Uma História: a Palavra do Ano do Dicionário.
Palavra do ano.
Nossa escolha de Palavra do Ano serve como um símbolo dos eventos mais significativos de cada ano e das tendências de pesquisa. É uma oportunidade para refletirmos sobre a linguagem e as ideias que representam a cada ano. Então, dê uma volta pela pista da memória para lembrar todas as nossas últimas seleções do Word of the Year.
Não foi moda, engraçado, nem foi cunhado no Twitter, mas achamos que a mudança contou uma história real sobre como nossos usuários definiram 2010. Ao contrário de 2008, a mudança não era mais um slogan de campanha. Mas o termo ainda tinha muito peso. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio da Palavra do Ano em 2010:
O debate nacional pode ser resumido pela pergunta: Nos últimos dois anos, houve mudanças suficientes? Tem havido muito? Enquanto isso, muitos americanos continuam enfrentando mudanças em suas casas, contas bancárias e empregos. Só o tempo dirá se a última onda de mudanças pela qual os americanos votaram nas eleições intermediárias resultará em um resultado negativo ou positivo.
Esta palavra rara foi escolhida para representar 2011 porque descreveu muito do mundo ao nosso redor. Tergiversar significa "mudar repetidamente a atitude ou opiniões de uma pessoa em relação a uma causa, assunto, etc." Os editores do dicionário viram o mercado de ações, os grupos políticos e a opinião pública passarem por uma montanha-russa de mudanças ao longo de 2011. E assim, nomeamos tergiversar a Palavra do Ano de 2011.
Em um ano conhecido pelo movimento Occupy e o que ficou conhecido como a Primavera Árabe, nossos lexicógrafos escolheram a tag como sua Palavra do Ano de 2012. Aqui está um trecho do nosso lançamento que dá uma boa explicação para a nossa escolha:
2012 viu as campanhas políticas mais caras e alguns dos eventos climáticos mais extremos da história da humanidade, desde enchentes na Austrália a ciclones na China, ao furacão Sandy e muitos outros.
Ficamos sérios em 2013. A privacidade de todos estava naquele ano, desde a revelação de Edward Snowden do Project PRISM até a chegada do Google Glass. Aqui está um trecho do nosso anúncio em 2013:
Muitos de nós abraçamos as mídias sociais, optando por oferecer informações íntimas e fotografias pessoais no Facebook, Twitter e Instagram; Essa participação robusta ecoa uma observação de Mark Zuckerberg em 2010 de que o nível de conforto do público em compartilhar informações pessoais on-line é uma “norma social” que “evoluiu com o tempo”. Mesmo assim, uma pesquisa recente da Harris Poll mostra que os jovens estão agora monitorando e alterando suas configurações de privacidade mais do que nunca, um desenvolvimento que o USA Today apelidou de "efeito de Edward Snowden".
Alerta de spoiler: As coisas não ficaram menos sérias em 2014. Nossa Palavra do Ano foi a exposição, que destacou o surto do vírus Ebola no ano, chocantes atos de violência tanto no exterior quanto nos EUA e o roubo generalizado de informações pessoais. Aqui está o que nós tivemos a dizer sobre a exposição em 2014:
Do senso de vulnerabilidade que permeia o Ebola à visibilidade de atos de crime ou má conduta que provocaram conversas críticas sobre raça, gênero e violência, vários sentidos de exposição foram expostos ao público este ano.
A fluidez da identidade foi um grande tema em 2015. A linguagem em torno do gênero e da identidade sexual se ampliou, tornando-se mais inclusiva, com acréscimos ao dicionário, como gênero fluido, bem como o prefixo neutro de gênero Mx. A identidade racial também teve muito debate em 2015, após Rachel Dolezal, uma mulher branca se apresentar como uma mulher negra, disse que ela se identificou como biracial ou transracial. Nossa Palavra do Ano em 2015 refletiu as muitas facetas da identidade que surgiram naquele ano.
Em 2016, selecionamos a xenofobia como nossa Palavra do Ano. O medo do "outro" foi um grande tema em 2016, do Brexit à retórica de campanha do presidente Donald Trump. Em nosso anúncio, pedimos aos nossos leitores que refletissem sobre este termo em vez de celebrá-lo:
Apesar de ser escolhida como a Palavra do Ano de 2016, a xenofobia não deve ser celebrada. Pelo contrário, é uma palavra para refletir profundamente à luz dos acontecimentos do passado recente.
A palavra cúmplice surgiu em conversas em 2017 sobre aqueles que se manifestaram contra figuras e instituições poderosas e sobre aqueles que permaneceram em silêncio. Foi um ano de despertar real para a cumplicidade em vários setores da sociedade, da política à cultura pop. De nosso anúncio de Palavra do Ano de 2017:
Nossa escolha para Palavra do Ano é tanto sobre o que é visível quanto sobre o que não é. É uma palavra que nos lembra que até a inação é um tipo de ação. A aceitação silenciosa do erro é como chegamos a esse ponto. Não devemos deixar que isso continue a ser a norma. Se fizermos isso, então somos todos cúmplices.
A equipe de gerenciamento.
Atuou em vários cargos de liderança ao longo de 19 anos no setor de Serviços Bancários e Financeiros em Banca de Empresas, Banca Pessoal, Estratégia, Comércio, Financiamento a Receber, Gestão de Património, Activos de Retalho, Classificação de Crédito e Serviços de Avaliação de Crédito.
Antes de ingressar no First Capital Bank, Sachin estava na Índia, onde atuou em CRISIL, HSBC e ICICI Bank.
Ele tem experiência de trabalho de mais de 15 anos em Serviços Bancários e Financeiros, Mineração, Manufatura e Logística. Em Banking ele é especializado em Corporate Banking, Trade Finance, Tesouraria e Wealth Management.
Antes de ingressar no First Capital Bank, Shashank trabalhou com o Standard Chartered Bank e First National Bank.
Pradeep tem 24 anos de experiência em serviços bancários de varejo e comerciais obtidos no ANZ Grindlays Bank e no HSBC na Índia.
Chresta passou oito anos trabalhando como acadêmico na Faculdade Evelyn Hone de Artes Aplicadas e Comércio (ZMB), lecionando em Gestão Financeira, Produção & amp; Gerenciamento de Operações e Métodos Quantitativos.
Sua incursão no setor bancário começou no First National Bank (FNB), onde trabalhou em operações de tesouraria antes de assumir a responsabilidade de gerenciar Riscos e Finanças no departamento de Tesouraria. Ele então se mudou para o Cavmont Bank, onde administrou o risco e a conformidade por 4 anos antes de se mudar para o First Capital Bank.
Chresta é Chartered Global Management Accountant (CIMA) com bacharelado em Gestão de Produção pela Copperbelt University (ZMB), mestrado em Gestão Estratégica de Negócios pela Manchester Metropolitan University (ENG) e mestrado em Finanças e Contabilidade pela University of Wales ( REINO UNIDO).
Juiz é o Diretor Financeiro em exercício do First Capital Bank. É membro do Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA), Associação de Contabilistas Certificados (ACCA UK) e do Institute of Internal Auditor.
Atuou em vários cargos de liderança nos últimos 15 anos no sector dos Serviços Sem Fins Lucrativos, Banca e Serviços Financeiros nas áreas de Finanças, Contabilidade, Operações, administração e Auditoria Interna na região da África Austral.
Antes de ingressar no First Capital Bank, Judge esteve em Moçambique onde atuou como Chefe de Operação e Chefe de Auditoria no Banco de Capital (Moçambique).
Chindima é o chefe de crédito do First Capital Bank. Ele segura o Adv. Diploma em Gestão (CIMA), (atualmente estudando nível estratégico em CIMA) e Diploma em Contabilidade (AAT).
Ele atuou em vários cargos no Setor Bancário, com mais de 16 anos, dos quais 12 anos foram líderes em Serviços de Banking Corporativo, Banco Pessoal, Estratégia, Rating de Crédito e Avaliação de Crédito.
Antes de ingressar no First Capital Bank, Ephraim atuou no Finance Bank Zambia Limited e no Cavmont Bank.
A Veronica aproveitou uma vasta experiência no setor bancário em nível sênior, cobrindo áreas como Caixa, Compensação, Pagamentos, Reconciliação e Compliance.
Ela representou o banco em vários fóruns, incluindo o grupo técnico da Associação dos Banqueiros da Zâmbia (BAZTECH) e o comité de gestão da Câmara de Compensação Electrónica da Zâmbia.
Antes de sua posição atual na First Capital, ela foi fundamental na criação do banco predecessor do departamento de Operações da ICB.
Veronica atuou no Finance Bank Zambia Ltd por mais de 20 anos até o ano de 2010, durante o qual ela subiu para o nível de Assistant Branch Operations.
Ele atuou em vários cargos em vários bancos, incluindo o Standard Chartered Bank Zambia, onde atuou como membro da equipe de liderança do país (CLT). Ele tem mais de 10 anos de experiência no setor de Serviços Bancários e Financeiros nas áreas de Vendas e Negociação de Tesouraria, Bancos Pessoais e de Sucursais, Gestão de Patrimônios, Empréstimos e Hipotecas Pessoais, Avaliação de Crédito e Avaliação.
Antes de ingressar no First Capital Bank, Malama era Gerente de Tesouraria e Presidente do Investrust Bank Plc. Comitê de Desenvolvimento de Produtos. Ele também teve uma passagem pelo Ecobank Zambia.
Malama é também o Chefe Regional para a África da ACI, a Associação dos Mercados Financeiros e é membro do Conselho de Administração da ACI FMA, com sede em Paris, França.
Ele tem uma vasta experiência de mais de 11 anos em Gestão de Recursos Humanos nas indústrias de Mineração, Manufatura e FMCG e atuou em várias funções e liderança.
Antes de ingressar no Banco, Louis trabalhou na Konkola Copper Mines, na Lafarge Zambia, na The Post Newspapers e na M & amp; M Consultores de Gestão e Trabalho Ltda.
Papéis anteriores incluídos; Auditoria Interna do Chefe de País - Ecobank Zambia; Garantia de receita do gerente & amp; Gestão de Fraude - ZAMTEL, Supervisor KPMG Zambia e Contador Sênior - KPMG South Africa.
Shepherd é um profissional de gerenciamento de riscos com experiência predominantemente adquirida no setor de serviços financeiros, com alguma exposição a outros setores durante seu tempo como auditor externo na KPMG.
Um banqueiro completo com mais de 40 anos de experiência, dos quais 15 anos estão no nível HOD. A Zefnat trabalhou para o Standard Chartered Bank Zambia, o Meridien Bank, o Finance Bank Zambia, o Commerce Bank e o Investrust Bank.
Zefnat começou no ramo de operações antes de se mudar para o crédito e, posteriormente, Marketing e Vendas, onde ele construiu sua força.
Zefnat possui um MBA pela Edith Cowan University, Perth, Austrália, IOB Stage 1 e Form V Cambridge School Certificate. Ele também fez treinamento militar compulsório através do ZNS em 1975 em Ndola.
Grupo MAC.
Trazendo a carreira recompensadora que você quer do que o trabalho que você tem.
Gerente Financeiro & # 8211; Até 25k + e # 8211; Dubai, U. A.E.
Gerencie operações financeiras, desenvolvendo um entendimento básico das operações da empresa, seus negócios, obrigações de caixa, análise de fluxo de caixa e manutenção de registros. Supervisionar a elaboração de relatórios financeiros, projeções de receita e previsões financeiras. Trabalhe com os gerentes de departamento para desenvolver planos de negócios. Manter linhas contínuas de comunicação, mantendo o presidente informado de todas as questões críticas. Representar a organização externamente, conforme necessário, como reuniões bancárias e de investidores Formalize e supervisione os procedimentos de controle interno e emita relatórios de auditoria interna trimestralmente. Supervisione a função de controle de crédito. Ligação entre o pessoal de gestão e contabilidade. Distribuir as despesas gerais e a receita entre escritórios regionais e filiais, dependendo da base de turnover. Preparar contas trimestrais detalhadas de lucros e perdas, discriminando os números por filiais e escritórios regionais. Analisa dados financeiros complexos e extrai e define informações relevantes. Interpreta os dados com a finalidade de determinar o desempenho financeiro passado e / ou projetar uma probabilidade financeira. Preparação de saldos de avaliação mensais. Desenvolve relatórios financeiros para análise financeira, previsão, tendências e contas de análise de resultados. Relatórios mensais, incluindo reconciliações com necessidades de financiadores e planos de previdência, bem como demonstrações financeiras e projeções de fluxo de caixa para uso pela Diretoria Executiva, bem como o Comitê de Auditoria / Finanças e o Conselho de Administração. Auxiliar no projeto, implementação e cálculos oportunos de incentivos salariais, comissões e salários para o pessoal. Inicia e processa entradas de diário em várias contas. Usa vários aplicativos de software (como Orion, MS Dynamics, Exact ..).
Bacharel em Finanças ou Contabilidade Certified Chartered Accountant, CIMA Mínimo de 15 anos de experiência em Contabilidade e Finanças. Experiência anterior em desenvolvimento imobiliário é o preferido. Experiência em contabilidade de custos, contabilidade de projetos, análise de projetos, análise de gastos de capital. Forte capacidade de comunicação (verbal e escrita). Fala fluente e escrita da língua inglesa. Excelente atenção aos detalhes e altamente organizada. Qualidades pessoais de honestidade, integridade e altos padrões éticos.
Compartilhe com amigos !
Aplique somente se a função for 70% compatível com sua função de trabalho anterior. Devido à escassez de tempo / recursos, somente os candidatos pré-selecionados serão contatados.- resume@macgroup. me Cancelar resposta.
Eu tenho 11 anos de experiência de trabalho neste campo de Contas Financeiras & amp; Auditoria. Atualmente em Dubai, trabalhei como Gerente Financeiro na empresa de hospitalidade “Spyro Hotel Supply LLC”. Anteriormente trabalhou como Gerente de Contas & amp; Finanças em Comercial Metal Paquistão Eu tenho experiência de trabalho de Auditoria (Externa e Interna) fazia parte da KPMG + RASG + MZ & amp; Contabilistas da Co Chartered Desde 2005 até 2013. Além disso, tenho experiência em software de análise de sistemas e desenvolvimento de programas (ERP).
Tenho várias qualificações relacionadas apenas a contas de auditoria & amp; Finanças (CA Finalista + CPA + APFA + AFA + CIA + Mestrado em Economia e Finanças) e tem 15 Certificados & amp; Prêmios.
Por favor entre em contato comigo ..
Gerente Financeiro em Spyro Hotel Supply LLC.
Coordenador regional adicional do ICPAP (Emirados Árabes Unidos e Paquistão),
CA (Finalista), CPA, AFA, APFA, CIA, M. A Economia & amp; Finança.
Contato: UAE +971502933134 PAK +923212783998.
ID do Skype: malaika. fari.
Por favor, encontrar em anexo o meu CV para o cargo de Gerente Financeiro.
Saudações para você,
A revisão das minhas credenciais confirmará que sou capaz de servir como catalisador para alcançar objetivos de receita e crescimento orgânico por meio de contribuições efetivas. Possuo mais de 13 anos de experiência em Finanças, Contas, Auditoria & amp; MIS com MBA qualificado em Finanças.
Atualmente estou associado ao Eurostar Group of Companies como Assistant Manager & # 8211; MIS / Analista Financeiro & amp; Controlador.
Entendo que trabalhar para a sua organização requer um candidato que seja orientado para a equipe e seja capaz de lidar com pessoas de vários departamentos. Estou confiante de que possuo essas habilidades, o que me ajudará a realizar o trabalho com eficiência e eficácia.
Meu objetivo é transitar meu entusiasmo, criatividade e experiência em uma posição, onde eu continuo a fornecer a liderança estratégica e tática fundamental para manter os clientes avaliados de uma organização. Tenho certeza de que minha presença em sua equipe será benéfica para sua organização. Como tal, gostaria de receber uma oportunidade de falar com você para avaliar suas necessidades & amp; compartilhe minhas idéias.
Eu me deparei com a abertura acima via de fato e gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade e enviar o meu elaborado & # 8220; CV & # 8221; juntamente com esta carta de apresentação para sua gentil consideração.
Eu fiz o meu "Masters in Commerce" # 8221; e ter uma vasta experiência na gestão de Finanças & amp; contas de várias indústrias (principalmente Interiors Fit Out & Oilfield Contracting e Management Consultancy Company nos Emirados Árabes Unidos) e tem sido bem desenvolvida nos últimos 24 anos. Estou interessado na posição acima. Minhas listas de chaves com empresas anteriores foram elaboradas no meu perfil anexado.
Recentemente estou trabalhando como gerente de finanças & # 8221; com M / s Levente General Trading, Dubai desde o dia 7. Junho de 2015 e buscando melhores oportunidades para compartilhar minhas extensas experiências em uma empresa de renome.
Anteriormente, trabalhei como "Controlador financeiro" & # 8221; para M / s Gulf Oilfield Supplies & amp; Serviços LLC, Dubai & amp; Abu Dhabi. Eu estava indo para as contas & amp; Departamento Financeiro, como controlador, fui responsável por todas as atividades das operações de rotina. Eu projetei e implementei o gerenciamento completo do novo sistema e procedimentos contábeis e lancei com sucesso. Gostei do desafio do novo sistema integrado e trabalho em equipe para garantir um fluxo de trabalho suave e produtivo.
Estou disponível para ser imediato a bordo.
Aguardo com expectativa a oportunidade de ter mais uma reunião pessoal.
Agradecendo antecipadamente por me considerar para esta posição.
+971 50 2035 967.
Tendo uma vasta experiência em finanças, contas e Orçamento com uma transportadora internacional respeitável. Agora estou ansioso por crescimento de carreira para praticar meus conhecimentos com alguma organização respeitável.
Acima de 23 anos de rica experiência em Finanças, Contabilidade & amp; Orçamento com amplo conhecimento de todas as questões financeiras. Através do conhecimento do trabalho, supervisionar todas as questões relacionadas com finanças da Qatar Airways Pakistan.
Eu lhe enviei meu currículo para o cargo de gerente financeiro. Eu sou como CA em novembro de 2005 e é bem versado com finanças, sistema que inclui a versão MS Dynamics 2009. Atualmente trabalhando com uma importante indústria de restaurantes finos. Estou à procura de mudança para avançar com oportunidades mais desafiadoras.
Dada uma oportunidade, sirvo à organização com o melhor de minhas habilidades para alcançar o objetivo organizacional.
Por favor, veja meu perfil.
Por favor, verifique o meu CV enviado por e-mail ou verifique em Linkdin Zineb Darbachi.
Meu histórico educacional em finanças e contabilidade, juntamente com minha experiência profissional, me faz um excelente candidato para o mesmo em sua empresa, se disponível.
Como você verá no currículo anexo, tenho mais de 15 anos de experiência no campo de finanças e contabilidade. Meu currículo mostra que fui consistentemente recompensado pelo trabalho duro com promoções e aumento de responsabilidades. Essas recompensas são um resultado direto de minha especialização em finanças e contabilidade, meu compromisso com a excelência pessoal e profissional e minhas excelentes habilidades de comunicação escrita e oral.
Se você tiver dúvidas ou quiser agendar uma entrevista, entre em contato comigo. Estou ansioso para conhecê-lo para discutir mais oportunidades de emprego com sua empresa.
Querido senhor ou senhora,
Esta carta é para apresentar-me e para que você saiba do meu interesse em se tornar uma parte de sua empresa. Eu sou um Certified Chartered Accountant (CA) da Índia (ICAI) e atualmente trabalhando no GCC. O currículo anexo fornecerá informações sobre minha formação profissional em finanças, contabilidade, tributação, auditoria, MIS, orçamento / previsão, gerenciamento de fluxo de caixa / fundos, relatórios financeiros de acordo com GAAP, IFRS / IAS, contas a pagar, contas a receber, Ativos fixos, folhas de pagamento, etc.
Minhas habilidades de trabalho são apoiadas com mais de 10 anos de experiência (mais de 8 anos de pós-qualificação), incluindo mais de 3,7 anos de experiência no GCC como Gerente Financeiro / Head Finance & amp; Contas / Contador Chefe. Garanto-lhe que posso cumprir com êxito quaisquer obrigações que exijam qualquer responsabilidade sobre a sua empresa.
Atualmente estou trabalhando com a Al-Othman Holding Company (Empresa de Viagens e Turismo, Trading), uma empresa diversificada na Arábia Saudita como Finance Manager / Head Finance & amp; Contas / Contador-Chefe reportando-se ao CFO do Grupo. Anteriormente, trabalhei com a Adecco India Private Limited, Bangalore, Índia como Gerente de Finanças & amp; Accounts, Infosys Limited, Bangalore, Índia como Senior Associate Finance / Assistant Manager Gerente Financeiro / Financeiro e Brahmayya & amp; Co., Chartered Accountants, Bangalore, Índia, como Gerente Sênior de Auditoria.
Acredito na excelência e sempre me dediquei, meus talentos e minhas habilidades criativas para garantir o sucesso de qualquer objetivo da empresa. Minha atitude positiva faz de mim um ativo valioso para qualquer organização que me empregasse. Estou confiante de que minhas habilidades serão um ativo e terão um impacto favorável em sua organização.
Estou ansioso para ouvir de você no futuro próximo e espero agendar uma entrevista na qual espero aprender mais sobre sua empresa. São metas e planos e como posso contribuir para seu sucesso e crescimento contínuos.
Obrigado pelo seu tempo.
ID do Skype: prasad. saggam1.
Por favor, note que o endereço de e-mail acima & # 8220; Sajith@ibuz. ae” não é entregável. Candidatei-me a duas posições enviando este mesmo endereço por email, mas uma mensagem de falha na entrega do sistema é enviada. Por favor, solicitando sua ajuda.
Eu estou aplicando para o cargo de Finanças, RH & amp; Administração. Tomar iniciativas sempre foi meu foco acadêmico e profissional. Eu certamente entendo a responsabilidade, mantenho uma intensa ética de trabalho e possuo habilidades sociais que podem construir e manter relações entre e além da organização e me esforço para fazer o melhor em qualquer situação para atender aos objetivos corporativos.
Acredito que a minha força, habilidades e habilidades me fazem um ajuste perfeito para este trabalho. Eu sou extremamente confiável, atencioso, gentil e estou confortável trabalhando com todos os tipos de personalidade.
Obrigado por dedicar seu tempo para revisar minhas credenciais. Eu gostaria de receber a oportunidade de discutir como minha educação, habilidades práticas e experiência me qualificam para ser um membro de sua empresa.
Por favor, me ligue para 0507944168 e / ou envie um email para bapta_1@yahoo. co. in.
Eu tenho o Golfo e Big 4 experiência. Por favor, revise meu perfil.
Salvador Pon, CPA.
Sou uma CA indiana experiente com um comprovado histórico de mais de 18 anos em gestão financeira, contabilidade e gestão de tesouraria.
Minha principal habilidade inclui a consolidação de finanças conforme as IFRS, aquisição e liquidação, auditoria, gerenciamento de projetos, construção de equipes e conformidade estatutária com as regulamentações locais dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e da Índia.
Tenho experiência na preparação de orçamentos anuais, previsões, contas de gerenciamento mensais, análise de variações-chave, análise de overhead de orçamento, previsões contínuas, políticas de recompensas e reconhecimento para gerentes, coordenação com bancos, seguradoras, auditoria interna e externa, compilar políticas e procedimentos, gestão tributária e creditícia, análise financeira, controle de custos, operações, câmbio e gestão de caixa, além de vendas, marketing, logística e desenvolvimento de capital humano.
Também estou bem familiarizado com vários softwares como Oracle, Scala, Sage CS3, Tally e implementei as Melhores Práticas Internacionais na ZADCO, na engenharia especializada Al Mansoori, na fábrica Hilong Drill Pipe e na Steelco Gujarat Limited.
Ao longo da minha carreira, progredi no trabalho com vários bancos no que diz respeito ao financiamento de projetos e às principais firmas de auditoria.
Acredito no meu compromisso com a excelência, minha capacidade de assumir posições estratégicas e contribuir com conceitos revolucionários para o progresso das empresas. trabalho duro e lidero a equipe na obtenção de ótimos resultados, e minhas habilidades comerciais comprovadas me proporcionam uma perspectiva única e informada, a partir da qual posso agregar um valor significativo ao seu negócio e fazer de mim um valioso membro da equipe.
Meu currículo em anexo detalha minha experiência. Minhas expectativas salariais estarão de acordo com o que a empresa está disposta a pagar, se eu for selecionado.
Estou ansioso pela oportunidade de me encontrar com você para discutir mais sobre minha experiência.
este endereço de e-mail está errado.
Caro Sr. Sajith & amp; Equipe,
Gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para me apresentar, sou um Revisor Oficial de Contas qualificado da Índia, com 11 anos de vasta experiência em Finanças, contas, Custeio, orçamento, MIS, contas de gestão, Auditoria e folha de pagamento. Atualmente estou trabalhando como gerente de finanças no Grand Service Station Group do Bu Haleeba Group. My Previous associa-se a empresas como a Al Faraa Contracting company & amp; Damas Internacional. Algumas das minhas responsabilidades atuais incluem:
• Gerenciando e supervisionando a equipe de Finanças & amp; Equipe de Contas de 36 membros.
• Discutir e implementar os vários planos financeiros oferecidos pela alta administração.
• Solicitar o planejamento orçamentário.
• Manter relações adequadas com os gerentes, banco e relatórios gerais da empresa do grupo, conforme necessário, garantindo a conformidade com os contratados.
• Ter forte domínio sobre o software ERP Microsoft Navision de mais de 8 anos, Microsoft Dynamics AX, SAP FICO, Oracle, Sofscript.
Na organização atual, uso minhas habilidades profissionais para o crescimento da organização, aprendendo também muitos aspectos novos da equipe de gerenciamento sênior, trabalhando de perto com eles em diferentes aspectos e importantes decisões estratégicas.
Seria um prazer utilizar minha experiência enquanto servia para sua organização em crescimento. Eu prevejo que meu pedido de emprego vai tirar bons créditos de suas mãos.
Acredito que sua organização de estima me dará uma ampla oportunidade para demonstrar as habilidades e a experiência que posso trazer para beneficiar a empresa, com meu olhar atento aos detalhes e à precisão, apoiados pela qualificação profissional e pelo conhecimento adquirido nos últimos 11 anos.
Meu currículo é incluído para sua análise. Eu gostaria de conhecê-lo em uma entrevista para discutir as minhas capacidades em detalhes.
Obrigado pelo seu tempo e consideração. Estou ansioso para ouvir de você em breve.
CA. Shilen Tanna.
+971 55 788 6821.
Abaixo, por favor, encontre meu currículo, destacando minha relevante experiência no Golfo da Arábia. Eu tenho a educação, experiência em negócios e registro de realizações que demonstram claramente as habilidades naturais de liderança, capacidade de decisão, habilidades analíticas e um alto nível consistente de desempenho.
Como meu currículo indica, eu tenho 13 anos de experiência com empresas de renome na U. AE.
Atualmente, estou empregado na Universidade Americana de Ras Al Khaimah, que anteriormente era conhecida como Universidade George Mason no Campus RAK. Eu sou responsável pelo gerenciamento de contas e finanças da Universidade. Eu fui realizado na criação e no início da Universidade no Campus RAK.
Antes disso, trabalhei com a Farida Group of Companies na Índia, predominantemente responsável pelo gerenciamento de contas, custos e assuntos administrativos.
Sou reconhecido pela excelência de desempenho, idéias inovadoras e pensamento estratégico. Eu demonstrei competências na geração de entusiasmo e resultados de meus associados com liderança superior, formação de equipe e habilidades motivacionais e experiência, juntamente com uma compreensão de trabalhar em um ambiente intercultural.
Tendo trabalhado por 13 anos em um ambiente diversificado, gostaria de contribuir e utilizar minhas habilidades e habilidades com sua organização. Se você precisar entrar em contato comigo, por favor, não hesite em me ligar ou, alternativamente, enviar um e-mail para nayeemrak@gmail.
Estou escrevendo para expressar interesse nesta posição anunciada por sua empresa. Tenho experiência em três empresas multinacionais de renome no setor de Petróleo e Gás, bem como em auditoria / contabilidade pública. Eu estou amplamente envolvido na parceria com a gerência sênior e fornecendo-lhes o suporte em questões financeiras, controle de custos, reestruturação, melhorias de processos, relatórios, questões de tesouraria e conformidade de controles internos.
Eu tenho fortes habilidades interpessoais e tenho estado envolvido em várias ocasiões na construção de novas equipes em diversos locais.
Obrigado pelo seu tempo e consideração. Estou ansioso para ouvir de você para que possamos discutir essa oportunidade ainda mais.
Telefone: +92 (342) 593,4171.
Eu sou Hassan Salah, gerente financeiro do Flora Boring Group.
Eu tenho uma longa experiência (20 anos) em finanças - 12 anos em nível gerencial.
Eu estava trabalhando em grandes organizações em Dubai, como o S. S. Lootah Group e o Belhasa Group.
Atualmente, estou procurando uma oportunidade adequada em outra organização.
Estou escrevendo para expressar meu interesse em trabalhar para sua empresa.
Como Contador Oficial de Contas, atualmente estou trabalhando para a Ernst and Young como Gerente Assistente, onde conduzo vários trabalhos de auditoria externa. Por isso, sou um experiente auditor com forte experiência na identificação de problemas e soluções viáveis, sou versado e experiente na compreensão de operações e processos de negócios, análise de riscos, avaliação de procedimentos, desenvolvimento de recomendações, gerenciamento de grandes equipes e trabalho em situações de maior pressão habilidades de definição de prioridades para cumprir os prazos. Excelentes habilidades de comunicação me ajudam a manter relacionamentos fortes e a ser um jogador / líder de equipe motivado.
