York University, North York, Canada, and is a teacher qualified in the province of Ontario.
Ira Morales Mickunas, CAMS.
Ira Morales Mickunas (CAMS) directs global projects involving AML Independent Evaluations, Consulting and Training to the Company’s client base throughout sectors in Banking, Money Service Business, Securities and Precious Metals, among others. Prior to co-founding Milersen she worked for a Global Risk Mitigating Consulting firm with a focus in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.
Ira is a frequent guest speaker in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe on Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Organized Crime and Corruption. She has written articles, collaborated on official publication documents with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and interviewed on money laundering related topics for publications and televised programs. She is a designated Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and serves as a member of ACAMS Money Service Business (MSB) Task Force since July 2010.
Shaun Miller, CAMS.
Shaun Miller (CAMS) Shaun is a Member of the International Compliance Association and is ACAMS certified. He is a Senior AML Advisor and Trainer in one of the world’s largest banking groups.
Shaun has delivered training in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Kuwait City to senior bank staff in the Risk Based Approach to Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. He has also presented FinCrime, AML Audit, Anti-Bribery and Corruption training on behalf of a London based training agency to senior members of Ghana’s central bank. He has also delivered Webinars in AML and Big Data and AML and the Block chain.
He has an in-depth knowledge of financial crime technologies (AML / KYC / CDD, Sanctions, Fraud) acquired in Tier 1 International financial institutions. Shaun has international experience working in AML Remediation projects, external Audit, Financial Crime projects in Global Banking.
He has delivered AML/ CFT training and has implemented Suspicious Activity Reporting procedures in Ireland, UK and Sweden. Shaun was a key player in Audit/Sanctions / PEP assessment projects in Tier 1 Banks in New York, UK, Hong Kong and Ireland.
Inga Mukane, CAMS.
Inga Mukane (CAMS) is a compliance professional with over 17 years of experience in the banking sector.
Inga’s competencies include deep understanding of AML international standards and practice gained through working at a diverse range of banks. Inga has passed all qualification path from AML analyst up to the Chief Compliance Officer and the Management Board member responsible for compliance, effectively supporting business areas in their duty to comply with AML regulations and relevant laws.
Understanding that the role of compliance specialists is complex, requiring both varied and specialised skills and competencies, Inga is conducting ACAMS Exam Prep courses. She is also training and advising on how to build an effective compliance program starting at the top, to work competently to fulfill compliance obligations and prevent financial crime.
Inga possesses a Master’s Degree in Business Management from Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration. She speaks English, Latvian and Russian. Inga is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and ACAMS member, she also holds the ICA International Diploma in Compliance.
Gary Murray, CAMS.
Gary Murray (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, Global Compliance Investigations Unit Citigroup He retired from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 2008 as the director of the New York High Intensity Financial Crime Area (HIFCA).The NY HIFCA is a multi-agency financial intelligence unit that was identified in the 2006 FATF United States Mutual Evaluation Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism as “a model for the rest of the country.” As director of the HIFCA, Gary supervised analysts, investigators and support personnel from thirteen law enforcement agencies.
After consulting for several years on BSA / AML issues at various financial institutions in the New York area, Gary joined Citigroup in 2011.
Thomas Nollner, CAMS.
Tom Nollner (CAMS) has over 35 years of experience in the banking regulatory field. His experience includes 30 years as a National Bank Examiner for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Treasury and 5 years as an international banking consultant. He has a proven track record in assisting financial institutions regarding capital adequacy, asset quality, management issues, earnings concerns, and liquidity. In addition, Tom is a consumer specialist focusing on developing and instituting risk management processes, and in implementing anti-money laundering related programs and policies. Tom has developed and presented numerous training programs focusing on banking issues, to regulatory authorities, government bodies, and the staff of financial institutions in countries in North America, Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and South America. In addition, he has developed banking policies and examination procedures for regulatory authorities, and assisted Financial Intelligence Units and Central Banks with improving existing banking laws and regulations.
Robert Pasley, CAMS.