Eu também recebi um Prêmio Global da ACCA por obter a maior pontuação globalmente. Possuo sete anos de experiência em contabilidade e auditoria com exposição em diversos setores. Minha experiência na Ernst and Young me enriqueceu profissionalmente cobrindo todos os aspectos da auditoria externa, inclusive de ofertas públicas.
Devido à minha capacidade de produzir resultados tangíveis e lidar com diversas situações, considero-me adequado para a posição.
Espero ouvir de você e gostaria de agradecer pelo seu tempo e consideração.
Apresentando, eu mesmo tendo uma experiência global de 20 anos (10 anos no exterior) na área de Finanças e Contas (como Head Finance) em indústrias relacionadas à fabricação, engenharia, casas comerciais, cadeia de hipermercados.
Eu tive a oportunidade de trabalhar na Arábia Saudita, Bahrein, Tanzânia, Índia e Kuwait.
Por favor, encontrar em anexo o meu c. v em resposta ao seu anúncio na NAUKRIGULF de 06.10.2016.
Atualmente localizado na Índia sob o carro-chefe da KDD.
Estou tendo amplas experiências relacionadas a contas, auditoria interna, finanças, custeio, orçamento, assuntos jurídicos, formulações de políticas, mis, tributária, gestão estratégica, plano de negócios, gerenciamento de banco de dados em ambiente ERP, etc com vários tipos de indústrias: varejo e hipermercado, engenharia, fabricação, fabricação, automóvel nacional e internacional (Arábia Saudita; Bahrein; Tanzânia, Índia, Kuwait).
Eu pediria para realizar uma entrevista por telefone ou skype. Se necessário para atender cara a cara, então podemos trabalhar com a conveniência.
Sou Big 4 certificada experiência profissional experiente em Finanças & amp; Contas
Por favor me considere.
Por favor, encontrar em anexo o meu C. V.
ACCA QULF Arabic Homem 19 y exp 16 in uae, KPMG BANK FACILT, CUSTOS, 0505398034.
Caro Sr / Sra,
Referência ao seu requisito para a posição acima referida, por favor, encontre em anexo o meu Curriculum Vitae (CV) para a sua avaliação.
Sou um MBA altamente organizado em Finanças e um graduado em Comércio com experiência em estágio na CA e tenho mais de 9 anos de experiência nos Emirados Árabes Unidos como Gerente de Finanças e experiência cumulativa de 18 anos nas áreas de organização e gestão de fundos para Capital de Giro, Projeto Estruturado & amp; Financiamento do comércio. Independentemente lidar com funções de Strategic & amp; Planejamento Financeiro, Previsão, Orçamento, Tesouraria & amp; Gerenciamento Forex, Bancos, Derivativos, Procedimentos de Exportação-Importação, Controles Internos, Relatórios MIS, Finalização de Contas, Leis Fiscais, Auditorias, bem como em Funções Comerciais. Apoiando o processo de tomada de decisão no nível superior.
Ter boas relações com banqueiros, auditores e outras organizações. Possue habilidades de liderança fortes e eficazes, e um profissional ambicioso, confiante, orientado para o self e orientado para resultados, com experiência e competências para lidar com uma série de desafios. Atualmente, situado em Dubai e tem carta de condução válida dos EAU.
Espero que você encontre meu currículo adequado de acordo com suas necessidades e possa vê-lo em breve.
Obrigado & amp; Cumprimentos,
Tenho o prazer de me apresentar.
Meu nome: Ahmed Hanafy Mahmoud (Revisor Oficial de Contas / ACCA MEMBER-UK, 19y Exp. Com 16 Anos nos Emirados Árabes Unidos)
Eu estou procurando uma entidade financeira forte para conseguir uma boa oportunidade de trabalho com estabilidade, se você puder me ajudar eu serei apreciado.
& # 8211; Meu CV está anexado.
& # 8211; Eu sou membro da ACCA, Egyption, 16 anos nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, total 19 y exp., D. L.
& # 8211; Eu tenho exp de auditoria Na KPMG e Moore Stephens.
& # 8211; Eu tenho exp. No trade finance (abertura de facilidades bancárias com vários bancos)
Contador credenciado qualificado com mais de 19 anos (7 em auditoria e 12 em finanças) de emprego remunerado em alto volume & amp; Organizações de grande porte que fornecem impulsos fiscais e estratégicos cruciais para as operações do departamento financeiro e de contabilidade.
Expertise abrange gerenciamento financeiro, análise & amp; relatórios, implementação de sistema contábil, auditoria interna, orçamento, previsão, gerenciamento de fluxo de caixa, reconciliação de contas, folha de pagamento e serviços de consultoria financeira. Um pensador estratégico, fortemente motivado e comprometido em identificar melhorias no processo de implementação que aumentam a precisão, a consistência e a eficiência, comprovadamente eficazes no relato tempestivo das demonstrações financeiras.
Profissão e especialista em serviços de garantia, minha auditoria Deveres Incluir Supervisão de Planejamento e Avaliação de Sistemas de Controle Interno, Auditoria das Demonstrações Financeiras, Relatórios de Observação e Recomendações Relacionadas e Avaliação de Pessoal e Aconselhamento.
TI (HABILIDADES / EXPERIÊNCIA): Conhecimento razoável sobre o uso de PC's com amplo conhecimento de softwares contábeis e MS Office. (Tally, Peachtree, Focus, Oracle-ERP)
Experiência financeira comprovada no golfo & # 8211; Serviços de garantia e exp. Em observação e recomendações.
Experiência de auditoria comprovada no Egito e no Golfo & # 8211; financeiramente astuto & amp; gerente eficiente.
Finalização de contas & amp; relatórios financeiros & # 8211; Capacidade de gerenciar várias tarefas / atribuições.
Estatutários, IAS, IFRS e Conformidade com GAAP & # 8211; Comunicação excepcional & amp; habilidades interpessoais.
Ligação com auditores, bancos e órgãos estatutários & # 8211; Excelente gerenciamento & amp; habilidades de liderança.
Mercados financeiros & amp; conhecimento de produtos de investimento & # 8211; Julgamento financeiro sólido & amp; habilidades de planejamento.
Caro Sr / Sra,
Estou escrevendo para solicitar a posição de "FINANCE MANAGER", conforme anunciado no site da Indeed. Eu trago para a mesa 22 anos de experiência em Análise Financeira e Gerencial, Auditoria & amp; Relatórios Fiscais, Planejamento Orçamentário e Previsão, Controle de Estoque & amp; Redução de custos e assim por diante.
Ao longo da minha carreira, utilizei minhas habilidades de liderança, planejamento e finanças para aumentar consistentemente a receita, reduzir custos e gerar resultados financeiros e operacionais. Por fim, fui gerente sênior de finanças da Landmark Retail, em Doha, no Catar.
Enquanto meu currículo é anexado para sua leitura, uma lista de realizações indicativas da minha experiência inclui:
• Alcançou melhorias significativas nos prazos mensais de submissão da MIS em 3 a 4 dias por mês.
• Essencial na construção de rede de consultores jurídicos locais para fornecer uma opinião oportuna, permitindo assim facilidade operacional.
• Guiado no desenvolvimento de manual de operações de lojas para caixas, resultando em operações e controles tranquilos.
• Trabalhei como líder na nomeação de inquilinos, renovações e negociações de aluguel com visão geral do mix de locatários.
Meu sucesso se deve à minha capacidade de estabelecer práticas comerciais consistentes e apropriadas e de criar a moral dos funcionários para garantir um portfólio equilibrado e bem-estar financeiro. Estou focado em valores, objetivos corporativos e planejamento estratégico para impactar diretamente o sucesso, o crescimento e o lucro do negócio.
Agora, saúdo a oportunidade de explorar as minhas possíveis contribuições para a sua organização e aguardo com expectativa a sua audição.
Obrigado pelo seu tempo e consideração.
Achievement Driven, Enterprising finance & amp; conta indivíduo com um forte histórico de contribuição na racionalização de operações financeiras, compliance & amp; negociações, negócios revigorantes, aumento de produtividade, melhoria de sistemas & amp; ao controle.
Possuindo 22 anos de vasta experiência em varejo, Fast Moving Consumer Goods & amp; Indústria de serviços financeiros no Oriente Médio e na Índia.
Capaz de simplificar os procedimentos de trabalho & amp; formular soluções de baixo custo para melhorar as operações contábeis, direcionando a análise financeira e interna & amp; relatórios regulamentares.
Uma pessoa com visão de futuro que é líder forte & amp; time orientado; Possuir competências para alcançar empresas e & amp; objetivos pessoais em diversas culturas.
Contador de Gestão Certificada (CMA) pelo Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Austrália, em novembro de 2006.
Associate Cost and Management Accountant (ACMA) from the Institute of Cost Accountants of India in June, 1998.
Masters in Commerce (M.) from Mumbai University in April,1997.
Bachelors in Commerce (B.) from Bombay University in April, 1993.
Proficiency in Oracle, SAP , Tally and Microsoft Office - Excel, Word & PowerPoint.
Area of Excellence Soft Skills Achievements.
Financial and Management Analysis.
Audit & Tax Reporting.
Budget Planning and Forecasting.
Inventory Control & Redução de custos.
Treasury & Cash flow Management.
Team Building & Liderança.
Successfully Won “Early Bird” and “Best Audited Financial Statements” Awards continuously for three years in Landmark Retail.
Won CavinKare ‘Super Achiever’ Award to ensure business continuity amidst worst monsoon calamity in Mumbai.
Landmark Retail, Doha, Qatar.
Reporting to General Manager at Qatar Corporate Office.
May’07 to Jul’12 Finance Manager.
Jul’12 to Jul’16 Senior Finance Manager.
CavinKare Private Limited, – Mumbai, India as Senior Logistics Officer.
S. C. Maheshwari & Associates Chartered Accountants, – Mumbai, India as Accountant.
Ramee Group (Prithvi Credit & Leasing Ltd.), – Mumbai , India as Chief Accountant.
SRF Finance Limited, – Mumbai , India.
Reporting To Manager Accounts, West Region.
Jan’94 to Oct’94 Accountant.
Oct’94 to Jun’96 Officer Accounts.
Jun 93 to Dec 93.
Hoechst India Limited , Mumbai India as Cost Trainee.
Key Result Areas:
Managed financial operations including accounts payable, general ledger and fixed assets of group companies.
Conducted analysis of financial data and produced meaningful commentary for senior management’s reference.
Collaborated with internal and external auditors and responded to audit queries in timely manner.
Reviewing tax returns before filing and assisting management on strategies for minimizing tax liability.
Ensured that internal accounting control systems and other related internal procedures are being followed adequately.
Reported financial status by developing forecasts, reporting results, analyzing variances and improvements.
Reviewed financials during the month-end period & reported issues to finance management by comparing actual to plan and forecast.
Successfully developed and presented annual budget with detailed analysis for companies.
Overseeing periodic stock verification suggested and adopted approved measures to avoid shrinkage / damage.
Designed, implemented and monitored finance policies & procedures to ensure compliance through all business units.
Monitored treasury & cash management operations to maintain daily liquidity arrangements and reduce interest overhead costs.
Performed feasibility analysis of new store locations and present cost evaluation by using project appraisal techniques.
Provided timely input to senior management on effectiveness of contracts with third parties and ensure timely renewal of licenses to avoid fines.
Interacted with local legal advisors for formation of new group companies and also to effect change in shareholding structure of companies.
Achieved operational efficiency and control through implementation of fuel management system for delivery vehicles with external service provider.
Implemented process enhancement initiatives through measures such as introduction of process manuals for fixed assets capitalization, credit sales and local procurement that resulted in standardization, control and improved collection cycles.
Accomplished significant improvement in monthly MIS submission timelines by 3 to 4 days every month.
Merit of building network of local legal consultants to provide timely opinion thereby enabling operational ease.
Successfully assisted in developing stores operations manual for cashiers resulting in smooth operations and controls.
Acted as lead in appointment of tenants, renewals and rental negotiations with overview of tenant mix.
Date of Birth: 30th November 1972.
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Marathi.
Marital Status: Married.
Driving License: Qatar.
Visa Status: - Work Visa Valid Till 5th May 2017 (No Objection Certificate available )
Address: Building No.13, Flat No.7, Zone 22,Al Reem Street, Bin Mahmoud, Doha – Qatar.
Budgeting Project Financing Feasibility studies Financial Modeling Financial Control Cost Control System Implementation Financial Analysis MIS.
A qualified Chartered Accountant having 10 years of post qualification experience in managing finance, accounts, project, system development, budgeting and project financing /accounting function for varied industries. Having functional expertise in maintenance & finalization of accounts as per IFRS, working capital management, effective treasury management, building internal financial control system, large project negotiation, establishing company-wide accounting policies. A pro-active and result oriented professional with extensive experience in charting out strategies and contributing towards enhancing business growth and achieving revenue and profitability norms.
Developing project feasibility reports, profitability statements, assessing working capital requirements and preparing Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA) data Heading Finance function viz. determining financial objective, designing & implementing systems, policies, conducting cost analysis and reporting variances to facilitate internal financial control, Formulating annual budgets & conducting variance analysis to determine difference between projected/actual results & implementing corrective action.
► Handled treasury size of approx. AED 630 million with complete accuracy and maintaining project wise clear distinction of money spent.
► Contract negotiations brought about sizable saving.
► Implemented better financial discipline at all levels and echelon of the enterprise.
► Better monitoring of finances lead to significant positive cash flows.
► Key Role played in contract drafting and negotiation with vendors.
Designation : Financial Controller.
Reporting : Advisor to Chairman.
Bin Omeir Holding Group, and its sister and affiliated business entities cover diversified business interests in the United Arab Emirates, Middle East and Africa in the fields of: Vehicles Dealership Transportation and Leasing, Investments, Travel & Tourism, Real Estates Development, Education, Medical and Facility management.
Deveres e responsabilidades.
Accounts: Responsible for closing and preparation of monthly and annual accounts of the company as per generally accepted accounting procedures & policies and doing inter & Intra company comparison of results.
Financial Modeling: Preparation of comprehensive financial models for various projects to deliver cash flow forecast, scenario analysis, risk assessment and return analysis.
Financial Analysis: Analysis and comparison of Bill of Quantities submitted by various contractors and recommending best option. Analysis of various proposals of Medical Operator and suggesting best option available to senior management.
Project Finance: Monitoring the utilization of project finance, interest payments, repayment of loan, coordinating with banks and other regulatory authority, submitting of various documents required by financial institutions. Documentation & submission of bank guarantees, bind bond application, monitoring and other related banking works.
Project Accounting: Accounting and reporting of capital expenditure, evaluation of project expenditure.
Budgetary Control & Cost Analysis: Cost control of Capital Budget. Participate in budget preparation and upload. Keeping a control on actual costs and comparison of actual v/s planned figures, explain the reasons for major variance.
Legal Compliance: Involved in drafting & vetting of the contract in respect of procurement of medical equipments, Hospital information systems etc.
Fixed Asset Management: Monitoring the custodian of fixed assets, location/ department capitalization, amortization, impairment, reconciliation, of fixed assets.
Internal Controls MIS Reporting: review policies and procedures and ensure internal checks are commensurate and properly working in the systems. Prepare MIS, variance analysis and other related functions on monthly and on a need-to-know basis for different practices.
Designation : Assistant Finance Manager.
Reporting : Finance Manager.
Abdulah. H. Al Shuwayer Company is one of the pioneers in the construction contracting industry in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The company had expanded its resources in the field of: Heavy equipment & cranes rental services, Electrical engineering systems, Valve repairs / overhauling, HVAC Testing, Galvanizing heavy metal works, NDT & corrosion control services and Building Material.
Deveres e responsabilidades.
Revenue Recognition: Recognize revenue and associated cost in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Evaluate high value invoices and contracts for the clauses on billing and level of performance.
Month-end closing activities: Month-end compliances relating to book closing and reconciliation. Proper allocation/apportionment of costs to all service lines and subsidiary and group companies.
Income statement review: Review the income statement for the completeness of accruals and provisions and submit to the management on a monthly basis.
Compliance: Review of compliance with terms and conditions of purchase order, project contractors and service contracts.
Inter-Company Accounting: Ensuring the consonance of receivable and payables in various entities of the group located across KSA. Reconcile and report intercompany balances at group level.
Physical Verification: Physical verification of inventories in various branch located at Jeddah, Riyadh & Dammam.
AL MOROUJ HOLDING, DOHA, QATAR July 2007 – May 2009.
Designation : Chief Accountant.
Reporting : Chief Financial Officer.
Capital budgeting: Capital investment analysis and project evaluation by using the tools of discounted cash flow, internal rate of return and payback period etc.
Financial Projection: Preparation & reporting of projected income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement for 3 years & 5 years respectively.
Liaison with Statutory Auditors / Banks: Experience in dealing with auditors and bankers Attending to audit queries and ensuring timely year end finalization and closing books of accounts.
Accounting: Verification and validation of daily routine business transaction and ensuring proper recording in the books of accounts. Review of bank reconciliation statement, accounts receivable and payable balances on a monthly basis. Finalization of books of accounts, preparation of schedules to income statement and statement of financial position Verification of inter division transactions, reconciliation of accounts with divisions and head office.
MIS Reporting: Preparation & reporting of monthly, quarterly and annually income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement including the consolidated financial statement of the group. Variance analysis and other related functions on monthly and on a need-to-know basis for different practices.
Compliance with policies and procedure: Commercial and financial review of all types of contracts, agreements and purchase orders especially relating to procurement and capital expenditure. Review the credit approval request. Ensure compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Group/Business Unit policies and procedures.
Staffing & Training: Recruited competent accounting personnel trained them and monitored their performance to ensure smooth execution of all accounting activities. Experience of supervising of team of Accountants with the ability to coach, train and develop.
► Handled treasury size of approx. Qatar Riyal 300 million with complete accuracy and maintaining project wise clear distinction of money spent.
► successfully handled 46 villa project and ensuring accurate and on line project cost, budget tracking and vendor payment etc.
► Saved almost Qatar Riyal 500,000/- by collecting 4 years rent outstanding.
Designation : Senior Audit Executive.
Reporting : Partner of the firm.
Audit supervision: I was leading semi-qualified auditors; job involved technical planning of audit, understanding the client business, analysis of financial information, preparation / review of audit program and assignment of staff for various job depending on the skill required and supervise audit staff various aspect of accounting and auditing.
Management consultants: Guided and supervised in the preparation of accounting and transaction procedures manual, MIS manual. The analytical review of client financial statement consists of ratio analysis, variance analysis, costing and other tools. Also conducted cost control exercises, working capital management and business valuation etc.
Feasibilities and business plan: Conducted feasibility study for the client projects. The studies involved various aspects like marketing, technical, economic as well as financial feasibilities. Studies were conducted considering local and cultural background, government policies employment for the local and other aspects.
Chartered Accountant – May 2005.
Bachelor of Commerce Majors: Finance & Contabilidade.
Financial System: Focus, Micro Soft Dynamic, Tall Peachtree.
Language: English, Malayalam, Hindi & Arabic-read& write.
Date of Birth : 25th May 1977.
Marital Status : Married.
No. of Dependents : 3.
Driving License : UAE Driving License.
I have forwarded my CV for your kind consideration.
CA Intermediate 2002.M, B in 1999.
Auditor - Haribhakti Group of Company. Mumbai 2002.
Al Hassan Engineering Co. LLC, Oman 2007.
Self Directed Accounting & Consultancy Firm in Indian Market till 2015.
Presently Working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as Accounts Manager in a reputed Elevators Company.
Attaching herewith my detailed RESUME speaks its own.
Looking forward to have this opportunity to work with you.
Awaiting your reply.
I am an experienced Indian CA with a proven 20+ year’s track record in financial management, accounting and Treasury management.
My key skill includes consolidation of financials as per IFRS, acquisitions and liquidation, auditing, project management, teambuilding and statutory compliance with local UAE and Indian regulations.
I am well experienced in the preparation of annual budgets, forecasts, monthly management accounts, analysis of key variances, budget overhead analysis, rolling forecasts, successfully launch rewards and recognition policies for managers, coordinating with banks, insurance companies, internal and external audit, compile policies and procedures, tax and credit management, financial analysis, cost control, operations, foreign exchange and cash management, in addition to sales, marketing, logistics and human capital development.
I am also well conversant with various software like Oracle, Scala, Sage CS3, Tally and have implemented International Best Practices in ZADCO, Al Mansoori specialized engineering, Hilong Drill Pipe factory, and Steelco Gujarat Limited.
Throughout my career, I have progressed within dealing with various banks with regards to project finance and leading audit firms.
I believe my commitment to excellence, my ability to assuming strategic positions and contributing revolutionary concepts to the progress of enterprises. work hard and lead team towards achieving great results and my proven business skills give me a unique and informed perspective from which I can add significant value to your business and make me a valuable team member.
My attached CV details my experience. My salary expectations will be in line with what the company is willing to pay, if I am selected.
I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my experience further.
Hi, my emails sent to the above mentioned email address always bounced back. Please contact me on khullarsandy2001@yahoo to send you my profile.
Hi, my emails sent to the above mentioned email address always bounced back. Please contact me on sanjay_tailor2007@yahoo. co. in to send you my profile.
Good morning sir, This is Ashim Chakrabarty having 28 years of rich experience in the areas of Accounts finance banking audit, budget, shipping & logistics, commercials, hr & admin with reputed organisation like JSW, MITTAL STEEL, TOLARAM GROUP IN NIGERIA, ORLEAN INVEST WEST AFFRICA, ITC, GEC etc.. I have also experience of free trade zone activities in oil & gas sector in nigeria.
This has reference to the Job posted for - Finance manager for which I am enthusiastically applying. I am an experienced Finance Professional having experience in Cash and Treasury, Finance , in Manufacturing Companies, as well as Service organization while working in different companies in countries USA, NEPAL, BANGLADESH, UAE.
Apart from my record as a professional and adequately qualified as CA, CS AND ICMA which speaks for itself, I am a sociable person who has a natural ability of talking to, and building relationships with, all kinds of people.
In the mean time I would like to thank you for considering my application.
18th October 2016.
I am writing to submit my candidature for the position of Finance Manager as advertised in Naukri Gulf/MAC Group. I have nineteen plus years of experience in accounting and finance in various industries, with the last six years being as Finance Manager UAE Operations in a multinational company who are world leaders in(Oil & Gas) global energy services.
As you can see, I have had extensive work experience in Oil & Gas service industry, retail sector and automotive sales industry, giving me varied skills and the ability to work with different people as a team player. I am confident I will be able to quickly learn and adapt to industry requirement and deliver results as expected.
I am a meticulous person who pays attention to details. I’m flexible, quick to learn new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I’m keen to work for a company with a great reputation and high profile.
I have excellent references and would be delighted to discuss about my candidature for the position of Finance Manager with you at your convenience. In case if you feel that my current profile does not meet the company’s expectation at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.
Dear Sir / Madam,
With reference to the advertised vacancy, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as a prospective & suitable candidate. I am a post graduate in Finance Management & Control with more than 20 years of professional experience out of that over 15 years experience of full-fledged and independent handling of accounts department of City Center Doha Mall.
I am well experienced in the various aspects of Corporate Finance& Accounting and proficient in Opex & Capex Budgeting, Control Mechanism& Análise de Investimentos. I have been currently employed as Finance Manager in City Center Doha Mall since 2001. I joined this organization as Senior Accountant and got promotions to reach the current level.
My job duties include Management & Supervision of Daily Book Keeping, Preparing & Reviewing all Financial Statements on monthly, quarterly and annual basis, Financial Management of the Mall, Reviewing all the Lease Contracts, Finalization of Facility & Maintenance, Housekeeping and Security related service contracts.
During this one and a half decade of my service period with one of the biggest mall, I have attained sound experience in the various aspects of Mall Management, Operation, Leasing (Tenant Mix, Negotiation of leases both new and renewal including anchor and others tenants), Marketing & Promotions, Arranging the SLA for Facility & Maintenance, Housekeeping and Security Services of the Mall.
Attached is my curriculum vitae and further details of my professional experience is provided in it.
I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my suitability at an interview.
Zarrar Bin Khalid.
I am interested in this position, hereby sending my CV for your reference, kindly do the needful.
Attention: Human Resource Department.
I am writing to express my interest to apply for the position of Management accountant/ I am highly talented and experienced Finance/ management professional with confidence that I have what it takes to direct successful business operations.
For more than 17 years I have been involved in the finance.
Thanks for your interest in my resume. I would like to have the next step in my career path in your organization by applying to you current openings.
I am retaining over 14 years of experience in Accounting, Auditing, Investment and Finance Fields over Egypt and some multinational companies. Working currently as a Corporate Finance Director has helped me to integrate my experience with the Financials from the historic figures perspective as an Accountant and Auditor to the Projections and Forecasts perspective as an Investment Manager giving me broader experience in my everyday working life.
And I’ve been working before in Magdy Hashish & Co. (RSM International) the world’s 6 th Largest Accounting and Consulting Organization performing Financial and Operational Audits starting as an associate then graded to a Deputy Audit Manager position.
Since The early stages of my career I’m maintaining and developing my accounting, investment and financial skills to meet the market needs and requirements for the investment and finance profession.
I graduated from (Helwan University – Egypt) in 2002 and I am currently studying postgraduate studies, CFA (Level 2 Candidate) at the United States CFA Institute.
Currently I am looking forward to use my advanced skills and knowledge to pursuit a new challenge in Investment Banking, Private Equity (PE) and Corporate Finance to develop my career path, enhance my experience, gain new experience, to be part of new achievements and add value to the organization.
Thanks and I will be looking forward for your feedback and your attention.
Ahmed Nabil Mohamed.
I am having experience of more than 28 years india and nigeria in the areas of manufacturing, trading, shipping and logistics. presently I am in kolkata india …please let me know whether this profile is suitable for your organisation or not. best regards.
Please find attached my Resume for the position of Finance / Accounts Manager. I’m particularly interested in this position, which relates strongly to my nearly 12 years of experience in overall Finance functions with Strategic Planning, Finance & Accounts, Auditing, Budgeting, Taxation and Statutory Compliance.
I believe I meet all the essential criteria of the positions. Highlights of experience and demonstrated talent I would bring to your organisation include:
* Holds the merit for providing technical support (related to accounts, nature of default and back ground)
* A keen communicator with honed interpersonal, problem solving and analytical abilities.
I am now looking to take up roles in Finance & Accounts, Budgetary Control, and Auditing & Taxation with a growth oriented organization.
I am keen to join your firm due to its leading position in the industry that characterizes your firm and its employees.
I appreciate your taking the time to review my credentials and experience.
I look forward to a positive response.
Mobile # 00971 50 3951388.
I am an Indian Qualified BCom + CA Intermediate holder having 14+yrs UAE Experience (Total.24+yrs) as Financial Controller with Effective Accounts and Finance Administration and Audit functions together with Qualification and ERP Exposure including the following responsibilities (not exclusive)
Active participation of formulation of organizational policies and Internal Control System for all function of departments.
Over all Supervision of the Accounts and Finance Dept, HR & Payroll Administration, WPS transfer and employs benefits calculation and settlement and overseeing all compliance of licensing regulations and Insurance Follow up.
Liaison with Banks for BTs LCs, LGs, and Facilities, Liaison with internal Auditors, Govt Depts. Municipal Auditors, Lawyer, IATA agencies and Insurance Agencies and Brokers.
Implementation, Maintenance and control and monitoring of effective internal control system on all operational issues and receipts and payments and where ever required link with policies and procedures.
Cash and Fund Management, Monitoring and Supervising Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable functions very closely and monitoring the debtors aging, Setting up and monitoring operational target to maximize revenue and to reduce costs. Comparative Analysis of the Actual results with budget and targets.
For Hotel and Restaurants - Ensure and follow-up on various licence compliance and maintenance contracts. Market analysis and segment wise study regarding latest trend and tariff to advise the management accordingly to improve business and also to maintain proper ratio on online business and walk-in to maintain occupancy as well as profitability. Ensure statutory requirements regarding the municipality fee and Tourism Dirhams and its payment on time. Daily Night Auditor Report monitoring and follow-up actions, revenue report matches and analysis and focus on discrepancy, high balance follow up, daily cash control,(surprise and spot check), credit card payment control, F&b cost and effective monitoring & control of Purchase, storing and Inventory issue of consumable items and analyzing cost of Consumptions periodically - Daily Food & Beverage cost control analysis and effective control over movements of stock and issues and consumption to reduce cost. Focus on menu pricing and impact and follow up monitor FOC items, outlet wise performance monthly periodically and deal with municipality auditors. Attending Daily meeting and arranging periodical meeting of accounting team on various issues to evaluate performance and for improvement-
MIS with analysis, Monthly, Quarterly and yearly closing and finalization of Accounts quarterly, periodically, Evaluation of the Internal Transport Department performance by preparing various report and analysis, Finalization year end closing Trial Balance and preparation of Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet and Analysis Reports, various reconciliations to ensure correctness of books of accounts.
I am now keen to progress to a larger organization so I can use my professional skills to their fullest extent and learn from the senior management team and I believe this role would give me ample opportunity to demonstrate the skill and experience which I can bring to the organization with my experience and expertise gained during my career path.
Further to the above having the quality of loyal, trustworthy, hardworking, patience, giving attention in details and communication and team player.
I have great pleasure to apply for suitable post in your organization therefore please find my CV for detailed profile and if found matching for any suitable positions, do not hesitate to contact me for personal interview. I am looking for any immediate openings.
Ramesh Kumar-050 3492478,ramkripa2003@hotmail.
kindly contact me as iam available immediate effect.
I am interested For this Post is not an intended solely for your understanding and cooperation with us. i am looking forward for your time and consideration regarding my request for your application and supporting documents online for your time schedule.
I am pleased to introduce my self.
My name: Ahmed Hanafy Mahmoud (Chartered Accountant/ACCA MEMBER-UK, 19y Exp. with 16 Years in UAE)
I am searching for a strong financially entity to get a good job opportunity with stability, if you can help me I will be appreciated.