Robert Pasley (CAMS) was most recently a Senior Vice President in the AML policy area for Bank of America. Prior to that, he served as a contractor for FinCEN, working on policy issues, handling specific cases, and assisting in drafting the final 312 regulation. Before that, he was an Assistant Director of the Enforcement and Compliance Division of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and specialized in the AML area. He is a graduate of the Cornell Law School and of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking. His honors thesis at Stonier was on the Consolidation of the Banking Agencies. He has also written on several other topics, including a chapter on the History of the Banking Agencies’ Enforcement Powers, a law review article on the impact of the Double Jeopardy Clause on civil money penalties, a law review article on the tension between privacy rights and anti-money laundering enforcement and a law review article on developments in Bank Secrecy Act enforcement.
Holger Pauco-Dirscherl, CAMS.
Holger Pauco-Dirscherl (CAMS) is an experienced and passionate Senior Financial Crime Professional with a unique blend of international knowledge, expertise and experience together with a good reputation in the national and international Financial Crime field. He is a recognized SME for Financial Crime giving a wide range of trainings and acts as a speaker on conferences and symposiums both national and international.
He works as a freelance consultant for different banks on a wide range of projects. Prior to this he was the Head of the Global Financial Crime Unit of Commerzbank AG. A global unit whose responsibility it is to facilitate information sharing and perform analysis on key events related to AML, CTF and Sanctions. Before this, he was Head Financial Crime at UBS Deutschland AG responsible for the Financial Crime and Sanctions teams after acting as German Country Compliance Manager/MLRO and Deputy Branch Manager of the two Wells Fargo entities in Frankfurt, Germany. Holger also worked for ING-DiBa AG in the AML and Fraud department among others before he joined GenoTec GmbH as an outsourced MLRO for several banks and financial service providers.
Holger is the Co-Chair of the ACAMS Germany Chapter as well as an AML Certification Instructors and SME and Content Advisor on Certificates for ACAMS and also a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Gestão. He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and holds a MBA degree from the OU Business School.
Alexandre Pinot, CAMS.
Alexandre Pinot (CAMS) is an AML Compliance & financial crime professional with over 7 years of practical experience within the financial services business in various countries across Europe. He is co-chairing the Board of the ACAMS Baltics Chapter.
Through graduating in international affairs, economics and finance, he developed his interest for movements of funds, globally.
He then had the opportunity to sharpen his knowledge of international money transfers, with a focus on AML, by taking on various compliance-related roles in France, Germany and Lithuania, while being exposed to the ever-evolving regulatory frame around this industry.
He has had the opportunity to explore different areas of the AML sphere, from the audit & oversight part, going through the management of AML aspects of digital money transfer partnerships (Banks, Mobile Network Operators, Electronic Money Issuers) globally. He is now leading the AML function of a fast-growing FinTech company providing anti-fraud solutions within the online payment sphere.
He is CAMS certified and ACAMS member since 2013 and has been part of the first opening sessions for both the French & German ACAMS Chapters in Paris & Frankfurt
Alexandre has conducted over 400 AML/CFT on-site trainings to businesses ranging from retail Telco point-of-sale to foreign exchange offices and international banks and also periodically participates in the internal AML training of the staff, within its current organization.
Alexandre Pinot (CAMS) est un spécialiste de la lutte anti blanchiment (LAB) et de la criminalité financière bénéficiant de plus de 7 ans d’expérience pratique dans le secteur des services financiers dans différents pays d’Europe. Il copréside le conseil d’administration du chapitre ACAMS Baltics.
A travers son cursus académique en affaires internationales, en économie et en finance, il a développé son intérêt pour les mouvements de fonds, à l’échelle mondiale.
Il a ensuite eu l’occasion d’approfondir sa connaissance des transferts d’argent internationaux, en mettant l’accent sur la LAB, en assumant divers rôles liés à la conformité en France, en Allemagne et en Lituanie tout en étant exposé au cadre réglementaire en constante évolution autour de cette industrie.