& # 8211; My CV is attached.
& # 8211; I am ACCA Member, Egyption, 16 years in UAE, total 19 y exp., D. L.
& # 8211; I have audit exp. In KPMG and Moore Stephens.
& # 8211; I have exp. In trade finance (opening bank facilities with several banks)
Qualified chartered accountant with over 19 years (7 in audit & 12 in finance) of gainful employment in high-volume & large size organizations providing fiscal and strategic drives crucial to finance and accounting department operations.
Expertise spans around financial management, analysis & reporting, accounting system implementation, internal auditing, budgeting, forecasting, cash flow management, accounts reconciliation, payroll, and financial advisory services. A strategic thinker, strongly motivated, and committed in identifying implementing process improvements that increase accuracy, consistency and efficiency, proven effective in timely reporting of financial statements.
Profession and expert in assurance services, my audit Duties Include Planning Supervision and Evaluation of Systems of Internal Control, Audit of the Financial Statements, Reporting on the Observation and Related Recommendations and Staff Assessment and Counseling.
IT (SKILLS/ Experience): Fair knowledge about use of PC’s with wide knowledge of Accounting soft ware’s and MS Office. (Tally, Peachtree, Focus, Oracle-ERP)
Proven finance experience in gulf – Assurance services and exp. In observation and recommendations.
Proven audit experience in Egypt and gulf – financially astute & efficient manager.
Accounts finalization & financial reporting – Ability to manage multiple tasks / assignments.
Statutory, IAS, IFRS & GAAP compliance – Exceptional communication & interpersonal skills.
Liaison with auditors, banks and statutory bodies – Excellent management & leadership skills.
Financial markets & investment products knowledge – Sound financial judgment & planning abilities.
my name is Ahmed.
i have more than 20 years exp in finance, cost account, credit control, shareholders relation, in UAE and Egypt.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am a Chartered Accountant with over ten years of working experience including as an IFRS consultant in KPMG and an External Auditor in Ernst and Young. Also I was the Finance Manager for a car rental & real estate company in Qatar.
I am also a graduate in Business Administration and have detailed out my other skills and competences in the attached CV.
Currently I am stationed in UAE looking for a career opportunity and given an option will be able to join the company with immediate effect.
I strongly believe, with my professional background, I will be able to add value to your business and looking forward for an interview opportunity with your company.
Areas of Interest : Accounting, Financial Reporting, Finance, IFRS, Finance Business Partnering, Management Information Systems, Internal Auditing.
Mujtaba Hasan (ICWAI)
Contas & amp; Finance Management Professional.
Competent and result-proven Accountant with more than a decade solid work experience in Finance Managment and Cost Accounting. Demonstrated strong competencies in directing and duly controlling financial operations encompassing budgeting, costing, forecasting, fund flow management, accounting, book of accounts management, reconciliation, financial report preparation and MIS reporting. Also astute in providing precise estimates and cost accounting for diversified projects including related project planning, price negotiation, procurement, stock control and vendor/supplier relationship. Possesses high analytical aptitude, problem solving capabilities and zest in shaping challenges into concrete achievements. Keenly interested to work in a more challenging work profile within Service Industry, Manufacturing Company or to any progressive enterprise to utilize gained experience, developed expertise and leadership skills.
+ Well – trained & Experienced Accountant + High Competency in Finance Management.
+ Strong Orientation in Engineering Industry + Cost Accounting / Estimation Expertise.
+ Adept in HR & Administration Management + Budget Planning – Cash Flow Management.
+ Excellent Team Spirit & Leadership Skills + Liquidation – Reconciliation – MIS Reporting.
+ Product/Vendor/Supplier Sourcing Experience + Adept in Customized Accounting Software.
+ High Sense of Commitment + Proactive, Highly driven, Result-oriented.
Cost Accountant, Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India.
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Delhi, India 1994.
Chief Accountant , Ocean Rubber Factory LLC, RAK, UAE Jul 2013 – Jul 2016.
Finance & Admin Manager, IMES Consulting Group, UAE (Business consulting firm) Jul 2008 – Mar-13.
Senior Accountant, Olive Decor LLC., UAE Aug 2007 – Jul 2008.
Cost Accountant, Riyadh Furniture Industries, Saudi Arabia May 2005 – Jul 2007.
Cost Accountant, Dutco Construction Company, UAE Feb 2003 – Feb 2005.
Accountant & Cost Accountant, reputed company in India Jan 2000 – Jan 2003.
Accounts , Finance and Administration , Cost Accounting and Management.
• Managing the day to day activities of accounts department and ensuring that all accounting data are correct and accurate.
• Perform variety of accounting functions including examination, analysis and verification of financial records.
• Deal with bank related transactions and conduct monthly settlement.
• Passing all monthly adjustment entries like prepaid, provisions etc for the preparation of MIS. PDC control and ensure that all control accounts are tallied with GL.
• Classify and maintain balance sheets, financial statements or quarterly reports.
• Verify the monthly payroll calculation and ensure that the deductions are done properly. Support in the preparation of budget.
• Finalisation of yearly accounts and liaison with external auditors. Clearing the queries of accounts staff and supervising the department. Ensuring the timely submission of the monthly reports. Verifying all journal entries and payment vouchers.
• Interacting with other departments for accounts related matters. Verifying petty cash vouchers.
• Preparation of cash flow. Group and legal compliance.
• Ensure company’s financial stability, optimum profitability and continued business growth; recommend benchmarks for measuring financial and operating performance.
• Manage financial planning, budgeting and cost analysis.
• Manage various accounting activities viz. preparation of various reports, accounts receivables, payables and bookkeeping.
• Successfully standardize and manage the accounting system of the company and maintain uniform accounting policies.
• Develop forecast for capital budgeting, cost accounting systems and fixed assets ledger.
• Streamline process and procedures to attain greater efficiency in workflow and deliverables.
• Submission of UK returns to Companies House & HMRC.
• Management and development of a team of accountants.
• Dealing with banks , import / export L/C’s , TR, s , accounts payable , accounts receivable, bank reconciliation,
Cost control , credit control & analysis of reports to advise cash flow, budget and forecast.
• Prepare estimates use by management for planning purposes.
• Analyze blueprints or other documentation to prepare time, cost, materials and labor estimates.
• Assess cost effectiveness of products, projects or services, tracking actual costs relative to budget.
• Participate in site visit, pre-tender and post tender submission for project progress.
• Manufacturing accounting and costing.
• Generate final comparison statement of different suppliers and subcontract items as per contract documents.
• Finalize rate analysis of each item, sub contract items and other direct cost with other estimators.
• Prepare cost statements, product costing and work order costing.
• Formulate composite overhead rate of similar machine. Calculate machine hour rate.
• Participate in development of specifications for equipment, products or substitute materials.
• Negotiate with the subcontractors and suppliers to secure the rock bottom prices even at tender stage.
• Issue and transact purchase orders. Expedite placement to ensure timely material delivery.
• Evaluate completeness and accuracy of PO documents and related data like reconciliations and inventories.
• Handle duties related to vendor relations such as contract management, negotiations, timely deliveries and inventory-cost control. Collect invoices for prompt payment.
• Integrate information from purchasing and material take off to ensure timely and sufficient material supply.
• Provide full inventory support and track stock movements simplifying reconciliation.
• Maintain and periodically update cost records. Set up cost monitoring and reporting systems and procedures.
• Responsible in preparing cost sheet of all products, stock valuation, monthly report of labor & plant, subcontractors accruals, conversion cost determination, etc.
• Conduct special studies to develop and establish standard hour, related cost data or to effect cost reduction.
• Proficient in customized accounting and management system packages: SAP, SAGE ERP , Peachtree, Tally, Baan.
• Well versed in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), E-mail & Internet applications.
Date of Birth : 18th July 1974.
Marital Status : Married.
Visa Status : Visit Visa.
Driving License : UAE Light Vehicle.
Languages : English, Hindi & Urdu.
Dear HR Manager,
This is in response to your advertisement in indeed, I would like to place before you my candidature for your kind review.
I am Qualified Cost and Management Accountant, Chartered Accountancy finalist and Fellow Member of Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants with more than 15 years of post qualification experience in the field of Finance, Accounts and Audit in Manufacturing, banking and trading sectors.
Awaiting to hear from you soon.
Leadership, creative, detail-oriented, strategic planning, financial analysis, financial management, developing and strengthening internal controls, risk mitigating, strengthening corporate governance culture, tax management and management reporting skills are inherent traits I possess, that are fine-tuned through hands-on experience of past 15+years in a competitive business environment.
As you will notice from my enclosed CV, that I have completed ACCA and I am a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants UK), I am a member of AFA (Institute of Financial Accountants Australia), I am a member of MIPA (Institute of Public Accountants Australia), I have completed CPA and I am a member of ICPAP (Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Pakistan), and I have completed CA and I am also member of AAA (Accountants and Auditors Association UAE).
I am currently working in UAE, Dubai as (Group Manager Internal Audit). You can further notice from my enclosed CV that I had previously held positions of Finance Manager, Accounts Manager, and Practice Manager in different countries including United Kingdom (UK). Now with more refined knowledge on evaluation, designing and recommending internal controls, risk mitigation and effective corporate governance culture during my 5+ year’s current job as a Group Manager Internal Audit. I am looking forward to work in a prestigious organization, like yours, to fully utilize my knowledge, skills and work expertise fur mutual benefits.
With my general business acumen coupled with professional expertise, analytical and management skills, I am confident that I can be a worthy contributor towards your corporate objectives. The time I spent with different organizations worldwide, as mentioned in my CV, has not only brushed up my academic concepts but also made me a multi-skilled person.
My diverse experience in external and internal audit, financial management, finance and industry experience has helped me in developing strong skills in planning, executing, reviewing, presentation, meetings, community relations, data analysis & projection, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations, in-depth knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Auditing Standards (IAS), and International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IPPF) has helped me reaching heights in my professional carrier.
It would give me an immense pleasure if you consider me one of the eligible candidates for interview to discuss my capabilities and skills further.
Hope you are doing well.
I am equipped with CA (ICAEW), ACCA and Graduation degree with 9+ years of extensive experience in the field of accountancy and audit. I have previously spent 4.5 years in EY and have familiarity with BIG-4 culture as well. Then I moved to PKF where I worked last as Senior Manager Audit & Imposto.
Overall I have gained extensive experience in handling a wide range of Assurance and Non-assurance activities. External/Statutory Audits, Quality Control Reviews, Managing Business valuations, Internal Audit, Taxation and Corporate services are few of the areas of expertise.
I believe I have what it takes to deliver positive contribution in your esteem organization. I am looking forward to an opportunity to meet you in person to discuss my qualifications and expertise in detail. I will be patiently waiting for a positive response.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Iftikhar Ahmad Nasir.
ACA (ICAEW), ACCA, APA, BSC (Applied Accounting)
Al-Qusais, Dubai, UAE.
I have overall almost 25 years of total work experience and as a finance manager I have 18 years of hand-on work experience including 12 years in GCC as CFO KPMG and a global Bank. Currently in Pakistan as a Lead Consultant/CEO for “Independent Outsourcing Consultancy (IOsC)” also covering construction/property/real - estate sectors among many other. Previously worked as CFO+CRO+COO+PARTNER/DIRECTOR KPMG + CAI BANK + BANQUE SAUDI FRANSI + RBS + BCCI/BANK ALFALAH.
I have multiple qualifications related to Audit, Accounts, HR, Operations, Investment, Actuarial, & Finance (MBA Honors + ADP + ACI + CIA + B. Sc Honors in (Mathematics, Statistics, Economics & Finance) from top tier universities (IVY LEAGUE) of USA, Europe, and Pakistan in Finance, Accounts, Audit, Financial Engineering, Investment/Treasury, intership from Goldman Sachs. Brought in $ 254 million as Project Head for as Head of Financial Advisory Services (KPMG International LLP), MESA Region. I have in these 24+ years completed with honors 244 projects and have 165 achievements, Certificates & Awards.
Hands on Experience with PHP, Mat Lab, C++, Orion, MS Dynamics, Summit, SQL, WINGS, KONDOR++, Revelius, SAP, ERP, ERM, Etc…..
Kindly contact me..
>Lead Consultant/CEO in Independent Outsourced Consultancy (IOsC).
>Visiting Professor to Sussex University, LUMS, IBA, King Khalid University, Etc. >MBA Honors (Major: Financial Engineering/ Financial Economics), B. Sc Honors, Post Graduation, ACI/CFA, CIA, BASEL Accreditation, ATP, BDS, WINGS, Etc)
Contact Me now in NY, USA +923000693903 Intl Roam….for Pakistan.
Note: Taken from your ….
>Experience in cost accounting, project accounting, project analysis, capital expenditures analysis.
>Strong communication skills (verbal and written). Fluent speaking and writing of English language.
>Excellent attention to detail and highly organized, excellent presentation, Advanced MS Office, Excel Programming, SAP+, Leadership.
>Personal qualities of honesty, hard work, integrity and high ethical standards.
I have 25 years of overall experience in all finance related functions.
All my experience is in banking. 11.5 years with Dubai Islamic Bank and 12 years with CItibank all in Dubai.
I am CA Qualified. Hire me.
CMA qualified with 15 years experience in maintaining of Accounts upto Finalization.
I am a proactive, hardworking and CA with 10+ (2+ UAE)years of overall experience with Manufacturing and Construction industries and 3+ years of accomplished experience in handling Audits, financial management and analysis. I have extensive experience in managing accounts and finance and would like pursue my career with you in order to apply my skills and potential to contribute to your bottom-line.
Besides I am a qualified CWA (Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Kolkata)
Presently, I am working as Deputy Manager of Finance & Accounts at UNIGULF DEVELOPMENT LLC. Some of my current job responsibilities include:
· Managing the team of 6 persons in finance & contas.
· Discussing and implementing the various financial plans offered by the Management.
· Prompting the budgetary planning yearly and finding reasons for the variations with actual and reporting to Management.
· Effective management of cash flow through improving the Debtors collection & managing payables to improve the working capital requirements.
· Completing the Audits on time by closely Interacting with auditors,
· Taking care of Banking Operations like Import L/c’s, Avalisation & Export L/c’s.
· Management Information System(MIS) on 5thof every month.
· Finalization, Consolidation, Coordinating with Auditors and approach to implement best practices used in organizing and adopt at working in high pressure environments with strict deadlines and multiple deliverables.
· Possesses good knowledge of IFRS, business planning and analysis.
· Financial analysis with sound knowledge of the manufacturing / service industry and related regulations.
· Understanding of intercompany accounting and exposure to multy-currency activity.
Highly self-motivated with excellent communication and keen on deliverables within given timelines. Am confident that I would work to exceed your expectations.
Please find attached my CV, which further details my experience along with my technical skills and qualifications.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Estou ansioso para ouvir de você em breve.
Mob: 971 567491386.
Good day, I am a Finance Professional with over 25 years of rich and extensive experiences in MNCs like HJ Heinz, Johnson Controls and others. Kindly review my profile.
I am AICWA and ACMA and can join in 15 days time. I have solid experience handling a team of 7 executives and has delivered fantastic results in Finance and accounting .
Good day for everyone! Please review my CV.
A qualified, enthusiastic, goal oriented, highly organized and a team player.
CPA and CMA with a 20+ years of Accounting & Finance experience to offer.
I can work under pressure and respect my deadlines.
Throughout my experience in Auditing, Budgeting, financial Analysis & Financial Management I have been able to build a very good perspective of what a company needs in the internal control and finance area.
Please find enclosed my resume as a first step towards exploring the possibilities of employment with your reputable organization.
DEAR Human Resource.
Worked with many organizations at a senior level comprising of currently working as Financial manager in “DAMAN Contracting llc” Dubai - UAE, Past worked in “P One Chartered Accountants” Abu Dhabi - UAE, “Khimji Ramdas Group” Muscat - Oman, “RSMi Audit & Advisory” world big 7th Company in the fields of Audit, Financial Management, Banking and Treasury.
Executive with 13+ years of experience with Academic record of Certified Financial Consultant, Chartered Accountants CAF, Chartered Accountants Article and Bachelors in Commerce worked as a Finance Manager and as Senior Auditor seeking new challenge. Career includes in performing Financial Management Analysis and Planning, MIS / Financial Reporting IAS, IFRS, Cash Management and Optimization, Strategic Planning and Growth, Budget Development, Cost Containment & Profit Management, Risk Assessment & Reporting, Management of Cash Flow, statuary Audit Strategy Planning & Management, Bank Negotiations & Relations, Corporate and trade Finance and Accounting including facilities Guarantees and Murahabas.
Feel free to contact me at below given mail id to discuss and exchange my documentations and experience in relation to your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you.
+971 56 6885837 Mobile.
+971 56 7800278 Mobile.
Sub: Application for the post of Finance Manager - Dubai.
This is in reference to your advertisement at your job portal for which I hereby apply myself as a candidate for the above post.
Particulars regarding my candidature are furnished with the attached resume.
7+Years of Work Experience in Decent Enterprises.
Strong background in General Accounting, AP/AR Management, Cash Management, Procurement and General Ledger Accounts, Chart of Accounts, Customer and Vender Maintain, Inventory Record, General Journal Entry.
Competent in Financial Reporting other Comparative Reports.
Knowledge in Accounting Software such as Peachtree, Quick Book, and Oracle.
Accustomed with multi-cultural work setting.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Certified Public Accountant.
My name is Bimal P. I’m looking for finance/accounts job. I’ve completed MBA in Finance and Human resources. And I’ve Worked in Automobile field as Finance Coordinator for more than 2 years. I have experience in accounting and also Got experience in Loan processing of Volkswagen Finance, Providing better banking facilities to customers and overall cash payments required for purchase of vehicle. I’m also Certified in MS Office, Animation and Graphic Designing.
I am a fully qualified Cost and Management Accountant with 26 years of post qualified experience in Finance, Cost and Supply Chain Management across diverse industries viz. Manufacturing, Publication, Infrastructure, E Governance, Education and well proficient in SAP, Oracle Business Suite and Microsoft Office 2007.
As an ACMA, I will be effective in Strategic and Financial Planning, Final Accounts consolidation, setting up of Annual Operating Plan, review of Financial Results, develop reports including Variance and Trend Analysis for quick decision making, propose solution for Improvement of Systems, Procedures and Internal control, Contract Management and Coordinating short and long term forecasts to ensure continuity in planning and coordinating the link between all Verticals to ensure achievement of business goals across verticals within the parameter of the Annual Operating Plan.
Over 40 years of experience in Accounting, Finance and Auditing, working in professional and multinational environment.
A summary of my professional experience is given as follows:
*2004 – 2015, worked for a Power & Water plant (a public listed company) as Chief Financial Officer in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
*1994 – 2015, worked for a Power Plant (a public listed Company) in Muscat as Finance manager.
*1990 – 1995, worked for a medium size Group of Companies in Muscat, as Internal auditor.
*1984 – 1990, KPMG, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
*1976 – 1984, KPMG, Karachi, Pakistan. This period includes 4 years’ audit/article training.
Looking for suitable Accounting/Auditing assignment, outsourced to me as an independent consultant. Ready to undertake full assignment on my own or help/assist in ongoing end of monthly/yearly closing or audit.
If anyone has an opportunity for me, he can kindly contact me on +971 56 974 8833.
I would like to introduce myself as Jitender Kumar. I am chartered Accountant from India, having more than 12 yrs of experience in FP&A, Management Reporting, Accounting, budgeting, SOX control and team management. I have good working knowledge of Hyperion Essbase, SAP and oracle.
Currently I am working with global investment bank Credit Suisse India , since last 3 year and now planning to seek challenging opportunity outside India.
With reference to the your job posted as Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), I would like to present my candidature. You are requested to please consider my profile for further discussion. looking forward to hear from you soon.
CA. Jitender Kumar.
Skype ID: jamshaidjs.
D. O.B: August 25, 1971.
Passport No & Expiry Date: AU0717601 (24.01.2027)
Visa Status: 90 Days visit will be expired on 30.06.2017.
2003-05 MBA-Finance Al-Khair University AJK, Islamabad Pakistan – With 3.25 CGPA.
2017-17 CFMA in Process The Society of Accounting Education (SOAE), Registered under “The Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860”
1996-99 ACMA – Finalist The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan – Islamabad.
2016-17 APFA-Finalist Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants.
Finance/Accounts/Admin Manager: Over 21 years experience with five reputed and diversified companies; maintenance of general ledger to preparation of final accounts; handling banking and treasury, Export/LC/C. A.D related Accounts maintenance, billing and collection, periodical analysis and management reporting. Annual budget and controlling costs vs. budgets. Developed policy, procedure, systems and controls. Effectively handled local tax filing and prepared various reports for annual audits conducted.
Credit Controller: Developed credit policy, procedure, implementation credit tools, credit rating of the clients, past dues collection process, aging analysis with past due reasons, implemented credit limits by-customer. Weekly cash collection reviews with operational team and drove resolution of any discrepancies to expedite collection. Reduced past dues from 43% to 9% during 12 months.
Key strengths include:
• Effective financial, accounting and administration management.
• Execution focused and result oriented.
• Critical thinking, problem solving & análise.
• Reliable and dependable.
• Can work well under pressure and changing environment.
• Well versed with various accounting systems and software.
5. 3 Months I T Diploma from Johar Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad.
8. Microsoft Accounting Solutions etc,
Friends Particle Board Mills (Pvt) Ltd–Raiwind, Pakistan.
As Finance Manager May, 2015–To Date.
Rozwood (Pvt) Ltd – Sheikhupura Pakistan.
As Manager Accounts & Administration April, 2008– April, 2015.
Global Marketing Services – RWP Pakistan.
As Credit Control Manager Jan, 2006-March, 2008.
Global Marketing Services – RWP Pakistan.
As an Assistant Manager Accounts Sept, 2003–Dec, 2005.
Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd – Islamabad Pakistan.
As an Officer Accounts/Recovery July, 2002 – July, 2003.
Shell Pakistan Ltd S. M.A. L Traders – Abbotabad Pakistan.
As an Accounts Officer July, 2000 – June, 2002.
Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd – Islamabad Pakistan.
As an Accounts Officer July, 1995 – June, 2000.
I have an experience of 18 Years in Finance, Budgeting, Taxation & Finalization of financial Statements. I worked in Auto Mobile Industry & Garment export unit. Now I am in Real Estate Company for the last 8 Years. Now I want to work in your concern if suits to your organisation.
I would like to introduce myself as a B. Com Graduate.
CA Intermediate cleared in 2002, ICAI, India & Holding Accounting Technician Certificate Year 2009, ICAI, India.
Worked as Finance Manager, Golden Home LLC, Quorum, Sultanate of Oman till December 2016.
Worked as Finance Manager, VFIVE Builders Pvt. Ltd, Trivandrum, India from October 2014 to July 2015.
Worked as Finance Manager, Sowparnika Projects & Infrastrcture Pvt. Ltd, Trivandrum, India from June 2012 to September 2014.
Worked as Assistant Manager Accounts & Administration, Adhia Trading & Contracting Co. LLC, Sultanate of Oman February 2011 to March 2012.
Worked as Senior Executive Finance & Accounts, Durat Al Sahil Service & Trade LLC, Sultanate of Oman March 2008 to November 2008.
Worked as Chief Accountant, Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi LLC , Sultanate of Oman February 202004 to 2008.
Total 22 years’ experience. 7 years’ experience in Sultanate of Oman.
I believe my educational qualifications and experience offer me the unique opportunity to make a positive contribution to your organization and grow with the organization.
Attaching the resume for your reference herewith. This would give you a better picture of my capabilities.
Dear Hiring Manager,
I would like to express my desire to be a part of and make a career in accounting/finance role in UAE.
I am a qualified Chartered Accountant (Cleared Final CA in June 2009) and have a total post qualification work experience of 7 years. I am on resident visa in Dubai. I have more than 4 years of experience into consolidation of group accounts, financial analysis of MIS and banking accounts. And 3 years of experience of internal audit of stock broking firm.
In this regard, please find attached with this email my Curriculum Vitae which further details my professional experience. Thank you for you time and consideration and please feel free to email or telephone me for any further details that may be required.
I am writing to apply for the mentioned position, as advertised on portal. I possess over 20 years of experience in Finance & Accounts, Taxation, Auditing, Business Accounting, besides others an exposure gained across varied industries.
A list of accomplishments indicative of my experience includes:
• Actively provided support to the Sheetal (Far East) Ltd. (Hong Kong) based accounting team for accounting of corporate and intercompany transactions and for tax accounting and reconciliations.
• Oversaw compliance with Central Excise procedures of manufacturing units.
• Attained over 10 (mention) case dropped by the Taxation Authorities; ensured the proper presentation of documents which resulted in the saving of INR 20 Crores and above for the company.
My skills are to examine & analyse accounting records, financial statements and other financial reports to assess accuracy& completeness and ensure conformance to reporting & procedural standards will be of interest to you. I have a proactive management style with proven strengths in communication, interpersonal and analytical skills.
I bring to your company my years of relevant experience and my drive for results and positive outcomes. I am prepared for the next challenge in my career and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Estou interessado.
Is the job still vacant, I would like to apply as I possess necessary skills and experience which matches the profile.
مدونة صالح محمد القرا للعلوم المالية والادارية.
مدونة العلوم المالية والادارية – محاسبة – تدقيق حسابات – ادارة – اقتصاد.
وظائف شاغرة.
هذه الصفحة تختص بالوظائف الشاغرة وذلك مساعدة للباحثين عن وظيفة وعن موظفين بدون تدخل من ادارة المدونة :
المطلوب من طالب الوظيفة ان يكتب المواصفات المطلوبة في الوظيفة باختصار شدي وان يكتب السيرة الذاتية بايجاز ( سيتم فقط اظهار الوظائف المالية )
ويمكن من خلال زيارة هذا الموقع معرفة كيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية اضغط هنا.
Compartilhar isso:
اترك رد إلغاء الرد.
Name : Ramy Ali abd elwahid Ellissy.
Address: 4 ibn sina (safir sq) misr elgededa, Cairo , Egypt.
Education : B. A commerce by ain shams university >Accounting >8/2007.
Experience : working in future group in fixing softwear computer & marketing.
. working in sindbad comp in timeshare.
Date of birth : 5 / 8 / 1985.
Military Status : postponed 3 years from 15 / 1 /2007.
Marital Statue : Single.
Home phone : 02/24191300.
cellular No : 0163823016.
Bachelor of Commerce in COSTING, TAX LAW PROCEDURE & PRACTICES With ” First class ” From UNVERSITY OF PUNE – INDIA For the month “April – 2006”.
1. Completed a course in ORACLE FINANCIAL with a Certificate From iLogic Institute – INDIA from 01 – 12 – 2006 to 31 – 03 – 2007.
2. Completed a course in SAP (System, Application, & Products) in “Financial & Controlling” with a Certificate From iLogic Institute – INDIA From 18 – 12 – 2006 to 04 – 04 – 2007.
3. Completed a course in ACCOUNTING PACKAGE ( Peachtree, QuickBooks, Tally & Focus) From 20 – 07 – 2006 to 05 – 09 – 2006.
4. Completed a course in COMPUTER HARDWARE with a Certificate from MICE Institute – INDIA From 01 – 02 – 2003 to 30 – 03 – 2003.
5. Perfect Knowledge in MICROSOFT OFFICE.
6. Some Knowledge in Microsoft SQL Server From 01 – 06 – 2006 to 30 – 06 – 2006.
7. Some Knowledge in UNIX Operating System.
8. Seminar Certificate in Basic Of Company Law.
9. Seminar Certificate in Stock Of Exchange.
1. ARABIC – Native.
2. ENGLISH – Writing & Speaking Fluent.
3. Hindi – Principiante.
1. Working with AL-Haram Plaza Co. Ltd.
2. Started Working Date is on 01 – 08 – 2007 & & # 8221; Continuous “.
3. Working as an Accountant with using Accounting Program ” PENYGON”.
أحيي القائم(ين) على هذه المدونة وأسأل الله له(م) المثوبة على كل حرف فيها ..
الحقيقة انني محاسب مبتدئ واتعبني البحث عن مواضيع مفيدة بخصوص محاسبة المؤسسات الخدمية حيث اوكلت الي مهمة القيام بواجبات المحاسب في احدى المؤسسات التي تقوم بتقديم خدمات القطع الصخري وبالنظرة السريعة الى هذه المدونة أتوقع أن أجد فيها الكثير ..
بارك الله في جهودكم و رزقكم ثمارها في الدنيا والآخرة..والسلام عليكم.
أحمد سليمان/السعودية /جده.
الحمد الله على كل نعمة انعمها الله علينا في السراء والضراء اني اكر الدكتور الفاضل على هذا الموقع المتخخ بامور المحاسبة والادارية في تسهيل الفهم البسيط لدي المواضيع الشيقة والا المزيد من التقدم …………. ايمن ابو شرخ.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته …..
انا طالب فى كلية التجارة ، فى السنة النهائية ، فبرجاء من السادة القائمين على الموقع ، ان يتم اضافة حالات عملية فى المحاسبة ، بمعنى اجراء بعض العمليات المالية وعداد القيود الخاصة بها وكيفية ترحليها الى الحسابات الختامية . ولسيادتكم جزيل الشكر.
اعزائي احمد وايمن وعلاء.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
شكرا على مروركم على مدونتي متمنيا ان تجدوا فيها ما يفيد.
اما بالنسبة لطلب علاء محمد فالحقيقة انا مخطط ان يتم اضافة حالات عملية في المحاسبة وستكون بالاكسل وذلك بعد الانتهاء من حالة التدقيق.
موقع ممتاز وشكر خالص للقائمين عليها.
ملاحظة / الصفحة الخاصة بحسابات الفروع عن الطريقة المركزية بسعر البيع مفقود وغير موجودة.
ولكم الشكر والتحية.