Il a eu l’occasion d’explorer différents domaines de la LAB, de la partie audit & supervision, en passant par la gestion des aspects LAB des partenariats numériques de transfert d’argent (banques, opérateurs de réseaux mobiles, émetteurs de monnaie électroniques) dans le monde. Il est désormais à la tête de la fonction AML d’une société FinTech à croissance rapide qui fournit des solutions anti-fraude dans le domaine du paiement en ligne.
Il est certifié CAMS et membre de l’ACAMS depuis 2013 et a participé aux cérémonies d’ouverture des Chapitres français et allemand de l’ACAMS lors de leurs fondations à Paris et Francfort.
Alexandre a effectué plus de 400 formations LAB/LAT sur le terrain à des entreprises allant des points de vente de télécommunications au détail, aux bureaux de change et aux banques internationale et participe également périodiquement à la formation interne LAB/LAT du personnel, au sein de son organisation actuelle.
Edward Rodriguez, CAMS.
Ed Rodriguez (CAMS) is the principal and founder of EORS Consulting LLC. Prior to forming his own firm, Ed was practice leader of Watkins Meegan LLC, a CPA firm in the DC region, in the area of Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Compliance Services. Ed has deep and varied subject matter expertise in AML compliance, having completed a career as a Special Agent with IRS Criminal Investigations (CI) where he conducted and supervised tax and money-laundering investigations for 25 years.
Prior to being assigned to Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OFC), he was a senior analyst in IRS CI HQ in the Financial Crimes Section where he oversaw the IRS CI’s national money laundering program. Reviewed money laundering policy and supported CI’s field offices globally. Strategic analysis reviews were intended to enhance money laundering investigations. Coordinated and trained all the National CI’s 81 Suspicious Activity Review teams (SARs) within all of CI’s Field Offices.
While in New York Field Office (NYFO) as a Supervisor for IRS CI, he presented numerous engagements as an expert in money laundering and BSA enforcement to law enforcement and industry communities. He supervised in the El Dorado Task Force in NYC which involved money laundering and criminal financial investigations. He also supervised the IRS NYFO SAR-Review Team by enforcing BSA statutes such as Title 31. Then finally he supervised in the New York Asset Forfeiture Task Force working on criminal investigations while evaluating the potential to execute the federal asset forfeiture and seizure statutes.
Nancy J. Saur, CAMS.
Nancy Saur (CAMS) has over 35 years’ experience in financial services, with more than 20 years focused in the Caribbean and Latin American region. While living in the Cayman Islands for the past 17 years, Nancy has managed compliance for banks, trust companies, corporate service providers, insurance companies and securities brokers. She founded the Cayman Islands Compliance Association, and in 2004, she and her partners opened the first independent compliance consulting company in Cayman, where, in addition to consulting for institutions such as the above, Nancy consulted for a variety of other financial services businesses including credit unions, MSBs, law firms and insurance and real estate brokers. She currently works for a Private Trust company; prior to making the move this summer, Nancy was head of compliance at an insurance company that provides private placement life insurance, annuities and business insurance. Nancy is a member of the ACAMS Advisory Board, a CAMS Prep Facilitator and has been on the various ACAMS Exam Writing Task Forces over the past 10 years.
Brian Stoeckert, JD, CAMS, CFE.
Brian is a Managing Partner of Stratis Advisory with more than 15 years of experience in strategy, risk, legal, and compliance serving startups through Fortune 500 companies. He manages an international portfolio of FinTech start-ups, money service businesses, financial institutions, government agencies, universities, and entertainment. Brian has served as an expert in civil and regulatory matters related to anti-money laundering (AML) and digital currency compliance, and international bond swaps. Moreover, he has testified before domestic and foreign governments.
Brian previously co-founded CoinComply, the first risk and compliance solutions provider devoted exclusively to the FinTech and digital currency ecosystem. Prior to CoinComply, he led Booz Allen Hamilton’s west coast strategy and risk practice on advising board of directors, audit and compliance committees, and executive management of global financial institutions under consent orders for AML deficiencies, money service businesses, and international intelligence firms. Moreover, he has served as a guest lecturer at New York University’s Law School and Stern School of Business on AML laws, regulations, and digital currency compliance. Brian is a frequent presenter at international risk and compliance conferences.