شكرا على مرورك واهتمامك وكلماتك الجميلة وساكمل الموضوع بعد الرجوع الى المصدر حيث انني وللامانة العلمية لا اغير في المصدر.
انا خريج كلية تجارة.
الموقع مفيد جدا.
الإسم : حسن حماد محمد.
المؤهل : بكالوريوس تجارة – جامعة المنصورة.
البلد : مصر – المنصورة.
خبرة 3 سنوات محاسب.
منهم 1 فى أحد مكاتب المحاسبة .
على درايه بالبرامج المحاسبية مثل : الإكسيل – البيتش ترى.
أرجو مساعدتى فى الحصول على وظيفة محاسب فى إحدى الشركات.
والله ولى التوفيق.
نشكركم علي المعلومات المفيدة داعين الله لكم خالص التمنيات بالتوفيق.
أنا محاسب مقاولات خبرة ثمانية أعوام موجود بالمملكة العربية السعودية بمدينة الرياض أبحث عن فرصة عمل جيدة كأن تكون مثلا وظيفة رئيس حسابات أو مدير حسابات.
بصراحة اشكركم جزيلا للموقع ومجهود خرافى وارجوا الاهتمام محاسبة تكاليف الفنادق ومع الجزيل الشكر والتقدير.
وارجوا ان امكن ايجاد وظيقة فى قطر فى اى فندق او مطعم وانا خبرة عشرة سنوات فى التكاليف الاغذية والمشروبات وعنوان الميل magdyalix2002@yahoo.
جزاك الله عنا خيرا و نفع بعلمك و زادك بسطة في العلم و الرزق.
Name : Mohamed Ahmed Talaat Amer.
Address : 3 Mustafa Kamel St., Mariotteya, Giza, Egypt.
Telephone : 002 / 02 / 33859903.
Mobile : 002 / 010 / 2641747.
Date of birth : 12 March 1964.
Martial Statue : Married.
Military Statue : Done on 01 Dec. 1986.
Qualification : 1 – BC of Commerce Accounting may 1985 “Good”
2 & # 8211; Computer Courses in:
(1) System Analysis & Desenhar.
(2) All Windows Applications.
3 & # 8211; Banking courses as follow:
No Course Name Place From To Hours.
1 Development of Teller Skills Banking Institute 9/4/1996 11/4/1996 9.
2 The Skills Of the Teller Egypt Banks Union 3/11/1996 7/11/1996 15.
3 Development of Customer Dealing Skills Banking Institute 26/7/1998 30/7/1998 15.
4 Foreign Banking Operations Egypt Banks Union 6/9/1998 14/10/1998 36.
5 S. W.I. F.T. Banking Institute 7/2/1999 11/2/1999 15.
6 Excel ( 1 ) Banking Institute 1/8/1999 5/8/1999 15.
7 Excel ( 2 ) Banking Institute 19/9/1999 23/9/1999 15.
8 Modern Payment Systems Banking Institute 17/4/2001 19/4/2001 9.
9 Development of Customer Dealing Skills Banking Institute 24/12/2002 25/12/2002 6.
10 Customer Service American University In Cairo 18/07/2004 22/07/2004 30.
Languages : 1- Arabic (Mother Language)
Reading: Excellent Writing: Excellent Speech: Fluent.
Reading: V. Good Writing: V. Good Speech: Fluent.
Reading: Fair Writing: Fair Speech: Good.
No. From To Company Title Job Description.
1 08/ 1995 11/2006 Al-Watany Bank of Egypt Division Head From 08/1995 To 07/1997.
Current Accounts Dept.
From 08/1997To 09/1998 Customer Service Dept.
From 10/1998 To 01/2004.
L/C, L/G &Forex. Departamento.
From 02/2004 To 11/2006.
Financial & amp; Administration Dept.
2 03/ 1993 04/1995 Abdullah M. Al-Hrabi Est. Jeddah K. S.A. I. T. Manager Supervising the Computer network (Hard ware & Soft ware) Novell, Fox pro, Accounting.
3 08/1992 03/1993 Gafy Land Chief Accounts Accounting& Financial Department.
4 05/ 1990 08/1992 Shaimaa Travel Tour Leader & Operator Leading the tourist groups in Egypt (Reservation, Guiding, Sightseeing)
5 08/ 1988 01/ 1990 Valley Of Kings Tours Tour Leader & Operator Leading the tourist groups in Egypt (Reservation, Guiding, Sightseeing)
6 11/ 1987 05/ 1988 NAPPCO (National Paper Products Co.) K. S.A. Accountant of Customers & Sales Services Reviewing for bills, Customers Acc. Reconciliation, Expenses J. V., Bank reconciliation, Collection Supervision.
7 01/1987 11/1987 Meriden Heliopolis Accountant Accounting& Financial Department.
اولا اشكر سيادتكم على هذا الجهد الملحوظ جدا والنفيد لكل المحاسبين العرب.
ثانيا انا عندى مشكله ياريت حضرتك تفيدنى فيها.
وهى اننى اخاف من قبول وظيفة مدير مالى بالرغم من عرضها على اكثر من مره وبالرغم من ان امنية حياتى ان اعمل مدير مالى حيث اننى قاربت على الاربعين عاما وان خبرتى فى العمل حوالى 20 سنه 0.
والسبب هو خوفى من الفشل او بمعنى اصح ان اكون غير جدير بالوظيفه لاننى لم اعمل بكل اقسام العمل المحاسبى فانا التحقت بعدة شركات كبرى كمحاسب خزينه ثم محاسب عملاء ثم مدير ادارة ائتمان 00 ولكننى لم اعمل مثلا بحسابات البنوك او رئيس حسابات وبالتالى لم اشارك فى عمل ميزانيه او اى قوائم ماليه 00 كذلك لم اعامل اصحاب العمل بصوره مباشره 00 مما جعلنى اخاف من قبول وظيفه قياديه بالرغم من درايتى النظريه بالحسابات00 ارجو من سيادتكم تقديم النصح بما يجب على فعله لاجتياز هذه المشكله.
شكرا على مرورك وكلملتك الجميلة.
بالنسبة لموضوع وظيفة مدير مالي فما دمت لا تجد في نقسك الجراءة والقوم في شغل هذه الوظيفة فابحث عن غيرها والتي تجد في نفسك القدرة على القيام باعمالها وبصراحة رحم الله امر ء عرف قدر نفسه. وعندي امثله كثيرة لاناس قبلوا وظائف لم يستطيعو ان ينجزوا فخسروا الكثير . انا مثلا رفض ان اعمل مدير مالي او مدير فرع بنك ولكن قبلت مدقق داخلي وعملت لمدة 3 سنوات في هذه الوظيفة وقمت بعملي عاى اكمل وجه. اتمنى لك التوفيق.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
كل عام وأنت بخير ورمضان كريم ، أريد أن أستفسر حول الوظائف المالية فأنا خريج من جامعة الأزهر بغزة من كلية التجارة تخصص محاسبة.
ما الوظائف التي تناسبني وشاغرة الآن وما المطلوب مني عمله ؟
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
كل عام وأنت بخير ورمضان كريم.
شكرا على مرورك على مدونتي . بالنسبة لسؤالك فلا اعرف بماذا ارد عليك لانه لا اجد امامي اي اوفق استطيع ان اتطلع الية . بماذا انصحك ……. ان تسافر وتبحث عن وظيفة في الخارج … وانت لا تستطيع ان تخرج من زنزانة القطاع …. اتبحث عن وظيفة بالقطاع الخاص … واين هو القطاع الخاص…. حتى التدريب في البنوك والشركات اصبح حلم…
عزيزي رامي كل ما استطيع ان اقوله لك ما دمت في قطاع غزة الفرج سياتينا من عند الله.
جزاك الله أخي الكريم على جهدك الكبير.
واتمنى من الله عز وجل ان تنال كل الخير والثواب على تفانيك وخدمتك للناس.
أولاَ : أخي الكريم انا خريج علوم مالية ومصرفية من جامعة اليرموك الاردنية.
وحالياً ابحث عن عمل في مجال اختصاصي حتى الآن لم أجد.
ثانياً : اريد ان اكمل دراستي بحيث ادرس احدى الشهادات الهامة في المجال المالي.
مثل CFA أو CFP أو اي شهادة فبماذا تنصحني.
وشكرا واتمنى المساعدة.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
انت في الاردن المجال مفتوح امامك بالداخل او بالخارج وبامكانك الدراسة وانت على راس عملك.
ونصيحتي ان تختار الدراسة التي تتناسب مع ميولك.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
السلام عليكم يا أستاذ / صالح.
اسمى أحمد / كان لية طلب من حضرتك و ياريت فيدنى بخبرت حضرتك فيه.
انا ان شاء الله رايح سنة 4 تجارة شعبة محاسبة.
وانا حاليا وبتدرب فى الاجازة فى قسم حسابات فى شركة غاز و بدرس انجليزى بجانب الدراسة وبقرا فى كتب المحاسبة و الاقتصاد على قد استطاعتى.
فطلبى من حضرتك ان تنصحنى بحاجات أو نقط اقدر اعملها باذن الله سواء كانت من كورسات أو كتب اقرها عموما.
وكنت عاوز نصيحة حضرتك فى انى عاوز اكون محاسب قانونى ؟
لانى بجد بحب علم المحاسبة وحاسس انى أقدر اعمل حاجة باذن الله تعالى.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح وان تكمل دراستك على اكمل وجه, ان كنت ترغب ان تكون محاسب قانوني فالتحق بمكتب محاسب قانوني للتدريب واكتساب الخبرة .
اولا الحمدلله على دوام الصحة العافية.
اشكر الاخ الدكتور القرا على هذا الموقع الغني بالمعلومات التي لا اعرف كيف لي ان اقراها لاهميتها البالغة.
سؤال: انا الان اتخصص في التدقيق سنة ثانية ماستر و لذلك ارجو من حضرتك ان تساعدني في اختيار موضوعي لبحث التخرج و لكم جزيل الشكر.
شكرا على مرورك على مدونتي واتمنى ان يكون فيها الفائدة.
بالنسبة لسؤالك فهناك مواضيع كثيرة يمكن ان تكون موضوع لبحثك منها:
& # 8211; دور مدقق الحسابات في جودة المعلومات المالية.
& # 8211; اثر تقرير مدقق الحسابات في قرارات مستخدمي البيانات المالية.
انا بكاروليوس محاسبة جامعة طنطا 2008 والحمد اللة اخدت دبلومة محاسبة بالكمبيوتر عبار عن اكسل واكسس وبروفيشينال اكونت اوفس 2008 واخدت ايضا دورة icdl وحاليا باخد لغة انجليزية فى auc بالقاهرة وان شاء اللة فى شهر واحد هدخل قرص professional certificate in accounting & finance فى auc ومدتها سنة ثم ان شاء اللة بعدها سوف اخد cma وطبعا كدة المشوار طويل وانا حاولت ادور على وظيفة محاسبة مؤقتة للتدريب وايضا للخبرة حتى اخد شهاداتى الاول ولكنى لم اجد للاسف لايوجد بطنطا غير وسايط حتى البنوك لايوجد تدريب بما تنصحنى حضرتك وهل الشهادات دى احسن ام اخد شهادات فى البورصة لانى اريد العمل فى البورصة ك سمسار او مايطلق علية من ينصح المساهمون بما يشترونة اريد ان افهم هذا العالم لانة غامض بالنسبة الى فماهيا القرصات التى اخدها هنا وما اماكنها وشكرا لحضرتك.
اريد العمل كمحاسب بالسعوديه او الامارات بمرتب 6000 الي 9000 مع توفر السكن لكوني متزوج.
شكرا على مرورك على مدونتي واتمنى ان يكون فيها الفائدة.
بالنسبة لطلبك الوظيفة فالافضل ان تكتب السيرة الذاتية عن ان تطلب الوظيفة.
لقد استفد الكثير من الموقع وانا اعمل دراسات جدوى اقتصادية واقوم بإدارة محافظ استثمارية – وفي حال طلبتم اي مساعدة بإي مجال لاتترددو بالطلب.
واذا كان لديكم دراسة مميزة عن المشاريع المقاولات اوالمصانع ارسلوها على الايميل.
ولكم جزيل الشكر والامتنان.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
نشكر على كل من عمل على انجاح هذا العمل الخير وجزاه الله الف خير.
الأسم / فضل عبد الكريم.
يبحث عن عمل في الرياض باقامة قابلة للتحويل في اي شركة او مؤسسة.
لديه خبرة في استخدام الكبيوتر والطباعة السريعة انجليزي وعربي سريع جدا.
ولديه دبلو م كمبيوتر نظرا لضيق الوقت.
ابحث عن وظيفة يا شباب.
الاسم / فضل عبد الكريم الحريري.
الإقامة الحالية / السعودية الرياض.
الدورات التدريبة : دبلوم كمبيوتر قديم + طباعة انجليزي عربي سريع جداً + دورات انجليزي.
الخبرات : طباعة سريع جدا + العمل على برنامج الورد + صيانة جوالات + صيانة آلات تصوير.
مدة الخبرات : ما بين الثلاث سنوات إلى الخمس السنوات .
السلام عليكم ورحة الله وبركاته.
السيد / صالح القرا المحترم.
انا رامي سالم خريج من جاامعة الازهر بغزة من كلية التجارة تخصص محاسبة وابحث عن عمل فأين يمكن ان اجد عمل في مجال تخصصي حاليا.
Date of Birth : 23/5/1987.
Place of Birth: Alexandria.
Marital Status: single.
Military Status: Postponed.
2004 – 2008 Faculty of Commerce Alexandria University (Accounting Department).
Accountant at association of women and development.
Training in Piraeus bank from (August 2008 & September 2008).
o Windows 95 / 2000 / Me / XP ( V. good )
o Excel and word ( V. good )
o Internet Applications ( V. Good )
Fundamental and technical analysis of stocks.
Arabic ( Mother tongue)
English ( Good skills for writing and speaking )
Accountant at association of women and development.
Training in Piraeus bank from (August 2008 & September 2008).
Hosam Mohamed Abdel maksoud.
Address : Embaba – Giza – Egito.
Mobile no. : 0124464067.
Career objective Looking For Best Chance.
Marital Status : Single.
Military Status : Does not apply.
Job title : F&B Cost Controller(Cost Accountant)
Employer : Coral beach hotel.
Employer Country : Egypt.
Job title : Asst F&B Cost Controller(Cost Accountant)
Employer : Coral Beach Rotana.
Employer Country : Egypt.
Job title : Cost Clerck.
Employer : Coral Beach Rotana.
Employer Country : Egypt.
Job title : Cashier.
Employer : Coral Beach Rotana.
Employer Country : Egypt.
Years of experience : 5 years.
First University Degree : B. Sc. Comércio.
University : Tanta University.
Graduation project : accounting.
Graduation year : 2002.
English : Very Good.
Field of expeirence and other qualifications : EXPERIENCE For GENERAL Food and Beverage store Control And Establish purchase specifications to maintain consistency_ controlling daily and month-End cost recnciliations/potentials and yields.
Previous courses : computer office xp and internet Courses and point of sales _Food&beverage Costs_Purchasing and Receiving_ storing and Issuing Courses.
Computer Skills : Very Good.
ادارة مالية ومصرفية.
السيد صالح الفرا شكرا جزيلا على هذه المدونة ولكن عتدما اضغط لمعرفة كيفية تعبئة السيرة الذاتية يطيني رسالة تعبر عن خطأ في البرنامج ما المشكلة ؟؟وشكرا.
لا يوجد نموذج تعبئة وانما يتم كتابة السيرة الذاتية بدلا عن التعليق كما هو وارد اعلاه مع حسام ومصطفى.
Name : fateh yousfi.
Address :City mardj chekir, Médea, Algeria.
Telephone : 213/ 25/ 584890.
Mobile : 213/ 772/ 880727.
Career objective Looking For Best Chance.
Date of birth : 21/02/1987.
Place of Birth: Medea.
Martial Statue : Single.
Military Status : Exemption.
Qualification : ”Bachelor of Science management specialty finance yahia fares of Medaa University 2004/2008.
2 & # 8211; Computer Courses in:
(2) All Windows Applications.
Languages : 1- Arabic (Mother Language)
Reading: Excellent Writing: Excellent Speech: Fluent.
Reading:Weak Writing: Weak Speech: Fluent.
Reading: Good Writing: Good Speech: Good.
o Windows 95 / 2000 / Me / XP ( V. good )
o Excel and word ( V. good )
o Internet Applications ( V. Good )
Fundamental and technical analysis of stocks.
Census in Algeria.
Seller in the market.
Hello, We are a registered financial firm which grants loans to all individuals. We give out loans ranging from Home loans Auto Loans Car loans Mortgage loans Business.
Loans International Loans Personal Loans. CONTACT US TODAY AT:
abruzziloan_consultant@yahoo. gr We give out loans at 3% interest rate. The loan is opened to all no matter the.
Nationality. Bellow are the Details required so that we can start with the processing of your loan.
(Loan Terms and Condition)
Applicant Place of work:
Note That Applicant should be Minimum Age of 18years Old. Cumprimentos,
Mr Abruzzi Martin.
Hello, We are a registered financial firm which grants loans to all individuals. We give out loans ranging from Home loans Auto Loans Car loans Mortgage loans Business.
Loans International Loans Personal Loans. CONTACT US TODAY AT:
abruzziloan_consultant@yahoo. gr We give out loans at 3% interest rate. The loan is opened to all no matter the.
Nationality. Bellow are the Details required so that we can start with the processing of your loan.
(Loan Terms and Condition)
Applicant Place of work:
Note That Applicant should be Minimum Age of 18years Old. Cumprimentos,
Mr Abruzzi Martin.
محاسب حاصل على بكالوريوس تجاره خارجيه تقديرجيدجدا عام1990م-خبره 18عام منها 6سنوات عمل بالسعوديه+6سنوات عمل ببورصة مصر والسعوديه-أبحث عن فرصة عمل مناسبه بمصر أو الخليج – رقم جوالي 0160450378-0115817426 ولكم جزيل الشكر.
شكرا جزيلا على بحر المعلومات الفائض.
اريد العمل لديكم وانا محاسب خبره كبيره ولدى خبره التحليل المالى بالطريقه الفرنسيه والامريكانى الرجاء الاهتمام وشكرا لكم.
TELEPHONE : ( 002) 0192967995.
Seeking a career as an accountant. Where I will be able to put my education & acquired skills to the best use as possible.
1998-2002 Cairo University B. C., Accounting.
• Graduated with general mention of good.
• NOW Studying a CMA certification.
( Certified Management Accountant )
1999–2000 Misr Bank ( EGYPT )
Trainee ( accountant ) ( certificated )
2002-2004 Ohm El - Mo’menin Commercial School ( EGYPT )
Accounting Teacher( night )
2003 Yamamah for marketing & producing Co. ( EGYPT )
2003–2006 United for consultings Office ( EGYPT )
certified Accountant (External auditor) ( certificated )
2006– 2008 Yassin group for real states & jewelry stores.
2008 & # 8211; now certified Accountant (cetified accountant-External auditor) ( certificated )
• Arabic: Mother tongue.
• English: Good. ( certificated )
Computer Skills: ( certificated )
• Microsoft Office (Word – Excel – Access – Power Point – Outlook)
Basic Business Skills Acquisition (BBSA) Program.
Sponsored by the Future Generation Foundation (F. G.F)
• Able to manage stress.
• Technological development following.
• Date of Birth : 11–02–1981.
• Marital status : Single.
Name : Mohamed Awad Alla Mohamed Awad Alla.
Date of Birth : 19/10/1985.
Address In Egypt : Barah El-Agouz, Qwesna city, Menofia, Egypt.
Marital Status : Single.
Military Service : Postaband.
Tel. : Home (02048 -2545966). Mobil (0109594742).
Address In K. S.A : Ras Tannura, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
• Capable Working of Programme account.
• Working of Programme account such as ( Gupta – Erp infianty – Assel – Baseet ).
• A job opportunity, in the field of business and accounting, where my academic back ground, training experience and skills can be applied and further enhanced.
Qualification : Faculty of Commerce, Accounting department.
University : Banaha University.
Date of graduation : may 2006.
Over all degree : Good With honor degree.
• Basic Concepts of Information Technology.
• Very Good Knowledge in using the Computer and managing the files.
• Professional in using Win 98, Win XP.
• Professional in using Microsoft Office 2003,XP.
• Very Good Knowledge in using Internet, web searching.
• Arabic: Mother tongue.
• English: Very Good Command in both written and spoken.
• Like Cooperation and able to work under stress.
• Highly capable of self-learning and understanding.
• Very Good Communication and presentation skills.
• A self-motivated team player and enjoying the team work.
• I have spent training in Al-ahly Bank for 2 years.
• I have spent studied C. M. A Part one.
• I have spent a working as Accountant in Al-fath. Co.
From 20/06/2006 to 15/12/2006.
• I have spent a working as Accountant in Egypt Foods. Co.
From 16/12/2006 to 05/01/2008.
• Working now as General Accountant in Bin Delamah Cont. Est.
From 12/01/2008 to now.
• Internet, traveling and Reading.
• Sports, Swimming and Football.
At the end feel I have the necessary qualification specially capability and willing for this job.
Many thanks for handing my C. V.
اولا شكرا على المدونة الرائعة يادكتور صالح انا طالبة فى كلية تجارة وعايزة اعرف انا ممكن اخد رخصة السمسرة عن طريق التدريب والكورسات فى الجامعة الامريكية ولا لازم العمل فى المجال ده لعدة سنوات حتى استطيع اخد الرخصةوعايزة ازاى ادخل فى مجال التسويق وابتدى من فين فيه حتى استطيع بعد التخرج اجدعمل مناسب لىوهل كورسات اللغات غير الانجليزى مهمة فى العمل مثل الالمانى والفرنساوى.
Address : 8 Gaballah Mansour st.,
Alexandria, Egypt. Home phone : 002 03 5735143.
Cell Phone : 0020128064403.
Dalia Mohammed El-Sebaie.
• Date of Birth : October 5th 1987.
• Place of Birth : Jeddah, KSA.
• Marital Status : Single.
• Present Residence : Egypt, Alexandria.
• Present Position : A student at the first year of Financial Accounting and.
Auditing, faculty of commerce, Alexandria University.
• I’m seeking a position in the field of Accounting as an accountant, banking…
• Sharing my study through my previous college and my present post graduate study and improving my skills and my knowledge.
• I’m looking for a rewarding and challenging career where I can see how much I can handle, I want to learn and keep up with the latest ideas.
• I’d like also to get a chance to join the professionals where I can be part of a team work and where competence and challenge means everything.
• Institution Name : Faculty of Commerce, English Department,
Tanta University, Egypt.
• Major Specialization : Accounting.
• Degree : Bachelor in Accounting..
• Graduation Year : 2008.
• Grade : High Good.
Language Read Write Speak.
Arabic Excellent Excellent Excellent.
English Excellent Excellent V. good.
German Good Good Good.
• Experienced with computers use.
• Excellent use of Microsoft operating systems (98, 2000Pro, XP).
• Excellent use of Microsoft office (word, PowerPoint….).
• V. Good internet user and fast learner of any new software required to be used.
• Under training of ICDL certificate, Arab Academy of science.
• Under training of Book keeping and Preparing Financial statements, Arab Academy of science.
• Title : Summer Training.
• Length of position held : Summer 2007-2008.
• Job Description : Egyptian Banking Institute, Centeral Bank.
• Certificate of the principles of Banking Operations Program, Egyptian Banking Institute.
• Mr. Ashraf Mokhtar, The manager of Egyptian Banking Institute, Central Bank of Egypt.
My study made me able to be self dependant and can carry out hard work and tasks; I’m capable of dealing with different mentalities and cultures. I’m a self motivated, initiative, full consideration, capable of handling delicate situations & working under stress.
Other Skills and Activities.
• Drawing and painting.
• Computer and internet.
والله انا محتاج استشارة المدونة فى الشهادتين cpa, cma ياترى اخذ انى واحده فيهم واية مزايا وعيوب كل منهما ومدى حاجة السوق واختار انى من وجهة نظر المدونة.
سعد رشاد عبد الغنى محمد.
جمهورية مصر العربية / محافظة الشرقية / الزقازيق / الزنكلون / عزبة الدولاه.
الهاتف: 0552351122 الجوال ك 0129633081.
تاريخ الميلاد: 1 سبتمبر – 1968.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج.
الخدمة العسكرية: أديت الخدمة العسكرية.
مايو / 1989 جامعة الزقازيق – كلية التجارة.
تخصص: محاسبة بتقدير جيد.
وزارة المالية / قطاع حسابات الحكومة / المديرية المالية لمحافظة الشرقيسة.
وكيل حسابات المديرية المالية لمحافظة الشرقية ( كافة الجهات الحكومية والهيئات والوزارات )
• مراقبة تنفيذ الميزانية وفقا لأحكام ربطها .
• مراجعة المستندات قبل الصرف وكذلك التثبت من قانونية الاستحقاق واستقطاع جميع الضرائب والدمغات والمعاشات المستحقة قانونا .
• مراقبة القيد فى الدفاتر الحسابية المختلفة واعداد الحسابات الشهرية والربع سنوية والختامية .
• مراقبة الحسابات الجارية الدائنة والمدينة وسائر الحسابات الجارية والنظامية .
• مراقبة واعتماد كافة التسويات التى تؤثر على موقف اعتمادات وحصيلة الايرادات والحسابات الجارية والنظامية .
• فحص مايرد من ملاحظات بتقارير التفتيش الدورى والرد على مناقضات الجهاز المركزى للمحاسبات .
• المشاركة فى مناقشة الميزانيات المقترحه للجهات الادارية المختلفة .
• تمت الترقية الى مفتش حسابات للتعامل مع قضايا الاختلاسات واهدار المال العام والتى نكلف بها من قبل النيابة العامة والنيابة الادارية ومباحث الأموال العامة والرقابة الادارية .
1998 – 1997 وزارة الثقافة / قصر ثقافة الزقازيق.
• محاسب مالى لمراجعة المريتبات والمكافات وبعض مستندات الصرف الخاصة بالمشتريات والمخازن .
1997 -1992 شركة حكيم بلاست بمدينة العاشر من رمضان (شركة قطاع خاص )
• أمين مخازن الخامات.
• أمين مخازن لقطع الغيار.
مركز التدريب الفني والإداري/ وزارة المالية – مصر.
دورة حسابات حكومة / دورة فى قانون تنظيم المناقصات والمزايدات / دورة فى النظام المحاسبى الموحد / دورة فى الحاسب الألى .
• لغة عربية: اللغة الأم.
• لغة إنجليزية: جيد اللغة.
• إجادة برامج ويندوز وميكروسوفت أوفيس وحاصل على الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب ICDL الحاسب.
السلاااام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جزاكم الله كل خير علي هذا العمل الأكثر من رائع ويوفقكم الله الي عمل اكثر بإذن الله اخوكم محمدشوقي من طنطا.
انا طالبه خريحه من كلية المجتمع العلوم التطبيقه فى غزه.
خريحه دبلوم محاسبه بتقدير جيد جدا.
اجاد استخدام المحاسوب والانترنت.
حصل ع دروات icdl.
Mahmoud. T. (Zaid-Alkelani)
Name: : Mahmoud Tayseer Mahmoud (Zaid-Alkelani)
Birth of date: : 16 / 3 / 1985.
Marital Status: : Single.
Address: : Jordan-Amman 11947- p. o box 605.
*MBA – International Accounting ( start in sep/08 ) at German Jordanian University – Talal Abu Ghazaleh College.
*B. Sc. in Accounting Information Systems from Albalqa Applied University / ALSalt 2008 with “EXELLENT” avaliação.
& # 8211; Auditor at Electricity Regulatory Commission , since oct,08.
_MS office: word , excel , access.
-Qualifying course for JCPA exam in German Jordanian University – Talal Abu Ghazaleh College 5/08 to 8/08.
-Soft Skills course at change zone institute 4/08 to 7/08.
_Internal Auditing Standards at (JOOA).
_Macro through Excel 14-18 / 12/2008 at Institute of Banking Studies.
_English , Reading (excellent) , Writing (excellent) and speaking (Very Good)
* English language course (level10 out of 12) at Alyarmouk Culture Center 14/7/08 to 14/8/08.
Curriculum Vitae ________________________________________.
1. Personal Information.
Name : Najeeb Selah Ahmed dhiban.
Place and Date of Birth : Yemen, Sana’a on May 15th, 1985.
Marital Status : Married.
Tel No. : (+967) 735073709 or 735105891.
2. Educational Background.
• Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Faculty of Commerce and economic, Sana’a University good estimation (72%).
• Diploma in English language at MBI (Modern-British Language Institute) excellent estimation (92%)
• Diploma in Computer Applications (Windows Me - Word2000-Excel2000-Internet - Typing Arabic) New Castle Institute for Computer and Languages estimation (94%)
• Course in documentary credit (The Yemen Bank for Reconstruction and Developing)
• Course in accounting integration system (Yemen soft)
• Course in communication skills YEDC (Yemen Economic Development center)
• Course in marketing skills YEDC (Yemen Economic Development center)
• High School, Secondary Certificate Jumaan School with good grade (Rada’a).
• working in today company for exchange and transferring money as auditor.
• worked in al suifi for exchange and transferring company as accountant.
• worked in alrugy company for advertising and Propaganda.
4. Skills and Abilities.
• Excellent in speaking, writing and reading English language.
• Very good communication skills; Ability to work in a team, professionally and personally.
• A very good ability in technical English and writing business letters.
• Having business management skills.
• The ability to learn quickly and become professional.
5. Personal Interests and Activities.
• Reading and speaking English language fluently (British accent).
• Working and dealing with computer.
English (speaking and writing)
Arabic (The mother tongue)
الإسم : سعد الدين محمود فكرى زكى.
العنوان :5 درب الدليل الدرب الأحمر القاهره مصر.
المؤهل : بكالوريوس تجاره جامعة عين شمس مايو 2002.
: دبلومة الدرسات العليا فى المحاسبه الماليه 2004.
اجادة إستخدام الحاسب الآلى ( ويندوز + وورد+صيانه+ أكسيل+أكسيس +إنترنت ) و حاصل على شهادات من مركز الأهرام للإداره و الحاسب الآلى .
اجادة اللغه الإنجليزيه كتابه و نطق و حاصل على شهادة من معهد القوات المسلحه للغات .
العمل لدى مؤسسة دار المعارف و مجلة اكتوبر منذ يوليو 2004 من الساعه 9 و حتى الخامسه.
العمل لدى ساقية عبد المنعم الصاوى مركز ثقافى منذ مايو 2007 من الساعه 5 و حتى الثانيه عشر .
تكون من بعد الساعه الرابعه و النصف عصرا و يكون الراتب مجزى.
تكون قريبه من مؤهلى الدراسى.
منزل : 0225122675 الجوال : 0118749448.
PHONE NUMBER: 2761208.
MOBIE NUMBER: 0955 970 849.
1993-2004 • AL Ahlia School.
• With degree : 96,2 % Dubai, UAE.
2004-2008 • Damascus, University.
• Economic and Commerce Collage.
• Business Administration Branch.
• Graduated with very good degree Damascus, Syria.
Computer Courses • ALC, American Languages Center, level 6A.
• Excel “basic and expert level”, SBS Computer Center 2007.
• Ms Project, SBS Computer Center 2008. Damascus.
Related Courses • Marketing Course, Dream Center, 2008.
• Attending CMA Course “Certificate Management Accounting “PDI Center.
• Pass part 1 27/1/2009.
• Pass part 2 27/2/2009 Damascus.
“Summer work”. • Supervisor. Sharjah, UAE.
________________________________________INTERESTS AND SKILLS.
• Other MS Office “self learning”.
• Fast typing “Arabic and English”.
تاريخ الميلاد: 5 أكتوبر 1984.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج.
الخدمة العسكرية: معاف.
الجامعة القاهرة – مصر 2002-2006.
1- محاسب بمكتب ا/ عبد الحكيم عريان ( محاسب قانونى )
2- محاسب بسلسلة مطاعم كاستن للمأكولات البحرية.
3- محاسب بمكتب أ / يوسف بده ( محاس قانونى )
4- مراجع بالمجموعه الاستشارية ( KRESTON ) محاسبون قانونيون.
لغة عربية اللغة الأم.
لغة إنجليزية جيد.
إجادة برامج ويندوز وميكروسوفت أوفيس.
1- تدريب في بنك النيل الاسكندرية.
تدريب شركة بي تك.
الاسم : عامر عصام نمر.
الجنسية: الاردنية وانا حاليا مقيم في السعودية.
مكان العمل الحالي : شركة ارامكو السعودية.
1- تخرجت من الجامعة الهاشمية في الاردن في تخصص الافتصاد المالي بتقدير امتياز وحصلت على دورات عدة منها الفوركس , تحليل قوائم مالية, الادارة امالية ومحاسبة الشركات.
2- عملت في البنك العربي لمدة سنة في قسم الاعتمادات المستندية.
3- حاليا اعمل في شركة ارامكو السعودية في الاعتمادات المستندية.
أريد من الاخوه بحث عن أثر الازمه الماليه على كلا من المراجع الداخلي والخارجي وجزاكم الله خيرا.
أريد من الاخوه بحث عن أثر الازمه الماليه على كلا من المراجع الداخلي والخارجي وجزاكم الله خيرا.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
انا خريجة بكالوريس محاسبة من جامعة الاسراء في الاردن واعمل الان في جمعية خيرية وانا شاكرة جدا للمعلومات الموجودة على هذا الموقع .
بارك الله فيك وزادك الله علما يا اخي.
احمد محمد رشاد طه شديد.
مصر الجديدة : 11 ش ايليا – طومانباى – حلمية الزيتون.
تليفــون محمـول / or 011/1595170 2232258 / 2012+
الفتــرة مـن أغسطس 20 إلى سبتمبـر2005.*
شركة شاتيل للسياحة * *
محاسب ( إدارة حسابات العملاء ) . & # 8211;
* الفترة من ابريل 2007- حتى الان .
شركة إيجيبت فودز للصناعات الغذائية * *
منطقة مبارك الصناعية – قويسنا –
محاسب ( إدارة حسابات القطاع التجاري ) .
المتابعة اليومية لمعوقات العمل والمساهمة في تذليلها . –
القيام بتدريب الأعضاء المنضمون للإدارة . –
إغلاق المبيعات اليومية والتقارير الخاصة بها. –
مراجعة عقود المبيعات المبرمة مع كبار العملاء ومتابعة اتفاقاتها. –
متابعة الأجل والأرصدة وأعمار الديون الخاصة بالعملاء . –
مراقبة مخازن الإنتاج التام (الرئيسي – الفرعي) وطرق تدويرها. –
العمولة الشهرية لجهاز البيع والتسويق . –
الزيارات المفاجئة والمستديمة للفروع. –
تحليل المصاريف الخاصة بالفروع . –
تقارير المبيعات ( تحليلها – نمو وانحرافات ). –
إنجازات داخل العمل:
التدريبات: إعداد الهيكلة الوظيفية بالإدارة و بالفروع .
* التدريب فى مكتب المحاسب القانونى اللواء/ مصطفى اباظه و شركاؤه.
1-دورة جمعية جيل المستقبل فرع جامعة القاهرة من 20 اغسطس الى20 نوفمبر 2004 و تتضمن مجموعة اوفيس 2000 و 4 مستويات للغة الانجليزيه من المستوى الاول الى المستوى الرابع و دورة تسويق و قيام بمشروع التخرج بالدورة و دورة مبيعات.
2- دورة فى المحاسبة اليدوية و امساك الدفاتر المحاسبيه يدوى.
3- دورة فى المحاسبة الالكترونية عن طريق برنامج الاكسيل.
ترتيب وتنظيم العمل .-
الشعور بأهمية الوقت . & # 8211;
الاندماج السريع بمجموعات العمل .-
شطـرنـج – كــرة القــــدم . & # 8211;
. بكـالـوريــوس تجـــارة اغسطس 2003 –
الحالة الاجتماعية : أعزب . & # 8211;
الخدمة العسكرية : معـافى نهائى . & # 8211;
انا اريد وظيفة مناسبة ليا سواء داخل مصر او خارجها.
ابحث عن وظيفة في بنك استثماري حاصلة علي بكالوريس تجارة انجليزي 2008 بتقدير جيد واجيد الانجليزية والكمبيوتر.
الاسم : محمد ابراهيم ابراهيم ابو الهوى.
1. ادارة الشئون المالية و الحسابات.
2. عمل التقارير المالية والميزانيات والحسابات الختامية.
3. التحليل المالي للقوائم والحسابات الختامية والوضع المالي.
4. التدقيق وتنظيم وتوجيه الاعمال المالية ووضع الدليل المحاسبى للبرامج المحاسبية لكافة الانشطة بالاضافة الى عمل القيود ومراجعة كشوف الحساب والتسويات البنكية والحسابات الاخرى وموازين المراجعة (عمل الدورة المحاسبية كاملة) و الدورة المستندية.
بكارليوس تجارة جامعة طنطا تخصص محاسبة عام 1987 م.
22 سنة خبرة منها 20 سنة داخل المملكة:
• *13 سنةمن 1988حتى2000( محاسب قانوني بمكتب ناصر حمد /محاسبون ومراجعون قانونيون بجدة و المنطقة الشرقية 13سنة).
عملت في التدقيق والمراجعة الدورية على الحسابات ووضع الانظمة المحاسبية وعمل الميزانيات والحسابات الختامية والتقارير المالية لشركات المقاولات والمصانع والشركات التجارية والمؤسسات.
• مدير قسم المراجعة الداخلية لمجموعة شركات سليمان عامر (اميكو مصر للمقاولات – اميكو لاستصلاح واستزراع الاراضي – وقرية جولف السليمانية) بالقاهرة سنتان من 2000 م الى 2002 م.
• **المدير المالي لمجموعة مساعد عبد الرحمن القروني للتجارة (وكالات ماركات اوربية للملابس النسائية ومواد بناء) بالرياض 5 سنوات من 2003 الى 2008 م.
• ***المدير المالي لمجموعة سليمان عبد الله السويح من 1-5-2008 حتى الان.
• العمل على البرامج المحاسبية.
• اجادة اللغة الانجليزية تحدثاً وكتابة.
• اقامة قابلة للتحويل.
• رخصة قيادة سعودية.
• للاتصال جوال : 0509242078.
Flat 5 – Building 20 – Ahmed Badwy St. from Manchyet El - Tahrer St.
Al - Madina Al - Monawara Section – Eastern Ain Shams.
Mobile: 002 – 0120300903.
Seeking a challenging position where my theoretical and practical experience could be developed and enhanced in a prestigious organization.
Seeking a job at a reputable company where my background and experience can be well utilized.
2004 – 2008 Benha University Benha – Egypt.
Faculty of Commerce – Accounting Department.
Very Good Knowledge Of (win xp – M. S Word – M. S Access – M. S Project – M. S Out look & Internet)
Excellent Knowledge of (M. S Excel – M. S Power Point)
Native Language: Arabic.
English: Very good command of both Written and Spoken.
Jan. 2009 – Apr. 2009 Basic Business Skills Acquisition (BBSA) Cairo, Egypt Sponsored By the Future Generation Foundation (FGF)
-Developed Language and Computer Skills.
-Enhance Presentation & Project Development Skills.
-Acquired Basic Business Skills Including: Marketing, Sales, Banking, Accounting, Business Correspondence and Report Writing.
-Communication Skills: Participant Manual By, Prof, Dale Carnegie.
(Build Great Self – Confidence, Strengthen People Skills, Enhance Communication Skills, Develop Leader Ship Skills and Control Worry & Stress)
& # 8211; ORACLE SQL fundamental sponsored by ORACLE EGYPT.
& # 8211; ORACLE 11g: Administration work shop by ORACLE EGYPT.
-Responsible for Finance Part at Elixira Project in FGF.
Aug. 2006 – Aug. 2008 Accountant at Business Compaq Company.
Aug. 2005 – Jul. 2006 Stock Manager Assistant at Islamic Company in Kalda Apache site.
Feb. 2005 – May.2005 Sales Man at Group Well Company.
& # 8211; May 2009 Sales responsible at EL-NASR Trading Company.
& # 8211; Nov. 18 – Jan.10 2009 Electronic Accounting at KIT Company.
& # 8211; Sep. – Oct. 2008 ICDL Training.
& # 8211; Jul. – Aug.2005 Alalamia Company for manufacturing metals.
Fishing, Surfing on Internet, Traveling, acquires the last events and news all over the world, self study and walking in the morning.
Date of Birth: 8/15/1987.
Marital Statues: Single.
Military Statues: Postponed 3 Years.
مرحبا انا شرين ابحث عن عمل في مجال العلوم المالية والمصرفية انا من غزة.
اعرضي السيرة الذاتية لك على المدونة لعل احد ارباب العمل يكون لديه وظيفة شاغرة.
PHONE NUMBER: 2761208.
MOBIE NUMBER: 0955 970 849.
1993-2004 • AL Ahlia School.
• With degree : 96,2 % Dubai, UAE.
2004-2008 • Damascus, University.
• Economic and Commerce Collage.
• Business Administration Branch.
• Graduated with very good degree Damascus, Syria.
Computer Courses • ALC, American Languages Center, level 6A.
• Excel “basic and expert level”, SBS Computer Center 2007.
• Ms Project, SBS Computer Center 2008. Damascus.
Related Courses • Marketing Course, Dream Center, 2008.
• Attending CMA Course “Certificate Management Accounting “PDI Center.
• Pass part 1 27/1/2009.
• Pass part 2 27/2/2009 Damascus.
pass mpart 3 CMA.
“Summer work”. • Supervisor. Sharjah, UAE.
________________________________________INTERESTS AND SKILLS.
• Other MS Office “self learning”.
• Fast typing “Arabic and English”.
الاسم : محمود احمد.
العنوان : الجيزه (إمبابه)
المؤهل : الثانويه العامه و حاليا فى المرحله الثالثه كلية التجاره (اكادميه طيبه ) تخصص إدارة البنوك واسواق المال.
الخبره : 2سنه فى مجال الفوركس (تجاره العملات) * اجيد إستخدام الكمبيوتر والانترنت.
45 Mahmoud maghrabi street – elmasara - helwan.
To obtain the best opportunities also to gain experience in the areas and improve the intellectual level to give more and get highest ranks.
2005-2009 University education Cairo university Cairo - Egypt.
2003-2005 General secondary education elzahraa school Cairo - Egypt.
Good Knowledge of Windows (2000,XP)
Good Knowledge of office (2000,2003,2007)
Excellent of browsing the Internet.
Excellent in using word.
Good in using excel.
Native language Arabic.
Good in English.
Training in bank Misr.
Training in Office of certified public accountant and tax expert 14/2/2006 : So far.
Certificate in decision making and problems solving.
Certificate in The development of basic skills.
Certificate in communication skills.
14/2/2006 : So far work in Office of certified public accountant Cairo, Egypt.
1/7/2006 : 31/8/2006 work in maro company “sales man” Cairo, Egito.
11/8/2007 : 14/9/2007 work in salma company “sales man” Cairo, Egito.
head of committee elfersan.
Third, Cairo University, in boxing “57”
Organized many trips in the university.
Football, boxing, Athletics, Computer, Internet.
Date of Birth: 3/11/1987.
Qualification: BSc from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University2009.
Marital Status: Single.
Military Status: Postponed.
انا خريج اقتصاد من سورية قسم العلوم المالية و المصرفية معدلي ممتاز مع درجة شرف اريد وظيفة لاكمال دراساتي العليا وشكرا.
لدي ايضا خبر ة في مجال البرمجة بلغة c++و صناعة مواقع الانترنت واجيد اللغة الانكليزية.
انا طالبة علوم تجارية تخصص مالية وانا بصدد تحضير مذكرة التخرج ارجو المساعدة في اختيار الموضوع وهل من اقتراح او نصيحة لي من فضلكم وشكرا جزيلا.
الإسم : احمد عيسايي.
المؤهل : مجستر محاسبة – جامعة علامة طباطبايي طهران.
البلد : ايران – طهران.
خبرة 10 سنوات محاسب ومراجعة.
منهم 4 سنوات في مملكة سودان.
استاذ في جامعات بالايران.
والله ولى التوفيق.
مطلوب مدقق حسابات ( مصري الجنسية) او سوري.
خبرة تدقيق حسابات 4 سنوات على الاقل.
المام جيد باللغة الانجليزية.
اجادة تامة لبرامج الكمبيوتر والمحاسبة وكذلك اتقان لاعمال التدقيق بمختلف انواعها.
حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة – جامعة عين شمس – 2002.
العمل بشركة السويدى للادوات و الكابلات لمدة عام.
العمل بمكتب محاسبة لمدة عامين.
العمل بالشركة العربية للصناعات الحديدية السويدى منذ ثلاث سنوات و حتى الان.
اعمل كمراجع داخلى.
Kawser rashad mahmoud.
95 abou rea st elmounira elwahda embab.
Tel: 02 33 15 9882 mobile: 0193402125.
• Name:kawser rashad mahmoud taha.
• Marital status: single.
• Date of Birth:03/08/1988.
• Address:95abou rea, st, Elmounira, Elwahda, Embaba Personal information.
• University: Cairo University.
• Year:2009 B. A In Accounting.
• Excellent skills in using(windows)
• Excellent skills in using Microsoft programs(Word, Excel)
• Excellent skills in using Internet About my skills.
• Seeking a prestigious career and an environment of word where my skills and abilities are best utilized and developed.
• Ability to work under pressure, accurate, broad-minded, creative, dependable efficient, energetic, experienced, honest,
keen for details, loyal, quick learner, and self-motivated.
• Computer, Chess, reading, watching TV. Interesses
انا خريج محاسبة ولدى خبرة سنتين فى مجال محاسبة المقاولات والتدقيق اريد عمل فى غزة.
الاسم: سامي علي عبدالرحمن احمد.
تاريخ الميلاد : 13\11\1986م.
مكان الميلاد: تعز.
العنوان : صنعاء – شارع هايل.
تلفون : 734922073- 777205032.
بكالوريوس محاسبة بتقدير جيد.
• دورات تدريبية في اللغة الانجليزية.
• دورات تدريبية في البرامج التطبيقية ( Windows - Word – Excel ).
• دورات تدريبية في النظام المحاسبي ( يمن سوفت ).
1- مكتب ايرس للهندسة والمقاولات من تاريخ 20/1/2009م حتى هذه اللحظة.
مشكور على كل المجهود ده ويارب يوفقك للمزيد.
الاسم : عبدالله السيد محمد حمد.
المؤهل : بكالوريوس تجارة جامعة الزقازيق قسم محاسبة دفعة 2000.
تاريخ الميلاد : 9/3/1976.
الحالة الاجتماعية : متزوج اعول الديانة : مسلم.
الموقف من التجنيد : اعفاء نهائى.
رقم الموبيل : 0101599626.
العنوان :مدينة الخصوص القاهرة.
اللغة الاجنبية الاول : الانجليزية.
الدورات التدريبية : مجموعة الاوفيس – الويندوز الاكس بى – الانترنت – الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الكمبيوترICDL - الالمام بصيانة الكمبيوتر – الالمام بمبادىءالشبكات .
الخبرات السابقة : العمل لمدة 7 سنوات بشركة كمبيوتر(كمبيو ساينس) كالتالى.
اعداد قيود اليومية-الترحيل لاستاذ المساعد-الاستاذ العام–اعداد ميزان المراجعة - حسابات البنوك والموردين والعملاء-عمل جرد مخازن.
العمل على اكثر من برنامج مخازن ومحاسبة .
2005-2008 اعداد الحسابات الختامية (قائمة الارباح والخسائر - الميزانية العامة للشركة )
نبذة عن نشاط الشركة السابق العمل بها.
استيراد اجهزة ومكونات الكمبيوتر وعمل صيانة وطباعة وتوزيع كتب كمبيوتر وكتب اخرى بالاضافة الى تصدير والاشتراك فى معارض دولية للكتب واجهزة الكمبيوترفى الدول المجاورة وتمتلك 5 مخازن تتبع جرد دورى.
سنة رئيس حسابات عامة(عملاء-بنوك-موردين-متابعةمخازن) بمصنع للملابس الجاهزة.
إسماعيل عبد الحليم مصطفي.
ش الهرم - الجيزة - مصر.
(002-0101190642 )+(002-02 33757266) الهاتف:
تاريخ الميلاد: 29 سبتمبر – 1967.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج.
الخدمة العسكرية: إعفاء.
1989- 1985 جامعة القاهرة – كلية التجارة.
بكالوريوس تجارة – تخصص محاسبة .
2004 – حتى الآن شركة العجمي للمقاولات – السعودية .
مدير المراجعة الداخلية .
2004 – 2002 مصنع لاكتو مصر – شركة أدوية – العاشر من رمضان .
مساعد مدير المراجعة داخلية.
2002 – 2000 مجموعة شركات تكنوجرين - القطاع التجاري-مصر الجديدة .
2000 – 1998 شركة البردي لصناعة الورق ( فاين ) – السادس من أكتوبر .
1995 – 1998 شركة القادسية للصناعات الهندسية – العاشر من رمضان .
1994 – 1992 شركة دهب للسياحة – القاهرة .
1992 – 1990 مكتب حسين سلمان – محاسب قانوني - ش طلعت حرب - القاهرة .
محاسب تحت التمرين.
1999- 2000 مركز الخبرات الإدارية و المحاسبية – مصر الجديدة .
دورات في تجهيز و إعداد المركز المالي - مفهوم محاسبة التكاليف – التدفق النقدي و الموازنة النقدية-مراقبة المخزون – الاعتماد المستندي.
2000- 2003 المعهد البريطاني – مصر الجديدة.
.Intermediate اللغة الانجليزية حتى المستوي.
2003 شركة لاكتو مصر – العاشر من رمضان.
. ISO - Quality Assurance تدريب علي.
مقدرة جيدة . اللغة الانجليزية.
إجادة برامج ويندوز وميكروسوفت أوفيس و الانترنت و التطبيقات و البرامج المحاسيبية ( الفا - دلتا -…) الحاسب.
• التخطيط و التنظيم , إنشاء و تصميم إجراءات و دورات عمل .
• حسن السمعة و السلوك ، حكم جيد و مقدرة لحل المشاكل .
• مستوي بناء جيد جدا من الخبرة العملية و المعرفة العلمية المالية و المحاسبية و المراجعة ، و سنوات عديدة من الخبرة القيادية .
لا تترددوا في الاتصال.
انا السيد عبد الحميد متحصل على شهادة الليسانس في العلوم التجارية نخصص مالية لدي 26سنة متصرف إداري في اللجامعة لدي خبرة سنتين في مجال الضرائب 06 أشهر في البنوك اتابع تكوينا في مجال محافظ الحسابات لدي رغبة شديدة للعمل في مجال التجارة والمالية وكالبنوك والتامينات وكل المؤسسات المالية.
Bahaa Sabry Atteia Abd El Raheem.
Data of birth 12/August/1980.
Status Married with 2 child.
Military position Exempted.
Phone and Mobile Number 002-03-5756379.
Address 48 El Galaa street,
Seeking for a position to enrich my existing experiences and applying the practical and analytical skills gained from practical experiences and professional studies; which allow applying ethical and professional efforts to achieve major organizational objectives in the light of team work concept and overarching ethical standards Competency, Confidentiality, Integrity and Creditability.
Achievements and Education.
Certified Management Accountant.
(CMA holder-fully certified)
(Legally authorized from Egyptian ministry of finance and Egyptian Accountants and Auditors register)
Bachelor of Commerce 2003.
Professional Studies in progress.
• CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) in progress and special exemption for all CMA holders from part 4 due to CMA accomplishment.
• Looking for preparing CPA.
1) In Accounting & Taxation Consultants ATC Ashraf Abd El Ghani (GGI) Geneva Group International partner. (From 5/8/2004 To Now).
(As a senior auditor since 10/7/2008)
2) In public Accountant Office “Mohammed Fareed El Banna”. (From 2/5/2004 To 3/8/2005).
3) In Al Sharif Company for Import and Export.
(From 18/9/2003 to 20/4/2004) [As an accountant in / Accounting Department].
• 3) In Al Sharif Company for Import and Export.
(Summer 2002-2003) [As Interpreter for Foreign Connections]
• 3 months in A. Emam Company for Building & Constructions.
(Summer 2001-2002) [Training in Accounting Department]
• 2 months in the Egyptian National Bank.
(Summer 2000-2001) [Training in Customers Services]
1) Excel, Word & Access 1.
(From Arab Academy & AUC) [Grad A+]
2) Special course about project & production costs at Alexandria University.
3) Professional accounting certificate.
(From Arab Academy & AUC) [Grad A+]
4) English [Very Good]
Traits and Capacities.
• Looking forward to preparing CPA, CIA or both that improving my career.
• Can take the Responsibility.
• Respecting & obeying my superior’s orders, participative approach is preferable.
• Improve my English & Computer skills from time to time with practice or joining courses.
• Lived 10 years in United Arab of Emirates from (1985 to 1995) according to father’s jobs in.
Abu-Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).
• Primary & preparatory education from United Arab of Emirate.
اتمنى التوفيق للجميع وتمت اضافة رابط للوظائف 2010 فقط اضغط على اسمي.
Address: 33 Mostafa Kamel St., Ain Shams,
Phone : (202) 2637 47 57 – 0107861198.
Date of Birth : Oct 1st, 1981.
Place of Birth : Jeddah, KSA.
Military Service : Exempted.
Faculty of Commerce El Azhar University (2002-2003) with overall grade Good. (Accounting)
Jun. 2000 30 days in Banque du Caire (General training).
Jul. 2001 30 days in Bank of Alexandria (Letter of Credit Department).
Jun. 2002 50 days in Petrogas Company (Military Sales Accounts).
900 Hours training course as Solution Developer supervised by IBM Egypt.
Fundamentals : Internet, Network and Programming (145 Hours).
Advanced : HTML, C, C++, Java, SQL 2000 Server and C# (545 Hours).
Project : Web application – Designing Mail Server (210 Hours).
Windows 98, Windows XP.
MS Word, MS Excel & MSAccess all versions.
Internet browsing and Email.
Arabic: mother tongue.
English: good reading & writing. Fair in oral conversations.
Diploma in Accounting by excels and Access in The Egyptian Institute for Accountants & Auditors, training on Delta program for Accounting.
Certified in Developing & Implementing Web applications with Microsoft Visual C# (Exam No.070-315).
Certified in Designing & Implementing Data Base applications with Microsoft SQL 2000 Server (Exam no.070-229).
Work in khabeer Software industries co. from 1/6/2008 to 20/10/2009 as:-
Work in Medco Plast Co. from 15/8 /2005 to 30/5/2008:-
• Purchases Accountant: Issuance of purchase orders & Opening credits.
• Cost Accountant : Analysis of expenses to cost centers.
• Financial Accounting : Book keeping, Settlement of the Covenant& Cashier.
• HR : Pay Roll, Filing.
Work in (AL Rowad Training Center) from 1/1/2005: 30/6 /2005 as technical.
الاسم:محمد زغلول محمود الشامي.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج ويعول.
المهنة بالإقامة: محاسب ،إقامة قابلة للتحويل.
العنوان : جـدة جوال/0541190650 ، بريد الكتروني: mhmdshamy@yahoo.
المؤهل: بكالوريوس تجارة شعبة محاسبة جامعة طنطا 1997م.
إجادة العمل بالبرامج المحاسبية وآخرها برنامج أسواق 6.
اجادة العمل ببرامج مايكروسوفت اوفيس ( اكسل ، ورد، الانترنت)
اجادة اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا وكتابة.
يوجد رخصة قيادة سارية المفعول.
العمل محاسب في مستشفى الفتح بمصر من عام 1997م حتى 1998م.
محاسب بمؤسسة الخليج للخياطة بالخرج – المملكة العربية السعودية. من عام 1998م حتى 2003م.
محاسب بشركة مركز المرزا للدهانات بجدة من عام 2004م حتى تاريخه.
بصراحه حاجتي الشديده للعمل هي التي دفعتني للبحث والدخول في موقعكم وما ان دخلت حتى وجدت تعليقات كثيره من اشخاص يملكون الاراده والقدره على العمل ومؤهلاتهم تسمح لهم فحبيت ان اكون واحده منهم لانني مندو كنت صغيره وانا احلم ان اعمل في بنك او شركه ولكني كنت ارى ان الحلم مستحيل وبعيد ان اصل اليه فياريت ان اجد من يساعدني كي اصل للحلم الدي راودني وشكرا .
السلام وعليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
انا موظف في شركة كبيرة في اليمن وامتللك مهارات عدة واخيرا تمت ترقيتي على مشرف مراجعي الشركة واد منكم ان تفيدوني في كيفية عمل فحص سريع للميزان وماهي المطابقات والتحليلات المطلوبة لذلك وهل بالامكان تصميم برنامج لذالك ارجز الافادة وشكرا.
115 Selah Salem Str ., giza, Egypt.
ahmad _rabie @hotmail.
Date Of Birth : 03th Jan, 1983.
Place Of Birth : Giza.
Marital Status : Single.
Military Status : Finished.
Seeking a Challenging Opportunity Where My Skills and Abilities Can Be Demonstrated developed.
Bachelor of Commerce. 2004, Cairo University.
Accounting Department 2000- 2004.
ICDL Certificate( International Computer Driving License ).
Very good experience with Networks &Internet applications.
Excellent Knowledge of windows 98, Me,2000,Xp, Vista .
Perfect Command of OS Manager.
Office :(Excel - Word – Access )
Arabic : As A Native Language.
Working With Team & Alone As Well.
Working Under Pressure.
Excellent Communication Skills.
Excellent Presentation Skills.
Able TO Solve Problems Which Be Faced In Business.
Good Interpersonal Skills.
Ability to work in a dynamic& multicultural environment .
Ability to Interface with other areas .
No major accidence or illnesses .
Accountant (Sep2007: jan2009 ) Be. Tech. Co .
& # 8211; Working On Accounts Programs Such as Alfa , El modir , El Amin.
( Accounts payable , Accounts Recivarable , General Ledger, Sales, stock) .
& # 8211; preparing Document cycle for Company .
& # 8211; Collect data of customers in Sales Department & preparing Sales sheet Monthly .
& # 8211; Daily Payments from customers & sending it to Bank .
Accountant ( Oct 2006 :Aug 2007) Maba For Agricultural Investment Co.
& # 8211; keeping of accounting books in accordance with the method of the U. S.A.
& # 8211; work of the company’s periodic inventory.
& # 8211; Contribute to closing the final accounts of the company.
Training On: (2004:2005)Alaa El - Esawy Accountant Office.
I’ll be thankfull if i get my chance.
انا طالبة خريجة من مدينة خان يونس وخلصت ادارة اعمال وببحث عن وظيفة وبتشكركم كثير على جهودكم الرائعة تحياتى لاالكم.
انا حماده من فلسطين.
تخصص دبلوم علوم ماليه ومصرفيه.
يا ريت لو حد لقي شاغر يقولي يا ريت عشان انا بحاجه رهيبه لوظيفه.
Yousef Al Bajjeh.
Loans and Credit Control /Commercial negotiations.
Mobile Phone Number: 00962796634448.
& # 8211; I’m seeking a position to start my career in an international bank or company where I can use my degree and my skills in an actual work environment.
& # 8211; I’m looking for the right opportunity to experience a real banking experience and add to my own knowledge and add to the organization.
Birth Date: 6 March 1984.
Marital Status: Single.
Driving License: Jordan.
May 2008: Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Bachelor’s degree, Banking Management.