Brian is a recipient of Stony Brook University’s 2014 Top 40 Under Forty Award. He serves as a Non-Executive Director for a post-IPO global FinTech firm and is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the Chairman of the ACAMS Chapter Steering Committee, and an Executive Board member of the award winning ACAMS Northern California Chapter. He received his J. D. from New York Law School and his B. A. in Political Science from Stony Brook University.
He can be reached at bstoeckert@stratisadvisory, @StratisAdvisory, or 917.554.9903.
Perla Stoeckert, CAMS.
Perla serves as the Head of Compliance, North America for the OzForex Group, a global provider of online international payment services for consumer and businesses, where she oversees the Risk and Compliance Department for the Group’s operations in the US and Canada.
Previously, Perla served as the Global Head of AML & Sanctions Compliance for Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), a leader in the online foreign exchange industry, including retail and institutional clients with forex, indices and commodities, and dollar index, where she oversaw the AML and Sanctions program for operations in the U. S., Europe, Asia, Australia, and Middle East.
Prior to FXCM, she served as Chief Compliance Officer at Commonwealth Foreign Exchange (COMFEX), a market-leading foreign exchange services firm focused on facilitating currency exchange on behalf of domestic and international corporations. As a regulated non-bank financial institution, Perla managed the BSA/AML and OFAC programs in compliance with the National Futures Association (NFA), U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and various U. S. state regulators as a money transmitter. She also served as Vice President and BSA Officer for Merchants Bank of California, N. A., where she managed the BSA/AML program for the multi-national retail bank and its Unigram money transmitter service that provides transfers to Mexico and Central and South America.
Perla received her Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Minor in International Relations from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist and earned the Advanced Certification in Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering from the International Compliance Association (UK). Moreover, Perla served as a founding executive board member of the ACAMS Northern California Chapter.
Kevin Sullivan MS, MMBA, CAMS.
Kevin Sullivan (MS, MMBA, CAMS) is the president of The AML Training Academy and Advisory. Kevin has personally trained and/or consulted with numerous financial institutions from large to small (many from the Wolfsberg Group), regulators and government entities (U. S. and international). Kevin is a retired Investigator from the NY State Police and was the state money laundering investigations coordinator assigned to the NY HIFCA El Dorado Federal Task Force in Manhattan, the largest money laundering task force in the world. Kevin has over 22 years of police experience, specializing in money laundering, financial crimes, narcotics, organized crime and terrorist financing. Kevin was responsible for SAR analysis and review, case reverse engineering and special projects on the latest money laundering trends and patterns. Additionally Kevin helped develop Operation Cornerstone, an initiative that assisted financial institutions with the development of their AML programs with emphasis on constructing quality SARS. Kevin possesses a Master’s Degree in Economic Crime Management from Utica College of Syracuse University. He is a Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist and a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Kevin was a founding member of the first ever ACAMS chapter and subsequent chair of the NY chapter. He is a long time instructor of the CAMS prep exam and speaker/presenter at numerous AML seminars globally. Kevin is the author of the book, “AML in a Nutshell”. Kevin is also an adjunct professor at Utica College.
Chuck Taylor, CAMS.
Chuck Taylor (CAMS) is Senior Vice President, BSA Officer for City National Bank, headquartered in downtown Los Angeles. He is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the BSA/AML function for City National. He has been in the banking industry since 1992 and the BSA/AML field exclusively since 2003. His resume includes positions with; California National Bank, Bank of America, Pacific Capital Bancorp and the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office. Chuck completed his Juris Doctorate in 2001, received certification as an Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) in 2003 with the inaugural class and became a Certified BSA Officer in 2007.
Don Temple, CAMS.