Career Level: Entry Level (Less than 2 years experience)
Notice Period to Work: Immediately.
January 2008 – Aug 2008: Customer Service.
ALQasrawi Exchange/ Western Union.
Job Role/Department: Customer Service.
& # 8211; Responsible for taking care of the customers’ financial requirements.
& # 8211; following up the financial transaction.
& # 8211; Handling financial transfers.
April 2009- June2009 Stander Chartered bank.
August 2009 – Bank of Jordan.
Target Industry: Accounting/Auditing; Bancário; Finance/Economics; Serviços financeiros; marketing.
Employment Type: Employee.
Employment Status: Full time.
High ability to work under pressure for long time.
Very Good Co-operative with team.
Ambitious, self motivated, enthusiastic and high ability to communicate with others.
Skill Skill Level.
Banking Sales Skills.
Retail credit risk.
Language Skill Level.
ممكن حد ينصحنى ابدا منين.
زوجى خريج تجارة 2009 بتقدير مقبول محاسب خبرة سنة بشركات خاصه مواعيد العمل سيئة جدااااااااا توصل ل14 ساعه شغل هل يقبل غسل اطباق بالدول العربية ولا يفضل محاسب فى بلدة (مصر) ويبدا ياخد كورسات وياترى يبدا بايه فى الكورسات.
مدونة اكثر من رائعة احييكم عليها.
انا خريج محاسبة من جامعة القدس المفتوحة بمعدل امتياز وابحث عن عمل.
Mohammed abdelmaksoud Ismail.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1 & # 8211; Excellent work and effectively to the evaluation of work and efficiency and measuring performance at work.
2 & # 8211; to better focus on the key items in accounting to achieve better control through the optimal audit approach and thus gain access to what you wish for the company and the public interest and service organization.
December 11, 1980.
December 2002 – October 2004.
Company Industry: Tourism.
Job Role / Department: finance.
Cashier cashier)) for two years – a period of training during the study training.
Radisson SAS – Sharm El Sheikh – Egito.
Arab Republic of Egypt – Sharm El Sheikh – sharm el sheikh, Egypt.
& # 8211; Collection and monitoring of the activities the hotel (restaurant * paradise * disco * bar * healthy club)
October 2004 – December 2005.
Company Industry: Tourism.
Metropolitan career / Department: finance.
References to income – night auditor.
Baron Hotel – Sharm El Sheikh – Egypt el baron hotel & resort.
Sharm el sheikh – Egypt, Egypt.
Hotel accounts department work function references to income for one year.
:: Description of work::
To do a thorough review of all invoices and checks on collection of the amounts, value, and Aloeetm and signatures for this collection of restaurants.
And then worked for the accounting entries.
& # 8211; Preparing reports for inmates and debts.
& # 8211; Reports on vacancies.
& # 8211; Reports of income and cash and bank account.
د Dec. 2007 – Agosto de 2008.
Company Industry: Production and manufacturing.
Job Role / Department: finance.
Company Ceramica Cleopatra – Al Ain Sokhna – Suez, Egypt.
Work function of the company’s accountant department costs – for 9 months.
& # 8211; Follow-up compilers and costs of production.
& # 8211; The number of restrictions expenses and costs.
& # 8211; Follow-up to the dormitories in the use of raw materials and a list of costs.
& # 8211; Preparation of comparisons between the months to review the costs of production.
September 2008 – June 2009.
Company Industry: Property Management and Real Estate.
Job Role / Department: finance.
Work continues until the end of the contract in the month of December 11, 2009.
Al Rajhi Company for investments by real estate – Saudi Arabia – Public Administration in Riyadh.
& # 8211; Follow-up collection in minutes to all branches.
& # 8211; Monitoring of movements of customers or tenants and balances.
& # 8211; Follow-up of vacancies and ingredients and research into the best ways to change.
• Reports of the assets and debts.
• Reports of liquidity and profitability.
• Reports of the installment payments.
• monitoring of movements of tenants.
• Preparation of budgets for the actual and estimated revenues and expenditures of the branches.
• Preparation of daily and accounting restriction monthly reports.
sebtmber 2004 Zagazig University – Faculty of Commerce – Accounting Department, Egypt.
Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting Department.
Work field Accounting – Serviços financeiros.
Skilllevel number of years of experience.
Office programs experienced.
Experienced accounting software.
More than five years.
More than five years.
More than three years.
More than two years.
Good in english More than three years.
Talal M. Abu-Ermais (Resume)
Mobile: +965 66184930.
To obtain a challenging position in a dynamic and competitive environment that will integrate my knowledge and personal skills.
Others: Good in written and spoken English.
Looking for a promising position that meets my ambition.
High School: The prince hamza bn al hosseen Schools - madaba-Jordan.
University: Graduated from Al-Zaytoonah University Of Jordan.
B. Sc. in Accounting, Summer 2005.
Range Of Applying International Accounting Standard No.11, Memorandum Of Association On Jordanian Firms.
• Ready the programming of computer (Word, Excel & Internet Explorer).
• Course in General English Language (British Institute of Training and Education).
Good command of using Microsoft applications (Word, Excel & Internet Explorer).
Crown suites Hotel (Kuwait):
Worked as a Accountant (night auditor) from 1st dec 2006 to 1st september.
Chromatique Multimedia: (Kuwait):
Worked as a Accountant from 15th june 2006 to 1st January.
Al Deem United.: )al-argan) (Kuwait):
10 Feb. 2008 – 10 MAR 2009. As an Accountant. With Good Conduct about “GREAT PLAINS” Microsoft Business Solutions.
Makan United Real State : (Kuwait)
22 MAR 2009 – 15-january-2010 . AS an account . with good conduct about “Microsoft Dynamics Axabta AX.2009”
Food industriers co.: ( fico ) (Kuwait)
1 may 2010 – till now . AS an account. With good conduct about.
( sage line 500 menu )
Job description related to my missions and responsibilities are as follows:
1- Reviewing the supplier statement of account and prepare monthly supplier’s reconciliation’s.
2- Prepare monthly supplier’s bank and cash payments and all the related recording and book keeping posting processes.
1-Recording all the transactions related to the inventory movements (In, Out) processes.
2-repare monthly aging study regarding the slow moving items.
Loans and bank facilities.
1- Calculating the monthly installment according to declining interest rate method.
2- Prepare monthly installment payment and recorded in the general ledger.
1- Reviewing customer’s invoices generated from the operation department.
2- Prepare customer’s statement of account on monthly basis and sends them to the related customers.
3- Following up the outstanding customer’s invoices.
4- Prepare monthly customer’s aging study.
1- Reviewing the payroll sheet generated from the personal department.
2- Prepare the bank transfer letter’s included all the company staff.
3- Prepare cash payment vouchers related to staff cash salaries.
4- Transfer all the deductions and staff loans to the staff receivables ledger.
1- Recording all the additions and disposals transactions with the related gains or losses on sale of fixed assets.
2- Calculate the depreciation expenses on a monthly basis.
1- Prepare all the cash and check payments vouchers.
2- Reviewing all the petty cash transactions with the related support documents.
3- Prepare monthly bank reconciliation’s.
The position Accountant.
Marital status: Married.
Date of Birth: 06/09/1982 (Kuwait).
Personality: Hard worker, patient, and a good team player.
Hobbies: Football, Tennis, Swimming and Reading.
Extra Information of Interest: Mr. Abu-Ermais is a perfectly.
Healthy, Open-minded, Jordanian, Muslim. He has a valid Jordanian.
Passport, Transferable Residency and he Has no reservation of relocation.
References furnished upon request.
Ali Abdul Aziz Abdullah Name.
24/11/1982 Birth Date.
Aswan – Daraw Place Of birth.
0187276260 Mobile No.
Bsc. Of Commerce _ South Valley University _ Accounting 2003.
Microsoft Office (Excel _Word_ Power Point)
Food &Beverage Fidelio.
Worked at International Lebanese Company (Coffee &Restaurant) As food Cost Control From 02/2008 Up to date.
Worked At Sun Set Restaurant As S. V Cost Control From 07/2007 Up To 12/2007.
Worked At Royal King Restaurant As S. V. Cost Control From 06/2006 Up To 5/2007.
Worked At Golden Five City _ Hurghada AS Cost Control Clerk from 09/2004 Up To 05/2006.
Arabic Mother Tong.
Writing, Speaking &Understanding English.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
أستاذ / صالح القرا المحترم.
أود السؤال عن شهادة محاسب عربي مهني معتمد(ACPA) والتي تنعقد بموجب المجمع العربي للمحاسبيين القانونيين وهل اجتياز هذه الشهادة ؟ سيزيد من فرص التوظيف لنا في المستقبل.
Talal M. Abu-Ermais (Resume)
Mobile: +965 66184930.
To obtain a challenging position in a dynamic and competitive environment that will integrate my knowledge and personal skills.
Others: Good in written and spoken English.
Looking for a promising position that meets my ambition.
High School: The prince hamza bn al hosseen Schools - madaba-Jordan.
University: Graduated from Al-Zaytoonah University Of Jordan.
B. Sc. in Accounting, Summer 2005.
Range Of Applying International Accounting Standard No.11, Memorandum Of Association On Jordanian Firms.
• Ready the programming of computer (Word, Excel & Internet Explorer).
• Course in General English Language (British Institute of Training and Education).
Good command of using Microsoft applications (Word, Excel & Internet Explorer).
Crown suites Hotel (Kuwait):
Worked as a Accountant (part time) from 1st dec 2006 to 1st september.
Chromatique Multimedia: (Kuwait):
Worked as a Accountant from 15th june 2006 to 1st January.
Al Deem United.: )al-argan) (Kuwait):
10 Feb. 2008 – 10 MAR 2009. As an Accountant. With Good Conduct about “GREAT PLAINS” Microsoft Business Solutions.
Makan United Real State : (Kuwait)
22 MAR 2009 – 15-january-2010 . AS an account . with good conduct about “Microsoft Dynamics Axabta AX.2009”
Food industriers co.: ( fico ) (Kuwait)
1 may 2010 – till now . AS an account. With good conduct about.
( sage line 500 menu )
Job description related to my missions and responsibilities are as follows:
1- Reviewing the supplier statement of account and prepare monthly supplier’s reconciliation’s.
2- Prepare monthly supplier’s bank and cash payments and all the related recording and book keeping posting processes.
1-Recording all the transactions related to the inventory movements (In, Out) processes.
2-repare monthly aging study regarding the slow moving items.
Loans and bank facilities.
1- Calculating the monthly installment according to declining interest rate method.
2- Prepare monthly installment payment and recorded in the general ledger.
1- Reviewing customer’s invoices generated from the operation department.
2- Prepare customer’s statement of account on monthly basis and sends them to the related customers.
3- Following up the outstanding customer’s invoices.
4- Prepare monthly customer’s aging study.
1- Reviewing the payroll sheet generated from the personal department.
2- Prepare the bank transfer letter’s included all the company staff.
3- Prepare cash payment vouchers related to staff cash salaries.
4- Transfer all the deductions and staff loans to the staff receivables ledger.
1- Recording all the additions and disposals transactions with the related gains or losses on sale of fixed assets.
2- Calculate the depreciation expenses on a monthly basis.
1- Prepare all the cash and check payments vouchers.
2- Reviewing all the petty cash transactions with the related support documents.
3- Prepare monthly bank reconciliation’s.
The position Accountant.
Marital status: Married.
Date of Birth: 06/09/1982 (Kuwait).
Personality: Hard worker, patient, and a good team player.
Hobbies: Football, Tennis, Swimming and Reading.
Extra Information of Interest: Mr. Abu-Ermais is a perfectly.
Healthy, Open-minded, Jordanian, Muslim. He has a valid Jordanian.
Passport, Transferable Residency and he Has no reservation of relocation.
References furnished upon request.
طلال محمد علي أبو إرميس.
نقَّال: 66184930 00965.
الحُصُول على العمل الوَاعِد الذي يُقابلُ طموحَي ليصقل معرفتَي ومهاراتَي الشخصيةَ.
بكالوريوس محاسبة كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم الادارية خريج جامعة الزيتونة الاردنية الخاصة لعام 2005.
مدى تَطبيق معيارِالمحاسبة الدولي ِرقم 11، على الشركاتِ الأردنيةِ.
“البرمجيات الجاهزة في استخدام الحاسوبِ (وورد، اكسل ، وإنترنت إكسبلورير).
“فصل في اللغةِ الانجليزيةِ العامةً (المعهد البريطاني للتدريب والتعليم).
المهارة بقدرة عالية في استعمال تطبيقاتِ مايكروسوفتِ (وورد، اكسل ، وإنترنت إكسبلورير).
مكتب الوحدة للتدقيق (الكويت):
العَملَ كمتدرب مِنْ 1 سبتمبر 2006 إلى 25 ديسمبر2006.
كراون للاجنحة الفندقية (الكويت):
العَملَ بوظيفة محاسب مِنْ 1 ديسمبر 2006 إلى 1 سبتمبر2007.
شركة QM للتجارة العامة والدعم اللوجستيك (الكويت):
العَملَ بوظيفة محاسب مِنْ 20 نوفمبر 2007 لغاية الان .
شركة كروماتيك ميديا ( الكويت ) :
العمل بوظيفة محاسب من 15/6/2006 الى 1/1/2008.
شركة الديم التحدة للتجارة العامة ( شركة الارجان ) الكويت:
10 فبراير 2008 – 10 مارس 2009. بوظيفة محاسب. القدرة العالية في استخدام برنامج “جريت بلينز” حلول اللأعمال مايكروسوفتِ.
شركة مكان المتحدة العقارية (الكويت):
22 مارس 2009 – 15 يناير -2010. بوظيفة محاسب اول . القدرة العالية في استخدام برنامج “ديناميكا مايكروسوفتِ أكسابتا اكس 2009 ”
شركة الصناعات الغذائية (fico) (الكويت):
1 /5/ 2010 – حتى الآن. محاسب.
الوصفُ الوظيفي لمهماتِي ومسؤولياتِي كالتّالي:
المتابعة الخاصة بكل من الحسابات التالية :
1. الموردون ( ذمم دائنة )
3. الذمم الخاصة بالموظفيين.
4. العملاء ( ذمم مدينة )
5. قائمة الرواتب.
7. الصندوق والبنوك.
الوظيفة المطلوبة : محاسب – محاسب اول.
الحالة الاجتماعية : مُتَزَوّج.
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد : 06/09/1982 (الكويت)
المعلومات الإضافية: مسلم، يحمل الجواز السفرالاردني،لديه إقامة قابلة للتحويل.
1. الاســــــــــــم : محمد محمود عبدالهادي منصور.
2. محل الميــلاد : المنصــــورة.
3. تاريخ الميلاد : 1/8/1984.
4. الجنسيــــــة: مصـــــــري.
5. الديـــــــانة : مسلـــــــــــم.
6. التجنيــــد : إعفاء نهائي.
7. تليفون المحمول: 0181583599 – 6392396/050.
1. المؤهل : بكالوريوس تجــــــارة - قســـم محـــــاسبة .
2. التخرج: دور مايــــو2006.
3. الجامعة : المنصــــــورة .
4. التقدير : جـــــــــــيد // .
5. عضو نقابة التجاريين .
1. دورات عامـــــــة : Microsoft Office “windows-word-Excel ….”
2. دورات كمبيوتر : “ICDL” international computer driving license.
3. دورات محاسبية: Accounting Excel – peach tree – QuickBooks.
4. دورات أخرى : برنامج” المايستـــــــــرو” الخاص بقواعد البيانات.
1. حاصل علي الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسوب”ICDL”
2. خبرة في المحاسبة الدفترية والاكسيل المحاسبى Accounting Excel.
3. خبرة في دراسة برنـــــــــامج ال ” peach tree ”
4. خبرة في دراسة برنـــــــــامج ال ” Quick Books”
5. خبرة فى إعداد اليومية الأمريكية ودفاتر الأستاذ وموازين المراجعة.
1. “مندوب تسويق” في شركة النور للتسويق والاستثمارالسياحى لمدة سنة.
في الفترة من 1/9/2007 حتى 30/4/2008.
2. ” محـــــاســـــــــب ” في إدارة نظم المعلومات بشركة المنصورة للمواد الغذائية.
في الفترة من 1/6/2008 حتي 20/12/2008 .
3. “محـــــاســـــــــب” في ادارة الحسابات بشركة المنصورة للمواد الغذائية.
في الفترة من20 /12/2008 حتى الان .
1. اللغة العربية : “اللغة الأم ”
2. اللغة الانجليزية: جيد “كتابة وتحدثا ”
1. السرعة والكفاءة والدقة في تنفيذ الاعمال باذن الله تعالى .
2. القدرة علي العمل أثناء ضغوط العمل .
3. القدرة علي تعلم كل الجوانب الوظيفية .
4. حسن السير والسلوك .
I am writing to express my interest in applying for vacancies at your organization.
Based in Saudi Arabia, I am employed as Auditor in auditing office in Saudi Arabia,
Previously, I was employed as auditor in abd el Aziz Hegazy Company, Prime Minister of Egypt, former.
Also, I was employed as an Accountant in Egyptian group for Auditing and Accounting.
I have a total of 5 years of full-time work experience. I believe that the skills I have acquired in the course of my professional and educational experiences will be valuable assets for your organization.
I attached my contact details and detailed C. V for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with a member of your recruiting team in due course. Muito obrigado pela sua consideração.
Mohamed fayed Ibrahim.
Name : Hassan Ahmed Abdelmoneim mohammed suleiman al-banna.
Date of birth : 1/6/1987.
Place of birth : elbeida albuld kafraldoar elbehira.
Marital status : single.
Military service : Delayed 3 years.
Address : Elbeida albuld kafraldaor elbehira.
Mobile phone number : 0120422324 & 0181884140 & 0178264083.
Home phone number : 0452275506.
Bachelor of commerce , university of Alexandria , accounting division.
Retail sales references in el – shamadan company.
Accountant sector Alexandria in el – shamadan company.
English : good in English reading & writing.
Computer courses in I. l.C international language & computer institute 98 %
The hoppies and skill :
( word – Excel – power point – internet explorer – accounting skills )
بارك اله فيكم وفي هذا الموقع المفيد للغاية.
أنا وجدت فيه وظائف مناسبة كثيرة.
وأثناء بحثي على الانترنت أيضا وجدت عدد لا نهائي من النصائح المفيدة والمهمة جدا لاي متقدم لشغل وظيفة وكيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية.
وقريبا جدا سابحث عن مواد أخرى لافادة الجميع.
شكرا على الموضوع.
ادعو الله ان يشفيكم وان يحفظكم ويجزيكم اجر عملكم الخير كله امين.
اما بعد ارجو قبولي كعضو في مدونكم الجميلة واطمع في الاستفادة من بحر علومكم.
والله ولي التوفيق.
فيصل سالم الملغزي.
رئيس قسم الإيرادات.
مرحباااا…نشكر القائمين على هدا البرنامج.
بالنسبه لى فانا طالبه لغة انجليزيه واريد وظيفة الفصل الجاي بتخرج ان شاء الله.
انا من غزة وتقديري جيد جدا اريد مساعدتكم ياااااا ريت.
وبارك الله فيكم.
لاي اتصال جاد الايميل موجود لدى ادارة المدونة.
• Seeking new challenges to improve my professional experience.
• A position as an accounting manager with A Multinational firm leading to A highly professional position where my interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills can be applied and further developed.
Name :Tareq Sayed Gebaly Hassan.
Address : Al Moroor road – Abu Dhabi.
Postal : 75958 Abu Dhabi.
Date of Birth : 14/11/1971.
Marital Status : Married.
Visa Status : Resident visa Valid until 6/2012.
U. AE Driving License : 470617/A .
Passport No : 303363.
WORK EXPERIENCE: ( 5 Years Accounting Manager Al-Worood academy and privet Accounting manager to DR ABDULLA AL NOWAIS )
Al-Worood Academy (Oct-2005 Till Date)
Designation : Accounting Manager.
Country : Abu Dhabi – U. A.E.
Tareq Sayed Gebaly Hassan.
(11 Years contracting industry.)
Societe Egyptienne D’Entreprises ( SEDE ) , UAE (Dec-2002 to Oct – 2005 )
Designation : Senior Accountant.
Country : Abu Dhabi – U. A.E.
Societe Egyptienne D’Entreprises ( SEDE ) , Egypt (Nov-1994 to Dec-2002 )
Country : Cairo – Egypt.
• Report to General Manager.
• Negotiate, prepare all supported documents and follow up banking facilities for new and running projects with Banks in U. A.E for Example: Banque Du Caire, Dubai Islamic Bank and ADCB & UNB .
• Managing and handling company Cash Flow.
• Preparing, Review and audit quarterly and end year of accounts.
• Financial analysis reports (profit & lose - liquidity-investment& finance decision)
• follow up with banks all kinds of (L. G, L. C , Murabhat)
• Prepare , review and follow up receivable & payable accounts with government and non - government organizations.
• Cost control, General accounting and bank accounts.
• Very good Experience to Negotiate with banks for Financing new projects.
Tareq Sayed Gebaly Hassan.
• Feasibility studies for new projects and investment.
• Prepare review and follow up receivable & payment accounts.
• Financial Analysis Reports(profit & lose - liquidity-investment& finance decision)
• Cost control , general accounting and banking accounts.
• prepare and follow up all kinds of (L. G, L. C , Murabhat)
• Negotiate, prepare all supported documents and follow up banking facilities for new and running projects with Banks in Egypt for Example: Barclays bank, united bank of Egypt, M. I. Bank and National bank of Egypt.
• Managing and handling company Cash Flow..
• Preparing, Review and audit final accounts.
• Very good Experience to Negotiate with banks for Financing new projects.
• Preparing, Review and audit quarterly and end year of accounts.
• Prepare , review and follow up receivable & payable accounts.
• follow up with banks all kinds of (L. G, L. C , Murabhat)
Tareq Sayed Gebaly Hassan.
Higher study of Diploma of Taxs (1998-1999)
Institution : Ain Shams University.
Country : Cairo – Egypt.
B-Sc Of Commerce – accounting section.
University : Cairo University.( 1990 – 1994)
Country : Cairo – Egypt.
I`m going to take CMA.
starting with Al Mushrif Training Center “ Morgan Group “ABU DHABI.
• M. S office applications.
• Accounting Software (Focus - QuickBooks )
• Internet & internal network.
• Arabic: Mother Tongue.
• English : Good Command Written and Spoken.
• Ambitious, Self motivated, Willing to work hard, Able to work independently, good communication and management skills.
• Able to work under pressure and able to travel.
I hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.
References Furnished Upon Request.
خريجة تمويل ومصارف.
الجامعة الاردنية 2011.
الاســــــــم : عبدالله عبدالرحيم ابراهيم السكارنه.
مكان وتاريخ الولادة: عمان ، 19/4/1980.
الحالة الاجتماعيـة: متـــزوج.
هاتف المنزل : 5811209 6 00962.
هاتف نقـال : 912775 777 00962.
الرمز البريدي : 11814.
& # 8211; درجة البكالوريوس في الاقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية - تخصص محاسبة من جامعة عمان الأهلية، خلال السنوات (1998-2002).
مكتب بدر لتدقيق الحسابات 2002-2004.
& # 8211; تدقيق مستندات الصرف ومقارنتها مع ميزان المراجعة.
& # 8211; تدقيق تسويات البنوك .
& # 8211; تدقيق القوائم المالية.
& # 8211; إصدار تقارير التدقيق.
المجلس الأعلى للعلوم والتكنولوجيا-مركز تطوير البادية 2004 حتى الان.
& # 8211; محاسب رئيسي للفترة 2004-2006.
& # 8211; إعداد الموازنة العامة للمركز.
& # 8211; إعداد مستندات الصرف والقبض والقيد.
& # 8211; القيام بعمليات الإيداع مع البنوك ومتابعة الجوالات القادمة .
& # 8211; إعداد الرواتب الشهرية للموظفين .
& # 8211; إعداد التسويات البنكية .
& # 8211; إعداد القوائم المالية وإغلاق الحسابات.
& # 8211; مدقق داخلي للفترة 2006-2008 .
& # 8211; العمل على تدقيق مسندات الصرف .
& # 8211; تدقيق مدى الالتزام بالسياسات والإجراءات الداخلية.
& # 8211; التنسيق مع مدققين ديوان المحاسبة فيما يخص التعديلات والتعاميم.
القادمة من رئاسة الوزراء .
& # 8211; التدقيق على التقيد بالأنظمة المالية الداخلية .
& # 8211; التدقيق على عقود التوظيف .
& # 8211; التدقيق على قرارات لجنة كل من :-
& # 8211; لجنة شؤون الموظفين .
& # 8211; لجنة العطاءات المركزية .
& # 8211; لجنة الهيئة التنفيذية .
& # 8211; مدير مالي للفترة 2008. حتى ألان.
& # 8211; إعداد التقارير المالية ربع شهرية .
& # 8211; رسم السياسات العامة للمركز وذلك بالتنسيق مع رؤساء الأقسام.
& # 8211; المساهمة بعمل دراسات الجدوى للمشاريع القادمة للمركز .
& # 8211; مناقشة القوائم المالية وتقرير مدقق الحسابات والموازنة العامة مع.
& # 8211; إعداد التقارير المالية للمشاريع الممولة خارجيا .
& # 8211; المسؤول المالي لمشروع التعويضات بالتنسيق مع وزارة البيئة.
& # 8211; المسؤول المالي لمشروع حسان بالتنسيق مع المشروع الأوروبي.
ومشروع تأهيل واحة الأزرق بالتنسيق مع المكتب الإقليمي لحماية.
عضو في كل من اللجان التالية.
& # 8211; ضابط الارتباط مع المؤسسة العامة للضمان الاجتماعي .
& # 8211; رئيس لجنة المشتريات.
& # 8211; عضو بلجنة شؤون الموظفين .
& # 8211; عضو بلجنة العطاءات المركزية .
& # 8211; عضو باللجنة التنفيذية.
اللغة الانجليزية : قراءة وكتابة بشكل متوسط .
القدرة على تحمل ضغط العمل .
القدرة على التفاوض .
القدرة على الإقناع .
& # 8211; دورة تدريبية لشهادة مدقق داخلي معتمد (CIA) بواقع 150 ساعة.
& # 8211; شهادة دبلوم مهني بالتدقيق الداخلي بواقع 150 ساعة.
& # 8211; دورة تدريبية لشهادة محاسب قانوني أردني (JCPA ) بواقع 110 ساعات.
& # 8211; دورة تطبيق المعايير الدولية (IASs) بواقع 30 ساعة .
& # 8211; ورشة تدريبية خبير أنظمة رقابه داخلية معتمد بواقع 16 ساعة.
& # 8211; دورة الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسوب ( ICDL) بواقع 80 ساعة.
& # 8211; دورة محلل فني معتمد (CTA) بواقع 30 ساعة.
& # 8211; دورة مدير مالي مهني معتمد (CPFM).
& # 8211; ورشة تدريبية حول مشاريع المشروع الأوروبي.
& # 8211; ورشات عمل مع ديوان المحاسبة حول.
. رقابة الأداء بواقع 12 ساعة .
. إعداد الموازنات التقديرية بواقع 12 ساعة .
. العطاءات المركزية بواقع 12 ساعة .
. الرقابة الداخلية في المؤسسات العامة بواقع 12 ساعة .
العضويات و الشهادات :
& # 8211; عضو بجمعية المحاسبين الأردنيين.
& # 8211; دبلوم مهني بالتدقيق من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم المالية والمصرفية .
& # 8211; خبير أنظمة رقابة داخلية معتمد (0811121) .
& # 8211; مدير مالي مهني معتمد (CPFM).
& # 8211; عضو بالجمعية الأردنية لتطوير الموارد الطبيعية ( القطاع المالي ) .
Alaa Hassan Ismail.
13 Imtedad Abd Elrahman Nassr St. – Zaiton/Cairo.
I want ajob in accounting, management, or administration in a reputable organization.
Education 2004- 2008 Helwan University – Faculty of Commerce.
Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration, Management Department.
Overall Grade: Good.
Student in the financial Accounting Diploma at Faculty of Commerce , Ain Shams University.
An accountant in Aqua treat company (2008- 2010)
An Administrative Officer (2010- till now)
Languages • Excellent in spoken & written Arabic.
• V. good in English.
Computer Skills Excellent in Word, Excel & Power Point &Access.
Excellent knowledge of the Internet.
Good knowledge of flash and multimedia.
Save half the Qoran in my heart, Good knowledge about Islamic Studies.
Additional Qualifications • ICDL (International Computer Driving license)
• Diploma in Graphic Design “Adobe Photoshop CS3 – Corel Draw 13 – Adobe Illustrator CS3 – Adobe in Design – Photo Art – Photoshop Special Effects – Color Separation – Pre Press”>Diploma Degree: Excellent.
Personal Data Date of birth: 22/9/1987.
Military Status: Post pond.
Marital Status: Single.
سوال عن طبيعة العمل في السعودية بالنسبة لخرجي كليات التجارة وخصوصاا تخصص العلوم المالية والمصرفية (بقصد الخريجين الجدد )
Date of Birth : 27 / 05 / 1988.
Home Address: MSHIRAB – DOHA - QATR.
Marital status : Single.
Military service: Exempted.
Degree: Bachelor degree of accounting( 4 years study)
University: Mansoura, Faculty Of Commerce (2008)
Certificate in ICDL.
Word (Microsoft office)
Excel (Microsoft office)
Power point (Microsoft office)
Access (Microsoft office)
Internet - Software – Hardware - visual basic.
Excellent in dealing with computer programs.
Windows ( Me – 2000 – XP – vista – 7 )
Hard ware – Soft ware.
Arabic Language Mother Tongue.
English (Listening – Reading – Talking-Communicating )
ELMADINA ELMANWARA Factory Worked as an accountant-
Preparation of daily constraints.
Preparation of trial balances.
Preparation of final accounts.
The preparation of the trading account.
Preparation of profit and loss.
The preparation of the balance sheet.
Follow the movement of the banks and the settlement of her work.
Follow the movement of Finance.
Follow the movement of sales and Mrdodadtha.
Follow-up purchases and Mrdodadtha.
preparation of wages and salaries of employees and their distribution .
Age debt analysis.
The settlement of petty cash.
Follow-up notes receivable and notes payable.
Provides customer services that maintain and service various bank accounts.
• Drives sales of new bank products to existing customers, utilizing cross-selling techniques.
• Develops new business development with proactive offerings to new customers.
• Serves on the Management by Objectives team to increase sales and drive profitability.
• Checking recorded and banked remittances from customers.
* Worked on program ( Motammem SQL 3.5.57 ) with department.
*I holds a session to prepare accountants.
* Work the following institutions:
agency Mansoura – Press Aldia – Food Company – Mall Assistant Pharmacist.
1 & # 8211; Sales Representative.
3 & # 8211; official exhibitions.
4 & # 8211; to communicate with customers.
5 & # 8211; record-keeping and accounting books.
Very high communication and negotiation-
Capable of working under high pressure-
Hard worker, ambitious, co-operative.-
Capable of working in team and got high team spirit-
Self study capability-
Good in analyzing problems and finding creative solutions for them-
FOOTBALL, Swimming and all Sport.
Traveling Reading stories.
Mahmoud Ahmed Hanafi Ahmed Kobol.
31 Ahmad Elsawy, Makram Ebid – Nasr City.
0224481650 – 0104422646 – 0163656646.
Seeking a challenging job in a reputable organization where I can utilize my qualification & experiência.
Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting Department – Ain Shams University – 2002.
From 2005 till Present: Accountant & Chief Accountant – Medi Trade Company.
Job description & Responsabilidades:
• Prepare financial statements and supporting schedules according to monthly close schedule.
• Maintenance of general and subsidiary ledgers, accounts receivable, revenue distribution, depreciation, cost, property, and operating expenses, and insurance records.
• Establishes system controls for new financial systems and develops procedures to improve existing systems.
• Analyze revenues, commissions and expenses to ensure they are recorded appropriately on a monthly basis.
• Prepare monthly account reconciliations.
• Assist with analyzing financial statements on a monthly basis and report on variances.
• Assist with financial and tax audits.
• Assist with preparing tax returns and corporate reporting requirements.
• Maintenance of fixed asset records.
From 2002 till 2005:Accountant And Auditor (Mostafa Shawki &Co Foundation)
Job Duties & Responsabilidades:
• Worked as an auditor in a team work responsible for providing an operation and financial audit testing to ensure adequate level of internal control and associated financial reporting and financial statement analysis for example (liquidity ratio, activity ratio, profitability ratio, debit ratio).
• Participation in the planning of the audit engagement.
• Worked in various assignments involving the issuance of an opinion on the financial statements and determining whether the organization being audited incompliance with the applicable lows and regulations.
• Preparing all the financial reports, Monthly reporting, and Annual budget.
• Coordinates preparation of external audit materials and external financial reporting.
• Maintenance of new accounting, timekeeping, payroll, inventory, property, and other related procedures and controls.
• Preparing cost accounting, Contact with tax authorities.
Working on Microsoft Dynamics GP Program on these Modules:-
• Purchase Order Processing.
• Sales Order Processing.
Working on Prima Program “General Ledger”
Working on Windows – MS Office 2010.
Arabic: Mother tongue.
English: Good in all aspects.
1) Courses of Accounting & Auditing at Mostafa Shawky &Co.
2) English Language:English Courses at Armed Forces Institute (Ministry of Defense).
Date of Birth : 11/8/1979.
Marital Status: Married.
Mohammad Abdulrahim Ali.
Current Position Newly graduated.
Marital status Single.
Date of birth 1988 – Abu Dhabi – U. A.E.
Professional Objective Seeking new challenges in (Financial Accounting) which effectively utilizes (Accounting).
Looking to join progressive organization that has the need for (Accounting Financial Skills) and offer opportunities for advancement.
• High school grades were in government schools in Saudi Arabia.
• Bachelor’s degree (Accounting-Major)
Yarmouk University 2011, Irbid – Jordânia.
• September 2010 – January 2011 Joined Maharat (Communication Skills Program) That Presented By Business Development Center (BDC) Sponsored By United States Agency International Development (USAID).
• QuickBooks accounting program.
• Using the internet.
Languages • Arabic: Mother tongue.
• English: Very Good spoken & Written.
Driving License • Jordanian .
مساء الورد للجميع.
انا طالب بدرس محاسبة مالية بجامعة الازهر وعايزخبر في مجال المحاسبة ضروري تحياتي الكم جميعا.
انا مخلص دبلوم من الازهر وعايز اخدحد اخد خبر من شخص لانو عندي الحج شركه يارت حدا يساعدني ضروري.
شكرا على مجهودك الرائع واهتمامك بالرد على كل سائل هذه سيرتى الشخصية.
الاسم / صابر حسنى كامل.
تاريخ الميلاد / 30/10/1978.
العنوان / 1 شارع الاتحاد ابوقير الاسكندرية.
تليفون محمول / 0020183113919.
الحالة الإجتماعية / متزوج.
الكلية / معهد فنى تجارى.
المؤهل / دبلوم اعداد فنيين تجارين.
سنة التخرج/ 1997.
Eu. التعــامل مع برامـج الحـاسب الألي ( Word ، Excel ،Power point ) ـــ إجادة تامة.
ii. التعـامل مع برامـج الــ Internet ـــ إجادة تامة.
Eu. اللغة العربية ـــــ إجادة تامة ( قراءة + كتابة + تحدث ) .
ii. اللغة الانجليزية ــــــ إجادة متوسطة ( قراءة + كتابة + تحدث ) .
إجادة تحفيز مجموعات العمل بالمشاركة على المزيد من المجهود .
o اسم الشركة / شركة ابناء صقر العرب للمقاولات.
o عنوان الشركة / العامرية الاسكندرية.
o مجال عمل الشركة /المقاولات.
o الادارة التابع لها / الادارة.
o الوظيفة / مشرف موقع.
o فترة العمل / سنتان.
تنفيذ تعليمات الادارة للقيام للعمل.
تحضير كل ما يلزم لاداء العمل اليومى.
عمل حصر لانجاز كل يوم على حدة.
متابعة بعض المواقع الاخرى.
حصر كميات المواد الخام المستخدمة فى الموقع.
o اسم الشركة / شركة النصر للملابس والمنسوجات كابو جيل.
o عنوان الشركة / 407 شارع المحمودية الاسكندرية.
o مجال عمل الشركة /اللابس.
o الادارة التابع لها / قطاع المخازن.
o الوظيفة / امين مخزن.
o فترة العمل / من 2002 الى الان.
ادارة المخزن من حيث استلام الوارد وتسليم الصادر.
عمل كشف بالاستهلاك اليومى والشهرى والسنوى.
عمل طلبات الشراء لالارصدة المقتربة على النفاذ.
القيام بعمل الجرود.
القيام بالمراجعة على الارصدة ومطابقتها مع الادارت التابعة.
( البيانات أعلاه تم إعدادها تحت مسئوليتي )
حماده السيد من محافظه المنوفيه.
حمادة خليل خلف اللة خليل /الأسم.
مساكن عين شمس الشرقية ش مسجد التوحيد /العنوان.
& # 8211; تاريخ الميلاد /11/2/1978.
معاف من الجيش لم يصبة الدور / الموقف من التجنيد.
بكالوريوس التجارة شعبة عامة ( شعبة محاسبة وأدارة اعمال): المؤهل الدراسي/
الجامعة/اسيوط دفعة 2000.
اجادة الكمبيوتر - جيد.
word& EXCEL&INTRNET: استخدام مهارات الكمبيوتر/
2001-2004 مصر مواد غذائية العمل كمحاسب مالي بشركة كنيج أم - الخبرات السابقة/
الفترة من 2004-2006 العمل كمحاسب مالي في دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة عجمان شركة كريب يانو للمواد الغذائية المتقدمة.
الفترة من 2006-2008 محمد معوض – العمل كمحاسب مالي في مكتب المحاسب القانوني د/ والعمل علي حسابات الضريبة والمزانية والحسابات الختامية – وقائمة المركز المالي-وميزان المراجعة-امساك الدفاتر المالية – تنظيم ومتابعة الحسابات التالية العملاء – اوراق القبض-المبيعات-حسابات البنوك-الاعتمدات المستندية - اوراق الدفع-المشتريات-اعداد ضريبة كسب العمل – مراجعة المشتريات-تسجيل يومية الخزينة-–اعداد اقرار ضريبة المبيعات )
مهارات في الكمبيوتر حاصل علي دورة في.
في الكمبيوتر من أكاديمة اللغات والحاسب ICDL:
1 دورة في الحسابات من المجموعة المصرية للمحاسبة والمراجعة : 1-
دورة في الحسابات علي الكمبيوتر باستخدام البرامج الالكترونيه.
عضو المجموعة المصرية للمحاسبة والمراجعة.
عضو المجلس الاقتصادي الأفريقي.
عضو جمعية احلام شباب مصر.
عضو/ ساقية الصاوي الثقافية.
كتابة القصة والشعر - القراءة-الموسيقي - التصوير - الكمبيوتر - الكتابة.
العمل بشركة فاملي كوربوريشن للسيارت والليموزين والتوكيلات التجارية.
العمل مراجع حسابات بالشركة.
مع اطيب التمنيات بالمزيد من التقدم والأزدهار لشركتكم ولكم منا جزيل الشكر.
مراجع حسابات داخلي يطلب عملا بدولة الامارات العربية خبرة بالمراجعة والتدقيق المحاسبي 5 سنوات.
حمادة خليل الهواري.
لو حد محتاج مساعدة في الحسابات من الاخوة الخرجيين انا تحت امر الجميع نرجو المراسلة علي الايميل.
Name : Mohammed Suliman Badwi.
Place/Date of Birth : Cairo / March 04, 1969.
Marital Status : Married + 3 Children.
Address : 14 Ibn Al-Ghannam St. Al-Daher Area ,
Phone : (002) 25888479/ 01228230516.
• 1987 – 1991 Cairo University, Khartoum.
• 1985- 1987 Senior High School at Coptic College, Khartoum, Sudan.
• 1983 – 1985 Junior High School at Evangelical Egyptian,
• 1978 – 1983 primary school at El-Nmozgih Egyptian Khartoum, Sudan.
• August 1991 Account training at Sharif Ahmed C. A. Sudan.
• May 1992- January 2001 Accountant - Chairman of accounts at.
Bader Building &Construction co.- Egypt.
• January 2001-March2005 Cost accountant - Chairman of Department costs at.
Sinai International for Marble & Granite co.- Egypt.
• March2005- June2006 General Accountant & Sales Accountant at.
Jeema Mineral Water co. & # 8211; Emirados Árabes Unidos.
• March2005- June2006 General Accountant & Sales Accountant at.
Jeema Mineral Water co. & # 8211; Emirados Árabes Unidos.
• June2006- May 2008 Financial Manager & Financial Controller at.
Speed Bird Trans co. – Egypt.
• May2008- October2011 Financial Controller & Audit of ISO systems.
Horse eng. works alex. co Group – Egito.
• Computer Skill Microsoft office(Word, Excel) and internet .
• Interest watching, reading, travelling .
• Abilities an attitude Ready to work within a team; Ready to hard working, fast, accurately; Have a high motivation to learn and try; Have a high motivation to be a successful person; discipline; open-minded.
Mobile No./Jordan: +962 78 5506004.
Mobile No./KSA: +966 546758854.
& # 8211; To secure a position in a reputable organization, which may increase my skills and provide a great deal of advancement opportunities.
& # 8211; To improve my skills and knowledge through work in successfully teamwork.
& # 8211; To work in a place where all my ability can be utilized, and where I will have the chance to learn new things and more experts.
I have extensive practical experience in Production Planning, Purchasing & Procurement, Logistics, Product Development, Warehouse Management, Financial Markets Analysis & Traded Stocks.
• Logistics, Purchasing & Procurement Skills:
Logistics Information Systems.
Principles of Marketing.
Supplier inputs, development and price determination.
Quality specification and inspection.
Procurement vs. acquisition.
Conducting production planning.
Experience with sourcing suppliers for purchased goods.
Possess knowledge of manufacturing operations gained at manufacturing facilities to recommend ways to improve operations.
• Market Analysis Skills:
Market growth rate.
Future expectations for prices.
Industry cost structure.
• Computer skills and competences:
PC superior user (operating system & formatting, windows, MS office & multimedia programs).
Excellent abilities in the Internet browsing field & searching engines.
• Social skills and competences:
Ability to work under hard conditions and team work.
Communication with people (customer service) through the work in different places.
Very good in building & following up public relations.
1. Crown Middle East Can Co.
Crown is the leader in metal packaging technology, with operations in 41 countries employing over 21,000 people.
It has a long history of leading the industry with innovative packaging technology.
Crown Holdings, Inc. manufactures packaging products from 139 plants located in 41 countries. In over 100 years of growth and diversification, it has never lost sight of its core business: continuously improving the quality of packaging products, while keeping costs as low as possible.
March 2006-November 2010, Production Planner – King Abdullah II Industrial City, Jordan.
A. Issue/revise production schedules on regular basis.
B. Review/Issue operating plans on monthly/yearly basis & whenever sales.
C. Daily production/sales report update & monitor actual vs. estimate figures.
& amp; see the impact on floor inventories.
D. Requirements order on monthly basis from local & international supplier at competitive prices and within certain specifications.
E. Budget all direct & indirect raw materials local & export packing.
materials with local & international suppliers.
F. Study sales plans & revisions & convert sales plans into operating plans,
study the impact on material for any changes.
2. (HAIER) Middle East for Electrical Instruments Co.
April 2005- Feb 2006 , Assistant of a Store Keeper – Amman, Jordan.
A. Receives stores, and issues supplies and equipment and compiles records of supply transactions: Verifies that supplies received are listed on requisitions and invoices.
B. Stores supplies and equipment in storerooms.
C. Issues supplies.
D. Inventories supplies and equipment.
E. Compiles report of expenditures.
3. Sydney Academy for Languages & Information Technology.
October 2004 – April 2005, Public Relations Officer – Zarqa, Jordan.
A. Planning, developing and implementing PR strategies.
B. Liaising with colleagues and key spokespeople.
C. Liaising with and answering enquiries from individuals and other organizations, often via telephone and email.
D. Maintaining and updating information in the company.
E. Fostering community relations.
F. Managing the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation.
B. S in International Business Management from Hashemite University, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Zarqa, Jordan, in 2004.
High school, Literary Stream, Ministry of Education, Najran, Saudi Arabia, in 1999.
1- September 2000-October 2000.
English Language course (Advanced Level)
Hashemite University, Center for Studies, Consultancies & Community Services, Zarqa, Jordan.
2- July 2004-September 2004.
International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
Al-Baker Culture Center, Zarqa, Jordan.
Preparing courses for ACI Dealing Certificate.
Preparing courses for PMP Certificate.
Full Name Mohammad Abdelraheem Ahmad Mustafa.
Date of Birth August 27th , 1981.
Language Skills English: Spoken, Read and Written.
Arabic: Spoken, Read and Written.
Additional information: Any other details will be available upon request.
Mohamed Gamal Mohamed abd El-latif.
Tanta, El-Gharbia, Egypt.
Seeking a position that enables me to utilize my computer, communication, accounting information, and language skills, fulfills my personal ambition and enhance my knowledge.
Faculty: Faculty of Commerce-English section, Tanta University.
Graduation grade: pass.
ITI Course with” New Horizons” (EDUEgypt)
This course enables me to practice:
This course enables me from:
• Making accounting equations on Excel.
• Writing on word.
• Making relationships on databases.
• Ability of meeting deadlines.
• The ability to type in both languages, Arabic and English.
Data of birth: 29/8/1989.
Marital status: single.
Military status: Exempted.
Job Title: Accountant in Export and import department.
Employer: Tanta Motors S. A.E.
To: October 2010.
Job description: Training and dealing with customers and suppliers, dealing with the Egyptian customs and Recording Drawback operations.
All references available upon request.
هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة مالية؟ هل تم البحث أو تبحث عن مكان الحصول على قرض على الانترنت ، كنت قد وصلنا إلى المكان الصحيح، ونحن في الوقت الراهن إلى إعطاء قروض للناس في حاجة إلى قرض بفائدة 3 ٪. اتصل بنا اليوم عبر البريد الإلكتروني للحصول على معلومات الحصول على واحدة بفضل : ericinvestment. finance@w. cn.
وملء المعلومات الواردة أدناه.
الرجاء التأكد من تم ارسال كل البريد إلى :ericinvestment. finance@w. cn.
آمل أن أسمع منك قريبا.
السلام عليكم . سيرتي الذاتية :
علي احمد محمد العبيد ج/0540731655.
حاصل على دبلوم محاسبة مالية بمعدل 3,80.
واتمنى الحصول على وظيفة في المملكة العربية السعودية.
أبحث عن وظيفة ساعى فى أى جهه حكوميه أو أمن فى أى جهه حكوميه أومندوب إدارى فى أى جهه حكوميه.
هبه محمد حسين عملت فى مكتب محاسب قانونى لمدة اربع سنوات وحصلت على رقم محاسب قانونى29086 واتمنى ان اعمل فى مكتب محاسبة يزيدنى خبرة اكثر واكثر لان احب ان اتعلم دائما وانا من سكان المعادى.
الاســـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــم : هبه محمد حسين سيد.
الاتصال عن طريق :
لماذا أنا محاسب ومراجع حسابات المناسب ؟
• محاسب قانونى رقم القيد 29086.
• عضو فى جمعية الضرائب المصرية.
*خبرة خمس سنوات فى :
1- إعداد ومراجعة القوائم المالية وعمل الميزانيات .
2-إعداد موازين المراجعة الشهرية والسنوية.
3- إعداد الإقرارات الضريبية (العامة – الشهرية - كسب العمل - الخصم والتحصيل)
4- إعداد تقارير المراجعة .
5- إعداد قيود اليومية والتسجيل فى الدفاتر .
6- تأسيس الشركات بكافة أنواعها وكافة إجراءات التعديل.
7- التأمينات الإجتماعية .
8- أعمال الضريبة العامة .
9- أعمال ضرائب المبيعات .
*أنا قادرة على قيادة فريق عمل محاسبى .
* أنا قادرة على تحمل ضغوط العمل .
* أنا قادرة على التواصل مع الاخرين بمهارة .
ارغب بالتدرب لدى مكتب تدقيق حساابات.
ان شاء الله يجدون عمل.
انا عندى خبرة بمجال المحاسبة والتدقيق احدى عشر سنة هل فى امكانية انتسب لمكتبكم.
Abdl Mun’am Read St., Jabal Amman.
Amman 7117 Jordan 11118.
Phone +962 6 4636767.
Mobile 00962 7 96822439.
Date of Birth : 9 July 1976.
Marital Status : Married.
Al Neelain University – Amman 2005.
Salah Al Deen School – Amman.
Aldar Alarabia Audit.
Al Nablsi Law Offices.
& # 8211; A Training Course In Statement Of Cash Flows And Financial Statement Analysis.
From 22/7/2007 to 14/8/2007.
For a Total of 24 Hours in Two Languages (English, Arabic).
ESHTAR for Training.
& # 8211; A Training Course In Jordanian Certified Public Accounting Examination (JCPA)
From 28/10/2007 to 16/1/2008.
For A Total of 120 Hours.
ESHTAR for Training.
From 18/10/2008 to 19/10/2008.
For A Total of 17 Hours.
Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants.
& # 8211; Scientific Day in Global Financial Crisis and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Auditing International Standards (AIS).
Saturday 13 June 2009, For a Total of 6 Hours.
ESHTAR for Training.
& # 8211; International Standards For Financial Reporting And International Standards Of Auditing And Amendments Thereto.
From 28 – 30/6/2009, For A Total of 6 Hours.
Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants.
• Cost Policy Director.
• Computerized The Accounting System That Replaced The Manual Ledgers.
• Presented Management Reports To Board Level.
• Maintaining Accounting Records and Preparing Accounts and Management Information.
• Preparing Financial Statements, Including Monthly and Annual Accounts.
• Preparing Statutory Accounts.
• Preparing Profit And Loss Statements And Monthly Closing And Cost Accounting Reports.
• Proven Success In Being Able To Resolve Accounting Discrepancies.
• Ability To Analyze Financial Data And Prepare Financial Reports, Statements And Projections.
• Knowledge In Social Security Law.
• Knowledge In Labor Law And The Jordanian Workers.
• Law Of Income Tax.
الاسم احمد الشبراوى محمد على .
مكان الميلاد اولاد موسى – ابو كبير – شرقية.
تاريخ الميلاد 25/2/1974.
العنوان ابوغانم – ابوكبير – شرقية.
الهاتف /الجوال 01063827654/002.
الحالة الاجتماعية متزوج.
• – معهد فنى تجارى 1995.
• – بكالوريوس كفاية انتاجية 2003.
لغة الام العربية. ممتاز.
لغات الانجليزية. جيد.
• – عملت ككاتب بالضرائب العقارية من 9/3/2003وحتى 9/4/2011.
• – عملت كمفتش مالى وادارى بالضرائب العقارية من 9/4/2011 وحتى الان.
-حصلت على دورات تدريبية لتطبيق قانون 196 لعام 2008.
-دورات تدريبيه على جهاز PDA وكيفية العمل عليه.
-دورات تدريبيه فى التفتيش المالى والادارى.
Name :Ahmed Shabrawy Ahmed Mohamed Ali.
Place of Birth :Awlad Mosa – Abu Kabir – Sharkia..
Date of Birth: 25/2/1974.
Address: Apoganem – Abu Kabir – Sharkia.
Marital status: Married.
• – Diploma of Commerce 1993.
• – Technical Commercial Institute 1995.
• – Institute Sayarv 2002.
• – Bachelor of insufficient productivity 2003.
Mother tongue Arabic. Excelente.
English languages. : good.
• – I worked as a writer at Real Estate Tax Authority from 9/3/2003 to 9/4/2011.
• – I worked as a financial inspector and administrative at real estate tax from 9/4/2011 till now.
& # 8211; I got the training sessions for the application of Law 196 of 2008.
& # 8211; Training courses on a PDA program and how to apply it.
& # 8211; Training courses in financial and administrative inspection.
مرحبا انا محاسب من الدرجة الاولى في دائرة المبيعات متمكن جدا شهادتي دبلوم نظم معلومات محاسبية وخبير فورمات كمبيوترات عمري 23 سنة واشتغلت بشركة 3 اشهر واستطيع عمل في محاسبة دائرة المبيعات .(قيود الخصومات-قيود الشيكات الراجعة-وصول المقبوضات-تحصيل الشيكات الغير محصلة-الهدايا-ادخال الفواتير-عمل كشف لمبيعات-الادخالات او الاستلامات – سندات الاصدار - الطلبيات وهي عمل الفواتير والسندات والفاكسات-التزويد-المرتجعات-تفريغ السيارات-نهاية كل شهر نرحل المبيعات وسندات الاصدار والادخال وتفريغ السيارة والمرتجعات ونجرد المستودع الفرعي. وتسيديد سندات القبض .
الاسم حاتم سليمان حمد الجزولي،،
ماجستير محاسبة وتمويل – جامعة السودان.
عملت في المراجعة الخارجية لعدد 3 سنوات والان بعمل محاسب اول في شركة صناعية.
مطلو ب استاذ جامعى تخصص محاسبة الكترونية.
خبرة 4 سنوات من جامعة معتمدة.
مؤسسة المستقبل , خدمات الموارد البشرية.
الاسم:حمادة خليل خلف اللة خليل.
العنوان/مساكن عين شمس الشرقية ش مسجد التوحيد.
& # 8211; تاريخ الميلاد /11/2/1978.
الموقف من التجنيد/معاف من الجيش لم يصبة الدور.
المؤهل الدراسي/بكالوريوس التجارة شعبة عامة ( شعبة محاسبة وأدارة اعمال):
الجامعة/اسيوط دفعة 2000.
اجادة الكمبيوتر - جيد.
استخدام مهارات الكمبيوتر/: word& EXCEL&INTRNET.
الخبرات السابقة/ العمل كمحاسب مالي بشركة كنيج أم-مصر مواد غذائية 2001-2004.
الفترة من 2004-2006 العمل كمحاسب مالي في دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة عجمان شركة كريب يانو للمواد الغذائية المتقدمة.
الفترة من 2006-2008 محمد معوض – العمل كمحاسب مالي في مكتب المحاسب القانوني د/ والعمل علي حسابات الضريبة والمزانية والحسابات الختامية – وقائمة المركز المالي-وميزان المراجعة-امساك الدفاتر المالية – تنظيم ومتابعة الحسابات التالية العملاء – اوراق القبض-المبيعات-حسابات البنوك-الاعتمدات المستندية - اوراق الدفع-المشتريات-اعداد ضريبة كسب العمل – مراجعة المشتريات-تسجيل يومية الخزينة-–اعداد اقرار ضريبة المبيعات )
مهارات في الكمبيوتر حاصل علي دورة في.
في الكمبيوتر من أكاديمة اللغات والحاسب ICDL:
1 دورة في الحسابات من المجموعة المصرية للمحاسبة والمراجعة.
خبرة في تصميم الحسابات المختلفة والانظمة المحاسبية.
دورة في الحسابات علي الكمبيوتر باستخدام البرامج الالكترونيه.
عضو المجموعة المصرية للمحاسبة والمراجعة.
عضو المجلس الاقتصادي الأفريقي.
عضو جمعية احلام شباب مصر.
عضو/ ساقية الصاوي الثقافية.
عضو لجنة الشباب بالمجلس الاعلي للثقافة.
عضو الجبهة الوطنية للدفاع عن حرية الفكر والابداع.
كتابة القصة والشعر - القراءة-الموسيقي - التصوير - الكمبيوتر - الكتابة.
العمل مراجع حسابات مالي بالشركات الكبري.
Name : Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed Baraja.
Address: Al - gren-neighborhood - Seiyun – Hadramout - Yemen.
Education : College of Management and Economics Alahgaff university >Accounting >8/2011.
Experience : working I want to work in the audit company in any country.
working in Al-obathany Establishment for Oil Services General Contracts & Transport.
Date of birth : 17 / 1 / 1988.
Marital Statue : Single.
Home phone : +96705402708.
cellular No : +967771372708.
عامر عدنان ابو غالي.
ن حامل شهادة محاسبة من جامعة بير زيت حاصل على شهادة خبرة لمدة 6شهور.
قدرة على تحمل ضغط عمل.
حاصل على شهادة خبرة من بورصة فلسطي.
Name : Ram Jehad Abu Sara.
Address: King Abduallah Sec - Street ‘ Zarqa – Alrusifa.
Education :INFORMATION Tecnolgey.
Experience Marketing Over The World Wild , iPhone/iPads Review Date of birth : 14/ / 1992.
Marital Statue : Single.
cellular No : 00962786895945.
اعظم مدونة متخصصة مرت عليها حتى الان.
بارك الله في القائمين عليها و كل من ساهم.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
الاسم : هاني محمد عبد الله.
الحالة الاجتماعية : متزوج.
-حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة – شعبة محاسبة1991- جامعة الإسكندرية.
& # 8211; حاصل على دورات في الحاسب الآلي واللغة الانجليزية (Office Automation -– Win – Word – Excel Internet –).
& # 8211; حاصل علي دورة في التسويق الإقليمي من مركز الأهرام.
& # 8211; ( المـديـر المالي و الادارى)لإحدى شركات المقاولات بالرياض من 2010 و حتى 2013.
& # 8211; (المـديـر المالي و الادارى) لإحدى شركات المقاولات بالرياض من 2008 و حتى 2010.
& # 8211; ( مديرمالى )الشركةالدولية لصناعة الجلود بالإسكندرية من 2005 و حتى 2008 .
& # 8211; ( رئيس حسابات ) سلسلة مطاعم بالإسكندرية من 2001 و حتى 2005.
& # 8211; ( مراقب عملاء ) بشركة التموين العربي للأطعمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية من 1996 و حتى 2001.
& # 8211; (محاسب عملاء) بشركة التموين العربي للأطعمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية من 1994 و حتى1996 .
& # 8211; محاسب بالإسكندرية( بالمكتب العربي للاستشارات المالية ) من 1991 و حتى 1994.
نبذة عن طبيعة العمل الحالي:
• التخطيط المالي ووضع الإستراتيجياتالماليةو الادارية لتحقيق تطوير ملموس والتنسيق وتنشيط العمل داخل الإدارةالمالية والرقابة والتوجيه.
• العمل على توضيح الرؤية ونقل صورة صحيحة للإدارة وتقديم النصح والمشورة وكذلك عمل هياكل التمويل ومصادرها ومصادر الإنفاق.
• عمل قائمة التدفقات النقدية وإعداد الموازنات و القوائم المالية.
• تجميع وعرض التقارير المالية الخاصة بمبالغ وأرصدة الحسابات الجارية سواء بالبنوك أو العملاء وكذلك أرصدة الميزانية العمومية وتحليل الموقف للإدارة العليا وتقديم النصح والمشورة للملاك والإدارة.
• إمداد الإدارة بما تحتاجه من تقارير ماليه تخدم النشاط.
• إعداد وتقديم التقارير فيما يتعلق بالمواقف الطارئة وإمداد الإدارة العليا بها.
• فحص وتقييم العمليات والتطبيقات المالية وصحة التوجيه والمراجعة الداخلية والتدقيق ووضع الأنظمة المحاسبية والتأكد من صحة العمليات الداخلية وأرصدة الحسابات.
• إنشاء العلاقات وتوطيد الصلة بين الزملاء في إدارة الحساباتو الادارات المختلفةوكذلك توطيد العلاقات الفردية وعلاقات العمل مع العملاء.