Donald Temple (CAMS) is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in the areas of currency reporting, money laundering, the detection of suspicious transactions and fraud investigations. He has over 28 years of experience in the Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering field. He has extensive hands-on experience in the areas of the Bank Secrecy Act, financial investigations including financial fraud, anti-money laundering, due diligence, and Federal income tax investigations. His experience includes a 26 year career in federal law enforcement as a Special Agent with the Internal Revenue Service where he conducted complex Federal income tax investigations; lead a Financial Investigative Task Force for 16 years; experience with an anti-money laundering software provider; the BSA/AML subject matter expert and director of anti-money laundering investigations for a bank; and a director in the forensic practice of one of the big four accounting firms. He has been a regular speaker at global anti-money laundering conferences. He has also conducted more than 20 ACAMS Exam Prep courses.
Luz María Villafuerte Garcia, CAMS.
Luz María Villafuerte Garcia (CAMS) licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Tecnológica de México, cuenta con especialidad en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad Panamericana y con estudios de maestría en la misma Universidad.
Profesionalmente cuenta con 16 años de experiencia en el sector público, actualmente como Director General Adjunto de Prevención de Operaciones en la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, en donde lleva a cabo actividades de regulación y supervisión a sociedades financieras de objeto múltiple no reguladas, centros cambiarios y transmisores de dinero en materia de prevención de lavado de dinero y financiamiento al terrorismo. Cabe resaltar su desempeño como Directora General Adjunta de Sanciones en la Secretaría de la Función Pública (Órgano Fiscalizador en la Administración Pública Federal), Gerente de Administración Patrimonial en Pemex (Empresa Productiva del Estado) Directora Ejecutiva Jurídica en el Servicio de Administración y Enajenación de Bienes del Sector Público (SAE), Directora General Jurídica de Banrural ( Banca de Desarrollo) y su participación en la atención legal, contenciosa y administrativa de los asuntos de diversas entidades financieras como UNICREVA, UNICREF y BNCI.
Peter J Warrack, CAMS.
Peter J Warrack, (CAMS) is currently Director, Risk Intelligence for the Bank of Montreal (BMO). Prior to his current role he built two highly capable AML FIUs at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)and BMO viewed locally as ‘the universities of AML”.
Peter was recruited to Canada by RBC leaving behind a successful career in law enforcement in the UK. In Canada, he successfully built and pioneered RBC’s intelligence – led fraud prevention approach setting the standard for ‘the culture of intelligence’ before specializing in AML.
Since coming to Canada, Peter has been a proponent of joint / law enforcement investigations and actively involved with law enforcement in the legal sharing of information and best practices, which has resulted in numerous arrests and the interdiction of crime.
Peter frequently presents and publishes on subjects including intelligence, fraud and money laundering and is often referred to as a practical academic and thought-leader. Peter’s contribution to the AML industry was recognized by his peers in 2011 when he received the ACAMS Professional of the Year Award.
Peter D. Wild, CAMS-Audit.
Peter Wild (CAMS-Audit) is an independent consultant in the Anti Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing and Sanctions field. In consulting engagements he specializes in AML/TF and Sanctions business processes, Independent Testing and Operational and IT Auditing. He is also experienced in the development and presentation of AML Training.
He retired from J. P.Morgan in 2016 as a Senior Manager in the Internal Audit Department. He managed both Information Technology and Operational audits in many areas of the Firm. Starting in 2007, he specialized in managing audits covering all the Corporate AML/TF and Sanctions computer systems and operations.
Upon moving to America from England he became the IT Audit Director for Republic National Bank of New York. Later, he was a Senior IT Audit Manager at Coopers & Lybrand and then moved to the Melville Corporation as the IT Audit Director and subsequently became their Director of Information Systems Planning.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and a Past President of the New York Chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association . He is a Recipient of the Joseph J. Wasserman Award for his outstanding contributions to Information Systems Audit and Security.
He is a founding member of the CAMS Audit Faculty , the Co-Chair of the ACAMS New York Chapter and in 2015 he received the Al Gillum Volunteer of the Year Award from ACAMS. He is also a member of the Honourable Artillery Company of London.
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