• التنسيق بين فروع المنشأةالواحدة وكذلك التركيز على جودة الأداء وعلاقة المنشأة بكل من العملاء ومصادر التمويل من بنوك وخلافه.
• الرقابة على أرصدة العملاء ومتابعة العملاء وإمداد الإدارة بموقف العملاء.
• الإشراف على تعيين واختبار وتدريب موظفي الإدارةالمالية.
• العمل على توجيهالاستثمارواقتراح بدائل للملاك والإدارة وعمل دراسات جدوى للمشروعات المقترحة.
• الموافقة على أو رفض السقف الائتماني للعملاء وكذلك مصادر تدبير الأموال.
• الموافقة على أو رفض القروض الشخصية للعاملين في حالة تخطي الحد المسموح.
• وضع الإجراءات الملائمة لجرد ورقابة الأصول والإشراف على الجرد والتوقيع على محضر الجرد واستلام وتسليم المخزون لمدير المخازن.
• إعداد الخطط المالية المناسبة لكل مرحلة لتفادى الاختناقات المالية .
• وضع الخطة المالية لكل مشروع بالتنسيق مع إدارة المشاريع و مجلس الإدارة.
• المشاركة في عمل خطة إنتاجية مع إدارة المشاريع للوصول إلى أعلى إنتاجية ممكنة.
• عمل تقارير تحليلية لمعرفة وضع الشركة المالي لكل فترة زمنية .
• عمل موازنات تقديرية لكل فترة زمنية .
• عمل مراكز تكلفة لكل مشروع يوضح الحالة الربحية لكل مشروع .
• مراجعة و تدقيق فواتير المصروفات بأنواعها المختلفة وعمل كنترول قوى عليها للوصول إلى الحد الأدنى من المصرفات مع تحقيق أفضل إنتاجية.
• متابعة المستخلصاتمن بداية إعدادها )و مراجعتها مع الإدارة الفنية) إلى أن تدخل البنك لضمان سرعة تدفق الأموال.
• متابعة سرعة الانتهاء من الأعمال الخاصة بشؤون الموظفين من تأشيرات و اقامات.
و جوازات و رخص و نطاقات و سعودة و تأمينات اجتماعية و تأمين طبى و سلفيات و عهد وتصفية مستحقات الأجازات لكل موظف.
• العمل على تطوير أداء الموظفين و الاستفادة القصوى من امكانيات كل موظف .
& # 8211; استخدام الحاسب الآلي والبرامج المكتبية والانترنت بكفاءة.
& # 8211; استخدام اللغة الانجليزية ( تحدث : جيد – قراءة: جيد – كتابة: جيد ).
& # 8211; إمكانية العمل على برنامج ( دلتا – كومبكت – المتمم – كومسيس – فيدليو – سماك – اكسا) معإمكانية عمل برامج مكتبية لخدمة المستخدم.
& # 8211; جيد جداً (typing ) عربي – انجليزي .
& # 8211; السفر والرحلات البحرية.
المعلومات الشخصية – C. V.
ألاسم محمد عبد الرحمن محمد.
تاريخ الميلاد: 1986.
العنوان: المملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض.
بكالوريوس فى المحاسبة المالية ( جامعة امدرمان الاسلامية).
دبلوم تطبيقات الكمبيوتر ( مركز اليونسكو الدولى للعلوم والثقافة).
دبلوم اللغة الانكليزية ( مركز اليونسكو الدولى للعلوم والثقافة).
محاسب العملاء بمجموعة محمود سعيد لصناعة المرطبات 6 أشهر حتى الان.
محاسب ومراجع حسابات قطع الغيار بمركز الجامعة التعاونى لصيانة السيارات – الرياض عام كامل من تاريخ 23/3/2012 – 23/3/2013.
خبرة عام ونصف بشركة الكمبيوتر السودانية (S&R) بقسم المحاسبة والمبيعات1/1/2010م – 1/6/2011م.
خبرة عام كامل بمؤسسة ابوعمر للمقاولات – المملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض.
القدرة على تحمل الضغط والعمل تحت ظروف غير طبيعية.
القدرة على التعاون والعمل لفترات اطول فى بيئات مختلفة.
مساعدة المدراء ورؤساء الأقسام في إعداد، الميزانية السنوية وميزانيات رأس المال والتوقعات المتداولة.
إنشاء إجراءات إعداد الميزانية السنوية والمبادئ التوجيهية.
تقديم تقارير مالية وإدارية دقيقة وكاملة للإدارة في الوقت المناسب، وإعداد التقارير بدقة وإظهار النتائج الفعلية. بالمقارنة مع نتائج الميزانية و توقعاتها.
الحفاظ على سجلات كافية لتعكس المقارنة بين النفقات الفعلية والمصاريف المدرجة في الميزانية.
تحليل وتفسير البيانات المالية وإيصالها بشكل سليم، بإظهار الفروقات في العمليات.
البحث عن أفضل الممارسات وتنفيذها والعمل على تعزيز الإيرادات، وتقليل المصروفات.
ضمان تدفق نقدي كاف لتلبية احتياجات المؤسسة.
الموافقة على جميع المدفوعات النقدية والتأكد من أن جميع المصروفات يتم توثيقها بشكل صحيح.
حماية مصالح مالكي وإدارة الشركة.
المشاركة في التطوير والصيانة وذلك بوضع مخطط للحسابات وكشوف المرتبات والبيانات بدقة وأن يتم تسجيلها والإبلاغ عنها.
My Personal Information :
Name: Mohammad S. Dahadha (Atari) Birthday : Feb-12-1987.
Address: Ramallah, Palestine Marital status: Married (have 1 boy)
Tel: +970-598-73-75-74 Nationality: Palestinian.
To obtain a challenging job in the Credit industry where I can enhance my gained experience in such a way to influence the development of the Credit industry, in addition to establishing a solid and wealthy career.
1. Jordan Ahli Bank, Corporate Credit Relations Officer and a member of the Regional Credit Committee, from 1/July/2011 – till now.
& # 8211; A member of the Jordan ahli bank regional credit committee.
& # 8211; Reviewing the Corporate and Retail credit applications that sent from all the bank’s branches.
& # 8211; Present the applications that I reviewed to the Regional Credit Committee in order to take the right credit decision.
& # 8211; Prepare and Follow up the corporate credit reports that send to the General management in Jordan.
& # 8211; Marketing, selling and developing the bank’s Credit products to be more flexible and competitive in the Palestinian market.
& # 8211; Making a quarterly credit reports and Provision report to the PMA and General management in Jordan.
2. Quds Bank, Credit Officer – credit department - the general management 5/July/2009 – 30/July/2011.
& # 8211; Reviewing and prepare retail, corporate and SME’s credit applications to present it to the Credit committee.
& # 8211; Communicate with Quds bank partners, like CHF – LGF (loan guarantee facilities), the Italian Loan and the French Grant in order to guarantee the SME’s loans.
& # 8211; A member of the business development committee to enhancing Quds bank credit products.
& # 8211; Preparing credit loans offers for companies employees.
Name of the course Place Time notes.
Internship The national Bank, Ramallah Branch 2 weeks at 2007 Credit facilities and how to fill the retail credit application.
Civil defense Ramallah Civil Defense headquarters 15-16/12/2012 how to deal with fire, earthquakes, volcanoes, and how to evocate the bank employees.
Sell and service marketing Ramallah , with Arab academy for banking and financial sciences (AABFS) 12-13/7/2012 for 15 hours About banking services and how to market and sell it in an efficient way.
Master trainer of housing loans Ramallah, with PMA , IFC, UKaid and CHF at Movenpick 45 hours, 24-28/6/2012 How to train employees about housing loan and how to calculate, market, sell and amortize housing loans.
effective presentation skills with winner’s institution 2 days 15 hours/2011 How to be confident, deal with eye contact, focus on the audience and make an effective presentation.
Advanced Excel course (Getting started) level 1 and 2 Quds Bank 3-5/2011 at Quds bank I complete the courses and have the best mark on all over the Bank at the course Quiz.
Documentary Credit and collection policies Palestine institute for financial and banking studies. 15 training hours during 3/2011 Advanced course about LC and Collection polices.
Financial Analysis for Bankruptcy Prediction Palestine institute for financial and banking studies. 18 hours during 2/2011 How to analyze companies and projects for bankrupt prediction (Balance sheet and Income Statement analysis, economic sectors analysis , operations analysis, markets and sales analysis etc)
ethics and compliance banking At Ritaj with the (ADG) academy of German cooperatives 9-10/2010. One of the courses in my Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer.
SME Sales & Marketing At Ritaj with the (ADG) academy of German cooperatives 15-18/5/2010. One of the courses in my Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer.
Mercados & amp; Industry Analysis At Ritaj with the (ADG) academy of German cooperatives (2010) One of the courses in my Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer.
workshop about writing Effective proposals At Ritaj with the (ADG) academy of German cooperatives 5-6/2010. One of the courses in my Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer.
Principle of Trade Finance At Ritaj with the (ADG) academy of German cooperatives 24-26/2009. One of the courses in my Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer.
youth leadership and communication skills Ramallah – youth ledership / Birziet University 2009.
cash flow analysis CHF/LGF 2009.
legal issues for commercial paper Palestine institute for financial and banking studies 2009.
Chosen to participate in a two month training course, “Step Forward” Sharek 2008.
projects management and writing proposals Ramallah – youth ledership / Birziet University 2007- 30 hours.
• 2009 – 2010 Professional Diploma in Marketing Officer (160 hours – nine courses), The Arab Academy for banking and financial services, and ADG (Academy of German Cooperatives), 160 hours actual training course.
• 2005 – 2009 Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Birzeit University, GPA: 75%
• Working on a research “bad loans and credit problems in Palestinian commercial banks”.
• Took courses including Financial Statements Analysis, Marketing Financial Services, Investment and Commercial Banks Management.
• Worked on an analytical research for Al-watania Insurance Company (NIC).
• 2003 – 2005High school graduate from Al-ameer HassanSecondary School in Birzeit, Literary field, Average: 86.9%.
• Working with and through groups as a team member or a leader.
• Using the computer programs and applications professionally, Microsoft Office, financial analysis programs, E-mail, adobe Photoshop and a professional internet user.
• High sense of responsibility and the ability to work for long hours under pressure without any problem.
• Quick learning for anything and always has the ability to search and learn myself.
• Good marketing and communication skills.
• Valid Automatic Car Driving License.
Reading Writing conversation.
Arabic Mother language.
English Very good Very good Very good.
• I have a thanking letter from the Quds Bank General Manager (Mr. Azzam Al-Shawa) for my efforts of credit analysis and being one of the credit committee that participate in Acquisition of the Palestine International Bank and merge it to Quds Bank.
• I have a thanking letter from Quds Bank General Manager (Mr. Azzam Al-Shawa) when the Quds Bank Credit Department Have the second level of all over Palestinian Credit Departments in CHF-LGF Loans (cause I was the SME’s Officer and the contact person of Quds Bank to the (CHF-LGF).
• Photoshop graphic design.
مطلوب فورا محاسبين مبيعات للعمل فى مجموعه الفطيم برواتب مجزيه.
عبد الله سعيد محمد الشيخ.
تاريخ الميلاد: 8/8/1979.
الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج.
للاتصال: 543648709 00966.
بكالوريوس التجارة – قسم المحاسبة.
جامعة طنطا – مايو 0200.
اللغة الرئسية :. العربية.
اللغة الثانية :. الأنجليزية (جيد تحدث وكتابة)
سعودي كول (وكيل شركة موبايلي) من مايو 2009.
مؤسسة تجارية (لبيع منتجات شركة موبايلي)
المسؤوليات:. الأصول، الخزانة، البنوك؛ المبيعات، الموردين؛ المدينين، ومراقبة المستودعات، والدائنين، والمصاريف.
شركة جاينت جروب من 17-2-2006 إلي 30-3-2009.
من 17-2-2001 حتى 15-2-2003.
شركة متخصصة في تصنيع صناديق الكرتون المموج.
المسؤوليات: الخزانة، البنوك ؛ المبيعات؛ الموردين؛ المدينين، والدائنون، والمصاريف.
فندق رويال بلازا شرم الشيخ من 19-10-2004 إلي 15-2-2006.
المسؤوليات : مراقبة المستودعات ، والموردين، المصروفات.
الشركة الصناعية للملابس الجاهزة والوبريات وفي الفترة من 23-2-2003 إلي 16-10-2004.
المسؤوليات : الحسابات العامة؛ البنوك ، مراقبة المستودعات ، الخزانة، والتأمين، والأصول، والمصاريف.
متابعة وتحليل الحسابات المحلية؛
متابعة تحصيل المستحقات؛
إعداد التقارير حول المستحقات التي سيتم جمعها في وقت قريب جدا؛
الإبلاغ عن المستحقات غير المسددة.
متابعة وتحليل حسابات الموردين المحليين؛
متابعة دفعات الموردين؛
إعداد التقارير حول المدفوعات الخاصة بالموردين.
إعداد تقارير متنوعة حول النفقات وفقا لاحتياجات الإدارة.
المبيعات النقدية ومبيعات الاجل ؛
تحليل المبيعات النقدية والاجل على مستوى:
2- الكميات المباعة من كل عنصر؛
3- مبينا النسب الفعلية للمبيعات؛
من حيث المناطق والمدن، وكمية البضاعة المباعة.
مراقبة جميع أعمال الخزينة (نقد – شيكات – الشيكات المرتجعة(
إدخال لجميع المعاملات المصرفية (بجميع العملات)؛
متابعة حركة البنوك وأرصدتها جنبا إلى جنب مع تقديم مذكرة تسوية البنك وتسوية أي خلافات في الحسابات؛
1-الشيكات من الخزانة؛
2-الشيكات تحت التحصيل في المصارف؛
3- الشيكات المرتجعة في الخزانة،
بيان الدخل، وعمل كل التحليلات ذات الصلة (المبيعات – المصاريف)؛
المساعدة في اعداد الحسابات الختامية (الميزانية - والقوائم )
معرفة جيدة لبرامج الكمبيوتر.
د. محمد راجح عثمان حسين التلاوي.
2014 : دكتوراة الفلسفة في المحاسبة ، من جامعة البحر الأحمر_ بورتسودان (لا تزال قيد الدراسة ومن المتوقع التخرج في شهر ابريل)
2007 : ماجستير محاسبة ، من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم المالية والمصرفية مع تقدير جيد 78.8٪
2004 : دبلوم عالي نظم المعلومات الحاسوبية (دراسة غير مكتملة) ، من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم المالية والمصرفية.
2000 : بكالوريوس محاسبة مع تقدير ممتاز 86.6٪ الرابع على كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية ، جامعة جرش الاهلية.
1996 : شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة العلمي بمعدل 72.8٪
البنك الإسلامي الأردني من سبتمبر/2000 الى فبراير /2014.
مراقب عمليات البطاقات و الخدمات الإلكترونية _ الادارة العامه.
الوظائف التي عملت بها :
· مراقب دائرة التسويات والنظم ، ومسؤول قسم الدعم الفني : حيث كنت المسؤول المباشر عن سير الاعمال المحاسبية والفنية في الدائرة من خلال الرقابة على أعمال موظفي الدائرة ومتابعة سير الاعمال الآلية وحسابات التوزيع ، والتأكد من تصفير الحسابات الوسيطة بشكل آلي ويومي .
· وضع نظام العمل واجرائات المطابقة و تدريب الموظفين ، والرقابة على التنفيذ من خلال قسم العمليات وقسم خدمات المستفيدين .
· نائب عن القسم مع اقسام تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتطوير النظم ، للإشراف على سلاسة العمل والتطبيق ، ولغايات تحديد أي متطلبات جديده للعمل وتحديد وحل المشاكل القائمة في النظم البنكية بشكل عام .
· اعداد الدراسات الفنية ودراسات الجدوى للمنتجات الجديده ، وتطوير وأتمتة الخدمات الالكترونية القائمة .
· المساهمه بتأسيس نظام الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت ونظام الرد الالي وخدمات الرسائل القصيره .
· ادارة قسم الاعتراضات كمصدر للببطاقات وكقابل للبطاقات .
· تصميم التقارير باستخدام ادوات أوراكل وبرامج كريستال ريبورت.
· ادارة قسم المحاسبة للبطاقات الائتمانية (فيزا وماستر كارد)
· تحليل كفائة العملاء وقدرتهم على سداد التسهيلات الائتمانية للبطاقات.
· تحليل المصروفات والإيرادات ومقارنتها مع الخطة الدورية .
· غيرها من أعمال الفروع ، حيث عملت في اول عامين بجميع اقسام الفروع من ودائع ومحاسبة وكمبيالات والحوالات و البوالص والاعتمادات البنكية.
المركز الدولي للتجهيزات الفنية – ICTS من شهر يناير / 2000 الي يناير /2003.
(رئيس قسم الحسابات)
عملت كمحاسب رئيسي لشركة تجارية تعمل في مجال استيراد و تصدير التجهيزات المكتبية والفنية ، حيث قمت بالعمل في غالب اعمال المحاسبة الرئيسية من قتح الاعتمادات المستندية ، تكليف البضائع ، والرقابة على المخزون واعادة الطلب ، وتكليف البضائع ، ودخول العطائات ، وطلب الكفالات ، واعدات التسويات مع الشركات الاخري ومع البنوك ، واعداد القوائم الختامية ومناقشة ومتابعة دوائر الضرائب الدخل والمبيعات ، وبعدما عملت في البنك الاسلامي تابعت مع الشركة كمستشار مالي وضريبي وكمدرب ومعد لبرامج المحاسبة حيث قمنا في هذه الفترة بالتحول بالعمل من الاعمال اليدوية الي البرامج المحاسبية الالية .
مستشار مالي وضريبي في شركات أخرى .
· شركة سارة العصرية لتجارة المنتجات الزراعية خلال الفترة من سبتمبر/ 2001 الى ابريل/ 2008 .
· شركة عبر البحارللإنتاج الصناعي في الفترة من يناير 2003 الى ابريل /2008 .
· المركز الدولي للتجهيزات الفنية من سبتمبر/ 2000إلى يناير/ 2003.
ü لدي قدرات عالية في تصميم البرمجيات وتخطيطها و التعامل مع برامج المحاسبة الجاهزة ، وكذلك القدرة على تحليل احتياجات المنظمة من البرامج .
ü القدره على اعداد الدورات التدريبية والمحاضرات.
مدرسة إدارة الأعمال الدولية ( VISA International Business School ) بالتعاون مع شركة Emerging Markets Payments :
العديد من الدورات التدريبية والندوات وورش العمل حول البطاقات الائتمانية والتسويات المالية وتسوية المنازعات من خلال نظام (VROL).
البنك الإسلامي الأردني : عشرات الدورات التدريبية (داخلية وخارجية ) الخاصة باعمال البنوك.
الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم المصرفية والمالية :
يونيو 2004 : التحليل المالي باستخدام الحاسب الآلي.
يناير 2004 : البرمجة الشيئية (JAVA )
يناير 2004 : نظام المعلومات الإدارية (ISM )
يناير 2004 : مقدمة في شبكات الحاسوب (NW)
سبتمبر 2003 : مقدمة في الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI )
سبتمبر 2003 :مقدمة في قاعدة بيانات و(SQL )
سبتمبر 2003 : مقدمة في نظم تشغيل الحواسيب (OS )
مركز العالمية لعلوم الكمبيوتر : دورة أوراكل (10g)
المركز الأمريكي اللغات (ALC): دورات في اللغة الانجليزية.
مكان وتاريخ الميلاد : الكويت في 1/4/1978.
الحالة الإجتماعية : متزوج – 3 اطفال.
العنوان : الزرقاء الجديدة – ش أبو عبيدة عامر بن الجراح – متفرع من شارع الملكة نور 26 – فيلا رقم 33.
موبايل 2 : 962785120399+
· للحصول على نسخة وورد من خلال الرابط التالي : goo. gl/bW98re.
Dr. Mohamed Rajeh Othman Hussein Al Tellawy.
2014 : Ph. D. in philosophy Accounting, in Red Sea University _ Port Sudan (I still study and expected graduation in April )
2007 : Master Degree in Accounting, in Arab Academy for banking and financial sciences with Good estimation 78.8%
2004 : High Diploma Computer Information Systems (the study is incomplete) , in Arab Academy for banking and financial sciences.
2000 : Bachelor Degree in Accounting with Excellent estimation 86.6% by The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Jerash University.
1996 : General Secondary Education Certificate scientific Stream 72.8%
Jordan Islamic Bank - JISB.
From September/2000 to February/2014.
Monitor operations of bank cards and electronic services (Head Office)
Jobs that I worked out:
· Monitor the Department of settlements and systems, and responsible technical support department: where I directly responsible for the conduct of business accounting and technical in the department through the control of the business department staff and monitor the progress of the business automated accounts and distribution, and make sure to reset the accounts intermediates automatically and daily.
· Developing a system work and reconciliation procedures and staff training, and monitoring the implementation by the Department of Operations and Services Department beneficiaries.
· Deputy for the department with the departments of Information Technology and Systems Development, to oversee the smooth work and application, and the purposes of determining any new requirements for work and identify and resolve problems in the banking systems in general.
· Prepare technical studies and the feasibility studies for new products, and develop and automation the existing electronic services.
· Contributions to establish an internet banking system and IVR and SMS services.
· administration department of objections as a issuing of cards and as acquiring of the cards.
· reports design using the tools of Oracle and Crystal report program.
· Management Accounting Section of the credit cards (Visa and MasterCard).
· Analysis of the efficiency of the customers and their ability to repay the credit card.
· Analysis of expenditure and income and compare it with the periodic plan.
· the other branches works, where I worked in the first two years in all sections of the branches like deposits , bills of exchange, accounting , Money transfers, the policies , letters of credit.
International Center for Technical Supplies – ICTS (Chief accountant)
from January/2000- January /2003.
I worked as an accountant in major trading company engaged in the import and export of office equipment and technical, I worked in most of the accounting functions , Open letters of credit, Assigning goods, Inventory control, Re-orders the goods . And enter bids , And demand guarantees , Prepare adjustments with other companies and banks , Preparing the final lists , Discussion and follow-up income Tax and sales taxes , Having worked in the Islamic Bank continued with the company as a financial consultant and tax , Worked as a coach and is intended for accounting software where we in this transition period to work craftworks accounting software mechanism.
Financial Consultant and tax in other companies.
· Modern sara company for agricultural trade from 09/2001 to 04/2008 .
· OverSeas For Industrial Production from 01/2003 to 04/2008 .
· International Center for Technical Supplies from 09/2000 to 01/2003 .
ü I have a high ability in software design, planning and dealing with accounting software ready, as well as the ability to analyze the needs of the organization of programs.
ü Ability to prepare training courses and lectures.
VISA International Business School in collaboration with Emerging Markets Payments.
Dozens of training courses and Seminars and workshops about the credit cards and for financial settlements and resolve disputes through a system (VROL).
Jordan Islamic Bank.
Dozens of training courses and workshops (internal and external) acts of banking.
Arab Academy for banking and financial sciences.
Jun-2004 : Financial Analysis by using Computer.
Jan-2004 : Object Oriented (JAVA)
Jan-2004 : Information System Management ( ISM)
Jan-2004 : Introduction in Computer Network ( NW )
Sep-2003 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Sep-2003 : Introduction to Data Base & SQL.
Sep-2003 : Computer Operating System (OS)
Al3alameah Center for computer sciences.
Oracle Curse (10g)
American Language Center (ALC)
English language courses.
Date and place of birth: Kuwait in 1st of April 1978.
Marital status : Married – 3 children.
Address : New Zarqa – St. Abu Obaida – Off Queen Noor Street 26 – Villa No. 33.
· To receive a copy of the Word through the following link: goo. gl/bW98re.
Address: 21, ST 270 - NEW MAADI, CAIRO , EGYPT.
Mobile phone: 01111272999.
• A dedicated, analytical, organized certified management account (CMA) with demonstrated leadership abilities.
• Experience in financial analysis, preparation of financial statements.
and the management of staff.
• Certified Management Accountant (CMA) : obtained on DEC,2013.
1996-2000 Cairo, EG.
• Bachelor degree: faculty of commerce, English section,
Cairo University, Accounting , Graduation Grades: Good.
• Daewoo Motor Egypt,2004-present,
Foreign accounts payable & general accounting section head.
• Handle foreign purchases process including all goods in transit entries.
• Controlling all custom authority dues, reviewing freight and discharge fees.
• Settlement of warranty claims due from our foreign vendor.
• Reconcile intercompany mutual accounts with other affiliates.
• Process AP accruals, invoice validation, proper deduction of withholding tax, recording of invoices and payments into the accounting system.
• Working on advances and suppliers accounts reconciliation.
• Handle trial balances, adjusting and closing entries.
• Amortization of prepaid expenses over its useful life.
• Gabbour Auto,2003-2004, Treasury accountant.
• Prepared daily/monthly treasury journal entries and upload into MFG System.
• Foreign exchange entries.
• Reviews and assists in the daily and month-end accounting activities, including bank account and balance sheet reconciliations.
• Prepares accurate and timely general ledger account reconciliations subsequent to month end.
• Submits reconciliations for manager approval.
• Cable Network of Egypt (CNE), internal auditor, customer service department, 2000-2003.
• Khalda Petroleum Company, payable section, fixed assets section, summer training 1997/98/99.
Accounting information system experience.
• Joined in the implementation of ERP SYSTEM (AXAPTA) as a key user for the procure to pay cycle.
• Strong PC skills, including Microsoft Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Microsoft outlook.
Member Of American Institute Of Certified Managerial Accountants.
محمـــد عــــلي أحمــــد فـــرغـــلي.
31ش النادي الأهلي – العبور.
ج بكالوريوس تجارة – جامعة عين شمس.
1986 – التقدير : جـــــيد.
010653226830 00202 ، 22996059 00202.
الموقف من التجنيـــــــــــــــد:
متزوج وأعول ثلاثة أطفال.
أعمل على برامج المحاسبة بالحاسب الآلي (إنجليزي – عربي).
¬ الإنجليزية اتحدث الانجليزيه بطلاقه مثل العربى (امتياز وترجمة فورية).
& # 8211; من عام 1986 إلى عام 1989 محاســـب بمدينة ملاهي الســـندباد.
& # 8211; من عام 1989 إلى عام 2007 (بالمملكة العربية الســـعودية – الرياض ) لمدة 18 عام مدير مالى وادارى للشركة الوطنية للمنتجات الخرسانيه ادارة كاملة وقمت بأنشاء عدة مصانع بالكامل من الأف الى الياء وخبرة فى ادارة مصانع الخرسانة والبلوك والكسارات وايضا عملت بمصر حوالى ثلاث سنوات مدير مصنع خرسانة وبلوك فى مدينة الرحاب تابع لشركة طلعت مصطفى شركة الاسكندرية للأنشــاءات لتوريد خرسانة وبلوك لمشاريعهم فى الرحاب ومديتى اى 21 سنه خبرة .
في الحقيقة هذا الموقع يستحق الإشادة والتقدير وشكراً.
Muhammad Zikry Abbas.
I was born in United Arab Emirates at November /1978.
El-Zahraa Nasr city Cairo Egypt.
●Work in a challenging environment in business company or organisation in the financial or a professional customer SERVICES.
●I’m self motivated, ambitious and eager to learn.
●I am a responsible individual with strong communication skills and work either besides being creative, focused and highly determined.
●I’m willing to take responsibility and work independently . At the same time, I can work well in teams, in addition . I can work under huge pressure & stress.
●Being bilingual gives me the chance to function of office entry in both English or Arabic.
Faculty of Archaeology (Egyptology) department - Cairo university 2001.
●Arabic : Excellent(Mother tongue)
●American English by different accents:Excellent.
●Fast enough to be good keywords typing.
●Cars show rooms team leader.
●City Bank car loans.
●A. B.C Bank Auto loans.
● Booking airline tickets in Egypt Airlines.
●Photo shop course at phoenix Academy.
●Marketing management course at British Academy.
●English conversation course conducted by Arab & English Academy from Training Technology.
●English courses conversation level 4,5,6 conducted by Berlitz grade Very good 91%
السلام عليكم ياشباب.
أنا مراجع داخلي بإحدي الشركات الكبري.
حاصل علي بكالوريوس تجارة دفعة 1995م.
أجيد إعداد الحسابات الختامية والقوائم المالية القانونية.
أجيد إعداد تقارير الزكاة للشركات السعودية والمختلطة.
أجيد العمل علي الكمبيوتر والبرامج المحاسبية.
أبحث عن وظيفة مراجع د\اخلي أو مدير مالي بإحدي الشركات – جوالي 0547088874.
اعمل محاسب فى الكويت وعندى خبره داخل الكويت لمده 4 سنوات اتقن البرامج المحاسبيه واعداد التقارير الماليه ومتابعه حسابات العملاء والبنوك والقيود اليوميه واعداد التقارير واعمل حاليا على دراسه CMA اطلب عمل مناسب 0096596674576.
انا مروان خريج معهد تقني اداري كركوك. قسم تقنيات تسويق ممكن يوجد تعين حالتي المادية ضعيفة مع الشكر والتقدير هذا رقمي07715768296.
سلام عليكم ورحمة الله.
الاسم :عاطف حسين.
تاريخ الميلاد ٢/٣/١٩٩٠.
الحالة الاجتماعية :اعزب.
المؤهل :خريج جامعة النيلين - كلية تجارة قسم التأمين.
محاسب خبرة 9 سنوات منها 3 مكاتب محاسبة ودراسات عليا بالضرائب والمراجعة.
abdalla albashir hassan.
sanks for helping.
السلام عليكم اسمي عما سليمان عايش ٢٠ سنه في المملكه المتحده و درست Management and Leadership in Coventry University awarded second clas degree with hounors لدي الخبره في هزا الحال ومتميز فيه واحمل الجنسيه البريطاني.
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